Sawyer Conrady

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Agile Coaching Support

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 19, 2023

Need help with Agile or SAFe? CLICK HERE to speak to an expert today!

How coaching is effective when adopting the Scaled Agile Framework

As organizations become more agile, they often turn to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) coaching to ensure successful adoption of the framework. When compared to traditional methods of training, coaching can be significantly more cost-effective and can result in rapid, successful adoption of SAFe.

SAFe is a comprehensive framework for agile at scale, and it requires a lot of knowledge and experience to successfully implement. With SAFe coaching, organizations can quickly and effectively adopt the framework and quickly achieve benefits which far outweigh the investment.

SAFe coaching is a cost-effective way to ensure successful adoption of SAFe. Coaches can provide on-site support and guidance, helping teams to understand the framework and quickly become proficient in its use.

Coaches can also provide ongoing support and advice as teams develop their processes and practices, helping to ensure successful adoption. Coaching can also save organizations time and money in the long run. By providing timely support and guidance, coaches can help teams to avoid common pitfalls and ensure successful adoption of SAFe. In the long run, this can save organizations time and money by preventing costly mistakes and ensuring successful adoption of the framework.

Finally, SAFe coaching can help organizations to quickly and effectively become familiar with the framework. Coaches can provide an understanding of the framework and help teams to quickly become productive users of SAFe. This can help organizations to maximize the potential of the framework and quickly become proficient in its use. In conclusion, SAFe coaching can be a cost-effective way to ensure successful adoption of the framework. Coaches can provide valuable support and guidance throughout the adoption process, helping teams to quickly become proficient in its use and maximize the potential of SAFe. In the long run, this can save organizations time and money and help them to quickly become successful users of the framework.

Trying to create agile coaches in your organization?

As organizations increasingly adopt the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to improve their agility and ability to deliver value to customers, the role of the agile coach has become increasingly important. Agile coaches are responsible for supporting and enabling teams and organizations to successfully implement SAFe, and to continuously improve their ability to deliver value in an agile manner.

One important aspect of the SAFe framework is the practice of “coach the coach,” which involves providing support and guidance to new agile coach candidates. This can include providing training, mentoring, resources, as well as “see one, do one”.  See one, do one refers to the candidate watching and supporting an experienced coach and then swapping roles – as the candidate, you then take the lead while shadowed by the experienced coach that can still support you and provide valuable feedback.

The benefits of coach the coach are numerous. By taking this approach, new agile coaches can grow which will ensure an organization has the internal capability to support the long-term, agile journey.  This approach can also be leveraged for other critical agile practitioner roles.

Consider mentoring programs

Agile mentoring programs are programs that are designed to provide support and guidance to individuals or teams who are transitioning to agile ways of working. These programs typically involve pairing an experienced agile mentor with a mentee, or a team of mentees, who are looking to learn and improve their agile skills and practices.

Agile mentoring programs can take a variety of different forms, depending on the specific needs and goals of the mentee and the organization. Some common elements of agile mentoring programs include:

One-on-one coaching and guidance

The agile mentor provides individualized support and guidance to the mentee, helping them to understand and apply agile principles and practices, and to overcome any challenges or obstacles that they may encounter.

Hands-on learning and practice

The agile mentor provides opportunities for the mentee to learn and practice agile techniques and tools, such as Scrum, Kanban, or Lean, in a safe and supportive environment. This can help the mentee to gain experience and confidence in using agile, and to develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed in an agile organization.

Support and guidance for the team

The agile mentor provides support and guidance to the team as a whole, helping them to work together more effectively and efficiently, and to adapt to agile ways of working. This can include facilitating team discussions and meetings, providing guidance on agile practices and tools, and helping to resolve any team-level issues or challenges.

How can training help my teams transition to Agile?

Proper training can help teams transition to agile in a number of ways:

1. Understanding the principles and practices of agile

Agile training can provide teams with a deep understanding of the principles and practices of agile, such as iteration, collaboration, and continuous improvement. This can help teams to understand how to apply these principles in their work and how to effectively implement agile practices.

2. Developing the necessary skills

Agile training can help teams to develop the necessary skills to work in an agile environment, such as problem-solving, communication, and collaboration. This can help teams to work effectively with one another and to respond to changing requirements and market conditions.

3. Building a common understanding

Agile training can help to build a common understanding among team members, which is essential for effective collaboration and coordination. This can help teams to work together more effectively and to achieve common goals.

4. Overcoming resistance to change

Agile training can also help teams to overcome resistance to change and to embrace a new way of working. By providing teams with the necessary knowledge and skills, training can help to build confidence and support for the transition to agile.

Agile training is an important step in transitioning to agile, but it is only the first step. Proper coaching is also essential to help teams apply and sustain agile practices over the long term.

Agile coaching involves providing guidance, support, and mentorship to teams as they work to adopt and implement agile practices. It can help teams to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to work effectively in an agile environment, as well as to overcome challenges and setbacks.

What agile coaches offer that you can’t get from just training

Some of the key benefits of proper coaching include:

1. Sustaining agile practices

Coaching can help teams to sustain agile practices over the long term by providing real-time, ongoing support and guidance as teams work to continuously improve and adapt to changing business needs.

2. Identifying and addressing challenges

Agile coaches can help teams to identify and address challenges that may arise as they work to adopt and implement agile practices. This can include helping teams to identify and eliminate bottlenecks, improve efficiency, and resolve conflicts.

3. Fostering a culture of continuous learning

Agile coaches can help to foster a culture of continuous learning within teams, which is essential for agile organizations. This can include providing support development, as well as encouraging teams to share knowledge and best practices.

4. Providing guidance and support to leadership

Agile coaches can provide guidance and support to leaders and the c-suite as they work to adopt and implement agile practices. This can include helping them to understand the principles and practices of agile, as well as the benefits and challenges of transitioning to agile.

5. Facilitating communication and collaboration

Agile coaches can facilitate communication and collaboration between leaders, the c-suite, and other stakeholders during the transformation process. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

6. Identifying and addressing roadblocks

Agile coaches can help leaders and the c-suite to identify and address roadblocks that may arise during the transformation process. This can include identifying and eliminating bottlenecks, resolving conflicts, and improving communication and collaboration.

7. Providing metrics and data

Agile coaches can provide leaders and the c-suite with metrics and data to help them understand the progress and impact of the transformation. This can include metrics such as delivery speed, quality, and customer satisfaction.

6 Things to look for in an agile consulting partner

Agile consulting is becoming an increasingly important part of the software development process. It’s a way for organizations to get the most out of their development teams and increase their efficiency. If you’re looking to hire an agile consulting partner, it’s important to ensure they have the right skills and experience to meet your needs. 

Here are six things to consider when choosing an agile consulting partner: 

1. Industry Experience

It’s important to make sure the agile consulting partner you choose has experience in the industry you’re in. They should have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with agile development in your sector. 

2. Certified Agile Coaches

The ideal agile consulting partner will have certified agile coaches on staff. These coaches will not only be able to advise you on the best practices for agile development, but will also be able to properly train your team. 

3. Agile Methodology Expertise

It’s essential for your agile consulting partner to have a deep understanding of the various agile methodologies. You want to make sure they can help you choose the best one for your organization and will be able to provide guidance throughout the process. 

4. Proven Results

Choose an agile consulting partner with a proven track record. Look for references and case studies that show how they’ve helped other organizations succeed with agile development. 

5. Cross-Functional Team

The agile consulting partner you choose should have a team with a range of skills and experience. These should include Enterprise-level coaches, Team coaches, Technical Coaches, Portfolio coaches as well as the ability to support with training. 

6. Flexibility

Last but not least, make sure the agile consulting partner you choose offers flexible services. This will ensure they’re able to adapt to the ever-changing needs of your project and organization. By considering these six factors, you’ll be able to find an agile consulting partner that will help your organization reach its goals. With the right partner, you can unlock the full potential of agile development and create innovative solutions for your customers.

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Topics: Coaching Support

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 18, 2023

Do you want us to do your business agility for you?

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What is Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)?

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) is a process used by organizations to manage their portfolios of projects, programs, and value streams in a way that aligns with their overall business strategy and supports continuous improvement. It draws on Lean and Agile principles to promote transparency, collaboration, and continuous delivery of value. LPM is a continuous improvement process and requires collaboration and buy-in from all stakeholders, including executives, managers, and team members. It’s not “one and done” nor is it a process that can be delegated to a single stakeholder or team – in fact, participation is baked right into it. See participatory budgeting, as an example.

Getting started with LPM

Lean Portfolio Management has generated a lot of discussions over the last few years. Some people might be familiar with the term, but not necessarily what it is or how to get started. Getting started with LPM includes the following:

Define your strategic objectives:

Start by defining the overall goals of your organization and the projects, programs, and value streams that support those goals.

Assess your current portfolio:

Evaluate the current state of your portfolio and identify areas for improvement.

Implement Lean-Agile principles:

Incorporate Lean-Agile principles into your portfolio management process to improve transparency, collaboration, and continuous delivery of value.

Establish governance:

Establish a governance structure to ensure accountability and decision-making within your portfolio management process.

Continuously evaluate and improve:

Continuously evaluate and improve your portfolio management process to ensure that it aligns with your strategic objectives and supports the delivery of value.

Optimize your portfolio operations by aligning Lean Portfolio Management to business strategy and other Scaled Agile processes at the enterprise level. Increase operational effectiveness and unlock the potential of your organization’s value streams by kicking off your LPM transformation today. Learn more today about how to implement LPM in your organization to deliver maximum value.


Introduction to Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) Workshop


Why LPM?

Enterprises can streamline and optimize traditional portfolio management processes by organizing work into value streams that provide more clarity to investment decisions and value-adding opportunities. Enterprise agility with LPM offers numerous benefits that include:

Increased efficiency:

Lean portfolio management helps organizations streamline processes, eliminate waste, and focus on value-adding activities.

Better decision making:

By prioritizing projects based on their strategic value and potential return on investment, organizations can make more informed investment decisions.

Faster delivery:

Lean portfolio management prioritizes delivering small, incremental value quickly, reducing the time to market for new products and services.

Improved alignment:

Lean portfolio management helps ensure that projects and initiatives are aligned with overall business goals and strategies.

Increased transparency:

Lean portfolio management provides greater visibility into portfolio performance, making it easier to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Better risk management:

By continuously reassessing and adjusting project priorities, organizations can better manage risk and respond to changing market conditions.

Although it looks easy listed like this, the actual practice takes a LOT of work and discipline – so don’t feel bad if you need to bring in some professional coaches from to help you jump through the hoops. It just so happens, ICON has a few that would love to support your organization.


Assign the right Talent to your open Agile Roles with ICON


How does LPM helps with investment decisions?

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) is an approach that can help organizations make better decisions regarding the prioritization and investment of resources. It is a system of management that encourages continuous improvement and the elimination of non-value-added activities. It is used to help organizations focus on the most important initiatives and make decisions about how to allocate resources to achieve desired outcomes. 

LPM is based on the principles of Lean, which emphasize the elimination of waste and the optimization of resources. With LPM, organizations can identify the most important initiatives and allocate resources accordingly. It helps organizations identify which initiatives are worth investing in, and which ones should be deferred or abandoned. LPM helps organizations prioritize initiatives by first analyzing the value they will bring to the organization. This analysis is based on a criteria that takes into account factors such as the cost, expected return on investment, and the potential risks.  LPM also takes into account the customer’s needs and expectations, as well as the organization’s strategy and business objectives.

Once the priority initiatives have been identified, LPM then focuses on the efficient allocation of resources. This includes the use of metrics to measure performance and track progress, as well as the use of agile methods to ensure the successful execution. This helps organizations make decisions about how to best use their resources to achieve desired outcomes.

LPM is a powerful tool for organizations looking to make better decisions about how to prioritize and invest their resources. It helps organizations focus on the most important initiatives, and make decisions about how to allocate resources to achieve desired outcomes. LPM is designed to be an adaptive system that can respond to business threats and opportunities.

Resistance to Adopting LPM

The Resistance of Leadership

One of the biggest impediments to LPM is always is lack of leadership participation. Once you scale up from team-level to the portfolio, things like LPM become increasingly more difficult to do unless there’s leadership buy-in and the tacit understanding that new process need to be adapted to truly unlock an organization’s value. This change avoidance typically manifests as lack of support (at best) or openly resistant (at worst) to change at that level.

The Resistance of Middle Management

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) is designed to enable organizational agility by transforming ways of working from traditional project construct to value organized construct. Another very common challenge when attempting to implement LPM is the resistance of middle management layer of an organization. This is a group that has generally spent time building their department and establishing processes, where key responsibilities often include budgetary control and people to manage. The move from tradition portfolio to lean portfolio explicitly describes how established processes will be broken down.

Moving this group from managing people, utilization and an area budget to a role that will, in the LPM world, focus on developing people, creating high performing teams and facilitating the delivery of value to the customer and business is extremely scary. The natural reaction is to resist. If this is not worked through, resistance to change from middle management layers of business will be a major impediment to implementing LPM successfully.


Prerequisites for LPM

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but having them will certainly contribute to a more successful outcome. As you will read in the next section, organizations are implementing lean portfolio management sooner in the agile transformation process. Here are several prerequisites that can contribute and bolster your organization’s ability to apply a lean framework to your portfolio:

Understanding of Lean principles

A good understanding of Lean principles, such as value stream mapping, waste elimination (LEAN) and continuous improvement, is essential for effective implementation of lean portfolio management. Not only understanding, but practicing them! It’s absolutely critical that some level of agile maturity already be in place before scaling up into LPM – otherwise you’re going to spend a lot time explaining concepts.

Clear strategic vision

The organization should have a clear vision of its strategy and objectives, and how the portfolio of projects aligns with these goals. Adopting an Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) strategy can be VERY effective in helping organizations refine and align their strategic goals to execution.

Stakeholder alignment

All stakeholders, including senior leadership, project managers, and team members, should be aligned and committed to the implementation of Lean portfolio management. This goes without saying, but a good phrase to use when going through a transformation is, “The transformation eats at the buffet table first.” – if you’re looking to fundamentally change your business processes, it can’t be #8 on the priority list.

Data-driven decision making

If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.

Cross-functional collaboration

Effective cross-functional collaboration is essential for lean portfolio management, as it requires input and support from multiple departments and functions. Break down those silos! Value Stream identification and workshops are a great first step to move this in the right direction.

Process standardization

Standardized processes and procedures for portfolio management should be in place, to ensure consistency and efficiency in the management of projects. Things like having a business canvas, lean business case, and associated OKRs at the intake level, can make it much easier to decide which direction to go that best supports the organization’s stated goals. This does NOT mean write a 200+ step “Playbook” that that tries to cover every possible option! It needs to have just enough information for a decision to be made (go / no go).

These are just some of the things that help organizations move in the direction of lean portfolio operations.


Companies are choosing to implement LPM early during the transformation roadmap

LPM used to be introduced later in the agile journey as it was thought of as a more complex topic.  Not anymore – companies are realizing that they need to decide what product development they will be investing in early to eliminate the waste that frequently happens from building the wrong things with scarce capacity. There are several reasons why many companies are implementing Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) early in their agile transformations:

Aligns strategy and execution

LPM helps to align the strategic objectives of the organization with the work being done at the team level. This ensures that teams are working on the most important initiatives and that they are aligned with the overall direction of the organization.

Promotes transparency and visibility

LPM helps to provide transparency and visibility into the work being done at the portfolio level, which is essential for effective decision-making and resource allocation.

Supports continuous improvement

LPM is based on the principles of continuous improvement, which is a key aspect of agile. By using LPM, organizations can continuously assess and optimize their portfolio of work to drive efficiency and effectiveness.

Enables faster delivery

By aligning strategy and execution, LPM helps to eliminate waste and reduce lead times, which enables faster delivery of value to customers.

LPM is an effective way for companies to align strategy and execution, promote transparency and visibility, support continuous improvement, and enable faster delivery, which are all important goals in an agile transformation.

Start Your LPM Transformation Today


The Difference between SWOT and TOWS analysis

SWOT and TOWS analysis are two important strategic planning methods used by businesses to identify and analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Both methods are part of SAFe LPM and can help businesses create effective strategies to maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, exploit opportunities, and address threats.

The SWOT analysis is a tool used to assess the internal and external factors that can affect a business. The acronym stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors, while opportunities and threats are external factors. It is a useful tool for understanding a business’s current position and creating strategies to improve upon it. 

The TOWS analysis is an extension of the SWOT analysis. The acronym stands for Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Strengths. TOWS is a useful tool for generating strategies to address external threats and exploit external opportunities. It helps businesses to identify weaknesses that can be used to exploit opportunities and threats that can be effectively addressed. 

The main difference between SWOT and TOWS analysis is the order in which the factors are assessed. SWOT is used to assess internal and external factors simultaneously, while TOWS is used to assess external factors first and then internal factors. 

Both methods can be used to create effective strategies for businesses, but TOWS is better suited for businesses that face more external threats than internal factors.


6 Ways OKRs Help Align Companies Around Goals and Value


Organizational Key Results (OKRs) are a powerful tool used by businesses to set and measure goals. By setting and tracking OKRs, businesses can ensure that everyone within the organization is working towards the same goals and is aligned with the company’s values. 

Here are six ways OKRs can help align your company around goals and values: 

1. Increase Focus

OKRs help to focus the entire organization on a few key objectives. By setting and tracking OKRs, everyone in the organization is able to prioritize their efforts and ensure they are working towards the same goals. 

2. Improve Communication

OKRs help to ensure that everyone in the organization is on the same page. By communicating objectives and key results, everyone can stay up-to-date on the progress and make sure all efforts are aligned. 

3. Boost Motivation

Setting and tracking OKRs helps to motivate employees to achieve the set goals. By providing employees with clear objectives, they are more likely to be motivated to reach the targets. 

4. Enhance Accountability

OKRs help to hold everyone accountable for their efforts. By setting and tracking OKRs, everyone in the organization knows what they need to do and when they need to do it. 

5. Promote Collaboration

OKRs help to facilitate collaboration among team members. By setting and tracking OKRs, everyone in the organization can work together to reach a common goal. 

6. Increase Visibility

OKRs help to increase visibility into the progress of the organization. By tracking OKRs, everyone in the organization can easily see the progress and adjust their efforts accordingly. 

By setting and tracking OKRs, businesses can ensure that everyone in the organization is aligned around the same goals and values. OKRs can help to focus the organization, improve communication, boost motivation, enhance accountability, promote collaboration, and increase visibility into the progress. With the help of OKRs, businesses can ensure that everyone is working together to achieve success.


Value Streams – Understanding the Basics

Value stream management is a business process that focuses on identifying, analyzing, and improving the flow of materials, information, and value-added work within an organization. It is a key aspect of lean manufacturing and aims to eliminate waste, increase efficiency, and deliver value to customers in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

There are several key essentials that are important to understand about value stream management:

Value stream mapping

This is the process of creating a visual representation of the flow of materials, information, and value-added work within an organization. It helps to identify areas of waste and inefficiency, and provides a clear picture of the current state of the value stream.

Lean principles

Value stream management is based on the principles of lean manufacturing, which emphasizes the elimination of waste and the continuous improvement of processes. Lean principles include the identification and elimination of non-value-added activities, the reduction of lead times, and the creation of flow in the value stream.

Continuous improvement

Value stream management is an ongoing process of identifying and eliminating waste and inefficiencies in the value stream. It involves the continuous improvement of processes through the implementation of lean principles and the adoption of new technologies and best practices.

Customer focus

The ultimate goal of value stream management is to deliver value to the customer in the most efficient and effective manner possible. This requires a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences, as well as a focus on meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Collaboration and cross-functional teams

Value stream management requires the collaboration and coordination of different departments and functions within an organization. It also requires the involvement of key stakeholders such as suppliers and customers to ensure a smooth and efficient flow of materials, information, and value-added work.

In summary, value stream management is a key aspect of lean manufacturing that aims to eliminate waste, increase efficiency, and deliver value to customers. It involves the continuous improvement of processes through the adoption of lean principles, the implementation of new technologies and best practices, and the collaboration and coordination of different departments and functions within an organization. Understanding these essentials is crucial for effectively managing the value stream and achieving long-term success in today’s competitive business environment.


Setting Guardrails

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) is a key enabler for businesses in navigating a world where change and disruption are happening extremely quickly. LPM enables business agility, which is a mandatory requirement to play the game. Those that do begin to adopt LPM (and the associated organization mindset & culture) will gain a significant competitive advantage. However, applying guardrails to LPM initiatives is a necessary consideration moving forward.

Establishing guardrails help ensure that investments are approved through the appropriate channels and that lean processes are continuously followed. Guardrails used in lean portfolio management provide barriers (like guardrails on a highway for instance) to guide investments, capacity allocation, and initiatives.

One of the most crucial guardrails when implementing LPM is capacity allocation. This goes for every level of the organization, from the team level to the portfolio level. As an example, let’s say one of the challenges an organization faces is an overspend on short-term expenses (OpEx) and little to no value being delivered that could be capitalized. This leads to problems reporting and prioritizing work. If all work comes from the same capacity bucket, then you are in danger of “squeaky wheel” syndrome.

In order to fix this, the portfolio leads and the teams work with an agile coach to determine the budget guardrails towards the capacity allocation for each type of funding. Based on historical spend and future product needs across the portfolio, they determined that the OpEx budget should be used solely to enable value-added work and fund cross-functional teams within ARTs.

In just a month’s time, the teams were able to report to the portfolio leads exactly where their time was being spent and where the money was going. The business could start prioritizing similar work that could be capitalized. Technical product owners and architects could start relying on their own spend to assist in making their technology more consumable. Prioritization and funding could shift to meaningfully investments at the portfolio level when necessary instead of being hidden behind a giant pool of OpEx spend because capacity allocation guardrails helped provide a focus on value

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Topics: Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)

SAFe® Explained 

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 12, 2023

Need help with Agile or SAFe? CLICK HERE to speak to an expert today!

What is Scaled Agile Framework?

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) began as a method for managing and coordinating large-scale software development projects, but is now being used across hardware, infrastructure, business, HR, sales and marketing organizations as well. It is based on the principles of agile software development, which emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. The goal of SAFe is to help organizations deliver value faster, with less risk and greater efficiency.

SAFe is designed to be scalable, meaning it can be applied to projects of any size, from small teams working on a single product to large organizations with multiple teams working on multiple products. It is also designed to be flexible, allowing organizations to tailor their approach to fit their specific needs and goals.

The core elements of SAFe include:

Lean-Agile Principles and Values

SAFe is based on the principles and values of lean thinking and agile software development. These include a focus on delivering value to customers, maximizing efficiency and collaboration, and continuously improving processes and products.

Lean-Agile Portfolio Management

SAFe includes a framework for managing the portfolio of products and initiatives at the organizational level. This involves prioritizing projects and initiatives based on their potential value, and aligning them with the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.

Lean-Agile Leadership

SAFe emphasizes the importance of leadership at all levels of the organization, from the executive team to individual teams and team members. This involves fostering a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and transparency.

Lean-Agile Delivery

SAFe provides a framework for coordinating and managing the delivery of software across multiple teams. This involves defining clear roles and responsibilities, establishing and maintaining effective communication channels, and using agile practices such as Scrum and Kanban to manage and track progress.

The Scaled Agile Framework is a comprehensive approach to managing and coordinating large-scale software development projects. It is based on the principles of lean thinking and agile software development, and is designed to help organizations deliver high-quality solutions faster, with less risk and greater efficiency.

The difference between Agile and Scaled Agile

Agile and Scaled Agile are two different approaches to software development. While they share many characteristics, they are not the same. 

Agile is a software development process that focuses on flexibility and collaboration. It emphasizes short iterations and frequent feedback to ensure that teams are working on the right features and that progress is being made. Agile is often implemented on smaller teams and projects, where the scope and complexity are manageable. 

Scaled Agile, on the other hand, is a framework for managing complex software projects. It takes a holistic, enterprise-wide view of software development, and encourages collaboration and coordination between teams. It allows teams to work together on a project, while still allowing them to work on their own pieces independently. It also allows for different levels of abstraction, so teams can work on different aspects of a project without interfering with each other. 

