Ethics-Driven AI: Balancing AI Advantages with Social Responsibility

Posted by Beth Elliott on August 7, 2024

Watch the video of ICON’s most popular AI webinar with Dr. Steve Mayner, Scaled Agile Fellow and AI expert; and Doug Less, SAFe SPCT and Coach (access video link below).

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Topics: SAFe®, Agile Technical Practices, Agile for "non-software" teams, Agile Team, Agile Executive Teams, LACE, Coaching Support, Agile Adoption, Agile Leadership

Agile Technical Practices

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 12, 2023

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Why should I invest in test automation?

There are several reasons why investing in test automation is a good idea. First, it can save you time and money in the long run by reducing the need for manual testing. This is because automated tests can be run quickly and repeatedly, allowing you to catch and fix bugs early in the development process. This can help you avoid costly delays and rework.

Second, automated tests are more reliable than manual tests because they are not subject to human error. This means that you can have more confidence in the results of your tests, and you can be sure that your software is working as intended.

Third, automated tests can help you improve the quality of your software by providing consistent and comprehensive testing. This can help you identify and fix bugs and other issues more quickly and effectively, resulting in a higher-quality product.

Investing in test automation can provide many benefits, including saving time and money, improving the reliability and quality of your software, and helping you to deliver a better product to your customers.

Why do you want to invest in TDD (Test-driven Development)?

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process in which tests are written for a piece of code before the code itself is written. This can be a valuable approach for several reasons.

First, TDD can help you to write better code by ensuring that your code is thoroughly tested. This means that you can have more confidence in the functionality and reliability of your code, and you can be sure that it is working as intended.

Second, TDD can help you to identify and fix bugs early in the development process. Because tests are written before the code is written, you can catch and fix bugs early on, which can save you time and effort in the long run.

Third, TDD can help you to improve the design of your code. Because tests are written before the code is written, you can use them to guide the design of your code, ensuring that it is modular and easy to maintain.

Investing in TDD can provide many benefits, including improving the quality and reliability of your code, catching and fixing bugs early, and improving the design of your code.

4 Benefits of pair programming

Pair programming is a software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. One programmer writes the code while the other reviews each line of code as it is typed in. This technique has several potential benefits, including:

1. Improved quality

Having two sets of eyes on the code can help identify errors or potential problems that a single programmer might miss. This can result in higher-quality code.

2. Faster development

With two people working on the same code, it can be completed more quickly than if a single person were working on it.

3. Increased knowledge sharing

Pair programming can be an effective way for team members to learn from each other and share their knowledge and expertise.

4. Enhanced collaboration

Pair programming can foster collaboration and communication within a team, as the two programmers must work closely together and communicate effectively in order to complete the task.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology that was first introduced in the late 1990s. It is based on a set of core values and principles that are designed to help teams deliver high-quality software in a fast, flexible, and efficient manner.

XP has evolved over time as the software development landscape has changed. Here are a few ways in which XP has advanced:

  • Integration with other methodologies:

    XP has been integrated with other agile methodologies, such as Scrum, to create hybrid approaches that combine the best practices of both methodologies.

  • Evolution of practices:

    Some of the practices that were originally part of XP, such as pair programming and test-driven development, have become widely adopted in the software development industry and are now considered best practices.

  • Emphasis on continuous improvement:

    XP has always placed a strong emphasis on continuous improvement, and this has only become more important as the software development landscape has become more complex and competitive.

  • Focus on delivering value:

    XP has always focused on delivering value to customers, and this focus has only become more important as the software development industry has become more customer-centric.

XP has evolved to meet the changing needs of the software development industry and to better support teams in delivering high-quality software in a fast, flexible, and efficient manner.

Refactoring to improve agility?

Refactoring is the process of improving the design of existing code without changing its behavior. By making the code easier to understand and modify, refactoring can improve the agility of a software development team. This is because refactored code is typically easier to work with and modify, which can make it easier for the team to make changes and add new features as needed.

Additionally, refactoring can help identify and remove code that is no longer needed, which can make it easier for the team to understand the code and focus on the most important parts. This can reduce the time and effort required to make changes, which can improve the team’s ability to respond to changing requirements and priorities.