The main difference between Agile and Scaled Agile is in how the processes are implemented. Agile focuses on flexibility and collaboration, while Scaled Agile is designed to manage complex projects with multiple teams. 

Agile is great for smaller teams and simpler projects, while Scaled Agile is better suited for larger, more complex projects. Agile is also better for teams that want to move quickly and iterate frequently, while Scaled Agile is better for teams that need to plan out their work in advance and coordinate efforts between different teams. 

Ultimately, the decision of which approach to use should depend on the size and complexity of the project, the timeline, and the skills and resources available. Both Agile and Scaled Agile offer advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the team to decide which approach will best suit their needs.

What principles of Lean are leveraged in SAFe?

Lean is a philosophy and set of principles that is focused on maximizing value and minimizing waste in organizational processes. Lean has had a significant impact on scaled agile, as many of the principles and practices of Lean are aligned with the core values and principles of agile. Some of the key fundamentals of Lean that have impacted scaled agile include:

The focus on value

Lean emphasizes the importance of focusing on value, both for the customer and for the organization. In agile, this is reflected in the emphasis on delivering value to the customer through iterative and incremental development, and on prioritizing work based on value rather than on traditional measures such as scope or schedule.

The elimination of waste

Lean seeks to eliminate waste in all forms, including overproduction, waiting, transportation, overprocessing, defects, and non-utilized talent. In agile, this is reflected in the emphasis on reducing waste through practices such as continuous improvement, collaboration, and flexibility.

The importance of flow

Lean emphasizes the importance of creating flow in organizational processes, so that value can be delivered to the customer as efficiently and effectively as possible. In agile, this is reflected in the emphasis on achieving flow through practices such as iterative and incremental development, and on using flow metrics such as lead time and cycle time to monitor and improve performance.

The fundamentals of Lean have had a significant impact on scaled agile, as many of the principles and practices of Lean are aligned with the core values and principles of agile. By incorporating the principles of Lean into their scaled agile approach, organizations can improve their value delivery, reduce waste, and achieve greater flow in their product development processes.

What Size Organization should be using the Scaled Agile Framework instead of basic Agile?

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a framework for implementing Agile practices at the enterprise level. It is designed to help organizations with complex, large-scale projects better manage the inherent challenges of such projects, including coordination across multiple teams, aligning business and IT objectives, and ensuring consistent delivery of value.

There is no specific size or scale that determines whether a project is “large” enough to justify the use of SAFe. Ultimately, the decision to use SAFe or another Agile framework should be based on the specific needs and challenges of your organization. If you are unsure whether SAFe is right for your project, you may want to consult with a certified SAFe Agilist or other experienced Agile practitioner who can help you assess your project and recommend the best approach.

Top 5 Considerations for an Enterprise Approach to Agile Adoption

An enterprise approach to agile adoption involves adopting agile practices and principles across an entire organization, rather than just at the team level. Adopting agile at the enterprise level can provide many benefits, including increased flexibility, faster time to market, and improved customer satisfaction. However, it can also be a complex and challenging process, and it requires careful planning and execution.

Here are some key components that should be included in an enterprise approach to agile adoption:

1. Executive sponsorship

Senior leadership should be fully committed to agile adoption and should provide the necessary resources and support to ensure its success.

2. Culture change

Agile requires a culture of continuous improvement, collaboration, and transparency. Organizations should work to create a culture that supports these values.

3. Organizational structure

Agile requires a flatter, more flexible organizational structure that is better suited to rapid change. Organizations may need to reorganize to support agile.

4. Governance

Agile requires a different approach to governance, with a focus on decentralized decision-making and rapid feedback. Organizations should establish governance processes that support these principles.

5. Training and coaching

Agile requires a different mindset and set of skills, and employees will need training and coaching to understand and adopt agile practices.

An enterprise approach to agile adoption requires a comprehensive and coordinated effort to adopt agile practices and principles across the organization. It requires strong leadership, a culture of continuous improvement, a flexible organizational structure, effective governance processes, and training and coaching to support the transition.

How to have a more effective Scaled Agile transformation “Executive Sponsor”

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations need to be agile in order to remain competitive. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is one of the most popular frameworks for scaling agility across large organizations. As an executive sponsor of a SAFe transformation, it is critical to understand the role and responsibilities of the position in order to ensure a successful transformation. 

The executive sponsor is the most senior executive in the organization responsible for leading the transformation. They must provide clear direction and set the tone for the project. They are responsible for setting the vision, objectives and timeline for the SAFe transformation, and providing resources and support. They are also responsible for driving the change and engaging stakeholders throughout the transformation process. 

The executive sponsor should have a deep understanding of the SAFe framework and be able to clearly articulate the vision and objectives to the organization. They should also have the ability to identify and address blockers, drive change, and engage stakeholders. 

The executive sponsor should be able to motivate the teams.  They should also be able to bring together different stakeholders and build consensus around the transformation. They should be able to handle disagreements and conflicting views in a constructive way. They should also be able to use data and evidence to make decisions and demonstrate the value of the transformation. 

In conclusion, being an effective SAFe transformation executive sponsor requires strong leadership, strategic vision, and excellent communication and collaboration skills. The executive sponsor should be able to provide clear direction, set the tone for the transformation, engage stakeholders, and motivate the team to keep the project on track. With these skills, the executive sponsor can ensure a successful transformation and maximize the potential of the organization.

Why is coaching essential when adopting the Scaled Agile Framework?

When adopting the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), coaches can play a valuable role in helping organizations implement the framework successfully. SAFe coaches are experienced Agile practitioners who have been trained and certified in the SAFe methodology. They can provide guidance and support to organizations as they adopt SAFe, including helping teams and individuals understand and apply the principles and practices of the framework.

SAFe coaches can also provide training and education on SAFe, including helping teams understand how to apply the framework in their specific context. In addition, they can provide support and advice on how to overcome common challenges and obstacles that organizations may face when implementing SAFe, such as aligning business and IT objectives, coordinating across multiple teams, and ensuring consistent delivery of value.  Expert SAFe coaches have experienced many obstacles, anti-patterns and industries and their vast experience will help you overcome any challenges quickly.

Coaches can play a critical role in helping organizations successfully adopt SAFe and achieve the benefits of the framework, such as improved collaboration, increased agility, and faster delivery of value.

Agile Transformation Readiness: What you can expect

An enterprise agile transformation assessment is an evaluation of an organization’s readiness to adopt agile principles and practices at an enterprise level. The purpose of an enterprise agile transformation assessment is to identify the current state of the organization’s agile adoption and to identify areas for improvement.

Some key areas that might be included in an enterprise agile transformation assessment include:

Agile maturity

An assessment of the organization’s current level of agile maturity, including the extent to which agile principles and practices are being applied across the organization.

Culture and mindset

An evaluation of the organization’s culture and mindset, including how well it aligns with agile values and principles.

Governance and leadership

An assessment of the organization’s governance and leadership structures, including how well they support agile practices and decision-making.

Processes and practices

A review of the organization’s processes and practices, including how well they align with agile principles and how well they support the delivery of high-quality products and services.

Tools and technologies

An evaluation of the organization’s tools and technologies, including how well they support agile practices and the delivery of working software.

Organizational structure

An assessment of the organization’s structure and how well it supports agile practices, including the role of agile teams and the level of cross-functional collaboration.

Training and education

A review of the organization’s training and education programs, including how well they support agile adoption and the development of agile skills.

By conducting an enterprise agile transformation assessment, organizations can identify their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to agile adoption and develop a plan for improvement.

What are SAFe Fellows and SPCTs?

SAFe Fellow is a professional certification offered by Scaled Agile, Inc. (SAI), which is a leading provider of frameworks and tools for scaling agile development. SAFe Fellow is the highest level of certification within the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) ecosystem, and it is designed for experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the framework and how to apply it in complex enterprise environments.  ICON Agility Services has 2 SAFe Fellows who have made large contributions to the framework.

SAFe Practitioner (SPCT) is another professional certification offered by SAI. It is a high-level certification reserved for professionals who are responsible for leading and implementing SAFe for their clients. SAFe Practitioners have a strong understanding of the principles and practices of SAFe, and are able to apply them in a variety of contexts.  SAFe SPCTs are qualified to help their clients with any challenges and have the full support of experts at SAI.

Both SAFe Fellow and SPCT certifications require candidates to be nominated, complete extensive training, verify practitioner experience that takes years to complete in addition to passing the final certification exam.

What certification will grow my career as an agile coach?

The SAFe® Program Consultant (SPC) certification is a highly coveted certification within the agile community because it demonstrates a deep understanding of the SAFe® framework and the skills and expertise needed to effectively implement and coach others in the use of SAFe.

Here are a few reasons why the SPC certification is highly coveted:

Demand for SAFe professionals

SAFe is a widely-used framework for scaling agile principles and practices to the enterprise level, and there is a growing demand for professionals who are trained and certified in SAFe. The SPC certification demonstrates that an individual has the knowledge and skills to effectively implement and coach others in the use of SAFe.

Recognition of expertise

The SPC certification is recognized as a mark of expertise within the agile community, and is often seen as a sign of an individual’s commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Career advancement opportunities

The SPC certification can open up career advancement opportunities for individuals, as it demonstrates their expertise in SAFe and their ability to effectively implement and coach others in the use of SAFe.

Demonstration of value

The SPC certification can help individuals demonstrate their value to their organization and to potential employers by showing their knowledge and skills in SAFe.

The SAFe® Program Consultant (SPC) certification is highly coveted because it demonstrates a deep understanding of the SAFe® framework and the skills and expertise needed to effectively implement and coach others in the use of SAFe. It is recognized as a mark of expertise within the agile community, and can open up career advancement opportunities and help individuals demonstrate their value to their organization and to potential employers.

Ensure your trainers have hands-on coaching experience

It is important to ensure that your trainers have adequate agile coaching experience for a few key reasons:


Agile coaching requires a deep understanding of agile principles and practices, as well as experience working with agile teams and organizations. Trainers who have adequate agile coaching experience will have the knowledge and expertise to effectively teach and guide others in their agile journey.

Real-world experience

Agile coaching involves working with real teams and organizations, and trainers who have adequate experience will have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that arise in this context. This real-world experience can be valuable in helping trainers understand and address the needs of their students.


Trainers who have adequate agile coaching experience will have credibility with their students, as they will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise through their own experience. This credibility can be important in building trust and credibility with students, which is key to effective learning.

Ensuring that your trainers have adequate agile coaching experience is important for their expertise, real-world experience, and credibility, all of which can be valuable in helping them effectively teach and guide others in their agile journey.

Why Staff Aug type vendors continuously fail at supporting their customers’ agile transformation

There are several reasons why some staff augmentation vendors may fail their customers when it comes to agile transformation:

Lack of understanding or expertise

Some staff augmentation vendors may not have a deep understanding or decades of experience with agile principles and practices, which can lead to misunderstandings and misalignment with the customer’s goals and expectations.

Lack of commitment

Agile transformation requires a significant commitment of time and resources from both the vendor and the customer. If the vendor is not fully committed to the transformation process, it is likely to fail.

Lack of communication and collaboration

Agile transformation requires close collaboration between the vendor and the customer. If there is a lack of communication or a lack of transparency, it can hinder the success of the transformation.

Lack of adaptability

Agile transformation involves continuously adapting and adjusting to changing circumstances. If the vendor is not flexible and adaptable, it may be difficult to successfully implement agile practices.

How do I know if my organization needs more than Essential SAFe?

Deciding whether to implement Essential SAFe, the most basic version of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), or a more advanced version of the framework can be a challenging decision for organizations. In this blog, we will explore some of the key factors to consider when deciding whether your organization needs more than Essential SAFe.

First and foremost, it is important to understand what Essential SAFe is and how it differs from other versions of the framework. Essential SAFe is the most basic version of SAFe, designed for organizations with relatively simple, straightforward projects and relatively small teams. It provides a basic set of Agile principles and practices that can be applied at the team level, including Lean-Agile values and principles, Agile planning and estimation, and continuous integration and delivery.

If your organization has more complex projects and larger teams, however, you may need a more advanced version of SAFe. For example, if your organization has multiple teams working on the same project, or if your teams are distributed across different locations, you may need a version of SAFe that is better suited to coordinating and aligning the work of multiple teams. In this case, you may want to consider implementing the Large Solution SAFe or Portfolio SAFe framework, which provide additional guidance and support for coordinating the work of multiple teams.

Another key factor to consider when deciding whether your organization needs more than Essential SAFe is your organization’s level of maturity with Agile practices. If your teams are new to Agile and are just starting to adopt Agile principles and practices, Essential SAFe may be sufficient to get you started. However, if your teams are more experienced with Agile and are looking to take their Agile implementation to the next level, you may need a more advanced version of SAFe that provides additional guidance and support for advanced Agile practices, such as Lean-Agile leadership, Lean portfolio management, and value stream mapping.

Ultimately, the decision to implement Essential SAFe or a more advanced version of the framework will depend on the specific needs and challenges of your organization. If you are unsure which version of SAFe is right for your organization, you may want to consult with a certified SAFe Agilist or other experienced Agile practitioner who can help you assess your organization’s needs and recommend the best approach.

What is the Portfolio Level in SAFe?

In the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), the portfolio level refers to the highest level of the organization, where strategic decisions are made about the direction and priorities of the business. At the portfolio level, leaders are responsible for aligning the work of all teams and departments with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

At the portfolio level, leaders use a variety of tools and practices to manage and coordinate the work of teams across the organization. This may include developing and maintaining a portfolio backlog, which is a prioritized list of initiatives and projects that are aligned with the strategic goals of the organization.

Leaders at the portfolio level also use tools and practices such as value stream mapping, portfolio kanban, and strategic roadmapping to understand and manage the flow of value through the organization. They also use agile governance practices to ensure that teams are working together effectively and efficiently, and that the overall organization is aligned with its goals and objectives.

The portfolio level in SAFe is the highest level of the organization, and is responsible for managing and coordinating the work of all teams and departments in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization.

Essentials of understanding Value Streams

Value streams are an essential part of understanding how organizations create value and how they can improve their performance. A value stream is a set of activities, processes, and resources that together produce a product or service. They are often used to map out the flow of work and materials required to produce that product or service. By understanding and optimizing value streams, organizations can improve their efficiency, reduce waste, and increase customer satisfaction. 

The first step in understanding value streams is to identify them. This means understanding where the inputs, processes, and outputs are located within your organization. Once these are identified, it’s important to analyze them in order to determine where improvements can be made. This can be done by looking at the flow of materials and resources, the timing and sequence of processes, and the quality of the outputs. 

Once the value streams are identified and analyzed, organizations can begin to optimize them. This may involve changing the processes and activities within the value stream, or introducing new technologies to improve efficiency. It’s also important to ensure that the value streams are aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives. 

Finally, organizations should measure the impact of their value streams. This can be done by looking at the performance of the processes, the quality of the outputs, and the satisfaction of customers. This will help organizations identify areas for improvement and ensure that their value streams are delivering the desired results. 

There are different kinds of value streams like “operational” and “development” and an experienced SAFe coach can help you identify them. Value streams should be managed and monitored regularly. By understanding and optimizing value streams, organizations can improve their performance and increase customer satisfaction.  

Getting away from funding “projects”

One of the main drawbacks of traditional project funding is that it is often allocated upfront, based on a fixed set of requirements. This can make it difficult to adjust to changes in the project scope or business priorities, which can lead to overspending or underfunding. Additionally, the allocation of funds based on fixed requirements can create a lack of transparency and accountability, as it is often difficult to track how the funds are being used and whether they are being used effectively.

In some cases, traditional project funding can also create incentives for project managers to focus on meeting specific funding targets, rather than on delivering value to the business or meeting the needs of end users. This can lead to the development of suboptimal solutions and can result in increased costs and delays. Therefore, some organizations are looking for alternative approaches to project funding that can provide greater flexibility and accountability.

One of the key ways in which scaled agile can change the way we fund projects is by providing a more transparent and flexible approach to project funding.  The scaled agile framework uses a more iterative and incremental approach to project development, where funding is allocated in smaller increments, based on the completion of specific milestones. This can provide greater flexibility to adjust to changes in the project and can also help to reduce the risk of overspending or underfunding. Additionally, the use of agile principles can help to improve collaboration and communication within the development team, which can lead to more successful and cost-effective project outcomes.  Participatory budgeting, a practice that is part of Lean Portfolio Management (LPM), is becoming increasingly popular.  The general concept is that on a quarterly cadence which precedes the timing of PI planning events, leaders come together to agree on investment allocations with a realistic understanding of the fixed capacity they are working within.  This requires many negotiations about priorities, but in the end both executives and the teams have a very clear understanding of the priorities for the upcoming PI planning events.

5 key components to building a successful LACE

In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, organizations are turning to Lean Agile Centers of Excellence (LACE) to create more efficient, effective, and agile work environments. A Lean Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) is a centralized organization within an enterprise that is responsible for driving Agile and Lean practices, processes, and principles across the entire organization. As such, LACEs are essential for any organization looking to stay competitive in the ever-changing digital markets. But what are the key components to building a successful LACE? 

Here are five essential elements to consider when setting up your Lean Agile Center of Excellence:

1. Leadership

A LACE must have strong executive-level support and sponsorship in order to be successful. This means that top management should be actively involved in the creation and implementation of the LACE, and should regularly review the progress of the LACE and its impact on the organization. 

2. Vision and Mission

A successful LACE must have a clear vision and mission. This should be communicated to all stakeholders within the organization and should focus on the organization’s goals and objectives.

3. Structure

A successful LACE should have a well-defined structure that includes a clear hierarchy of roles and responsibilities. This should also include a process for decision-making and reporting, as well as clear lines of communication. 

4. Processes and Practices

A successful LACE should have well-defined processes and practices that are aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives. This includes the development of a Lean and Agile transformation roadmap and the implementation of Agile methodologies and tools. 

5. Culture

A successful LACE should have a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration. This should be supported by a culture of trust and transparency, and should include the adoption of an Agile mindset throughout the organization.

By effectively utilizing these five key components, organizations can ensure that their Lean Agile Centers of Excellence are successful and provide the greatest value to the organization. With strong executive support, a clear mission and vision, a well-defined structure, well-defined processes and practices, and a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration, organizations can create an environment in which Lean and Agile methods can thrive.

What is a hub-and-spoke LACE model?

The hub-and-spoke LACE (Lean-Agile Center of Excellence) model is a framework for implementing and scaling Agile practices across an organization. It is based on the idea of creating a central hub, or center of excellence, for Agile practices within an organization, and connecting this hub to various “spokes,” or teams, that apply Agile practices in their specific contexts.

The hub-and-spoke LACE model has several key components:

  • The Agile Center of Excellence (CoE) is the central hub of the model, responsible for providing guidance, support, and training to teams on Agile practices. The CoE may consist of a dedicated team of Agile coaches and practitioners who are responsible for implementing and promoting Agile practices within the organization.

  • The Agile Teams are the “spokes” of the model, responsible for applying Agile practices in their specific contexts. These teams may be cross-functional, self-organized, and empowered to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

  • The Agile Practices are the specific techniques and methods that teams use to apply Agile principles in their work. These practices may include techniques such as iterative development, continuous delivery, and feedback-driven improvement.

  • The Agile Governance is the set of principles and processes that the organization uses to support and guide Agile teams. This may include practices such as Lean-Agile leadership, Lean portfolio management, and value stream mapping.

The hub-and-spoke LACE model provides a structured framework for implementing and scaling Agile practices across an organization. By creating a central hub for Agile expertise and connecting this hub to teams that apply Agile practices in their specific contexts, the model helps organizations ensure that Agile practices are applied consistently and effectively across the organization.

6 secrets to making the lean-agile mindset and principles stick

In recent years, the Lean-Agile mindset and principles have become increasingly popular in the business world. Companies of all sizes have begun to embrace these principles, as they offer a better way to work and have been proven to increase efficiency and profitability. However, it can be difficult for teams to make the transition to this new way of thinking and working. 

Here are 6 secrets to making the Lean-Agile mindset and principles stick: 

1. Start from the top.

If the top management of your company isn’t on-board with the Lean-Agile mindset and principles, then it is unlikely that the rest of the organization will embrace it. Make sure that management is fully behind the changes and that they understand the importance of the transition. 

2. Take small steps.

Don’t try to overhaul your entire organization overnight. Focus on small changes that can be implemented quickly and easily. This will help to build momentum and encourage further change. 

3. Create a culture of continuous improvement.

Make sure that everyone in the organization is focused on continuous improvement. This will ensure that the mindset and principles are kept alive and that the team is always looking for ways to improve. 

4. Embrace feedback.

Feedback from employees and customers is invaluable. Make sure to create an environment where feedback is welcomed and acted upon. 

5. Focus on value.

The Lean-Agile mindset and principles are all about delivering value to the customer. Make sure that your team is focused on delivering the highest quality product or service in the shortest amount of time. 

6. Have fun.

Working with the Lean-Agile mindset and principles doesn’t have to be a chore. Make sure that everyone on the team is having fun and enjoying the journey. This will help to ensure that the transition is successful and that the team remains motivated. 

By following these 6 secrets, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful Lean-Agile organization. Good luck!

“Systems Thinking” explained

Systems thinking is a way of understanding and analyzing complex systems and their interactions. It is based on the idea that the behavior of a system cannot be understood by looking at its individual components in isolation, but must be considered as a whole.

In a scaled agile environment, systems thinking can be used to understand the relationships and dependencies between different teams and the work they are doing. By looking at the broader system in which teams are operating, leaders can better understand the impact of changes and decisions on the overall organization, and can make more informed decisions about how to align teams and their work with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

Systems thinking can also be used to understand the flow of work through an organization, and to identify bottlenecks and other obstacles that may be hindering the flow of value to customers. By using systems thinking to analyze the flow of work, leaders can identify opportunities for improvement and can put in place processes and practices that support the efficient and effective delivery of value.

Systems thinking is an important part of the scaled agile mindset, and can help leaders understand and manage the complex systems and interactions that are inherent in a scaled agile environment. By using systems thinking to analyze and understand the broader system in which teams are operating, leaders can make more informed and effective decisions that support the delivery of value to customers.

6 essential ways of measuring and improving “flow”

Flow is a state of being in which an individual experiences a sense of productivity, focus, and engagement with the task at hand. It can be experienced in both work and leisure activities and can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and satisfaction. However, it is not always easy to achieve or maintain this state of flow, and it may be necessary to use certain techniques to measure and improve it. 

Here are 6 essential ways of measuring and improving flow: 

1. Keep Track of Your Time

One of the most effective ways of measuring flow is to keep track of the amount of time you spend on tasks. By understanding how long it takes to complete certain tasks, you can identify patterns and adjust your approach accordingly. 

2. Set Realistic Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals can help you stay focused on your task and ensure that you remain in a state of flow. When setting goals, make sure to set realistic expectations so that you don’t become overwhelmed or discouraged.

3. Eliminate Distractions

It can be difficult to remain in a state of flow when there are constant distractions. To improve flow, try to eliminate or minimize the number of distractions that you encounter during your work or leisure activities.

4. Take Breaks

Taking regular breaks can help you stay in a state of flow by giving your mind and body a chance to rest. Taking breaks also allows you to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and identify any areas where you need to improve. 

5. Track Your Progress

Keeping track of your progress can help you stay motivated and continue to experience a state of flow. Tracking your progress can also help you identify any areas where you need to improve.

6. Get Feedback

Getting feedback from others can be a great way to measure and improve your flow. Receiving feedback from peers, mentors, and supervisors can help you identify areas where you are doing well and areas where you need to work on.

By using these 6 essential ways of measuring and improving flow, you can become more productive, creative, and satisfied with your work or leisure activities. Remember to be patient and consistent with your efforts, as it may take some time for you to master the techniques. Good luck!

8 key metrics to capture during a scaled-agile transformation

Organizations that are looking to transform their operations with the help of agile methodologies often struggle to know how to measure the success of their transformation. That’s why it’s essential to identify the right metrics and capture them during the transformation. 

Here are eight key metrics you should be tracking during a scaled-agile transformation. 

1. Quality of Product

Quality should be a top priority for any agile transformation. Quality can be measured in terms of the number of defects per release, user satisfaction, and the number of features delivered. 

2. Time to Market

The time it takes from concept to product launch is an important metric to track. It’s important to ensure that your agile transformation is helping to reduce the time to market and to identify any areas where processes can be improved to reduce the time further. 

3. Speed of Delivery

Speed of delivery is an important factor for successful agile transformations. This metric measures the time it takes for a team to complete a feature or deliver a product. 

4. Cost Savings

Cost savings can be measured in terms of the money saved in the development process, such as the cost of overtime, travel, and other expenses.

5. Productivity

Productivity measures the output of a team in terms of the number of features delivered. This metric can be used to assess the effectiveness of the agile transformation.

6. Team Morale

Team morale is an important metric to measure during the transformation. It can be measured in terms of employee satisfaction and the number of points scored on surveys. 

7. Motivation

Motivation is an important factor for a successful transformation. It can be measured in terms of employee engagement and the amount of time that team members spend on tasks. 

8. Process Improvement

Process improvement is an important metric to measure during any transformation. It can be measured in terms of the number of process improvements that are implemented and the impact they have on the organization. 

By tracking these eight key metrics throughout the transformation, organizations can gain valuable insight into the success of their transformation and identify areas where they can improve.

How organizations can be enabled to be self-sufficient to continue their agile journey for the long-term

1. Establish an Agile Center of Excellence

This will be a team responsible for building and maintaining an agile infrastructure within the organization. A Lean Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) should be comprised of experienced agile practitioners and should have the ability to scale as the organization grows. The CoE should be responsible for developing and maintaining standards, training, and best practices for agile teams. 

2. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Organizations should strive to create a culture that values learning and continuous improvement. Encourage teams to experiment, learn from failures and successes, and share knowledge.

3. Create an Agile Roadmap

It is important to have a plan for the future of the organization’s agile journey. An agile roadmap should be created to help chart the path for the organization’s journey, including goals, timelines, and milestones. 

4. Invest in Technology

Technology is an essential part of any agile transformation. Invest in the right tools and systems to support agile teams and enable them to work efficiently and effectively. 

5. Monitor Performance

Establishing KPIs and tracking progress against them is essential to ensure continued success and course-correct as needed. 

6. Encourage Collaboration

Agile teams should always be encouraged to collaborate and work together towards common goals. Foster a culture of collaboration and provide easy access to tools and resources to facilitate this.

5 Tips to budgeting for your SAFe Transformation

SAFe transformations can be a complex and costly undertaking, and budgeting for them is important for success. To ensure a successful transformation, it’s important to understand the scope of the transformation and its associated costs. 

Here are some tips for budgeting for your SAFe transformation. 

1. Define the scope<

Before you can set a budget for a SAFe transformation, you need to define the scope of the transformation. This includes understanding the size of the organization involved, the timeline, and the desired outcome. This will help you determine the resources, tools, and services required to be successful.

2. Estimate the cost

Once you understand the scope, you can begin to estimate the cost of the transformation. This includes the cost of tools, resources, and services required to achieve the desired outcome. It’s important to be realistic when setting a budget, as it’s often easy to underestimate the cost. 

3. Consider the timeline

The timeline is also an important factor in determining the budget. Agile transformations typically take 6-18 months to become stable and sustainable.

4. Assess the risks

As with any endeavor, risk is always a factor when budgeting for a SAFe transformation. Make sure to assess the risks and factor in the potential costs of mitigating those risks.

5. Plan for contingencies

Finally, it’s important to plan for contingencies. This includes having a budget for unexpected costs that may arise.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your SAFe transformation is properly budgeted for success. With a clear understanding of the scope, timeline, and associated costs, you can ensure that your transformation is successful and cost-effective.  Consider contacting an expert SAFe coach that can very quickly help you conduct a light-weight planning assessment as well as building a realistic transformation plan.

7 ways to overcome the obstacles of adopting SAFe

The best way to overcome obstacles of adopting the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is to approach the adoption process in a systematic and disciplined manner. This typically involves the following:


  1. Identify the key stakeholders and decision makers who need to be involved in the adoption process, and make sure that they are on board with the decision to adopt SAFe.

  2. Create a clear and compelling vision for how SAFe will benefit the organization, and communicate this vision to all stakeholders in a way that resonates with their needs and concerns.

  3. Develop a detailed plan for implementing SAFe, including a timeline, a budget, and a list of specific tasks and activities that need to be completed.

  4. Identify any potential obstacles or challenges that may arise during the adoption process, and develop strategies for addressing and overcoming these challenges.

  5. Provide training and support to help individuals and teams adopt SAFe and become proficient in using its principles and practices.

  6. Monitor progress closely, and make adjustments to the implementation plan as needed to ensure that the adoption of SAFe remains on track.

  7. Integrate experienced SAFe coaches into your team to quickly identify and correct any gaps in skills and efficiently guide teams and organizations through the process of implementing SAFe, providing expertise and support to ensure that the framework is properly applied and that the desired outcomes are achieved.


The key to overcoming obstacles to adopting SAFe is to approach the process with a sense of purpose, commitment, and collaboration, and to be willing to adapt and adjust as needed to ensure success.

The 6 most common scaled-agile transformation failures to avoid

Scaled-agile frameworks are becoming increasingly popular as organizations strive to become more agile. However, it is not enough to simply adopt a framework; it takes careful planning, execution and monitoring to ensure a successful scaled-agile transformation. 

To help guide your journey, here are six of the most common scaled-agile transformation failures to avoid: 

1. Poor Communication

It is essential for the stakeholders of a scaled-agile transformation to be on the same page and that requires effective communication. If the objectives, roles, and responsibilities are not clearly articulated from the start, it can lead to confusion and misunderstandings down the line. 

2. Lack of Visibility

Without visibility into the progress of the transformation, it’s easy to get lost in the details and lose sight of the end goal. Ensure that the entire organization has access to real-time data and insights into the transformation journey. 

3. No Plan for Change

A scaled-agile transformation will require change in the organization’s processes, culture, and technology. Without a plan in place that clearly outlines how these changes will be made, it can be difficult to successfully implement the transformation. 

4. Involving the Wrong People

It is important to involve the right people in the transformation process. Empowering the right stakeholders, such as team leads and product owners, can ensure that the transformation is successful. 

5. Setting Unrealistic Goals

It’s important to set realistic and achievable goals for the transformation. If the goals are too ambitious, it can lead to frustration and demotivation. 

6. Not Monitoring Progress

After the transformation is underway, it is important to monitor and measure the progress of the transformation to ensure that the objectives are being met. Without this feedback loop in place, it can be difficult to identify areas of improvement or areas where additional resources are needed. 

Scaled-agile transformations can be complex and challenging, but by avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure that your organization achieves the desired results. With careful planning, communication, and monitoring, you can ensure that your scaled-agile transformation is a success.

What does “predictability” mean?

In agile, predictability refers to the ability to accurately forecast how long an initiative will take to complete, and how much it will cost. In agile methodologies, predictability is achieved through the use of iterative development, where teams break down the objectives into small, manageable chunks, known as sprints. This allows teams to get regular feedback on their progress and make any necessary adjustments to keep the project on track.

Predictability is important in agile because it helps teams to plan and manage their work more effectively, and to ensure that they are delivering value to their customers on a regular basis. It also helps to build trust and transparency within the team, as well as with stakeholders, by providing clear and accurate information about the progress of the project.

Predictability is a key aspect of agile because it helps teams to deliver high-quality products and services in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Should we align team cadence?

In a scaled agile environment, it is important for teams to align their cadence, or the rhythm and pace at which they work, in order to ensure that they are working together effectively and efficiently. When teams have different cadences, it can lead to coordination problems and delays, as well as a lack of visibility into what other teams are working on.

Aligning cadence can help teams avoid these problems by ensuring that they are all working at the same pace and using the same processes and tools. This can improve communication and collaboration among teams, as well as provide greater visibility into the work that is being done across the organization.

In addition, aligning cadence can help teams stay on track and meet their goals and objectives. By working at the same pace and following the same processes, teams can more easily identify potential obstacles and address them before they become serious problems. This can help teams stay focused and make steady progress towards their goals.

Aligning cadence is an important part of scaling agile effectively, and can help teams work together more effectively and efficiently.

8 Characteristics of a Successful Agile Release Train

Agile Release Trains (ARTs) are a crucial element in making the most out of agile development. They are the mechanism by which teams plan, build, and deploy large-scale projects. To be successful, ARTs need to have certain characteristics that enable them to effectively bring features and products to market. 

Here are 8 key things a successful Agile Release Train should be: 

1. Cross-Functional Team

An ART should be a cross-functional team that includes all the necessary skills for developing and delivering the product. This ensures that the team can work together efficiently and get the product out the door quickly. 

2. Scalable Process

An ART should have a scalable process that can easily accommodate changes in scope and other requirements that may arise during the development process. 

3. Agile Planning

An ART should use agile planning techniques to ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget. 

4. Continuous Integration

An ART should have a continuous integration strategy in place to ensure that code is tested and integrated regularly.

5. Automated Testing

An ART should have automated testing in place to ensure that code is tested thoroughly before it’s released. 

6. Continuous Delivery

An ART should have a continuous delivery process in place so that features can be delivered quickly and with minimal disruption.

7. Collaborative Environment

An ART should foster a collaborative environment where team members can work together to solve problems and deliver features quickly. 

8. Continuous Improvement

An ART should have a continuous improvement process in place to ensure that the team is consistently learning and growing.

These 8 characteristics are essential for a successful Agile Release Train. When teams focus on these characteristics, they can ensure that their projects are successful and that they are able to deliver features quickly and effectively.

Common things that go wrong at PI Planning Events

Program Increment (PI) Planning events are a key part of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and are designed to help teams align and coordinate their efforts. However, there are a few common things that can go wrong in PI planning events:

Lack of preparation

PI planning events can be complex and require a lot of preparation.  If there is not a clear and prioritized backlog of objectives and work, the teams will have difficulty knowing what to focus on.  


If teams have a lot of dependencies on work outside the ART that is not coordinated, it will be difficult for them to plan with confidence.  In this case, the composition of the ART should be reconsidered.

Lack of engagement

PI planning events can be long and intensive, and it is important for all team members to be engaged and actively participating.  If team members do not understand the value and expectations or they are expected to continue with other work during the event, there will be a failure to get to the desired outcomes.

Poor facilitation

PI planning events require skilled facilitation in order to be successful. If the Release Train Engineer (RTE) is not experienced or does not have the necessary skills, it can lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and a lack of progress.

There are many things that can go wrong in PI planning events if teams are not adequately prepared, aligned, engaged, and facilitated. By addressing these challenges, teams can ensure that their PI planning events are successful and help them to achieve their goals.

Contents that must be delivered during the Vision and Context at PI Planning

The vision and context is an important part of the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) PI (Program Increment) planning event. It provides the team with a clear understanding of the overall direction of major programs and initiatives and helps to set the stage for the rest of the planning process.

Here are some things that should typically be included in the vision and context for a SAFe PI planning event:

The business context: information about the business goals, challenges, and opportunities that the project is intended to address.

The customer context: information about the needs and expectations of the customers who will be using the product or service being developed.

The technical context: information about the technology being used and any constraints or dependencies that may affect the project.

The program/initiative context: the project itself, such as the scope, schedule, and budget.

The vision and context should provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the program and its goals, and should help to set the stage for the rest of the planning process.

Reasons for setting PI Objectives

PI (Program Increment) objectives are goals that are set for a specific period of time, usually a few months, in an agile software development process. They are used to guide the development team’s work and provide a clear direction for the project. The teams set PI objectives to ensure that the team is focused on delivering value to the customer, and that the work being done aligns with the overall goals of the project.

There are several reasons why it is important to set PI objectives:

Provide clear vision for the PI

PI objectives help to define the overall direction the team will follow.  This helps drive alignment with the Business Owners who will assign business value for each objective.

Focus the team’s efforts

By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, the team can prioritize their work and stay on track.

Encourage collaboration

PI objectives help to bring the team together and foster a sense of shared ownership and responsibility.  They help other teams who may have dependencies to collaborate within the larger ART.

Confirm your dependencies with other teams at the PI Planning Event

There are a few ways that agile teams can confirm their dependencies with each other at PI (Program Increment) planning events:

Identify and document dependencies<

Teams can use tools such as dependency maps to document the dependencies between their work and the work of other teams. This can help to clarify the relationships between different pieces of work and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Communicate and coordinate with other teams

Teams can use PI planning events as an opportunity to communicate and coordinate with other teams to confirm their dependencies and ensure that everyone is aware of what needs to be done and when.

Identify and address potential risks

Teams can use PI planning events to identify potential risks that may impact their dependencies and work with other teams to address those risks.

Establish clear lines of communication

Teams can establish clear lines of communication with each other to ensure that they can stay informed about each other’s progress and any changes or updates that may impact their dependencies.

By identifying and documenting dependencies, communicating and coordinating with other teams, and establishing clear lines of communication, agile teams can confirm their dependencies with each other at PI planning events and ensure that their work is aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the project.

ROAM the Risks

Resolve, Own, Avoid, Mitigate (ROAM) is a risk management framework that is used in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). It represents four ways to negate business disasters by categorizing risks in order to determine how they should be managed.

Here’s what each of the four ROAM categories mean:


Risks that fall into this category are considered the most urgent and should be addressed as soon as possible. These risks have the potential to significantly impact the project or the business, and they should be resolved before the team can move forward.


Risks that fall into this category are considered important, but they do not have the same level of urgency as those in the “Resolve” category. These risks should be assigned to a specific person or team to manage and track.


Risks that fall into this category are those that can be avoided altogether. These risks can be managed by making changes to the project or the business in order to avoid them.


Risks that fall into this category are those that cannot be avoided, but they can be managed by implementing strategies to minimize their impact.

By using the ROAM framework, teams can effectively manage risks and ensure that they are proactively addressing potential issues before they become problems.

Leveraging Fist of 5 during Draft and Final Plan Reviews

The “fist of 5” is a technique used in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to facilitate group decision-making. It is a simple and effective way for teams to quickly and easily gauge the level of agreement or consensus among members.

To use the “fist of 5,” members of the team are asked to hold up a certain number of fingers to indicate their level of agreement with the PI plan in progress.  We do this because we want the team to feel confident that they can commit to the objectives – if they have significant reservations, the team(s) should continue to adjust the plan until there is more confidence.  The number of fingers held up can range from zero (no agreement) to five (strong agreement).

Here is an example of how the “fist of 5” might be used in a SAFe setting:

  1. The team is engaging in the final plan review during the PI Planning event.

  2. The team realizes that one of the inputs they need from another team will likely not be ready in time for them to complete their work according to their plan.

  3. Each member of the team holds up a certain number of fingers to indicate their level of agreement with the proposal.

  4. If most of the team members hold up at least three fingers, it indicates that there is strong agreement and the proposal can move forward.

  5. But fewer than three fingers are held up and this indicated that there is not enough agreement and the proposal may needed to be revised.  Product Management agreed to descope a feature so that the required timing of the dependency could be met.  The plan was updated, fist of 5 was done again and all teams had a high level of confidence in their commitments.

In this way, the “fist of 5” can help teams to quickly and easily reach consensus on important decisions. It is a simple and effective tool for facilitating group decision-making in a SAFe environment.  Always be careful to create a trusting environment where teams can score their confidence with a low number because the value of this technique is reduced if people feel pressured by their managers to respond with confidence they don’t really have.

What if the PI Plan is rejected at the Final Plan Review?

In the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), the Program Increment (PI) plan is a key component of the planning process. The PI plan outlines the goals and objectives for the upcoming PI, as well as the work that will be done to achieve those goals.

If the PI plan is not accepted, it means that it has not been approved by the relevant decision-making bodies within the organization. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the plan not aligning with the overall strategy of the organization or not being deemed feasible or realistic.

If the PI plan is not accepted, it will need to be revised and resubmitted for approval. This can involve going back to the drawing board and reworking the plan to address any concerns or issues that were raised during the approval process.

It’s important to note that not having an accepted PI plan can have significant consequences for the organization. Without a clear plan in place, the team will not have a roadmap to follow and may struggle to make progress towards their goals. This can lead to delays and missed opportunities, which can have negative impacts on the organization.

It’s crucial to ensure that the PI plan is carefully crafted and well-aligned with the organization’s strategy and goals, in order to avoid the potential consequences of not having an accepted plan.

Most Frequent Misses at the PI Planning Event

PI (Program Increment) events are a key component of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and are used to plan and coordinate work across multiple agile teams. Here are a few things that are commonly forgotten at PI events:

Team commitments

It is important for teams to clearly articulate their commitments for the PI and to make sure that they have the resources and support they need to deliver on those commitments.

Risk identification and management

It is important for teams to identify and address potential risks during the PI planning process in order to mitigate any potential impacts on the project.

Stakeholder engagement

It is important for teams to engage with stakeholders and to make sure that their needs and expectations are being considered in the planning process.

Capacity planning

It is important for teams to carefully consider their capacity and to make sure that they are not overcommitting themselves, as this can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

Continuous improvement

PI events are an opportunity for teams to reflect on their progress and identify areas for improvement. It is important to make sure that these discussions are included in the PI planning process.

PI Planning Events can be stressful

PI (Program Increment) planning events can be stressful for a number of reasons:

High stakes

PI planning events are a key component of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and are used to plan and coordinate work across multiple agile teams. As such, they can be high stakes and there may be a lot of pressure to make sure that the plans are accurate and realistic.

Limited time

PI planning events are typically time-limited, which can create pressure to make sure that all necessary discussions and decisions are made within the allotted time frame.


PI planning events can be complex, as they involve coordinating the work of multiple teams and aligning it with the overall goals and objectives of the project. This complexity can create stress as teams try to understand and navigate the various dependencies and challenges involved.

Interpersonal dynamics

PI planning events can be stressful because they involve a lot of interpersonal interactions and negotiations. This can be challenging if team members are not used to working together or if there are personality conflicts.

PI planning events can be stressful because they involve a lot of coordination, planning, and decision-making under time pressure. However, by preparing in advance and focusing on clear communication and collaboration, teams can help to mitigate some of this stress and ensure a successful PI planning event.

How can industry impact PI cadence?

The cadence for PIs (Program Increments) in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) can differ by industry depending on a number of factors. For example, the length of the PI may vary based on the specific needs and goals of the organization, as well as the complexity and type of work being done. In some industries, such as financial services or healthcare, the pace of change and the need for regulatory compliance may require shorter PIs, while in other industries, such as manufacturing or aerospace, longer PIs may be more suitable. Additionally, the frequency of PIs may differ based on the organization’s appetite for risk and the need for predictability in delivering value to customers. The cadence for PIs in SAFe should be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the organization and its industry.

5 Ways to get the most value out of your “Inspect and Adapt”

When it comes to agile development, one of the most important elements of success is the “Inspect and Adapt” retrospective. This is a key part of the Agile process and it involves the team reflecting on their past performance and making adjustments to improve future results. The “Inspect and Adapt” retrospective is a way for teams to reflect on their performance, identify areas of improvement, and make adjustments for the future. It’s a valuable tool for teams to become more efficient and successful in their projects. But, it can only be successful if the team takes the time to properly analyze what’s working, what isn’t, and create a plan of action for the future. 

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your “Inspect and Adapt” retrospective: 

1. Set Clear Goals Before Beginning your Retrospective

It’s important to set clear goals for what you want to accomplish. This will help the team stay focused on the important topics and ensure that everyone is on the same page. It’s also important to make sure that the goals are measurable so that you can track progress.

2. Gather Data To get the most out of your Retrospective

It’s important to gather data before you start. This can include feedback from team members, customer surveys, analytics data, and more. Having this information will help you identify areas of improvement and create a plan of action. 

3. Identify Areas for Improvement Once you have gathered the data

It’s time to identify areas for improvement. This is where the team should focus their discussion and debate. It’s important to be open-minded and consider all possible solutions, even if they seem counterintuitive. 

4. Brainstorm Solutions Once the team has identified areas for improvement

It’s time to brainstorm solutions. This is where the team’s creativity and innovation can really shine. It’s important to consider all ideas, regardless of how crazy they may seem, as even the most outlandish ideas can sometimes lead to great results. 

5. Create Action Plans Finally, the team should create action plans for each area of improvement.

This should include specific tasks and timelines for implementation. It’s important to have a plan in place so that everyone is on the same page and knows what needs to be done to move forward. 

By following these steps, teams can get the most out of their “Inspect and Adapt” retrospectives. By setting clear goals, gathering data, identifying areas for improvement, brainstorming solutions, and creating action plans, teams can make sure that their retrospectives are successful and that they’re getting the most out of them.

Why you shouldn’t skip Inspect and Adapt

The inspect and adapt principles that are at the heart of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) are based on the scientific method, which is a process for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in order to test hypotheses and draw conclusions.

The scientific method is a systematic and disciplined approach to problem-solving that is used in many fields, including science, engineering, and medicine. It involves a series of steps, including:

  1. Identifying a problem or question

  2. Formulating a hypothesis or tentative explanation

  3. Collecting and analyzing data to test the hypothesis

  4. Drawing conclusions based on the data

  5. Continuing to test and refine the hypothesis as new data becomes available

The inspect and adapt principles in SAFe are based on this same approach to problem-solving. Teams are encouraged to regularly collect and analyze data about their work, and to use that data to test and refine their hypotheses about what will be most effective in achieving their goals. By applying the scientific method in this way, teams can make more informed and effective decisions about how to improve their processes and practices.

The inspect and adapt principles in SAFe are based on the scientific method, and provide teams with a disciplined and systematic approach to problem-solving and continuous improvement. By using this approach, teams can make more informed and effective decisions that support the delivery of value to customers.  If teams skip the inspect and adapt process in SAFe, they may miss out on important opportunities for learning and improvement. The inspect and adapt process is designed to provide teams with regular feedback on their work, and to enable them to make adjustments and improvements based on that feedback.

By skipping the inspect and adapt process, teams may continue to work in ways that are not effective or efficient, and may miss out on valuable insights and opportunities for improvement. This can lead to delays, missed deadlines, and other problems that can hinder the team’s ability to deliver value to customers.

In addition, skipping the inspect and adapt process can also hinder the team’s ability to adapt to changing conditions and requirements. In a fast-paced and rapidly changing environment, it is essential for teams to be able to quickly and easily adjust their processes and practices in response to new information and changing needs. By skipping the inspect and adapt process, teams may be less agile and less able to respond to changing conditions.

Skipping the inspect and adapt process in SAFe can have negative consequences for teams and their ability to deliver value to customers. It is important for teams to regularly review and assess their work, and to make adjustments and improvements based on the feedback they receive.

The Fishbone Diagram: A valuable tool in I&A

A fishbone diagram, also known as a cause and effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram, is a tool used to identify and analyze the potential causes of a particular problem or issue. It is often used in the context of quality improvement and problem-solving.

Creating a Fishbone Diagram:

To create a fishbone diagram, the problem or issue is written at the head of the diagram, and the potential causes of the problem are written along the “bones” of the diagram. These causes can be grouped into broader categories, such as people, processes, equipment, materials, and environment.

Using a Fishbone Diagram:

Once the potential causes have been identified and organized, the fishbone diagram can be used to analyze the relationships between the different causes and the problem. This can help teams identify the root causes of the problem, and can also provide insight into the potential solutions that may be effective in addressing the problem.

Fishbone diagrams are often used in agile development as part of the inspect and adapt process. By regularly identifying and analyzing the potential causes of problems and challenges, teams can more effectively identify and implement solutions that will improve their processes and practices.

The fishbone diagram is a useful tool for identifying and analyzing the potential causes of a problem, and can be a valuable tool for teams looking to improve their processes and practices in an agile environment.

Incorporating the “5 Whys” into I&A

The 5 whys is a technique that is often used in the context of the inspect and adapt process in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). It is a simple and effective way of identifying the root causes of a problem or issue, and can help teams identify potential solutions that will be effective in addressing those root causes.

Using the 5 whys technique:

To use the 5 whys technique, teams start by identifying a specific problem or issue that they are trying to address. They then ask a series of “why” questions, each of which seeks to delve deeper into the underlying causes of the problem. This process is repeated until the root cause of the problem has been identified.