Refactoring can improve the agility of a software development team by making the code easier to understand and modify, reducing the time and effort required to make changes, and helping the team focus on the most important parts of the code.

How frequently should we be integrating our code?

Agile teams typically integrate their code frequently, often multiple times per day. This is because one of the key principles of agile software development is to deliver working software early and often. By integrating code frequently, teams can ensure that their code works well with the rest of the codebase and that any potential problems are identified and resolved quickly.

Additionally, frequent code integration can help teams avoid large, complex merge conflicts, which can be difficult and time-consuming to resolve. By integrating code early and often, teams can avoid such conflicts and keep their codebase clean and up-to-date.

The frequency of code integration can vary depending on the team and the project, but in general, agile teams tend to integrate their code frequently in order to deliver working software early and avoid complex merge conflicts.

Tips for implementing CICD (Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment)

Some tips for implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CICD) include:

  • Automate as much as possible:

    CICD relies heavily on automation, so it is important to automate as many of the steps in the process as possible. This can include automated testing, code quality checks, and deployment processes.

  • Use a version control system:

    In order to manage and track changes to the codebase, it is important to use a version control system, such as Git. This will allow teams to easily collaborate on the code, track changes, and roll back to previous versions if necessary.

  • Set up a dedicated integration environment:

    In order to test and validate code changes, it is important to have a dedicated integration environment where code changes can be tested and deployed. This environment should be isolated from other environments, such as production, to avoid any potential disruptions.

  • Monitor and measure performance:

    In order to ensure that the CICD process is working as expected, it is important to monitor and measure the performance of the pipeline. This can include tracking the number of deployments, the time it takes to complete the pipeline, and any failures or errors that occur.

Implementing CICD can require significant effort and planning, but it can provide numerous benefits, including improved code quality, faster time to market, and increased collaboration and transparency within the development team.

Build core capabilities into your DevOps team

The core capabilities of a DevOps team typically include:

  • Collaboration:

    DevOps teams are typically highly collaborative, with members from different departments (such as development, operations, and quality assurance) working closely together to achieve common goals.

  • Automation:

    DevOps teams often use automation to streamline and accelerate the software development and deployment process. This can include tools for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code.

  • Monitoring and measurement:

    DevOps teams typically use monitoring and measurement tools to track the performance and reliability of their systems. This can include metrics such as uptime, response time, and error rates.

  • Continuous learning and improvement:

    DevOps teams are typically focused on continuous learning and improvement, using data and feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to improve the process.

The core capabilities of a DevOps team typically include collaboration, automation, monitoring and measurement, and continuous learning and improvement.

What drives the integration of security capabilities with DevOps workflows?

Security was added to DevOps because as organizations began to adopt DevOps practices, they realized that the rapid iteration and deployment of code made it more important than ever to ensure that the code and systems were secure. DevOps emphasizes collaboration and communication between teams, and this also applies to security. By including security as a core part of the DevOps process, organizations can ensure that security is considered at every stage of the development and deployment process, from design and implementation to testing and deployment.

Additionally, the focus on automation and continuous delivery in DevOps means that security controls must be automated and integrated into the overall process. This allows organizations to deploy code and systems securely and efficiently, without sacrificing speed or agility.

DevSecOps incorporates security practices and tools into the continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment processes, with the goal of ensuring that code and systems are secure throughout the development and deployment process.

By incorporating security into the DevOps process, DevSecOps aims to reduce the time and effort required to implement and maintain secure systems, while also improving the security of the code and systems. This can be achieved through a combination of automation, collaboration, and continuous learning and improvement.

3 Tips for creating an agile architecture?

Agile architecture is a software development approach that focuses on creating flexible and adaptable architectures that can support the rapid iteration and evolution of software. In contrast to traditional architecture approaches, which often involve extensive upfront planning and design, agile architecture emphasizes iterative and incremental development, with a focus on delivering working software quickly and adapting to changing requirements and priorities.