The 5 whys technique is useful in the inspect and adapt process in SAFe because it helps teams quickly and easily identify the root causes of problems and challenges, rather than focusing on the symptoms of the problem. By identifying the root causes of problems, teams can implement solutions that will be more effective in addressing those problems and preventing them from recurring in the future.

The 5 whys technique is an effective tool for teams using the inspect and adapt process in SAFe. It can help teams quickly and easily identify the root causes of problems and challenges, and can support them in implementing effective solutions that will improve their processes and practices.

Elements of a Successful RTE

Understand the agile framework and principles

As a Release Train Engineer (RTE), you will be responsible for facilitating the agile process within your organization. It is important to have a deep understanding of the agile framework and principles, including iterative development, continuous improvement, and collaboration.

Build strong relationships

As an RTE, you will be working with a variety of teams and stakeholders, including development teams, product managers, and business leaders. Building strong relationships with these groups will help you effectively communicate and collaborate with them to ensure the success of your release train.

Foster a culture of continuous improvement

The agile framework is all about continuous improvement, and as an RTE, it is important to foster this mindset within your organization. Encourage teams to continuously evaluate and improve their processes and workflows to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

Develop strong communication skills

As an RTE, you will be responsible for communicating with a variety of stakeholders, including team members, business leaders, and customers. Strong communication skills, including the ability to clearly articulate ideas and concepts, will be critical to your success.

Understand the business context

It is important for an RTE to have a deep understanding of the business context in which they are operating. This includes understanding the needs and goals of the organization as well as the industry in which it operates. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and prioritize work.

Manage risks effectively

As an RTE, you will be responsible for identifying and managing risks that may impact the success of your release train. Developing a robust risk management plan and regularly reviewing and updating it will help ensure that risks are effectively managed.

Be flexible and adaptable

The agile framework is all about being flexible and adaptable. As an RTE, you will need to be able to quickly adapt to changing priorities and requirements.

Build strong teams

As an RTE, you will be responsible for managing and leading cross-functional teams. Building strong, cohesive teams is critical to the success of your release train.

Facilitate decision-making

As an RTE, you will be responsible for facilitating decision-making within your organization. This includes facilitating meetings, gathering input from relevant stakeholders, and helping teams reach consensus.

Continuously improve your skills

As an RTE, it is important to continuously improve your skills and knowledge. This includes staying up-to-date with the latest agile practices and techniques, as well as continuously learning and growing as a leader.

SAFe says: It’s okay to FAIL (Fast)

Failing fast is an important concept in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). It encourages organizations to embrace failure as a part of innovation and to learn from it quickly, in order to prevent bigger issues down the road. The idea is that if you can detect and fix mistakes early on, you can avoid more costly and time-consuming problems in the future. The concept of failing fast is built on the idea that mistakes are inevitable and that it’s better to fail quickly and learn from those mistakes than to avoid failure altogether. This is a critical mindset shift for organizations who have traditionally been risk-averse. Instead of attempting to avoid failure, they need to embrace it as a necessary part of the process of learning and growth. The benefits of failing fast are numerous. It helps organizations stay agile and flexible, allowing them to quickly pivot and adjust to changing markets and customer demands. It also encourages experimentation and innovation, since teams are more willing to try new ideas and solutions when they know that failure is an acceptable outcome. Failing fast also helps to reduce the amount of time and resources wasted on projects that don’t work out. By identifying problems early and learning from them quickly, teams are able to move on and focus their efforts on more productive endeavors. Finally, failing fast helps to foster a culture of learning, growth, and experimentation. When teams are encouraged to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them, it creates an environment where everyone feels comfortable pushing the boundaries and trying new things. This leads to more successful projects and a more engaged and productive workforce. Failing fast is a key part of the SAFe framework and a critical mindset shift for organizations who want to stay agile and competitive in today’s ever-changing environment. By embracing failure as a part of the process and learning from it quickly, organizations can reap the many benefits of failing fast.

What do you mean there is MORE planning in agile?

In agile methodologies, planning is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. SAFe teams generally follow a cyclical approach to planning, with short-term planning occurring at the beginning of each iteration (called a “sprint” in Scrum) and long-term planning occurring at regular intervals (called “PI planning events” every 8-12 weeks).

This approach to planning is intended to provide the necessary structure and guidance for the team to deliver value to the customer, while also allowing for flexibility and adaptability to changing circumstances. Agile teams are expected to be able to adapt and adjust their plans as needed in response to new information, changing priorities, or other factors.

For larger and more complex environments, there are also higher level planning mechanisms such as the portfolio roadmap, architecture runway, LPM and participatory budgeting which guide investments and priorities.

The emphasis in agile planning is on creating a lightweight and responsive process that allows the team to make informed decisions and deliver value quickly and efficiently.

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Critical SAFe Principle: “Assume Variability” & “Preserve Options”

In the context of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), “assume variability” and “preserve options” are core principles that guide the development process.

Assume variability 

“Assume variability” means that the development team should approach their work with the understanding that requirements and priorities may change over time, and they should be prepared to adapt and adjust their plans accordingly. This principle encourages flexibility and the ability to pivot when necessary.

Preserve Options

“Preserve options” means that the team should aim to keep as many options open as possible as they work towards their goals. This can involve implementing solutions in a modular way, so that they can be easily modified or replaced if needed, or using techniques like prototyping to explore different options before making a final decision.

Together, these principles help the development team to be agile and responsive to changing circumstances, while also maintaining a long-term perspective and keeping their options open for future development.


Embracing Emergent Design

Emergent design is a design approach that involves continuously evolving and adapting the design of a product or system based on the feedback and insights gained through experimentation and iteration. It is often used in agile development processes, as it allows teams to rapidly prototype and test new ideas and to continuously improve the design of a product or system based on the feedback and data they collect.

There are several reasons why teams might want to use emergent design:

Allows for rapid experimentation and iteration

Emergent design allows teams to rapidly experiment with new ideas and to iterate on the design of a product or system based on the feedback and data they collect. This can help to speed up the development process and allow teams to quickly incorporate new insights and innovations into their work.

Encourages collaboration and flexibility

Emergent design also encourages collaboration and flexibility, as it involves continuously adapting and evolving the design based on feedback and insights from multiple sources. This can help to foster a more open and inclusive work environment and allow teams to respond quickly to changing needs and requirements.

Increases agility and adaptability

Finally, emergent design can increase agility and adaptability, as it allows teams to rapidly prototype and test new ideas and to continuously improve the design of a product or system based on the data and feedback they collect. This can help teams to stay ahead of the curve and to respond more effectively to changing market conditions or customer needs.

Emergent design is a valuable approach for teams that want to rapidly prototype and iterate on the design of a product or system, and that want to foster collaboration, flexibility, and adaptability within their work.

Tips for identifying enablers that I should be building into my architecture runway

To identify enablers for your architecture runway, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the key objectives and goals of your architecture runway. This will help you to determine the type of enablers that you need to support these goals.

  2. Conduct a thorough analysis of your current architecture, looking for areas where improvements or enhancements are needed to support your goals.

  3. Identify any gaps or weaknesses in your current architecture that need to be addressed in order to achieve your goals.

  4. Engage with stakeholders and subject matter experts to gain a better understanding of their needs and requirements, and use this information to identify potential enablers for your architecture runway.

  5. Develop a plan for implementing the enablers you have identified, including a timeline and resources needed.

The key to identifying enablers for your architecture runway is to take a holistic and strategic approach, considering both the short-term and long-term needs of your organization. This will help you to identify the enablers that will have the greatest impact and provide the most value for your organization.

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Topics: SAFe®, PI Planning, LPM, Inspect and Adapt, Lean-Agile, Agile Transformation, Agile Adoption

Agile Leadership

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 12, 2023

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Advice for Middle Managers part of an agile transformation

As agile methodology continues to become more and more popular in the business world, middle managers are playing an increasingly important role in the agile transformation. Agile methodology is a unique way of working that emphasizes collaboration and flexibility, and managers must understand how to support and manage their teams in this new way of working.

To assist middle managers in their efforts to support agile transformation, here are 8 of the best pieces of advice: 

1. Communicate the Purpose and Goals

It’s important for middle managers to ensure that their teams understand the purpose and goals of the agile transformation. Make sure to communicate the ‘why’ behind the change, and explain the expected benefits for the organization. 

2. Set Clear Expectations

Middle managers should set clear expectations for their teams regarding their roles and responsibilities in the agile transformation. Make sure to communicate how their individual work contributes to the team’s success and the organization’s goals. 

3. Foster Collaboration

Encourage collaboration between team members, and create an environment that encourages creativity and open dialogue. Agile methodology relies on collaboration, and middle managers should foster an environment where team members feel comfortable exchanging ideas and working together. 

4. Provide Training and Coaching

Offer training and coaching to help team members understand agile methodology and the tools they need to be successful. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and has the necessary skills to support the agile transformation. 

5. Break Down Silos

It’s important for middle managers to break down silos and encourage cross-functional collaboration. This will help teams become more efficient and effective in their work. 

6. Offer Support and Recognition

Middle managers should provide support and recognition to their team members to help them stay motivated and engaged in the agile transformation. 

7. Be Adaptable

Agile methodology is all about being flexible and adapting to change. Middle managers should be willing to try new things and be open to feedback from their team members. 

8. Celebrate Successes

It’s important for middle managers to celebrate successes and recognize achievements along the way. Celebrating successes will help keep everyone motivated and on track. 

By following these pieces of advice, middle managers can ensure that they are providing the necessary support to their teams during the agile transformation. With the right guidance, middle managers can help their teams become successful in the agile methodology.

The Importance of Decentralized Decision Making

Decentralized decision making is a process that allows for decisions to be made by individuals or small groups in a way that is independent of centralized authority. This means that decisions are not solely made by the top leadership of a company or organization, or by one person or group of people. Instead, everyone involved in the decision-making process has an equal say in the outcome. 

Decentralized decision making has become increasingly important in today’s business world. Organizations are recognizing that decisions which are solely made by the top leadership can be costly and inefficient, leading to poor decision making and poor outcomes. By allowing everyone involved to have a say in the decision making process, organizations can benefit from different perspectives and ideas. This leads to better outcomes, as well as an increased sense of ownership and responsibility from team members. 

Decentralized decision making also allows for faster decisions to be made by those closest to the work.  This is particularly important in situations that require quick decisions, such as when responding to an emergency or making a strategic decision. In addition, decentralized decision making encourages creativity and innovation. By allowing everyone to contribute to the decision making process, organizations can benefit from the different experiences and perspectives of team members, as well as new ideas that could potentially lead to better outcomes.

 Finally, decentralized decision making allows for greater collaboration and communication among team members. When everyone has a say in the decision-making process, team members are more likely to work together towards a common goal, leading to better outcomes.

Decentralizing decision making is an important step that can lead to better outcomes, faster decisions, increased creativity and innovation, and greater collaboration and communication among team members. Organizations that recognize the importance of decentralized decision making and implement it into their decision making process can benefit from these advantages.

How does HR (Human Resources) need to adapt the annual review process to support the agile transformation?

In an agile organization, the annual performance review process may need to be adapted to better align with the principles and values of agility. This may involve a shift from a traditional, top-down approach to performance evaluation, to a more collaborative and ongoing process. Some possible changes to the annual performance review process in an agile organization might include:

  • Moving away from a focus on individual performance, and instead emphasizing the performance of the team as a whole.

  • Using agile practices, such as regular feedback and reflection, to continuously assess and improve performance.

  • Involving the whole team in the performance review process, rather than just the manager or HR department.

  • Making the performance review process more transparent and open, so that everyone on the team has a clear understanding of how they are contributing to the organization’s goals.

The goal of the performance review process in an agile organization should be to support continuous learning and improvement, rather than to simply evaluate and judge individual performance.

How does diversity help agile teams?

Agile teams are built on the principles of collaboration, inclusion, and continuous learning, and a diverse team can help to support these principles. A diverse team brings together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, which can lead to more creative and innovative solutions to problems. It is generally a good idea for product teams to strive to represent the diversity of their customers. This is because a diverse team is more likely to be able to understand and address the needs and preferences of a diverse customer base. A team that is composed of individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can provide a more well-rounded view of the customer, and can help to identify potential issues and challenges that may not be obvious to a team that is more homogeneous. Additionally, a diverse team can help to create a more inclusive and respectful work environment, which can improve morale and productivity. While it may not always be possible to perfectly reflect the diversity of the customer base, striving for diversity in product teams can be a valuable way to improve the quality and relevance of the products being developed.

How does agile help employees grow?

Agile practices can be motivating for employees because they often involve empowering employees to take ownership of their work and make decisions. This can give employees a greater sense of control and autonomy, which can be motivating in and of itself. Additionally, agile practices often involve regular feedback and collaboration, which can help employees feel more connected to their team and to the broader organization. The focus on continuous learning and improvement in an agile environment can create a culture of collaboration and innovation, which can be highly motivating for employees.

Agile practices can help grow your employees in several ways. First, they can help your employees develop new skills and improve their existing ones. For example, in an agile environment, employees may be encouraged to take on new roles and responsibilities, which can help them learn new things and expand their skill sets. Additionally, agile practices often involve regular feedback and collaboration, which can help employees learn from each other and improve their performance over time. The focus on continuous learning and improvement in an agile environment can help your employees grow and develop both personally and professionally.

How can managers leverage Kaizen?

Kaizen is a philosophy and set of practices that is focused on continuous improvement and the ongoing optimization of organizational processes. As a manager, you can leverage the concepts of Kaizen in a number of ways to improve the performance and effectiveness of your team or organization. Some potential strategies for leveraging Kaizen as a manager include:

Encourage a culture of continuous improvement

One of the key principles of Kaizen is the belief that there is always room for improvement, and that every member of the organization has the potential to contribute to that improvement. As a manager, you can encourage a culture of continuous improvement by creating an environment in which your team members feel empowered to identify and address problems and opportunities for improvement, and by recognizing and rewarding their efforts to do so.

Engage your team in problem-solving

Another key principle of Kaizen is the idea that problems should be addressed at the source, rather than allowing them to escalate or to be passed on to others. As a manager, you can engage your team in problem-solving by involving them in the identification and analysis of problems, and by providing them with the resources and support they need to develop and implement solutions.

Use data and metrics to drive improvement

A key aspect of Kaizen is the use of data and metrics to drive improvement. As a manager, you can leverage this principle by tracking and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant to your team or organization, and by using this data to identify areas for improvement and to evaluate the effectiveness of your improvement efforts.

Leveraging the concepts of Kaizen as a manager can help you to create a culture of continuous improvement, to engage your team in problem-solving, and to use data and metrics to drive improvement.

“See with your own eyes”

In the context of kaizen, the phrase “see with your own eyes” refers to the practice of going to the source of a problem or opportunity in order to observe and understand it firsthand. This is a key principle of kaizen, as it emphasizes the importance of gathering direct, empirical evidence in order to identify and address problems and opportunities for improvement.

By “seeing with your own eyes,” you can gain a deeper understanding of the problem or opportunity, and you can develop solutions that are more effective and sustainable. This can also help you to gain the support and buy-in of your team and other stakeholders, as they can see for themselves the problems and opportunities that you have identified.

“Seeing with your own eyes” is a key principle of kaizen, and it involves going to the source of a problem or opportunity in order to observe and understand it firsthand, in order to develop more effective and sustainable solutions.

You may not be able to hire the most talented engineering workforce if you are still using legacy methodologies

Many engineers, especially those who are experienced and highly skilled, prefer to work in organizations that have adopted agile practices. This is because agile can provide many benefits to engineers, such as more autonomy, flexibility, and opportunities for continuous learning and improvement.

Additionally, many engineers may be familiar with agile and may have experience working in agile environments. If your organization has not created an agile environment, you may find that some engineers are not as interested in working for you, since they may not be able to apply their agile skills and experience in your organization.

Engineers are more satisfied in their careers if they understand the business value of their solution and can celebrate progress via incremental delivery.  Engineers also value the fast feedback cycles that test automation and continuous integration offer to ensure their work is high quality.  If you are competing with other organizations that have already adopted agile, you should reconsider the impact of maintaining legacy processes and culture.


Kotterisms are phrases or concepts that are associated with the work of Dr. John Kotter, a renowned organizational change expert and author. Some examples of Kotterisms include:

1. “Leading change is about dealing with people’s emotions.”

 This is a core principle of Kotter’s approach to change, which emphasizes the need to understand and address the emotional reactions of people to change in order to gain their support and buy-in.

2. “Change is a process, not an event.” 

This is another core principle of Kotter’s approach, which emphasizes the need to view change as a continuous process, rather than a one-time event. This helps organizations understand that change is ongoing and dynamic, and that they need to be prepared to adapt and evolve over time.

3. “The best leaders are change agents.” 

According to Kotter, the best leaders are those who are able to effectively lead and manage change in their organizations. These leaders have the skills, knowledge, and experience to guide and support their teams through the challenges and uncertainties of change.

 Some key lessons that we can learn from Kotter include:

  1. The importance of creating a sense of urgency. Kotter emphasizes the need for organizations to create a sense of urgency about the need for change, in order to motivate and inspire people to take action. Without a sense of urgency, people may be resistant to change or may not see the need for it, which can hinder the success of any change effort.

  2. The need for a clear vision and strategy. Kotter emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and strategy for implementing change, in order to provide direction and focus for the effort. Without a clear vision and strategy, change efforts can become disorganized and chaotic, which can lead to confusion and failure.

  3. The importance of strong leadership. Kotter emphasizes the need for strong leadership in implementing change, in order to provide direction, guidance, and support to the people involved. Without strong leadership, change efforts can struggle to gain traction and may not be successful.

  4. The need to involve and engage people throughout the organization. Kotter emphasizes the importance of involving and engaging people throughout the organization in the change process, in order to gain their support and buy-in. 

Do you have a No-No Team?

The no-no team is a concept from the work of Dr. John Kotter, a renowned organizational change expert and author. The no-no team refers to a group of people who are resistant to change and who will do everything they can to prevent or block change from happening. These people may have a variety of reasons for their resistance, such as fear of the unknown, loss of power or control, or a lack of understanding or buy-in.

According to Kotter, the no-no team can be a major obstacle to successful change efforts, and organizations need to be prepared to deal with them in order to overcome their resistance. This can involve strategies such as engaging and involving the no-no team in the change process, addressing their concerns and objections, and providing them with the support and resources they need to adapt to the change.

The no-no team is a concept that highlights the importance of addressing resistance to change and overcoming the obstacles that can prevent organizations from successfully implementing change. By understanding and managing the no-no team, organizations can improve their chances of success in implementing change and achieving their goals.

5 Principles of Preventing Burnout

Agile can help to prevent burnout by encouraging a balanced and sustainable approach to work. Some of the ways that agile does this include:

1. Emphasizing collaboration and communication

In agile, team members are encouraged to work together and communicate openly and honestly. This can help to prevent burnout by reducing the sense of isolation and allowing team members to support and help each other.

2. Focusing on delivering value

Agile emphasizes delivering value to the customer, rather than just working long hours. This can help to prevent burnout by ensuring that team members are working on tasks that are meaningful and important, rather than just busy work.

3. Enabling estimation and planning

Agile helps teams estimate and plan over short periods of time which improves accuracy.  The team makes commitments based on data of past performance which helps them maintain a realistic perspective of what is possible.

4. Encouraging work-life balance

Agile emphasizes the importance of balancing work and personal life. This can help to prevent burnout by allowing team members to take breaks, recharge, and take care of their physical and mental health.

5. Allowing flexibility and adaptability

In agile, teams are encouraged to be flexible and adaptable, rather than sticking to a rigid plan or schedule. This can help to prevent burnout by allowing team members to adjust their work according to their own needs and preferences.

Agile can help to prevent burnout by encouraging a balanced and sustainable approach to work, and by allowing team members to work together, deliver value, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and be flexible and adaptable.

Human Resources – the frequently missed piece of the agile transformation

HR can play an important role in a company’s agile transformation by supporting and enabling the adoption of agile practices and principles by the organization’s teams and individuals. HR can play a critical role in a company’s agile transformation by providing training and education, developing agile HR policies and processes, supporting the formation of agile teams, and facilitating agile team development. 

Some of the ways that HR can be involved in the agile transformation include:

Providing training and education

HR can help to ensure that the organization’s teams and individuals have the knowledge and skills needed to successfully implement agile practices. This may involve providing training and education on agile principles and practices, such as Scrum or Kanban, or on related topics such as collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement.

Developing agile HR policies and processes

HR can help to align the organization’s HR policies and processes with its agile principles and practices. This may involve developing agile-friendly policies on topics such as work-life balance, performance management, and career development, and ensuring that these policies support the agile way of working.

Supporting the formation of agile teams

HR can support the formation of agile teams by helping to identify and assess the skills and expertise of potential team members, and by facilitating the formation of cross-functional, self-organizing teams.

Facilitating agile team development

HR can help to facilitate the development of agile teams by providing support and guidance on topics such as team dynamics, communication, and conflict resolution.

Chief People Officer

A chief people officer (CPO) can play a crucial role in helping an organization undergo an agile transformation. The CPO is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the organization’s human resources (HR) function, including recruiting, training, and development. In this capacity, the CPO can help the organization develop the skills and capabilities it needs to be successful in an agile environment. For example, the CPO can help identify and develop leaders who are adept at leading and managing in an agile way, and who can help the organization achieve its goals. Additionally, the CPO can help the organization develop a culture that is conducive to agility, such as fostering collaboration, communication, and continuous learning. By working closely with other members of the leadership team, the CPO can help ensure that the organization’s agile transformation is successful and sustainable.

Stop encouraging Heroism

In agile organizations, it is important to stop heroism and fire fighting for several reasons. First, heroism and fire fighting can create a negative work environment, as they often involve working long hours, sacrificing personal time and well-being, and taking on too much work. This can lead to burnout and turnover among team members, and can ultimately harm the organization’s productivity and success.

Second, heroism and fire fighting can undermine the principles and practices of agile, such as collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement. When team members are focused on fire fighting and heroics, they may not have the time or energy to engage in collaborative problem-solving, to adapt to changing circumstances, or to learn and improve.

Third, heroism and fire fighting can create a culture of blame and punishment, as team members may be blamed or punished for not being able to handle the excessive workload or for making mistakes. This can create a negative work environment, and can hinder the team’s ability to work together effectively.

It is important to stop heroism and fire fighting in agile organizations, in order to create a positive and sustainable work environment, to support the principles and practices of agile, and to avoid a culture of blame and punishment. By focusing on collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement, agile organizations can be more successful and resilient in the long term.

Enabling command and control Leaders: What you lose

Allowing command and control behaviors in an organization can lead to a number of negative outcomes. First and foremost, it can create an unhealthy and unproductive work environment. This type of management style often breeds fear and lack of trust among employees, which can lead to poor communication, low morale, and high levels of turnover. Additionally, command and control behaviors can stifle creativity and innovation, as employees may be hesitant to speak up or offer new ideas. This can lead to a lack of adaptability and competitiveness within the organization. Furthermore, relying on this type of management style can create a narrow, top-down decision-making process, which can be inefficient and ineffective in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Allowing command and control behaviors can hinder an organization’s ability to achieve its goals and be successful in the long term.

Ensure you are hiring life-long learners

Being a lifelong learner is an important quality for anyone who wants to be agile and adaptable in today’s fast-paced world. Lifelong learning involves a commitment to continuous learning and personal development, and it can help individuals stay current with new technologies, trends, and developments in their field. This type of learning can also help individuals develop new skills and expertise, which can make them more valuable and versatile in the workplace. Additionally, lifelong learning can help individuals stay engaged, motivated, and curious, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment. Being a lifelong learner is an important part of being an agile and adaptable individual who is able to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world.

Do your hiring profiles represent an Agile mindset?

Agile practices can change the hiring profile in several ways. First and foremost, agile organizations typically place a greater emphasis on hiring individuals who have the right mindset and attitude, rather than just specific skills and experience. This means that agile organizations may be more likely to hire individuals who are adaptable, collaborative, and open to new ideas, even if they don’t have a perfect fit with the job requirements. Additionally, agile organizations often prioritize diversity and inclusion, which can broaden the pool of potential candidates and lead to more diverse hiring. Finally, agile organizations typically value ongoing learning and development, so they may be more likely to hire individuals who are committed to lifelong learning and personal growth. Agile practices can lead to a more diverse, adaptable, and dynamic hiring profile.

It is generally not advisable to hire people with certain characteristics for an agile organization, as these characteristics can hinder the success of an agile team. Some of the characteristics to avoid include:

  • Lack of adaptability

  • Lack of coachability

  • Lack of collaboration

  • Lack of emotional intelligence

  • Lack of curiosity and learning

  • Lack of accountability

Demonstrate Servant Leadership

There are several ways that you can demonstrate servant leadership in your agile organization. Some specific actions you can take include:

Focus on the needs of your team

As a servant leader, your primary focus should be on serving the needs of your team. This means listening to their concerns, providing support and guidance, and helping them to achieve their goals.

Empower your team

Servant leaders empower their teams to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This means giving them the autonomy and support they need to be successful, and trusting them to make the right decisions.

Foster collaboration and teamwork

Servant leaders promote collaboration and teamwork within their teams. This means encouraging open communication, fostering a culture of trust and respect, and helping team members to work together effectively.

Prioritize learning and development

Servant leaders prioritize the learning and development of their team members. This means providing opportunities for learning and growth, and helping team members to develop the skills and expertise they need to be successful.

Demonstrate humility and empathy

Servant leaders are humble and empathetic. This means being open to feedback and criticism, and treating others with kindness and respect.

Adopt situational leadership

Do you only have one style of leadership? Try a situational style of leadership. Wouldn’t that be more effective and… more agile?

Situational leadership is a leadership approach that involves adapting one’s leadership style to fit the specific needs and abilities of the team or individual being led. To demonstrate situational leadership, a leader must be able to identify the specific needs of the team or individual, and then adapt their leadership style to match those needs. This may involve shifting between different leadership styles, depending on the situation. Some specific ways to demonstrate situational leadership include:

Assessing the abilities and needs of the team or individual

To effectively demonstrate situational leadership, you must first understand the abilities and needs of the team or individual you are leading. This involves observing their performance, listening to their concerns, and asking for feedback.

Adapting your leadership style to fit the situation

Once you have assessed the abilities and needs of the team or individual, you can then adapt your leadership style to fit the situation. This may involve shifting between different styles, such as directive leadership when the team needs guidance, and supportive leadership when they need encouragement and support.

Providing support and guidance

As a situational leader, it is your responsibility to provide the support and guidance that the team or individual needs to be successful. This may involve providing feedback, coaching, and other forms of support to help them improve and grow.

Monitoring progress and adjusting your approach

Situational leadership is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process. As such, it is important to regularly monitor the progress of the team or individual, and to adjust your approach as needed to continue meeting their needs.

By demonstrating situational leadership, you can effectively adapt your leadership style to fit the needs and abilities of your team or individual, and help them be successful.

Employees need mission and purpose

One way that agile companies can promote employee retention is by fostering a sense of meaning and purpose in the work that their employees do. As mentioned previously, having a sense of meaning and purpose in one’s work can be a powerful motivator and can help to increase motivation and engagement among employees.

Agile companies can promote a sense of meaning and purpose in several ways. One approach is to ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the organization’s vision and mission, and how their work contributes to achieving these goals. This can help to give employees a sense of direction and purpose, and can help them to see the value and significance of their work.

Another approach is to encourage employees to take ownership of their work and to have a say in how it is done. This can help to promote a sense of autonomy and empowerment, which can increase employee satisfaction and motivation. Agile companies can also foster collaboration and teamwork, which can help to build a sense of community and can promote a positive work culture.

The key to promoting meaning and purpose in the workplace is to create an environment where employees feel valued and supported, and where they can see the impact of their work on the organization and its stakeholders. By doing this, agile companies can help to retain their employees and foster a positive, productive work environment.

5 Reasons Leaders are resistant to change

As an organizational leader, it’s important to recognize that change is a necessary part of growth and progress. Unfortunately, many leaders find themselves resistant to change, even when it’s clearly needed. Here are five of the most common reasons leaders are resistant to change: 

1. Fear of failure

Leaders are often worried that if they make a change, it will fail and they will look bad. This fear of failure can lead to a “better the devil you know” mindset, where the leader prefers to stick with the status quo rather than taking a risk. 

2. Lack of trust

If leaders don’t trust their team or the process of change, they are less likely to embrace it. Leaders need to have faith in their team and their ability to implement change in order to make it successful. 

3. Comfort zone

Many leaders are comfortable in their current role and processes and may be resistant to changing something that has been working well. It’s important for leaders to recognize when change is necessary and embrace the process of change in order to continue growing and developing.

 4. Lack of resources

If a leader doesn’t have the resources to make a change, they may be reluctant to try. It’s important for leaders to take the time to review their options and identify the resources they need in order to make a successful change. 

5. Resistance from stakeholders

Leaders can often face resistance from stakeholders when they try to implement change. This resistance can come from both internal and external stakeholders and can be difficult to overcome. Leaders need to be aware of this resistance and work to build relationships and trust with their stakeholders in order to ensure successful change. 

It’s important for leaders to recognize when change is necessary and be willing to embrace it. By understanding why they may be resistant to change, leaders can work to overcome those roadblocks and make successful changes that benefit their organization.

Assume Positive Intent

Assuming positive intent is an important principle to follow when working in an agile team because it helps to create a positive and productive work environment. When team members assume that their colleagues are acting with good intentions, they are more likely to be open-minded and willing to listen to and consider different viewpoints. This can lead to better collaboration and problem-solving, and ultimately to the development of higher-quality products.

Assuming positive intent also helps to foster trust and respect within the team. When team members trust that their colleagues are acting in good faith, they are more likely to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns, which can help to identify and address potential problems more quickly.

Assuming positive intent is an important practice to follow when working in an agile team because it helps to create a positive and collaborative work environment that is conducive to effective problem-solving and continuous improvement.

Making crucial decisions – do a POC

A proof of concept (POC) is a test or demonstration that is designed to prove the feasibility or viability of an idea or concept. Here are a few tips for executing a POC in an agile environment:

Clearly define the scope and objectives of the POC

It’s important to have a clear understanding of what you are trying to prove or demonstrate with the POC. This will help to ensure that the POC is focused and that the results are meaningful and relevant.

Involve the right team members

Make sure to involve the right team members in the POC. This might include developers, testers, and other stakeholders who can contribute their expertise and help to ensure that the POC is successful.

Keep it small and focused

A POC should be small and focused, with a clear set of goals and objectives. This will help to ensure that the POC is completed in a timely manner and that the results are meaningful.

Use agile principles and practices

Agile principles and practices, such as iterative development and continuous improvement, can be especially useful when executing a POC. They can help the team to adapt to changes and to learn and improve as the POC progresses.

Communicate and document the results

Make sure to communicate and document the results of the POC to the relevant stakeholders. This will help to ensure that the results are understood and that any necessary next steps are taken.

4 Ways to find early adopters

Early adopters are individuals or groups who are among the first to adopt a new product, service, or way of working. Leveraging early adopters can be an effective way to support an agile transformation within an organization. Here are a few tips for leveraging early adopters in an agile transformation:

1. Identify early adopters

Identify the individuals or groups within your organization who are most likely to be open to and supportive of an agile transformation. These may include individuals who are already familiar with agile principles and practices, or those who are looking for ways to improve their work processes.

2. Engage with early adopters

Engage with early adopters to understand their needs and concerns, and to gain their support for the agile transformation. This may involve providing training, answering questions, and addressing any concerns they may have.

3. Involve early adopters in the transformation process

Involve early adopters in the transformation process by seeking their input and feedback. This can help to ensure that the transformation process is tailored to the needs and concerns of the organization, and that it has the support of key stakeholders.

4. Share success stories

Share success stories and examples of how early adopters have benefited from the agile transformation. This can help to build support for the transformation and encourage others to adopt agile principles and practices.

Leveraging early adopters can be an effective way to support an agile transformation within an organization. By identifying, engaging with, and involving early adopters in the transformation process, and sharing success stories, you can build support for the transformation and help to ensure its success.

Agile Coaches: Working together versus independently

“Coaching as a pack” refers to the SAFe® practice of agile coaches working together as a team to support an organization in its agile transformation. This approach involves coaches collaborating and sharing their knowledge and expertise, rather than working independently.

There are several benefits to coaching as a pack:

  • Greater expertise:

    By working together, coaches can leverage the collective expertise of the team, which can be especially valuable in complex or challenging situations.

  • Improved collaboration:

    Coaching as a pack promotes collaboration and communication between coaches, which can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.

  • Enhanced learning opportunities:

    Working with a team of coaches can provide opportunities for learning and growth for individual coaches, as well as for the team as a whole.

  • Greater flexibility:

    With a team of coaches working together, there is more flexibility to support different areas of the organization, or to adapt to changing needs or priorities.

Coaching as a pack can be an effective way to support an organization in its agile transformation. By working together and leveraging the collective expertise of the team, coaches can provide more comprehensive support, facilitate better collaboration and learning, and be more flexible in their approach.

Agile Coaches: Establishing yourself as a trusted advisor

As an agile leader, one of your key responsibilities is to act as a trusted advisor to your team and organization. This involves being a source of guidance, support, and expertise, and helping your team make informed decisions that align with the organization’s goals and values.

To be a trusted advisor, it’s important to:

  • Develop a deep understanding of your team’s work, as well as the broader context in which it takes place. This includes understanding the business goals, industry trends, and technological landscape.

  • Be approachable and responsive to your team’s needs. Make yourself available to listen to their concerns and ideas, and provide timely and relevant feedback.

  • Be honest and transparent in your communication and decision-making. This means being open about your thoughts and reasoning, and being willing to admit when you don’t know something or have made a mistake.

  • Demonstrate your expertise and credibility through your actions and results. This means being a subject matter expert in your field, and consistently delivering high-quality work that meets the needs of your team and organization.

By following these principles, you can establish yourself as a trusted advisor and help your team and organization succeed in an agile environment.

Reinforcing Agile Learning

Agile learning is a continuous process of learning, adapting, and improving through collaboration and iteration. Here are some ways you can reinforce agile learning in your team or organization:

  1. Encourage a growth mindset: Encourage a culture of continuous learning and encourage team members to embrace challenges and failures as opportunities to learn and improve.

  2. Practice regular retrospectives: Hold regular retrospectives, either as part of your sprint review or as a separate meeting, to reflect on what went well, what could be improved, and what actions can be taken to improve in the future.

  3. Foster collaboration and communication: Encourage team members to collaborate and communicate regularly, both within the team and with other stakeholders. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

  4. Encourage experimentation: Encourage team members to try new things and experiment with different approaches to problem-solving. This helps to foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

  5. Provide ongoing training and support: Provide ongoing training and support to help team members stay up-to-date with new techniques, technologies, and best practices. This can include things like workshops, webinars, and coaching sessions.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a culture of agile learning that fosters continuous improvement and helps your team to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing environment.

Do your agile leaders have charisma?

Charismatic leaders can be particularly effective in the agile environment because they are able to inspire and motivate their team members to embrace agile principles and practices. Charismatic leaders can create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm for the agile transformation, which can help to build buy-in and support among team members.

Charismatic leaders can also help to foster a positive and collaborative team culture, which is essential for successful agile teams. They can encourage open communication, transparency, and continuous learning, which are all key agile values.

In addition, charismatic leaders can be effective at building strong relationships with stakeholders and influencing others to support the agile transformation. This can be particularly important in situations where there may be resistance or skepticism about agile.

However, it’s important to note that charisma alone is not sufficient for effective agile leadership. Agile leaders should also possess other leadership qualities such as honesty, integrity, and a strong sense of purpose. They should also be skilled at facilitating collaboration, decision-making, and continuous improvement within their teams.

4 Agile Mindset Shift Tactics – Required!

Agile transformations often require significant mindset shifts in order to be successful. Here are a few examples of mindset shifts that may need to happen during an agile transformation:

1. From command and control to collaboration and empowerment

In traditional, hierarchical organizations, there may be a tendency for leaders to exert a high level of control over their teams. In an agile environment, it’s important to shift towards a collaborative and empowering leadership style. This means empowering team members to take ownership of their work and make decisions, and fostering a culture of trust and open communication.

2. From individual to team focus

In traditional organizations, individuals may be more focused on their own job duties and goals. In an agile environment, it’s important to shift towards a team-focused mindset, where the team works together to achieve common goals and objectives.

3. From predicting the future to adapting to change

In traditional organizations, there may be a tendency to try to predict and plan for the future in great detail. In an agile environment, it’s important to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability, and to be open to changing course as needed in response to new information and changing circumstances.

4. From perfection to continuous improvement

In traditional organizations, there may be a tendency to strive for perfection and to resist change once a plan is in place. In an agile environment, it’s important to shift towards a mindset of continuous improvement, where teams are encouraged to experiment, learn from their mistakes, and continuously improve their processes and outcomes.

Moving from Hierarchies to Networks

In traditional organizations, hierarchies are often used to define roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authority. In an agile environment, it may be more effective to shift towards a networked organizational structure, where teams are self-organizing and empowered to make decisions within their areas of expertise.

In a networked structure, teams are interconnected and able to communicate and collaborate with each other in a more flexible and dynamic way. This can facilitate a more agile and responsive approach to decision-making and problem-solving, as well as encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Moving from hierarchies to networks in an agile environment may involve reorganizing the structure of the organization, redefining roles and responsibilities, and empowering teams to make decisions within their areas of expertise. It may also involve fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration, and using agile tools and techniques to facilitate teamwork and decision-making.

Increase Transparency

In traditional organizations, there may be a tendency towards privacy and a focus on maintaining control over information. In an agile environment, it’s important to shift towards a culture of transparency, where information is shared openly and freely within the team.

Transparency can facilitate better collaboration and decision-making, as well as foster trust and accountability within the team. It can also help to create a more open and inclusive culture, where team members feel comfortable voicing their opinions and ideas.

To move from privacy to transparency in an agile environment, it may be necessary to:

  • Encourage open communication: Encourage team members to speak up and share their thoughts and ideas openly and honestly.

  • Use agile tools and techniques: Use agile tools and techniques such as daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and open-door policies to facilitate transparency and open communication.

  • Foster a culture of trust: Encourage a culture of trust and accountability within the team, and be open and transparent in your own communication and decision-making.

  • Encourage transparency in decision-making: Be open and transparent in your decision-making processes, and encourage team members to participate in decisions that affect them.

  • Share information openly: Share information openly and freely within the team, and encourage team members to do the same.

Let’s be honest – do you live in a culture of fear?

Building a culture of fear refers to the creation of an organizational culture in which employees are constantly afraid of making mistakes, speaking up, or expressing their opinions. This can be caused by a number of factors, including a lack of trust and transparency, a high-stress work environment, or a lack of support and resources.

There are several negative consequences of building a culture of fear within an organization. These can include:

  1. Decreased productivity:

    When employees are afraid to speak up or express their ideas, they may be less likely to take initiative or be innovative, which can lead to decreased productivity.

  2. High turnover:

    A toxic work environment can lead to high levels of employee turnover, as people leave the organization to find a more positive work culture.

  3. Decreased morale:

    A culture of fear can lead to low morale among employees, as they may feel unsupported and unvalued in their work.

  4. Poor communication:

    When employees are afraid to speak up, it can lead to a lack of open communication, which can hinder collaboration and decision-making.

It is important to avoid building a culture of fear within an organization because it can have negative impacts on both individual employees and the organization as a whole. A positive work culture, on the other hand, can lead to increased productivity, engagement, and overall success.

Employees strive for Autonomy & Mastery

Autonomy and mastery refer to two important principles that can help to foster a culture of innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement.

Autonomy refers to the degree of independence and self-direction that team members have in their work. In an agile environment, team members are often given a high degree of autonomy to choose how they approach their work and make decisions, within the broader framework of the agile values and principles. This can help to create a sense of ownership and responsibility among team members, and can foster innovation and creativity.

Mastery, on the other hand, refers to the ongoing pursuit of excellence and the desire to continually improve and learn new skills. In an agile environment, team members are encouraged to continually improve their knowledge and skills, and to take on new challenges and responsibilities as they arise. This can help to create a culture of continuous learning and growth, and can lead to higher levels of engagement and motivation among team members.

Together, autonomy and mastery can create a positive and empowering work environment that encourages team members to take ownership of their work, pursue excellence, and continuously improve their skills and knowledge. This can help to foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, which is essential for success in an agile environment.

Attention Leadership – this is what we are requesting from you to support the transformation

  1. Lead by example: d

    emonstrate agile values and behaviors in your own work, and encourage others to do the same.

  2. Communicate the vision:

    clearly articulate the benefits of agile and how it aligns with our overall business goals.

  3. Remove barriers:

    work with teams to identify and remove any obstacles that may be hindering their ability to adopt agile practices.

  4. Provide resources:

    ensure that teams have the necessary resources and clear priorities.

Considering Agile Transformation?  Things your CTO is thinking about…

Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) may have a variety of concerns about implementing agile transformation within their organizations. Some common concerns include:

  1. Disruptions to existing processes:

    Agile transformation can involve significant changes to how work is structured and managed, and this can be disruptive to existing processes and ways of working. CTOs may be concerned about the impact of these changes on the efficiency and effectiveness of their teams.

  2. Training and support needs:

    Agile practices require a shift in mindset and behaviors, and team members may need support and training to fully understand and adopt them. CTOs may be concerned about the resources needed to provide this training and support.

  3. Resistance to change:

    Change can be difficult for many people, and CTOs may be concerned about resistance from team members or other stakeholders to adopting agile practices.

  4. Integration with other systems and processes:

    Agile practices may need to be integrated with other systems and processes within the organization, and CTOs may be concerned about the complexity of this integration and the potential for disruptions.

  5. Measuring the benefits of agile:

    CTOs may be concerned about how to measure the benefits of agile and whether the investment in agile transformation is worthwhile.

CTOs may have concerns about the potential challenges and risks associated with agile transformation, but with careful planning and a commitment to continuous improvement, many organizations have successfully adopted agile practices and realized significant benefits.

Are you forcing your managers to adopt agile?

It is important to approach the process of converting managers to agile leaders with care and consideration. Some extreme measures that may not be effective in achieving this goal include:

  • Forcing managers to adopt agile practices:

    While it may be tempting to try to force managers to adopt agile practices, this approach is likely to be met with resistance and may not lead to lasting change.

  • Using punishment or negative consequences as a motivator:

    Using punishment or negative consequences to try to motivate managers to become agile leaders is likely to be counterproductive and may create a negative work environment.

  • Ignoring the concerns or objections of managers:

    It is important to listen to the concerns and objections of managers and address them in a respectful and collaborative manner. Ignoring these concerns is likely to lead to further resistance and may hinder the agile transformation process.

Instead, a more effective approach may be to provide training and support to help managers understand and embrace agile principles and practices. This could involve providing opportunities for them to learn about agile methodologies and tools, as well as offering coaching and mentorship to help them develop the skills and confidence needed to be effective agile leaders. It is also important to be patient and recognize that the process of converting managers to agile leaders may take time and may require ongoing support and development.

How Type A Personalities fit into Agile Teams

Type A personalities are often characterized by their high levels of ambition, competitiveness, and drive. While these traits can be valuable in some contexts, they may not be well-suited to agile environments, which prioritize collaboration, adaptability, and flexibility. Some specific challenges that Type A personalities may face in an agile setting include:

1. Difficulty with collaboration

Type A personalities may struggle to work effectively in team-based environments, as they may be more focused on their own goals and objectives than on the needs and goals of the team.

2. Resistance to change

Type A personalities may be resistant to change and may struggle to adapt to new approaches or ways of working.

3. Difficulty with delegation

Type A personalities may struggle to delegate tasks and trust in the abilities of others, which can hinder the effectiveness of the team.

4. Difficulty with open communication

Type A personalities may struggle to be transparent and open in their communication, which can hinder collaboration and trust within the team.

5. Difficulty with failure

Type A personalities may have a difficult time accepting failure or setbacks, which can be detrimental in an agile environment where iteration and continuous improvement are valued.

It is important to note that these challenges are not inherent to Type A personalities and that individuals with these traits can be successful in agile environments with the right support and development. However, it may be necessary for Type A personalities to make some adjustments to their approach in order to thrive in an agile setting.

CEO Checklist: Agile Leadership Skills

There are a number of agile leadership skills that a CEO should possess in order to effectively lead an agile organization. Some key skills include:

  1. Vision and strategic thinking:

    An agile CEO should have a clear vision for the organization and be able to think strategically about how to achieve that vision through agile practices.

  2. Adaptability and flexibility:

    An agile CEO should be able to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities, and be willing to pivot and adjust as needed.

  3. Collaboration and teamwork:

    An agile CEO should be able to foster a collaborative and teamwork-oriented culture within the organization.

  4. Empathy and emotional intelligence:

    An agile CEO should be able to understand and empathize with team members, clients, and stakeholders, and be able to effectively manage and resolve conflicts.

  5. Communication and transparency:

    An agile CEO should be an effective communicator and promote transparency within the organization.

  6. Learning and continuous improvement:

    An agile CEO should prioritize ongoing learning and improvement, and encourage the team to do the same.

  7. Customer focus:

    An agile CEO should prioritize the needs and wants of customers or stakeholders, and be able to effectively incorporate their feedback into the development process.

An agile CEO should be able to lead by example and inspire the team to embrace agile principles and practices in order to achieve the organization’s goals.

Emotional Intelligence is Critical and also Challenging to develop

Emotional intelligence, or the ability to recognize and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, is a critical skill that is essential for success in both personal and professional contexts. However, despite its importance, emotional intelligence can be challenging to learn and develop.

One reason why emotional intelligence is hard to learn is that it requires self-awareness and self-regulation. To effectively manage one’s own emotions, it is necessary to be aware of what one is feeling and why, and to be able to regulate those emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. This can be difficult for many people, as emotions can be complex and difficult to understand, and it may take time and practice to develop the self-awareness and self-regulation skills needed to manage them effectively.

Another reason why emotional intelligence is hard to learn is that it requires empathy and the ability to understand and relate to others’ emotions. To be emotionally intelligent, it is necessary to be able to put oneself in others’ shoes and understand how they might be feeling. This can be challenging, as it requires being able to see things from different perspectives and being able to identify and understand a wide range of emotions.

In addition, emotional intelligence may be hard to learn because it is not always emphasized or taught in traditional education settings. While some schools and universities may offer courses or programs focused on emotional intelligence, it is not always a core part of the curriculum. As a result, many people may not receive the guidance and support they need to develop these skills.

Emotional intelligence is a complex and multifaceted skill that requires self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and the ability to understand and relate to others’ emotions. While it is a valuable skill to have, it can be challenging to learn and develop, and may require time, effort, and support.

4 Examples of unproductive pressures from leadership

Here are a few examples of management putting pressure on agile teams in unproductive ways:

1. Setting unrealistic deadlines

Setting unrealistic deadlines can create unnecessary pressure on the team and can hinder their ability to deliver value effectively.

2. Demanding unrealistic scope

Demanding that the team take on an unrealistic amount of work or scope can create unnecessary pressure and can hinder their ability to focus on the most important tasks.

3. Micro-managing the team

Micromanaging the team and constantly checking in on their progress can create unnecessary stress and can hinder their ability to work independently and make decisions.

4. Focusing on short-term goals

Focusing solely on short-term goals and disregarding the long-term vision and goals of the project can create pressure on the team to deliver immediate results, rather than focusing on building a solid foundation for the future.

It is important for management to provide support and resources to agile teams, rather than adding unnecessary pressure in unproductive ways.

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Topics: Agile Leadership

Agile Technical Practices

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 12, 2023

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Why should I invest in test automation?

There are several reasons why investing in test automation is a good idea. First, it can save you time and money in the long run by reducing the need for manual testing. This is because automated tests can be run quickly and repeatedly, allowing you to catch and fix bugs early in the development process. This can help you avoid costly delays and rework.

Second, automated tests are more reliable than manual tests because they are not subject to human error. This means that you can have more confidence in the results of your tests, and you can be sure that your software is working as intended.