Agile architecture typically involves a number of practices and principles, including:

1. Collaboration

Agile architecture emphasizes collaboration between teams, with members from different disciplines (such as development, operations, and architecture) working together to achieve common goals.

2. Incremental development

Agile architecture typically involves iterative and incremental development, with small, frequent releases of working software. This allows teams to quickly adapt to changing requirements and priorities.

3. Flexibility and adaptability

Agile architecture focuses on creating architectures that are flexible and adaptable, so that they can support the rapid evolution of software. This may involve the use of modular and component-based design approaches.

Agile architecture is a software development approach that focuses on creating flexible and adaptable architectures that can support the rapid iteration and evolution of software. It emphasizes collaboration, incremental development, and flexibility and adaptability.

Benefits of microservices in agile architecture

Microservices are a software architecture approach in which a single application is built as a suite of small, independent services. This approach has several potential benefits when used in an agile software development context, including:

  • Improved flexibility and scalability:

    Because each microservice is independently deployable, teams can more easily modify and evolve individual services without impacting the rest of the system. This can improve the overall flexibility and scalability of the application.

  • Enhanced collaboration:

    Microservices can make it easier for teams to collaborate, as each service can be developed and maintained by a separate team. This can reduce the complexity of the overall codebase and make it easier for teams to work together.

  • Faster time to market:

    By breaking down a large application into smaller, independent services, teams can develop and deploy new features and capabilities more quickly. This can help organizations to respond to changing market conditions and customer needs more quickly.

  • Improved resiliency:

    Because each microservice is independently deployable and scalable, a microservices architecture can make it easier to build resilient systems that can continue to operate even if individual services fail. This can improve the overall reliability and availability of the application.

The use of microservices in an agile development context can provide numerous benefits, including improved flexibility and scalability, enhanced collaboration, faster time to market, and improved resiliency.

What does building in quality mean?

Building quality into code means that quality is considered and incorporated at every stage of the development process, from design and implementation to testing and deployment. This means that agile teams should focus on writing high-quality code that is well-structured, maintainable, and efficient.

In an agile context, building quality into code also means that teams should prioritize activities that help to improve the quality of the code, such as writing automated tests, performing code reviews, and implementing static analysis tools. This can help to identify and fix potential problems early in the development process, which can save time and effort in the long run.

Additionally, building quality into code in an agile context means that teams should focus on continuous learning and improvement. This can involve regularly reviewing the codebase and identifying areas for improvement, as well as implementing processes and tools that can help to improve the quality of the code over time.

Building quality into code means that quality is considered and incorporated at every stage of the development process, and that teams should prioritize activities that help to improve the quality of the code. This can help to produce high-quality software that is maintainable, efficient, and meets the needs of users.

Developing your own definition of done

Some tips for developing a good definition of done for an agile team include:

  • Keep it simple and clear:

    The definition of done should be clear and concise, so that all team members understand what is required to consider a task complete.

  • Include all necessary criteria:

    The definition of done should include all of the necessary criteria that a task must meet in order to be considered complete. This may include testing, documentation, and code review requirements, among others.

  • Make it specific to the team:

    The definition of done should be specific to the team and the project, and should reflect the team’s processes, practices, and goals.

  • Revisit and update it regularly:

    The definition of done should be reviewed and updated regularly, as the team’s processes and goals evolve over time. This can help to ensure that the definition of done remains relevant and effective.

Developing a good definition of done for an agile team requires clarity, specificity, and regular review and update. By following these tips, teams can ensure that their definition of done is effective and supports the team’s goals and processes.

5 Tips for hosting a hackathon

A hackathon is an event in which people come together to collaborate on and develop software projects within a short time frame, often over the course of a day or a weekend. If you are planning to host a hackathon, there are several key steps you should follow, including:

1. Define the theme and goals of the hackathon

Before planning the event, it is important to define the theme and goals of the hackathon. This can help to focus the participants’ efforts and ensure that the event is successful.

2. Identify sponsors and partners

Hackathons typically require funding and support from sponsors and partners in order to be successful. It is important to identify and secure sponsors and partners who can provide the necessary resources and support for the event.