Third, automated tests can help you improve the quality of your software by providing consistent and comprehensive testing. This can help you identify and fix bugs and other issues more quickly and effectively, resulting in a higher-quality product.

Investing in test automation can provide many benefits, including saving time and money, improving the reliability and quality of your software, and helping you to deliver a better product to your customers.

Why do you want to invest in TDD (Test-driven Development)?

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process in which tests are written for a piece of code before the code itself is written. This can be a valuable approach for several reasons.

First, TDD can help you to write better code by ensuring that your code is thoroughly tested. This means that you can have more confidence in the functionality and reliability of your code, and you can be sure that it is working as intended.

Second, TDD can help you to identify and fix bugs early in the development process. Because tests are written before the code is written, you can catch and fix bugs early on, which can save you time and effort in the long run.

Third, TDD can help you to improve the design of your code. Because tests are written before the code is written, you can use them to guide the design of your code, ensuring that it is modular and easy to maintain.

Investing in TDD can provide many benefits, including improving the quality and reliability of your code, catching and fixing bugs early, and improving the design of your code.

4 Benefits of pair programming

Pair programming is a software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. One programmer writes the code while the other reviews each line of code as it is typed in. This technique has several potential benefits, including:

1. Improved quality

Having two sets of eyes on the code can help identify errors or potential problems that a single programmer might miss. This can result in higher-quality code.

2. Faster development

With two people working on the same code, it can be completed more quickly than if a single person were working on it.

3. Increased knowledge sharing

Pair programming can be an effective way for team members to learn from each other and share their knowledge and expertise.

4. Enhanced collaboration

Pair programming can foster collaboration and communication within a team, as the two programmers must work closely together and communicate effectively in order to complete the task.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology that was first introduced in the late 1990s. It is based on a set of core values and principles that are designed to help teams deliver high-quality software in a fast, flexible, and efficient manner.

XP has evolved over time as the software development landscape has changed. Here are a few ways in which XP has advanced:

  • Integration with other methodologies:

    XP has been integrated with other agile methodologies, such as Scrum, to create hybrid approaches that combine the best practices of both methodologies.

  • Evolution of practices:

    Some of the practices that were originally part of XP, such as pair programming and test-driven development, have become widely adopted in the software development industry and are now considered best practices.

  • Emphasis on continuous improvement:

    XP has always placed a strong emphasis on continuous improvement, and this has only become more important as the software development landscape has become more complex and competitive.

  • Focus on delivering value:

    XP has always focused on delivering value to customers, and this focus has only become more important as the software development industry has become more customer-centric.

XP has evolved to meet the changing needs of the software development industry and to better support teams in delivering high-quality software in a fast, flexible, and efficient manner.

Refactoring to improve agility?

Refactoring is the process of improving the design of existing code without changing its behavior. By making the code easier to understand and modify, refactoring can improve the agility of a software development team. This is because refactored code is typically easier to work with and modify, which can make it easier for the team to make changes and add new features as needed.

Additionally, refactoring can help identify and remove code that is no longer needed, which can make it easier for the team to understand the code and focus on the most important parts. This can reduce the time and effort required to make changes, which can improve the team’s ability to respond to changing requirements and priorities.

Refactoring can improve the agility of a software development team by making the code easier to understand and modify, reducing the time and effort required to make changes, and helping the team focus on the most important parts of the code.

How frequently should we be integrating our code?

Agile teams typically integrate their code frequently, often multiple times per day. This is because one of the key principles of agile software development is to deliver working software early and often. By integrating code frequently, teams can ensure that their code works well with the rest of the codebase and that any potential problems are identified and resolved quickly.

Additionally, frequent code integration can help teams avoid large, complex merge conflicts, which can be difficult and time-consuming to resolve. By integrating code early and often, teams can avoid such conflicts and keep their codebase clean and up-to-date.

The frequency of code integration can vary depending on the team and the project, but in general, agile teams tend to integrate their code frequently in order to deliver working software early and avoid complex merge conflicts.

Tips for implementing CICD (Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment)

Some tips for implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CICD) include:

  • Automate as much as possible:

    CICD relies heavily on automation, so it is important to automate as many of the steps in the process as possible. This can include automated testing, code quality checks, and deployment processes.

  • Use a version control system:

    In order to manage and track changes to the codebase, it is important to use a version control system, such as Git. This will allow teams to easily collaborate on the code, track changes, and roll back to previous versions if necessary.

  • Set up a dedicated integration environment:

    In order to test and validate code changes, it is important to have a dedicated integration environment where code changes can be tested and deployed. This environment should be isolated from other environments, such as production, to avoid any potential disruptions.

  • Monitor and measure performance:

    In order to ensure that the CICD process is working as expected, it is important to monitor and measure the performance of the pipeline. This can include tracking the number of deployments, the time it takes to complete the pipeline, and any failures or errors that occur.

Implementing CICD can require significant effort and planning, but it can provide numerous benefits, including improved code quality, faster time to market, and increased collaboration and transparency within the development team.

Build core capabilities into your DevOps team

The core capabilities of a DevOps team typically include:

  • Collaboration:

    DevOps teams are typically highly collaborative, with members from different departments (such as development, operations, and quality assurance) working closely together to achieve common goals.

  • Automation:

    DevOps teams often use automation to streamline and accelerate the software development and deployment process. This can include tools for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code.

  • Monitoring and measurement:

    DevOps teams typically use monitoring and measurement tools to track the performance and reliability of their systems. This can include metrics such as uptime, response time, and error rates.

  • Continuous learning and improvement:

    DevOps teams are typically focused on continuous learning and improvement, using data and feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to improve the process.

The core capabilities of a DevOps team typically include collaboration, automation, monitoring and measurement, and continuous learning and improvement.

What drives the integration of security capabilities with DevOps workflows?

Security was added to DevOps because as organizations began to adopt DevOps practices, they realized that the rapid iteration and deployment of code made it more important than ever to ensure that the code and systems were secure. DevOps emphasizes collaboration and communication between teams, and this also applies to security. By including security as a core part of the DevOps process, organizations can ensure that security is considered at every stage of the development and deployment process, from design and implementation to testing and deployment.

Additionally, the focus on automation and continuous delivery in DevOps means that security controls must be automated and integrated into the overall process. This allows organizations to deploy code and systems securely and efficiently, without sacrificing speed or agility.

DevSecOps incorporates security practices and tools into the continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment processes, with the goal of ensuring that code and systems are secure throughout the development and deployment process.

By incorporating security into the DevOps process, DevSecOps aims to reduce the time and effort required to implement and maintain secure systems, while also improving the security of the code and systems. This can be achieved through a combination of automation, collaboration, and continuous learning and improvement.

3 Tips for creating an agile architecture?

Agile architecture is a software development approach that focuses on creating flexible and adaptable architectures that can support the rapid iteration and evolution of software. In contrast to traditional architecture approaches, which often involve extensive upfront planning and design, agile architecture emphasizes iterative and incremental development, with a focus on delivering working software quickly and adapting to changing requirements and priorities.

Agile architecture typically involves a number of practices and principles, including:

1. Collaboration

Agile architecture emphasizes collaboration between teams, with members from different disciplines (such as development, operations, and architecture) working together to achieve common goals.

2. Incremental development

Agile architecture typically involves iterative and incremental development, with small, frequent releases of working software. This allows teams to quickly adapt to changing requirements and priorities.

3. Flexibility and adaptability

Agile architecture focuses on creating architectures that are flexible and adaptable, so that they can support the rapid evolution of software. This may involve the use of modular and component-based design approaches.

Agile architecture is a software development approach that focuses on creating flexible and adaptable architectures that can support the rapid iteration and evolution of software. It emphasizes collaboration, incremental development, and flexibility and adaptability.

Benefits of microservices in agile architecture

Microservices are a software architecture approach in which a single application is built as a suite of small, independent services. This approach has several potential benefits when used in an agile software development context, including:

  • Improved flexibility and scalability:

    Because each microservice is independently deployable, teams can more easily modify and evolve individual services without impacting the rest of the system. This can improve the overall flexibility and scalability of the application.

  • Enhanced collaboration:

    Microservices can make it easier for teams to collaborate, as each service can be developed and maintained by a separate team. This can reduce the complexity of the overall codebase and make it easier for teams to work together.

  • Faster time to market:

    By breaking down a large application into smaller, independent services, teams can develop and deploy new features and capabilities more quickly. This can help organizations to respond to changing market conditions and customer needs more quickly.

  • Improved resiliency:

    Because each microservice is independently deployable and scalable, a microservices architecture can make it easier to build resilient systems that can continue to operate even if individual services fail. This can improve the overall reliability and availability of the application.

The use of microservices in an agile development context can provide numerous benefits, including improved flexibility and scalability, enhanced collaboration, faster time to market, and improved resiliency.

What does building in quality mean?

Building quality into code means that quality is considered and incorporated at every stage of the development process, from design and implementation to testing and deployment. This means that agile teams should focus on writing high-quality code that is well-structured, maintainable, and efficient.

In an agile context, building quality into code also means that teams should prioritize activities that help to improve the quality of the code, such as writing automated tests, performing code reviews, and implementing static analysis tools. This can help to identify and fix potential problems early in the development process, which can save time and effort in the long run.

Additionally, building quality into code in an agile context means that teams should focus on continuous learning and improvement. This can involve regularly reviewing the codebase and identifying areas for improvement, as well as implementing processes and tools that can help to improve the quality of the code over time.

Building quality into code means that quality is considered and incorporated at every stage of the development process, and that teams should prioritize activities that help to improve the quality of the code. This can help to produce high-quality software that is maintainable, efficient, and meets the needs of users.

Developing your own definition of done

Some tips for developing a good definition of done for an agile team include:

  • Keep it simple and clear:

    The definition of done should be clear and concise, so that all team members understand what is required to consider a task complete.

  • Include all necessary criteria:

    The definition of done should include all of the necessary criteria that a task must meet in order to be considered complete. This may include testing, documentation, and code review requirements, among others.

  • Make it specific to the team:

    The definition of done should be specific to the team and the project, and should reflect the team’s processes, practices, and goals.

  • Revisit and update it regularly:

    The definition of done should be reviewed and updated regularly, as the team’s processes and goals evolve over time. This can help to ensure that the definition of done remains relevant and effective.

Developing a good definition of done for an agile team requires clarity, specificity, and regular review and update. By following these tips, teams can ensure that their definition of done is effective and supports the team’s goals and processes.

5 Tips for hosting a hackathon

A hackathon is an event in which people come together to collaborate on and develop software projects within a short time frame, often over the course of a day or a weekend. If you are planning to host a hackathon, there are several key steps you should follow, including:

1. Define the theme and goals of the hackathon

Before planning the event, it is important to define the theme and goals of the hackathon. This can help to focus the participants’ efforts and ensure that the event is successful.

2. Identify sponsors and partners

Hackathons typically require funding and support from sponsors and partners in order to be successful. It is important to identify and secure sponsors and partners who can provide the necessary resources and support for the event.

3. Plan the logistics

Once the theme and goals of the hackathon have been defined, the next step is to plan the logistics of the event. This can include securing a venue, arranging for food and refreshments, and setting up any necessary equipment or infrastructure.

4. Promote the event

In order to attract participants and generate interest in the hackathon, it is important to promote the event. This can include creating a website, sharing information on social media, and reaching out to potential participants and partners.

5. Coordinate the event

On the day of the hackathon, it is important to coordinate the event to ensure that everything runs smoothly. This can include managing the schedule, facilitating collaboration among participants, and providing support and assistance as needed.

Hosting a hackathon requires careful planning and coordination, but it can be a rewarding and valuable experience for participants and organizers alike. By following these steps, you can help to ensure that your hackathon is successful and achieves its goals.

3 Pros and Cons of mob programming

Mob programming is a software development approach in which a group of people work together at a single workstation to develop code. While this approach has its supporters, it also has its critics. 

Some potential benefits of mob programming include:

1. Improved collaboration

Mob programming can foster collaboration and communication within a team, as all members are working together on the same task. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

2. Faster development

With multiple people working on the same code, tasks can be completed more quickly than if a single person were working on them. This can help teams to deliver working software more quickly.

3. Increased knowledge sharing

Mob programming can be an effective way for team members to learn from each other and share their knowledge and expertise. This can help to improve the overall skill level of the team.

However, there are some potential drawbacks of mob programming. The cons of mob programming include:

1. Inefficiency

With multiple people working on the same code, it can be difficult for everyone to stay focused and avoid distractions. This can lead to inefficiency and lower productivity.

2. Lack of individual ownership

In a mob programming situation, it can be difficult for individual team members to take ownership of their work and feel responsible for the quality of the code. This can lead to a lack of accountability and motivation.

3. Difficulty scaling

Mob programming can be difficult to scale, as it requires a large number of people to be working on the same task at the same time. This can make it challenging to apply the approach to larger projects or teams.

Whether mob programming is good or not depends on the specific situation and the goals of the team. While it can provide some potential benefits, it also has some potential drawbacks that should be considered.

What is Business Driven Development (BDD)?

Business-driven development (BDD) is an approach to software development that focuses on aligning the development process with the business goals and needs of the organization. BDD is typically used when the organization has a clear understanding of its business objectives, and when the development team needs to deliver software that will help the organization achieve those objectives. BDD can be particularly useful when the organization is facing a rapidly changing market, or when it needs to quickly develop and deliver new software to respond to changing customer needs. By using BDD, organizations can ensure that their software development efforts are aligned with their business goals, and that they are delivering value to their customers.

5 Tips for speeding up code reviews in agile teams

Code reviews are an important part of agile development, but they can also be time-consuming. Here are some tips for speeding up code reviews in an agile environment:

1. Set clear expectations

Communicate the team’s standards and expectations for code reviews, and ensure that all team members are aware of these expectations. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary delays.

2. Use automated tools

Use automated tools, such as code quality checkers and linters, to quickly identify potential issues with the code. This can save time and effort by allowing the team to focus on more complex or important issues.

3. Prioritize critical issues

Focus on the most critical or important issues first, and prioritize these over less important or minor issues. This can help to ensure that the most important issues are addressed quickly, without getting bogged down in less important details.

4. Use pair programming

Use pair programming, where two team members work together on the same code, to facilitate real-time feedback and collaboration. This can help to speed up the code review process by allowing for immediate feedback and collaboration.

5. Limit the scope of the review

Limit the scope of the code review to the most relevant and important parts of the code. This can help to avoid unnecessary or tangential discussions, and can speed up the review process.

By using these tips, teams can speed up their code review process and ensure that code is reviewed and feedback is provided in a timely and efficient manner. This can help to improve the quality of the code and support the team’s overall agile development process.

Agile methods for code reviews

Code reviews are an important part of the software development process, as they help to ensure that code is of high quality and meets the standards and requirements of the project. Here are a few agile ways to conduct code reviews:

Use a lightweight, iterative process

Instead of conducting a lengthy, formal code review process, consider using a more lightweight, iterative approach. This might involve reviewing small chunks of code as they are developed, rather than waiting until a feature is complete. This can help to identify issues early and make it easier to make necessary changes.

Involve the entire team

Code reviews don’t have to be limited to just developers. Consider involving other team members, such as testers or business analysts, in the review process. This can help to ensure that all perspectives are considered and can lead to a more holistic view of the code.

Use automation

There are tools and services available that can automate parts of the code review process, such as checking for style issues or identifying potential bugs. Using these tools can save time and help to ensure that code meets certain standards.

Encourage open, respectful communication

Code reviews can be an opportunity for team members to learn from one another and improve their skills. Encourage open, respectful communication during code reviews, and focus on finding solutions rather than assigning blame.

By following these agile principles, code reviews can be an effective and efficient part of the development process, helping to ensure that code is of high quality and meets the needs of the project.

What engineers new to agile development should know

Agile development is a collaborative and iterative approach to software development, and engineers play a crucial role in this process. Here are some tips for engineers who are working on agile teams:

  • Understand the agile framework:

    Familiarize yourself with the principles and practices of agile development, and understand how they apply to your work on the team.

  • Collaborate with the team:

    Work closely with other team members, including product owners, Scrum Masters, and other engineers, to share information, provide feedback, and collaborate on solutions.

  • Prioritize flexibility:

    Be willing to adapt to changes in priorities and requirements, and be open to new ideas and approaches.

  • Focus on quality:

    Strive to produce high-quality code that meets the team’s standards and practices, and take the time to review and improve your work.

  • Communicate effectively:

    Communicate clearly and effectively with other team members, and be responsive to feedback and suggestions.

By following these tips, engineers can effectively contribute to the success of their agile teams, and can help to ensure that the team produces high-quality software in a collaborative and iterative manner.

Steps for spending less time on bug fixing

If an agile team is spending too much capacity on fixing bugs, it can negatively impact their ability to make progress on new development and innovation. Here are some steps that can be taken to address this issue:

  • Identify the root cause:

    The first step is to identify the root cause of the high number of bugs. This may involve conducting a root cause analysis to identify the underlying issues that are contributing to the problem.

  • Prioritize bug fixes:

    Once the root cause has been identified, prioritize the most important and time-sensitive bug fixes, and allocate sufficient capacity to address these issues.

  • Improve testing practices:

    Another approach is to improve the team’s testing practices, in order to identify and fix bugs earlier in the development process. This can involve implementing more rigorous testing procedures, such as automated testing, to catch and fix bugs before they reach production.

  • Refactor the code:

    In some cases, the high number of bugs may be due to poorly designed or poorly written code. In these situations, it may be necessary to refactor the code to improve its quality and reduce the number of bugs.

  • Invest in training:

    Finally, investing in training and development for team members can help to improve their skills and knowledge, and can ultimately lead to fewer bugs and better-quality code.

Addressing the issue of too much capacity being spent on bug fixes requires a combination of identifying and addressing the root cause, improving testing practices, and investing in training and development. By taking these steps, teams can reduce the number of bugs and improve their ability to make progress on new development and innovation.

Do your teams have collective code ownership?

Collective code ownership is a software development practice in which all members of a team have equal responsibility and accountability for the codebase. This means that any team member can make changes to any part of the code, and is responsible for ensuring that the code meets the team’s standards and practices.

Collective code ownership has several advantages over more traditional approaches to code ownership. First, it promotes collaboration and teamwork among team members, as everyone is responsible for the quality and maintainability of the codebase. This can help to foster a sense of shared ownership and accountability, and can lead to better outcomes for the team and the project.

Second, collective code ownership can also help to improve the quality and maintainability of the code. By allowing all team members to make changes to any part of the code, the team can benefit from a wider range of perspectives and expertise. This can lead to more robust and well-designed code, and can ultimately lead to better outcomes for the project.

Third, collective code ownership can also support agile development practices, such as continuous integration and continuous delivery. By allowing all team members to make changes to the code, the team can more easily integrate new features and updates into the codebase, and can more quickly deliver new versions of the software to customers.

Collective code ownership is a valuable practice that can support collaboration, improve the quality and maintainability of the code, and support agile development practices. By adopting this approach, teams can benefit from the collective expertise and perspectives of all team members, and can ultimately deliver better outcomes for the project.

Facing a complex engineering challenge? – Use a Spike!

In agile software development, a spike is a time-boxed investigation into a specific technical issue or problem. The goal of a spike is to gather information and explore possible solutions to the issue, in order to provide the team with a better understanding of the problem and potential approaches to addressing it.

Spikes are typically used when the team is facing an uncertain or complex technical challenge, and needs more information in order to make informed decisions about how to proceed. For example, a spike might be used to explore a new technology or approach, or to conduct a proof of concept for a particular solution.

To use a spike, the team first identifies the specific technical issue or challenge that they are facing. The team then sets a time box for the spike, typically ranging from a few hours to a few days, depending on the complexity and scope of the issue. During the spike, the team members who are working on the spike focus exclusively on exploring the issue and gathering information, without being interrupted by other work.

At the end of the spike, the team reviews the information and insights that have been gathered, and uses this information to make informed decisions about how to proceed. This may involve selecting a specific solution to implement, or deciding to conduct additional spikes to explore other options.

Spikes are a valuable tool for agile teams that are facing complex or uncertain technical challenges. By providing a focused and time-boxed investigation into these challenges, spikes can help teams to gather the information and insights they need to make informed decisions and move forward with confidence.

When does manual testing still provide value?

Manual testing is still required for software in some cases, even when automated testing tools are available. There are several situations where manual testing may be necessary, including the following:

  • Exploratory testing:

    Manual testing can be useful for exploratory testing, where the goal is to test the software in an unstructured and open-ended manner. This can help to identify unexpected or hidden issues with the software, and can provide valuable insights into its behavior and functionality.

  • Usability testing:

    Manual testing can also be useful for usability testing, where the goal is to evaluate the user experience of the software. This can involve testing the software with real users, and observing how they interact with the software in order to identify areas for improvement.

  • Regression testing:

    In some cases, manual testing may be necessary for regression testing, where the goal is to ensure that changes to the software have not introduced new bugs or issues. This can be particularly important when changes to the software have a significant impact on its behavior or functionality, and automated testing may not be able to adequately cover all scenarios.

While automated testing can be a valuable tool for software development, there are still some situations where manual testing is necessary. By considering the specific needs and circumstances of the project, teams can determine when manual testing is required, and can use it effectively to improve the quality and functionality of the software.

Do you know how to Toggle?

Toggles, also known as feature flags or feature switches, can help agile teams in several ways. First, they allow teams to quickly and easily enable or disable specific features or functionality without having to do a full deployment. This can be useful for testing new features or for rolling back changes that cause problems.

Second, toggles can help teams experiment and test different variations of a feature to see which one performs best. This can be done through A/B testing, where different versions of a feature are shown to different users, and the team can then analyze the results to determine which version is most effective.

Third, toggles can help teams manage the deployment of complex features that may take a long time to develop and test. By using toggles, teams can gradually roll out the feature to a small group of users, monitor its performance, and then gradually expand its use to more users. This can help teams avoid the risks associated with deploying a complex feature to all users at once.

Toggles can help agile teams be more flexible and responsive to changing needs, and can make it easier to test and deploy new features and functionality.

Coping with change control in an agile environment

Control boards and change approval boards are processes that are used to review and approve changes to a project or product. In an agile environment, these processes can slow down the development and deployment of new features and functionality because they add an additional layer of review and approval that must be completed before a change can be made.

To address this, teams can take a number of steps to streamline control boards and change approval boards without sacrificing the benefits of having a review and approval process in place. For example, teams can:

  • Set clear criteria for what types of changes require review and approval, and which ones can be made without going through the control board or change approval board.

  • Use automated tools to help manage the review and approval process, which can speed up the flow of information and reduce the need for face-to-face meetings.

  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities for members of the control board or change approval board, and ensure that they have the necessary training and support to do their jobs effectively.

  • Regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of the control board or change approval board, and make changes as needed to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

It is important for teams to strike a balance between the need for review and approval processes and the need for agility and speed in an agile environment. By taking a proactive and thoughtful approach to managing control boards and change approval boards, teams can minimize their impact on agile development without sacrificing the benefits they provide.

6 Easy steps to replace your monolith incrementally

Here are some tips for replacing your monolith incrementally:

  1. Start by identifying the parts of your monolith that can be replaced first. This could be a standalone component or a group of related components that can be extracted and replaced without disrupting the rest of the monolith.

  2. Create a plan for how you will extract and replace the selected components. This should include details about the technologies and approaches you will use, as well as any dependencies or challenges you may encounter.

  3. Communicate your plan to the rest of your organization and get buy-in from key stakeholders. This will help ensure that everyone is on board and understands the implications of the changes you’re making.

  4. Begin extracting and replacing the selected components according to your plan. This should be done carefully and incrementally, to minimize disruption and ensure that the monolith continues to function properly during the transition.

  5. Monitor and test the extracted components to ensure they are functioning properly and meeting the organization’s needs. This will help you identify any issues or challenges that need to be addressed before proceeding with the next phase of the replacement.

  6. Continue extracting and replacing components until the entire monolith has been replaced. This may take some time, depending on the size and complexity of your monolith, but the end result will be a more modular, scalable, and maintainable system.

By following these steps, you can replace your monolith incrementally and minimize the disruption and risk associated with such a major change. This will help ensure a successful transition and enable your organization to reap the benefits of a more modular, agile architecture.