3. Plan the logistics

Once the theme and goals of the hackathon have been defined, the next step is to plan the logistics of the event. This can include securing a venue, arranging for food and refreshments, and setting up any necessary equipment or infrastructure.

4. Promote the event

In order to attract participants and generate interest in the hackathon, it is important to promote the event. This can include creating a website, sharing information on social media, and reaching out to potential participants and partners.

5. Coordinate the event

On the day of the hackathon, it is important to coordinate the event to ensure that everything runs smoothly. This can include managing the schedule, facilitating collaboration among participants, and providing support and assistance as needed.

Hosting a hackathon requires careful planning and coordination, but it can be a rewarding and valuable experience for participants and organizers alike. By following these steps, you can help to ensure that your hackathon is successful and achieves its goals.

3 Pros and Cons of mob programming

Mob programming is a software development approach in which a group of people work together at a single workstation to develop code. While this approach has its supporters, it also has its critics. 

Some potential benefits of mob programming include:

1. Improved collaboration

Mob programming can foster collaboration and communication within a team, as all members are working together on the same task. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

2. Faster development

With multiple people working on the same code, tasks can be completed more quickly than if a single person were working on them. This can help teams to deliver working software more quickly.

3. Increased knowledge sharing

Mob programming can be an effective way for team members to learn from each other and share their knowledge and expertise. This can help to improve the overall skill level of the team.

However, there are some potential drawbacks of mob programming. The cons of mob programming include:

1. Inefficiency

With multiple people working on the same code, it can be difficult for everyone to stay focused and avoid distractions. This can lead to inefficiency and lower productivity.

2. Lack of individual ownership

In a mob programming situation, it can be difficult for individual team members to take ownership of their work and feel responsible for the quality of the code. This can lead to a lack of accountability and motivation.

3. Difficulty scaling

Mob programming can be difficult to scale, as it requires a large number of people to be working on the same task at the same time. This can make it challenging to apply the approach to larger projects or teams.

Whether mob programming is good or not depends on the specific situation and the goals of the team. While it can provide some potential benefits, it also has some potential drawbacks that should be considered.

What is Business Driven Development (BDD)?

Business-driven development (BDD) is an approach to software development that focuses on aligning the development process with the business goals and needs of the organization. BDD is typically used when the organization has a clear understanding of its business objectives, and when the development team needs to deliver software that will help the organization achieve those objectives. BDD can be particularly useful when the organization is facing a rapidly changing market, or when it needs to quickly develop and deliver new software to respond to changing customer needs. By using BDD, organizations can ensure that their software development efforts are aligned with their business goals, and that they are delivering value to their customers.

5 Tips for speeding up code reviews in agile teams

Code reviews are an important part of agile development, but they can also be time-consuming. Here are some tips for speeding up code reviews in an agile environment:

1. Set clear expectations

Communicate the team’s standards and expectations for code reviews, and ensure that all team members are aware of these expectations. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary delays.

2. Use automated tools

Use automated tools, such as code quality checkers and linters, to quickly identify potential issues with the code. This can save time and effort by allowing the team to focus on more complex or important issues.

3. Prioritize critical issues

Focus on the most critical or important issues first, and prioritize these over less important or minor issues. This can help to ensure that the most important issues are addressed quickly, without getting bogged down in less important details.

4. Use pair programming

Use pair programming, where two team members work together on the same code, to facilitate real-time feedback and collaboration. This can help to speed up the code review process by allowing for immediate feedback and collaboration.

5. Limit the scope of the review

Limit the scope of the code review to the most relevant and important parts of the code. This can help to avoid unnecessary or tangential discussions, and can speed up the review process.

By using these tips, teams can speed up their code review process and ensure that code is reviewed and feedback is provided in a timely and efficient manner. This can help to improve the quality of the code and support the team’s overall agile development process.

Agile methods for code reviews

Code reviews are an important part of the software development process, as they help to ensure that code is of high quality and meets the standards and requirements of the project. Here are a few agile ways to conduct code reviews:

Use a lightweight, iterative process

Instead of conducting a lengthy, formal code review process, consider using a more lightweight, iterative approach. This might involve reviewing small chunks of code as they are developed, rather than waiting until a feature is complete. This can help to identify issues early and make it easier to make necessary changes.