Have you implemented continuous testing?

In the Agile software development approach, continuous testing is the practice of integrating testing activities into the development process in a way that allows teams to identify and fix defects as early as possible in the development lifecycle. This approach helps teams to deliver high-quality software faster and with fewer defects, as testing is integrated into the development process rather than being treated as a separate phase.

Continuous testing typically involves the use of automated testing tools and techniques, such as unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests, to ensure that the software is working as intended at all times. This can include running tests continuously in the background as code is being developed, as well as running tests before and after code is deployed to production.

One key benefit of continuous testing is that it helps teams to catch defects early in the development process, when they are easier and less expensive to fix. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to fix defects, and it can also help to improve the overall quality of the software. Additionally, by integrating testing into the development process, teams can get faster feedback on the quality of their software, which can help them to identify and address issues more quickly.

Heat Mapping – where is your software system fragile?

Heat mapping is a technique that can be used to visually represent the distribution and intensity of defects in a software system. This is typically done by creating a heat map that represents different parts of the system using different colors, with warmer colors indicating a higher concentration of defects.

Heat mapping engineering defects can help in a number of ways. First, it can provide a visual representation of the distribution and intensity of defects in the system, which can help teams to identify areas of the system that may be more prone to defects. This can be particularly useful for identifying patterns or trends that may not be immediately apparent from looking at individual defects.

Second, heat mapping can help teams to prioritize their efforts by identifying areas of the system that are most in need of attention. For example, if a particular component of the system has a high concentration of defects, it may be a good candidate for further investigation or refactoring.

Finally, heat mapping can help teams to track the progress of their efforts to reduce defects over time. By comparing heat maps from different points in time, teams can see if their efforts are having the desired impact and make adjustments as needed.

Addressing Software Fragility

In software development, “fragility” refers to the susceptibility of a system to break or malfunction when changes are made to it. A fragile system is one that is prone to unexpected errors or failures when modifications are made, even if those changes are minor or unrelated to the parts of the system that are breaking.

Fragility can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor design, a lack of testing, and a lack of separation between different components of the system. It can also be caused by a lack of modularity, where changes to one part of the system have unintended consequences on other parts of the system.

To address fragility in software, it is important to design systems with modularity and separation of concerns in mind, and to thoroughly test the system to ensure that it is robust and can withstand changes. It is also important to continuously monitor and maintain the system to identify and fix any potential issues that may arise.

Long-term application supportability

There are several reasons why software systems can become difficult to support over time. Some common reasons include:

Lack of documentation:

If the software system was not well-documented, it can be difficult for support staff to understand how the system works and how to troubleshoot problems.


Complex software systems can be more difficult to support because they may have many different components and integrations, making it harder to identify and fix issues.

Outdated technology:

As technology advances, software systems that rely on older technologies may become more difficult to support because the necessary skills and resources may no longer be readily available.


Customized software systems can be more difficult to support because they may be unique and not well-understood by support staff.

Poor quality:

Poorly-designed or implemented software systems can be more difficult to support because they may be prone to errors and glitches, making it harder to identify and fix issues.

It’s important for organizations to carefully consider the long-term supportability of software systems when choosing and implementing them, in order to minimize the difficulties and costs associated with supporting them over time.

Get specific about NFRs

Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are software requirements that specify how a system should behave, rather than what it should do. They describe the system’s quality attributes, such as reliability, performance, security, and usability. Here are some examples of non-functional requirements for software:

1. Performance

This includes requirements related to the speed, efficiency, and scalability of the system. Examples might include response time goals for specific actions, the maximum number of users the system can handle, and the ability to scale up or down as needed.

2. Security

These are requirements related to protecting the system and its data from unauthorized access or tampering. Examples might include requirements for encryption, authentication, and access control.

3. Usability

These are requirements related to the ease of use and understandability of the system. Examples might include requirements for user-friendly interfaces, clear error messages, and the ability to easily navigate the system.

4. Reliability

These are requirements related to the stability and dependability of the system. Examples might include requirements for uptime, the ability to recover from errors or failures, and the ability to handle unexpected input or conditions.

5. Maintainability

These are requirements related to the ease of maintaining and updating the system over time. Examples might include requirements for clear documentation, modular design, and the ability to easily test and deploy changes.

Non-functional requirements are important because they ensure that the system meets the quality standards that are necessary for it to be effective and usable.

DevOps is the Backbone of Agile

DevOps is a set of practices that aims to improve collaboration and communication between software development and operations teams, with the goal of delivering software more frequently and reliably. It is often considered the backbone of agile because it supports and enables the principles and practices of agile development.

One of the key benefits of DevOps is the ability to deliver software quickly and frequently, which is a key aspect of agile development. By automating many of the processes involved in software delivery, DevOps enables teams to iterate and deploy code faster, which allows for faster feedback and the ability to respond to changing business needs.

In addition, DevOps promotes a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, which is essential for agile teams. By bringing development and operations teams together and fostering a culture of continuous learning, DevOps helps teams to identify and eliminate bottlenecks, improve efficiency, and deliver value to customers more quickly.

DevOps is a key aspect of agile development because it enables teams to deliver software faster, more reliably, and with higher quality, which is essential for organizations that are looking to respond to changing business needs in a flexible and efficient manner.

Help your application support team establish classes of service

An application support team could use classes of service to prioritize and manage the work that they do. By establishing different classes of service, the team can ensure that they are focusing their efforts on the most important and urgent tasks first, while still addressing lower-priority tasks as time allows.

To use classes of service, the application support team would need to define the criteria for each class of service, such as the severity of the issue, the impact on users, or the urgency of the request. They could then use these criteria to assign incoming requests to the appropriate class of service.

For example, the team might define a “critical” class of service for issues that are preventing users from accessing the application, a “high” class of service for issues that are impacting a large number of users or have a significant impact on business operations, and a “low” class of service for issues that are minor or have a limited impact on users.

The team could use different visual indicators, such as different colors or shapes of cards or stickers, to represent the different classes of service and help them prioritize their work. They might also use a kanban board or other tool to visualize and manage the work in their workflow.

Using classes of service can help the application support team to be more efficient and effective in their work, by ensuring that they are addressing the most important issues first and providing a clear understanding of the priority of each task.

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Topics: Agile Technical Practices

ICON Agility Services named a 2022 Top Workplace

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 12, 2023

July 8, 2022

ICON Agility Services was awarded a 2022 Top Workplaces honor by The St. Louis Post Dispatch and STLtoday. All winners were featured in a special section on Sunday, June 26, and online at The list is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey that measures 15 culture drivers critical to the success of any organization. This award comes authentically from our team, they were given a voice to be heard, and we are honored and proud of the results.

We sat down and chatted with our recruitment department to share insight into our culture and recruitment process. In this brief interview, we learn what they look for when recruiting a new coach or team member, the steps to the hiring process, their opinions on why we made the Top Workplaces list, and why they love recruiting top talent for ICON.

Ed Barber

I have been with ICON for 23 years. There are many reasons for this, but the main reason, I think, is the people I get to work with. From the people in the home office that keep the company running and, most importantly, working with clients to identify my next opportunity to the awesome consultants they bring together for each client engagement. They treat me like a family member, not just a “resource.”

Question: Agile Transformation Coaches, on average, stay with ICON for 10+ years. Why do you think that is?

MB: Easy! We don’t view them as resources but as what they are. Talented human beings with unique skillsets! When I’m on the phone with someone, I know they just got it when they give me an “I remember this one time…” So if anybody hits me with that, I listen! I’ll start to notice if the story matches one of our client’s Transformation needs, and when I can begin to create a match, it’s a win-win situation for all parties involved! It’s not about the hours and how many days – it’s about elevating someone and helping them find something they love so they never have to work.

BL: When you work at ICON, you are more than a number. We see you as an individual with endless potential and want to help you succeed! When ICON demonstrates this people-oriented mentality, coaches don’t want to leave. We offer lasting relationships.

Question: What qualities do you look for when searching for a new Coach?

MB: I look for empathetic, optimistic, and enthusiastic people every time I take a call. We all have to play the game and be professional, but on the flip side, everyone needs a chance to be themselves. These characteristics are crucial for Transformation efforts. It creates a rich working culture and successful relationships.

BL: We look for outgoing, passionate, and people-oriented individuals.

Question: What is ICON’s Typical Recruitment Process?

Because we are a senior-level SAFe/Agile coaching firm, our team thoroughly assesses background, seniority, and experience. In addition, we complete several interviews to determine culture fit and past experiences that might fit within an ICON client’s transformational journey.

2022 Top Workplaces

  1. Contact for an initial conversation with our recruitment team begins with a submitted resume. Submissions come directly from the website, referrals from current ICON Coaches, or LinkedIn outreaches. Once the resume has been reviewed for relevant experience (typical ICON Transformation Coaches have 10+ years), a recruitment team member will reach out and initiate the first conversation. Applicants should expect a more “laid back” type of conversation – Mike and Blake want to learn about them and their passions and make sure they find the right fit for our client and the candidate.
  2. After the initial conversation, a vetting process and the first technical interview with an experienced ICON Coach will begin. The first technical interview will dive deeply into the candidate’s past roles and responsibilities. In addition, this interview is an opportunity for potential candidates to network with current ICON experts.
  3. The third interview will occur with the ICON client’s Lead Transformation Coach. When connected for this second round, the ICON Lead will share information based on the overall project, how mature in SAFe the client is, and the expectations for the role. In addition, they will get a sense of the candidate’s ability to adapt to the current climate.
  4. The final conversation will be between the account lead and the potential candidate (recruitment will continue to stay as active as possible). Through this discussion, we will establish the final Terms of Agreement.
  5. With the candidate’s approval, ICON will submit them to the client. Once submitted, the candidate will follow the procedures and policies of our client’s interview processes. ICON Agility will continue to act as the candidate’s advocate the entire step of the way!

Question: What brought you to ICON?

MB: My professional journey began as a school teacher, where I was passionate about creating communities of learners and good humans. In 2018, I interviewed with ICON Agility Services and became the recruitment lead. My passion as a teacher helps me present the best possible candidates for ICON’s clients.

BL: I have a passion for helping individuals grow. ICON is a leader in the world of Scaled Agile, but also in building relationships. I love building relationships and assisting individuals in growing their career paths. ICON allows me to help individuals grow as we grow together!

Question: What do you love the most about your job as an ICON recruiter?

MB: Recruiting at ICON has been nothing short of rewarding! Each day I meet people worldwide who bring unique skills to the table. ICON encourages me to empathize with each person and emphasize the importance of finding the perfect career path to fit their specific skill set. Finding the approach that works best for our coaches is essential to ICON. We have open discussions with each individual to ensure we meet their expectations. Through these conversations, we can determine how to work with one another, allowing all parties involved to align in the best ways possible for everyone to benefit! Open communication has significantly reduced our candidates’ stress levels. They feel they can take control of their life and know they will be able to make massive impacts on all of ICON’s clients. The team is always pleased to meet people where they are and be an advocate for them. This approach has grown our success and allows us to draw in top talent!

BL: I love meeting so many people worldwide, all with different stories, journeys, and paths. It’s such a blessing every day to get to know all the people I talk to and help them grow in their careers!

ICON Agility Services would like to thank our coaches and team members for making us a Top Workplace of 2022.

If you are interested in learning more about ICON Agility Services and joining our worldwide team of Agile Leaders, email Mike Bellinger or Blake Lawson at for more information about our open opportunities.

In management science, there is a concept referred to as “conditioning your audience,” meaning that people tend to behave to the level of your expectations. As you send subtle, subconscious messages, your audience can become “trained” in a certain behavior. For example, if you treat someone like a child, then this person will likely begin acting like one. Without respectful but assertive dialog, you wind up “training” your leadership to walk all over you. They will keep asking you to do things, because you tend to say “Yes.” The better option is to engage and provide context. The results will surprise you.

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Free ICON Maturity Assessment Tool for your SAFe® Transformation

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 12, 2023

Apr 15, 2019

Let’s consider a common request from Agile Transformation teams and PMO offices: Have you assessed the Agile maturity of your teams?

This seems like a reasonable ask—after all, the teams are the ones responsible for creating the shippable software every two weeks. But do team-based metrics tell the whole story?

Now consider this: Is it possible for teams (even high performing teams) to be limited by the Agility of their executives, stakeholders, managers, and shared services?
The answer is a resounding yes. The software development teams might be Agile, but if the business is still in project mentality with expectations of Big Bang delivery and no measurable outcomes for the value of their ideas…then, realistically, how far can a SAFe® transformation get?

Well, we’ve got good news: ICON has a tool that not only allows the teams to assess their own Agile maturity, but also the maturity of their SAFe ecosystem. With the right assessment at your disposal, you can easily evaluate the teams, the ART, and the SAFe transformation—all without complicated tools or expensive subscriptions.

Download ICON’s free Excel assessment, and we’ll walk through how to use it right now in this very blog post (although the assessment also includes an instructions tab). When we’re done, you’ll know exactly how to conduct an assessment that shows the maturity of both the team practices and the SAFe transformation. Ready? Let’s dive in.

***Keep in mind that this should be a lightweight tool, used to inform on the maturity of the SAFe transformation; not to compare team performance.


Step 1: Identify participants, including the Lean Portfolio Management Team and System Team

When you identify teams to participate, think beyond software development teams. Include the Lean Portfolio Management team, Program Team, System Team, and shared services teams.

Agile Release Train

Also decide if the transformation coaches will be asked to assess the teams. There is a separate column in the spreadsheet for the coach of each team.

Step 2: Determine how to gather Assessment Responses

Will you survey individuals or have facilitated team discussions? Read on to learn the benefits and best practices for each choice.

Team Discussion Facilitated by Scrum Master or Release Train Engineer

One of the benefits of team discussion is that people may discover things they were previously unaware of, and this newfound knowledge may inform their assessment.

If you choose a team discussion, set aside 1-2 hours of uninterrupted time in a location where the team members can speak freely. The Scrum Master, Release Train Engineer, or another team member may facilitate the discussion.

Don’t go down rat holes; keep the conversation moving to reach a consensus and make it a point to hear everyone’s voice. You may capture backlog items for improvement or risks to be escalated, but the primary purpose of the assessment is to take the temperature, not diagnose the problems.

Agile for All has an excellent description of how to use Fist-of-five voting to reach consensus.

Fist-of-Five Voting

If the team is distributed, use an online tool so that everyone can vote and then discuss and settle on a number. can be customized for numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5, and usually everyone can access it from a smartphone or computer.

Many online meeting tools such as WebExZoom and Skype also have polling features that can be setup in advance with the choices 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Individual Survey Responses

If you decide to survey individuals, you will still aggregate their answers into one team response for each question on the assessment, so it is important to identify which team the respondent belongs to.

Tools like Google Forms or Survey Monkey may be used to send out the assessment, or you may copy A1:E26 from Health Check tab into a separate spreadsheet, and email it to your participants.


Step 3: Get everyone onboard with a SAFe® Maturity Assessment

Communicate the purpose of the assessment with the participants in advance so they can understand why it is important for them to participate.

Here is an example message that can be sent out in advance. Be sure to customize it for your organization and situation:

In an effort to understand the progress of our SAFe® transformation, we are asking several teams to participate in a short assessment. Some teams will complete the assessment as a group; others may do individual surveys and collate them into a team response.

We are on a transformation journey; we are stopping for a moment to check our compass and landmarks, to see where we are along the way, so we know how far we have com and how far we still need to travel. This will allow us to make any necessary course corrections.

The Agile Transformation Team wants to understand the reality of the transformation so we can provide practical and useful coaching to address our needs. We will be sharing the results with the teams who participate and <names of people who will get results>.

If you have questions, please contact <name of person to contact>.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Step 4: Capture the Results

If the assessment is a facilitated discussion, the results can be entered into the team column of the Health Check tab of the spreadsheet.

If individuals are surveyed, the results of each team should be collated and the average response for each item should be recorded in the team column of the Health Check tab of the spreadsheet.The radar charts for the team tabs will automatically be updated as the numbers are filled in on the Health Check tab.

Health Check


The SAFe Transformation Coach for each team should put their responses in the Coach column of the Health Check tab of the spreadsheet.

Coaches tab

The Combined tab puts all of the team results on a single radar, and averages the coach’s responses into one response line.



Step 5: Review the Results for the Entire Agile Release Train

The results should be reviewed with the teams who participated and with the stakeholders who were previously identified. Below is an example of what the results might look like.


ICON Assessment tool for SAFe Transformation


The combined view may show that some teams are farther along on their transformation journey, or they may be quite similar. Results may depend on when the teams started, how much training and coaching they have received, whether they are co-located or distributed. The results show opportunities for growth and successes to be emulated to other parts of the organization.

Early in SAFe transformation journey, teams tend to think they are much farther along than their coaches think they are. Agile transformation is not unlike growing up—when we are young children, we know we have a lot to learn; when we are in our teens and 20s, we know everything; in our 30s and 40s, we realize we still have more to learn.


Step 6: Use Newfound Insights to Create Strategies for the Coaching Backlog

This assessment is not about how well your teams execute Scrum or Kanban, but a way to measure the maturity of the SAFe transformation. The assessment results should stimulate conversations about how to mature weak areas and ensure that strong areas continue to thrive and become part of the culture. These insights will become part of the coaching backlog.

Assessments without follow-on coaching produce little value; signing up for a SAFe Transformation is like joining a gym without a trainer to show you how to use the equipment. You can guess, but you’re probably not performing the exercises well enough to obtain the maximum value—or you might even hurt yourself. ICON’s experienced coaches can help you accelerate change and realize the promises of Agile and SAFe.


Other SAFe® Assessment Tools

This tool has been developed by our coaches through years of experience working with clients on SAFe transformations. We also customize assessments for our clients. Of course, there are other tools available which may also serve your needs. We also recommend SAFe® Metrics, which are freely available; and AgilityHealth® Radars are a paid option that ICON coaches are certified to facilitate.

If you are unsure about which tool is right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. ICON specializes in meeting you where you are, gathering the full picture of your situation before offering guidance.

Written by Susan K. Strain


Susan is an Agile Transformation Coach who works with clients implementing Agile practices that span the enterprise. She coaches and trains Agile principles and methodologies, including Enterprise Business Agility Strategy, Scrum, Kanban, and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). She has experience with clients in a wide variety of industries including banking, financial, government, hospitality, insurance, investments, manufacturing, military, publishing, and retail.


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SAFe® Benefits

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 12, 2023

Need help with Agile or SAFe? CLICK HERE to speak to an expert today!

SAFe Agile Improves Time to Market

There are several ways that organizations can accelerate their time to market. Some of these include:

  • Adopting agile methodologies, which can help teams to quickly and efficiently deliver high-quality products or services.

  • Investing in automation and other technologies that can help teams to work more efficiently and reduce the amount of time required to complete key tasks.

  • Collaborating with customers and other stakeholders to ensure that the team has a clear understanding of their needs and priorities, and can focus on delivering the most valuable features and functionality first.

  • Prioritizing speed and agility over perfection, and being willing to iterate and improve products and services over time.

  • Breaking large projects down into smaller, more manageable pieces and delivering them incrementally, which can help teams to stay focused and avoid getting bogged down in complex and time-consuming tasks.

  • Investing in training and development for team members, to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge they need to work efficiently and effectively.

Organizations that are looking to accelerate their time to market should focus on adopting agile methodologies, investing in technology and automation, and fostering collaboration and continuous improvement within their teams. By taking these steps, organizations can improve their speed and agility, and better meet the needs of their customers and stakeholders.

SAFe Agile Transformations improves NPS

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer satisfaction measurement tool that is used to gauge the likelihood that a customer will recommend a company’s products or services to others. NPS is based on a simple question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?” Customers who respond with a score of 9 or 10 are considered “promoters,” while those who respond with a score of 0 to 6 are considered “detractors,” and those who respond with a score of 7 or 8 are considered “passives.” The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Agile companies can use NPS to measure customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. By regularly collecting and analyzing NPS data, agile companies can get a sense of how their customers feel about their products and services and where they may need to make adjustments. For example, if a company’s NPS is low, it may indicate that there are issues with the product or service that are causing dissatisfaction among customers. The company can then use this information to identify and address these issues, potentially through iterative changes and improvements to the product or service.

In addition, agile companies can use NPS data to help prioritize and guide their product development efforts. By understanding which aspects of their products or services are most important to their customers and receiving regular feedback on their performance, agile companies can make informed decisions about which features or capabilities to focus on in order to drive customer satisfaction.

NPS can be a valuable tool for agile companies looking to measure and improve customer satisfaction, and can help guide product development efforts and inform decision-making.

SAFe Agile eliminates 5 kinds of Waste

Agile methods can help to eliminate several common types of waste in companies. Some examples include:

1. Overproduction

This refers to the production of more products or services than are needed, which can result in excess inventory and higher storage costs. Agile methods, which focus on delivering small increments of value frequently, can help to reduce overproduction by only producing what is needed when it is needed.

2. Waiting

This refers to delays in the production process, such as waiting for approvals or for materials to be delivered. Agile methods, which prioritize continuous flow and quick delivery, can help to minimize waiting times and increase efficiency.

3. Defects

This refers to errors or defects in products or services that need to be corrected, which can be costly and time-consuming. Agile methods, which emphasize continuous improvement and the use of feedback loops, can help to identify and address defects more quickly and efficiently.

4. Overprocessing

This refers to the unnecessary use of resources or steps in the production process, which can increase costs and lead to inefficiencies. Agile methods, which focus on simplicity and value, can help to eliminate unnecessary steps and streamline the production process.

5. Underutilized talent

This refers to the failure to fully utilize the skills and expertise of employees, which can result in a lack of engagement and productivity. Agile methods, which prioritize teamwork and collaboration, can help to ensure that the skills and expertise of all team members are utilized and valued.

Eliminating these categories of waste increases productivity

By adopting agile, organizations can reduce or eliminate various forms of waste that can hinder their ability to deliver value and achieve their goals. Some examples of waste that agile can help solve include:

  • Overproduction.

    Agile helps teams focus on delivering small, incremental changes frequently, rather than trying to produce large amounts of work upfront. This can help teams avoid overproducing work that may not be needed or used, which can save time and resources and reduce waste.

  • Waiting.

    Agile emphasizes collaboration and communication, which can help teams avoid waiting for other teams or stakeholders to provide input or feedback. This can help teams move faster and avoid delays, which can reduce waste and improve efficiency.

  • Defects and rework.

    Agile encourages teams to iterate and improve their work continuously, which can help teams identify and fix defects or problems more quickly and efficiently. This can reduce the need for rework and help teams avoid wasting time and resources on fixing problems that could have been avoided.

  • Overprocessing.

    Agile encourages teams to focus on delivering value to the customer, rather than producing unnecessary or excessive documentation or paperwork. This can help teams avoid overprocessing and unnecessary bureaucracy, which can save time and reduce waste.

  • Wrong work.

      Teams can frequently be directed to work on someone’s pet project, fix a concern for an upset customer, slip in some bug fixes.  Without proper prioritization of work based on value, precious capacity can be applied to work that should have been lower priority.

4 Ways SAFe Agile increases revenue generation

There are several ways in which agile software development can potentially increase revenue generation:

1. Faster time-to-market

Agile development emphasizes rapid prototyping and iterative delivery, which can help organizations bring products and features to market faster than traditional development approaches. This can be particularly valuable in industries where there is strong competition and a need to quickly respond to changing customer needs and market conditions.

2. Improved customer satisfaction

Agile development emphasizes regular feedback and collaboration with customers, which can help organizations build products that better meet the needs and preferences of their target audience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can translate into increased revenue.

3. Increased efficiency

Agile development can help organizations identify and address bottlenecks and inefficiencies in their development processes, which can lead to cost savings and increased productivity. This can ultimately contribute to increased revenue by enabling organizations to deliver more value to their customers in a shorter period of time.

4. Greater agility

Agile development enables organizations to be more responsive to changing market conditions and customer needs. This can help organizations better adapt to new opportunities and threats, and ultimately lead to increased revenue.

SAFe Agile Methods increase Accountability

Agile methods, such as Scrum and Lean, can increase accountability in several ways:

  • Regular check-ins and progress reviews:

    Agile methods typically include regular check-ins and progress reviews, such as daily stand-ups, sprint planning meetings, and retrospectives. These meetings provide an opportunity for team members to report on their progress and to identify any issues or challenges that may be impacting their ability to meet their goals. This can help to increase accountability by ensuring that team members are regularly communicating and tracking their progress.

  • Emphasis on individual and team ownership:

    Agile methods also place a strong emphasis on individual and team ownership of the work being completed. Team members are encouraged to take responsibility for the success of the project, and to identify and address any issues or challenges that may arise. This can help to increase accountability by ensuring that team members are actively engaged in the work and are committed to delivering high-quality results.

  • Use of metrics and data:

    Agile methods often make use of metrics and data to track progress and identify areas for improvement. This can help to increase accountability by providing a clear and objective measure of performance, and by enabling team members to track their progress and identify areas where they may need to focus their efforts.

Agile methods, like those shown in this section, can increase accountability by providing regular opportunities for team members to report on their progress, emphasizing individual and team ownership of the work, and using metrics and data to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

5 Ways implementing SAFe Agile leads to cost reduction?

Scaled agile frameworks, such as the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), can help organizations bring costs down in a number of ways. Some of these include:

1. Reducing waste and inefficiency

By adopting an agile approach, organizations can eliminate waste and inefficiency in their processes, which can help reduce costs.

2. Improving predictability and visibility

Scaled agile frameworks provide a clear framework for planning, executing, and tracking work, which can help organizations better predict costs and manage their budgets.

3. Reducing risk and uncertainty

Agile methods help organizations better manage risk and uncertainty, which can help reduce the costs associated with unexpected events.

4. Accelerating time-to-market

Scaled agile frameworks can help organizations bring products and services to market faster, which can help reduce costs by allowing them to generate revenue sooner.

5. Improving quality and customer satisfaction

Agile methods help organizations deliver high-quality products and services that meet customer needs, which can help reduce costs by reducing the need for rework and improving customer satisfaction.

The Best Agile Companies achieve these things…

Agile companies often report a number of benefits and successful outcomes as a result of using agile methods and practices. Some examples of these benefits include:

  • Increased customer satisfaction: Agile companies tend to be more responsive to customer needs, which can lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction.

  • Faster time to market: Agile approaches prioritize the delivery of working software, which can help organizations bring products and services to market more quickly.

  • Improved quality: Agile methods often emphasize continuous testing and feedback, which can help identify and fix defects early in the development process, leading to higher quality products.

  • Increased collaboration and transparency: Agile approaches encourage collaboration and open communication, which can improve team cohesion and increase transparency within an organization.

  • Greater adaptability and flexibility: Agile methods allow organizations to be more responsive to change, which can be beneficial in rapidly changing markets or environments.

  • Higher team morale and motivation: Agile approaches often focus on empowering teams and giving them autonomy, which can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and motivation among team members.

  • Improved predictability and visibility: Agile methods can provide better visibility into the development process, helping organizations to better predict when certain features or capabilities will be delivered.

Leverage SAFe Agile to accelerate decision making

Agile development is a method of software development that emphasizes rapid prototyping and iterative delivery, and it can help accelerate decision making in a few different ways:

  • Regular feedback and collaboration:

    Agile emphasizes regular communication and collaboration with stakeholders, including customers and team members. This can help ensure that decisions are based on current information and insights, and that any changes or adjustments are made quickly.

  • Emphasis on experimentation:

    Agile encourages teams to embrace a culture of experimentation and rapid prototyping, which can help organizations quickly test and validate ideas and hypotheses. This can help teams make more informed decisions faster.

  • Flexibility:

    Agile approaches are designed to be flexible and adaptable, which can help teams quickly respond to changes in customer needs or market conditions. This can enable teams to make decisions more quickly and effectively in the face of uncertainty.

  • Smaller, incremental steps:

    Agile approaches encourage teams to break down large projects into smaller chunks, or “sprints,” which can help teams make progress and make decisions more quickly.

The key to accelerating decision making with agile is to embrace a culture of rapid prototyping, experimentation, and collaboration, and to be flexible and adaptable in the face of changing circumstances.

5 Indicators of a successful SAFe Agile transformation

Agile transformation is a process that requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment. It is a process of changing the way your organization works and operates, moving away from traditional methods of working and towards new and innovative ways of working. This can be a daunting and challenging process, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. When it comes to knowing whether or not your agile transformation is successful, there are a few key indicators that you should look out for. 

Here are some of the ways that you can tell if your agile transformation is successful: 

1. Increased Productivity

One of the main goals of an agile transformation is to increase productivity. If you are seeing increased productivity levels in your organization, this is an indicator that your transformation is being successful.

2. Improved Collaboration

Improved collaboration is another key indicator of a successful agile transformation. If you are seeing an increase in cross-team collaboration, this is a good sign that your transformation is working. 

3. Increased Employee Engagement

An agile transformation should also lead to an increase in employee engagement. If you are seeing an increase in employee engagement, this means that your employees are enjoying the new way of working and are actively engaged in the process.

4. Reduced Costs

An agile transformation should also lead to reduced costs. If you are seeing a decrease in costs associated with your organization’s operations, this is an indicator that your agile transformation is successful. 

5. Increased Customer Satisfaction

Finally, an agile transformation should also lead to an increase in customer satisfaction. If you are seeing an increase in customer satisfaction, this means that your customers are happy with the new way of working and are more likely to continue using your services.

These are just a few of the ways that you can tell if your agile transformation is successful. Keep an eye out for these indicators and make sure you are taking the necessary steps to ensure that your transformation is successful.

8 Companies who’ve successfully implemented SAFe

As organizations move towards larger, more complex projects, they need to find ways to scale up their existing Agile process. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is one of the most popular frameworks used to scale Agile across large organizations. It enables teams to collaborate and share resources more effectively, while also improving visibility and control over releases. 

In this section, we’ll look at 8 companies who have successfully implemented SAFe. 

1. Microsoft

Microsoft is one of the biggest names in technology, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2013. Microsoft uses SAFe to manage their teams and projects, and they have seen significant improvements in their release velocity, quality, and visibility. 

2. Target

Target is one of the largest retailers in the US, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2017. Target has seen a 30% increase in productivity and a 20% reduction in cycle time since implementing SAFe. 

3. Amazon

Amazon is one of the world’s largest ecommerce companies, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2016. Amazon has seen a 70% increase in team productivity and a 30% reduction in cycle time since implementing SAFe. 

4. Apple

Apple is one of the world’s most innovative companies, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2017. Apple has seen a 50% increase in release velocity and a 40% reduction in cycle time since implementing SAFe. 

5. Yahoo

Yahoo is one of the world’s largest internet companies, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2015. Yahoo has seen a 40% increase in team productivity and a 20% reduction in cycle time since implementing SAFe. 

6. Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin is one of the world’s largest defense contractors, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2016. Lockheed Martin has seen a 30% increase in team productivity and a 25% reduction in cycle time since implementing SAFe.

 7. SAP

SAP is one of the world’s largest software companies, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2013. SAP has seen a 40% increase in release velocity and a 30% reduction in cycle time since implementing SAFe. 

8. Oracle

Oracle is one of the world’s largest database companies, and they’ve been using SAFe since 2016. Oracle has seen a 50% increase in team productivity and a 35% reduction in cycle time since implementing SAFe

These 8 companies are just a few examples of companies who have successfully implemented SAFe. SAFe is a powerful framework that can help organizations scale their Agile process, and it has proven to be successful for many different types of organizations. If you’re looking for a way to scale your Agile process, SAFe is definitely worth considering.

A success story for SAFe Agile at Scale – John Deere

John Deere credits its success with agile in part to its implementation of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). SAFe is a framework for scaling agile practices to large organizations and is designed to help organizations achieve agility at scale.

By implementing SAFe, John Deere has been able to apply agile principles and practices across its organization and achieve agility at scale. This has helped the company to improve efficiency, reduce lead times, and increase customer satisfaction.

In addition, John Deere has used SAFe to foster collaboration and teamwork across its organization and to improve communication and coordination. This has helped the company to align its efforts towards common goals and to deliver value to customers more efficiently and effectively.

John Deere’s implementation of SAFe has played a significant role in its success with agile and has helped the company to achieve agility at scale.

Companies who’ve failed to implement Business Agility with SAFe

Business agility refers to an organization’s ability to adapt and respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances in order to deliver value to customers and stakeholders. There are many examples of companies that have struggled to achieve business agility, either due to organizational culture, rigid processes, or other factors. Here are a few examples:

  • Blockbuster:

    Blockbuster was once a dominant player in the video rental industry, but it struggled to adapt to the rise of streaming and online video services, and ultimately went bankrupt in 2013.

  • Kodak:

    Kodak was a leader in the film photography industry, but it struggled to adapt to the rise of digital photography and eventually filed for bankruptcy in 2012.

  • Blackberry:

    Blackberry was once a dominant player in the smartphone market, but it struggled to adapt to the rise of smartphones with touch screens and was eventually overtaken by competitors such as Apple and Samsung.

  • Sears:

    Sears was once a dominant retailer, but it struggled to adapt to the rise of online shopping and changes in consumer preferences, and filed for bankruptcy in 2018.

The examples above demonstrate the importance of business agility in an increasingly competitive and fast-changing business environment. Companies that are unable to adapt and respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances are at risk of being overtaken by competitors.

How Does SAFe Agile Propel Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the process of leveraging digital technologies to create new, or modify existing, business processes and customer experiences. It is a fundamental shift in how organizations use technology to compete in the digital economy. To achieve digital transformation, organizations must be agile and continuously innovate. This means rethinking their organizational structures and business models, their products and services, and their customer and employee experiences. 

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is an organizational framework that enables organizations to achieve agility, speed, and innovation. It is a set of principles, practices, and tools that help organizations deliver value faster and more efficiently in the digital economy. With SAFe, organizations can scale agile practices, align teams, and apply lean principles across the entire organization.

SAFe is designed to help organizations achieve digital transformation by increasing agility and speed, while minimizing risk. It enables organizations to rapidly respond to customer needs and market changes, and provides a platform for continuous innovation. By providing a common language, structure, and process, SAFe helps organizations achieve a common understanding of the organization’s goals and objectives. This in turn enables teams to work together in a more cohesive manner, to better coordinate across divisions, and to deliver value faster. 

SAFe also helps organizations identify and prioritize initiatives that can help them reach their goals. It provides guidance on how to break down large projects into smaller chunks, enabling teams to focus on the highest-value tasks first. This helps teams deliver value more quickly, and reduces the risk of failing to deliver the full value of a project. 

Finally, SAFe can help organizations maximize the value of their existing technology investments. It provides guidance on how to integrate existing systems with new technologies and services, and how to use data to inform decision-making and drive innovation. 

By leveraging the principles of SAFe, organizations can accelerate their digital transformation. SAFe provides organizations with a framework for coordinating teams, managing projects, and delivering value faster. It helps organizations identify and prioritize initiatives that will help them reach their goals, and provides guidance on how to maximize the value of their existing technology investments. With SAFe, organizations can achieve agility, speed, and innovation, and propel their digital transformation forward.

6 reasons agile is becoming popular for business teams

Agile has been a popular software development methodology for years, but it’s now gaining traction in the business world as well. Agile is becoming popular for business teams because it offers a number of advantages that can help them work better together. Here are six reasons why agile is becoming popular for business teams.

1. Flexibility

Agile allows teams to adapt quickly to changes in their environment, which can be particularly useful when dealing with volatile markets or customer needs. It also encourages teams to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to business problems. 

2. Improved Communication

Agile promotes close collaboration between team members and encourages them to share their ideas. This helps teams stay on the same page, which is essential for successful business operations. 

3. Visibility

Agile provides teams with greater visibility into their progress, which helps them stay on track. The team can easily see how far along they are in achieving their goals and make adjustments to their strategy if necessary. 

4. Efficiency

Agile is designed to maximize efficiency by eliminating unnecessary steps and focusing on the most important tasks first. This helps teams get more done in less time. 

5. Focus

Agile encourages teams to focus on the most valuable tasks and avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks. This helps teams stay on track and reach their goals faster. 

6. Quality

Agile emphasizes quality over quantity, which helps teams deliver better results. By focusing on quality, teams can ensure that their work is up to the highest standards. These are just a few of the reasons why agile is becoming popular for business teams. Agile provides teams with the tools they need to collaborate effectively, stay on track and deliver results. By embracing agile, business teams can improve their performance and achieve greater success.

SAFe® Agile Success in the Utilities Industry

There are several examples of agile success in the utilities industry:

  • National Grid:

    National Grid, a utility company in the UK, implemented agile practices in its operations and maintenance team in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness. By adopting agile principles and practices, the team was able to reduce downtime, improve communication and collaboration, and deliver value to customers more quickly.

  • PG&E:

    PG&E, a utility company in California, implemented agile practices in its customer care and billing department in order to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. By adopting agile principles and practices, the department was able to reduce cycle times, improve quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

  • DTE Energy:

    DTE Energy, a utility company in Michigan, implemented agile practices in its IT department in order to improve efficiency and deliver value to customers more quickly. By adopting agile principles and practices, the IT department was able to reduce lead times, improve quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

SAFe® Agile Success in Government

There are several examples of agile success in government:

  • United States Digital Service (USDS):

    The USDS is a government agency that uses agile principles and practices to improve the delivery of government services. By adopting agile, the USDS has been able to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its projects and deliver value to citizens more quickly.

  • UK Government Digital Service (GDS):

    The GDS is a government agency in the UK that uses agile principles and practices to improve the delivery of government services. By adopting agile, the GDS has been able to reduce lead times, improve quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

  • Australian Government Digital Transformation Agency (DTA):

    The DTA is a government agency in Australia that uses agile principles and practices to improve the delivery of government services. By adopting agile, the DTA has been able to reduce lead times, improve quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

These examples demonstrate how agile can be successfully applied in government to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of projects and deliver value to citizens more quickly.

SAFe® Agile Success in Retail

There are several examples of agile success in the retail industry:

  • Zara:

    Zara, a fashion retailer, has used agile principles and practices to improve its supply chain and enable faster delivery of new products to customers. By adopting agile, Zara has been able to reduce lead times, improve quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

  • Target:

    Target, a retail chain in the US, has used agile principles and practices to improve its online shopping experience. By adopting agile, Target has been able to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its online operations and deliver a better shopping experience to customers.

  • Amazon:

    Amazon, an e-commerce retailer, has used agile principles and practices to improve its operations and deliver value to customers more quickly. By adopting agile, Amazon has been able to reduce lead times, improve quality, and increase customer satisfaction.

These examples demonstrate how agile can be successfully applied in the retail industry to improve efficiency, reduce lead times, and increase customer satisfaction.

SAFe Agile is influencing the future of Agriculture

Agile concepts are being applied to the agriculture industry in a number of ways:

  • Agile farming:

    Agile farming is an approach that uses agile principles and practices to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of farming operations. This may involve adopting agile practices such as continuous delivery and continuous improvement to optimize crop production and reduce waste.

  • Agile supply chain management:

    Agile principles and practices can be applied to supply chain management in the agriculture industry to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain. This may involve adopting agile practices such as customer collaboration and continuous delivery to optimize the flow of materials and reduce lead times.

  • Agile product development:

    Agile principles and practices can be applied to product development in the agriculture industry to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the product development process. This may involve adopting agile practices such as iteration and continuous improvement to quickly develop and test new products and meet changing customer needs.

Agile concepts are being applied to the agriculture industry in a variety of ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of farming operations, supply chain management, and product development.

SAFe® Agile resonates with Millennials

Agile resonates with millennials for a variety of reasons. Some of the main factors that may contribute to agile’s appeal to millennials include:

  • Focus on customer needs:

    Agile emphasizes the importance of delivering value to customers and meeting their needs, which aligns with millennials’ values and priorities.

  • Collaborative and inclusive approach:

    Agile promotes collaboration and inclusivity, which may be particularly appealing to millennials who value diversity and teamwork.

  • Emphasis on continuous learning:

    Agile emphasizes continuous learning and improvement, which aligns with millennials’ desire for personal and professional growth.

  • Flexibility:

    Agile provides flexibility and autonomy, which may be particularly appealing to millennials who value work-life balance and the ability to work in different locations and on different projects.

Agile’s focus on customer needs, collaborative and inclusive approach, emphasis on continuous learning, and flexibility may all contribute to its appeal to millennials.

Why SAFe is the leading agile framework

SAFe has gained popularity in recent years because it provides a structured and flexible approach for coordinating and aligning the work of multiple Agile teams.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to SAFe’s emergence as a leader in the field of Agile development. One factor is that SAFe provides a comprehensive framework for implementing Agile at scale, which includes guidance on key areas such as team organization, program execution, portfolio management and Lean-Agile leadership. Additionally, SAFe has a strong focus on continuous improvement and has a well-defined process for incorporating feedback and learning into its practices.

SAFe has a strong community of practitioners and a robust ecosystem of tools, training, and support resources, which has helped to make it a widely recognized and respected approach to scaling Agile. These factors, along with the growing demand for effective approaches to scaling Agile development in large organizations, have contributed to SAFe’s emergence as the leader in this field.

How you know your SAFe Transformation is Working

As Agile continues to evolve and grow, the need for more robust and advanced frameworks to support it has become increasingly clear. One such framework, SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), has become one of the most popular and widely adopted frameworks for managing and scaling Agile. The SAFe framework can help organizations more effectively manage and scale their Agile projects, but how can you know when your SAFe transformation is working? The first indicator of success when implementing a SAFe transformation is an overall improvement in the organization’s ability to deliver value to its customers. SAFe’s focus on cross-functional collaboration and small, often autonomous teams helps to ensure that projects are completed in a timely and effective manner. When teams are working together effectively, there should be a noticeable increase in the speed of delivery for customer-facing projects. Another important indicator of success is the increased visibility of the Agile process throughout the organization. With the introduction of SAFe, teams now work together to complete their work in an integrated fashion, creating an environment of collaboration and shared accountability. As a result, it should be easier to track progress, identify issues, and make decisions that affect the entire organization. Finally, a successful SAFe transformation should also be reflected in the organization’s financials. By streamlining and improving the delivery of value to customers, SAFe can help to reduce costs and improve revenue. Additionally, the increased visibility of the Agile process throughout the organization should lead to increased customer satisfaction, resulting in more loyal customers and higher customer retention rates. When a SAFe transformation is effective, it should result in a noticeable improvement in the organization’s ability to deliver value to its customers, increased visibility of the Agile process throughout the organization, and improved financial performance. If you’ve implemented SAFe in your organization and are seeing these results, then you’re likely on the right track to successful Agile transformation.

What does SAFe offer that other frameworks miss?

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a framework for scaling agile practices and principles to support the development of complex systems. It offers several benefits and features that distinguish it from other agile frameworks:

  • Holistic approach:

    SAFe takes a holistic approach to scaling agile, addressing the needs of the enterprise, portfolio, and team levels. This allows it to address the challenges of scaling agile in a comprehensive way, rather than focusing on a specific aspect of the process.

  • Customization:

    SAFe is designed to be customizable and adaptable to the specific needs of an organization. It provides a set of tools and practices that can be tailored to fit the organization’s culture and goals.

  • Support for multiple teams:

    SAFe is designed to support the coordination and collaboration of multiple teams working on a single project or product. It provides tools and practices for managing work across teams and aligning efforts towards a common goal.

  • Integration with other frameworks: SAFe is designed to be compatible with other agile frameworks, such as Scrum, Lean, and Kanban. This allows organizations to leverage the strengths of multiple frameworks to create a customized approach that meets their specific needs.

  • Enterprise focus:

    SAFe is specifically designed to address the challenges of scaling agile at the enterprise level. It provides guidance on how to align development efforts with the overall goals and strategy of the organization.

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7 Ways to Overcome the Obstacles of Adopting SAFe®

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 3, 2023

Dec 13, 2022

The best way to overcome obstacles of adopting the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is to approach the adoption process in a systematic and disciplined manner. This typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the key stakeholders and decision makers who need to be involved in the adoption process, and make sure that they are on board with the decision to adopt SAFe.
  2. Create a clear and compelling vision for how SAFe will benefit the organization, and communicate this vision to all stakeholders in a way that resonates with their needs and concerns.
  3. Develop a detailed plan for implementing SAFe, including a timeline, a budget, and a list of specific tasks and activities that need to be completed.
  4. Identify any potential obstacles or challenges that may arise during the adoption process, and develop strategies for addressing and overcoming these challenges.
  5. Provide training and support to help individuals and teams adopt SAFe and become proficient in using its principles and practices.
  6. Monitor progress closely, and make adjustments to the implementation plan as needed to ensure that the adoption of SAFe remains on track.
  7. Integrate experienced SAFe coaches into your team to quickly identify and correct any gaps in skills and efficiently guide teams and organizations through the process of implementing SAFe, providing expertise and support to ensure that the framework is properly applied and that the desired outcomes are achieved.

Overall, the key to overcoming obstacles to adopting SAFe is to approach the process with a sense of purpose, commitment, and collaboration, and to be willing to adapt and adjust as needed to ensure success.

Written by Katie Snelson , Director of Sales and Recruiting

ICON partners with clients in their Business and IT Transformations to produce collaborative outcomes that have proven vital in many industries. Since 1992, our highly experienced coaches and practitioners have been collaborating with companies to solve their most complex challenges using SAFe® methodology, Business Agility best practices, advanced OKRs, DevSecOps at the team level, and the Lean-Agile mindset

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Agile Recruiters Look For These Key Things In Resumes

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 3, 2023

Nov 21, 2022

Making a resume can be stressful! You may ask yourself “What should I show? What are important objectives and critical results that a company recruiter wants to see?” There are certainly things that I look for in resumes and like to see emphasized. Always remember, resumes aren’t everything, but they are a way to open a recruiter’s eyes and get the ball rolling with a potential partner. So, here are some of the key things to highlight that can lead to the creation of a strong resume.

Showcase Qualified Knowledge and Experience

First off, when you are making a resume, make sure that you have qualified knowledge and experience in the role that you are applying for. With the majority of experience, agile recruiters do not want to see you reiterate the job description of a role – we want to see you talk about your unique experiences and how your experiences have led to strong contributions to your impact at an engagement.

When making a professional resume, make sure that it is written in the third person and uses the proper tenses based on the elaboration of an engagement. For example, if you are writing about a role you did from 2010 to 2013, this is going to be written in the past tense about the impact you made in that opportunity. Also, when writing about the impact you made on an opportunity, do not write about what the organization did – directly get to the point of what impact you made.

If you are a technical coach or a consultant, showing your hands-on experience with your skills set is paramount. Your specific skill set and knowledge of agile tools is one of the most important ways to show impactful assets that would drive and help in a new organizational transformation.

Tailor Versions of your Resume for Each Agile Role

Applying for more than one agile role can take more time and organization. You might ask yourself “How do I show all my experience and knowledge if I can play many roles in an Agile & SAFe® environment?” A simple way to highlight all of your roles and experiences is to have different versions of your resume. Consider dedicating time to dividing your experience to better develop your opportunities. For example: if you are a SAFe Team Coach and you have the skills and enjoyment of being a Senior Scrum Master, you should have one resume that represents your “Senior Scrum Master” skills and experience and another version of your resume that represents “SAFe Team Coach” skills and experience. Swiss Army Knife Coaches need to be able to show that they have “been there, done that” within different versions of their resume.

Send Your Resume to ICON

I hope that these tricks and rule of thumbs that I have provided can help you get a better grasp on what highlights your resume. Like I said earlier, resumes aren’t everything, but they are a great representation of you and should reflect the first impression you wish to convey.

If you have what it takes to be an ICON Coach, please send your resume to Blake Lawson at and I would be more than happy to talk with you about your resume!

Written by Blake Lawson , Recruiter

ICON partners with clients in their Business and IT Transformations to produce collaborative outcomes that have proven vital in many industries. Since 1992, our highly experienced coaches and practitioners have been collaborating with companies to solve their most complex challenges using SAFe® methodology, Business Agility best practices, advanced OKRs, DevSecOps at the team level, and the Lean-Agile mindset

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