Involve the entire team

Code reviews don’t have to be limited to just developers. Consider involving other team members, such as testers or business analysts, in the review process. This can help to ensure that all perspectives are considered and can lead to a more holistic view of the code.

Use automation

There are tools and services available that can automate parts of the code review process, such as checking for style issues or identifying potential bugs. Using these tools can save time and help to ensure that code meets certain standards.

Encourage open, respectful communication

Code reviews can be an opportunity for team members to learn from one another and improve their skills. Encourage open, respectful communication during code reviews, and focus on finding solutions rather than assigning blame.

By following these agile principles, code reviews can be an effective and efficient part of the development process, helping to ensure that code is of high quality and meets the needs of the project.

What engineers new to agile development should know

Agile development is a collaborative and iterative approach to software development, and engineers play a crucial role in this process. Here are some tips for engineers who are working on agile teams:

  • Understand the agile framework:

    Familiarize yourself with the principles and practices of agile development, and understand how they apply to your work on the team.

  • Collaborate with the team:

    Work closely with other team members, including product owners, Scrum Masters, and other engineers, to share information, provide feedback, and collaborate on solutions.

  • Prioritize flexibility:

    Be willing to adapt to changes in priorities and requirements, and be open to new ideas and approaches.

  • Focus on quality:

    Strive to produce high-quality code that meets the team’s standards and practices, and take the time to review and improve your work.

  • Communicate effectively:

    Communicate clearly and effectively with other team members, and be responsive to feedback and suggestions.

By following these tips, engineers can effectively contribute to the success of their agile teams, and can help to ensure that the team produces high-quality software in a collaborative and iterative manner.

Steps for spending less time on bug fixing

If an agile team is spending too much capacity on fixing bugs, it can negatively impact their ability to make progress on new development and innovation. Here are some steps that can be taken to address this issue:

  • Identify the root cause:

    The first step is to identify the root cause of the high number of bugs. This may involve conducting a root cause analysis to identify the underlying issues that are contributing to the problem.

  • Prioritize bug fixes:

    Once the root cause has been identified, prioritize the most important and time-sensitive bug fixes, and allocate sufficient capacity to address these issues.

  • Improve testing practices:

    Another approach is to improve the team’s testing practices, in order to identify and fix bugs earlier in the development process. This can involve implementing more rigorous testing procedures, such as automated testing, to catch and fix bugs before they reach production.

  • Refactor the code:

    In some cases, the high number of bugs may be due to poorly designed or poorly written code. In these situations, it may be necessary to refactor the code to improve its quality and reduce the number of bugs.

  • Invest in training:

    Finally, investing in training and development for team members can help to improve their skills and knowledge, and can ultimately lead to fewer bugs and better-quality code.

Addressing the issue of too much capacity being spent on bug fixes requires a combination of identifying and addressing the root cause, improving testing practices, and investing in training and development. By taking these steps, teams can reduce the number of bugs and improve their ability to make progress on new development and innovation.

Do your teams have collective code ownership?

Collective code ownership is a software development practice in which all members of a team have equal responsibility and accountability for the codebase. This means that any team member can make changes to any part of the code, and is responsible for ensuring that the code meets the team’s standards and practices.

Collective code ownership has several advantages over more traditional approaches to code ownership. First, it promotes collaboration and teamwork among team members, as everyone is responsible for the quality and maintainability of the codebase. This can help to foster a sense of shared ownership and accountability, and can lead to better outcomes for the team and the project.

Second, collective code ownership can also help to improve the quality and maintainability of the code. By allowing all team members to make changes to any part of the code, the team can benefit from a wider range of perspectives and expertise. This can lead to more robust and well-designed code, and can ultimately lead to better outcomes for the project.

Third, collective code ownership can also support agile development practices, such as continuous integration and continuous delivery. By allowing all team members to make changes to the code, the team can more easily integrate new features and updates into the codebase, and can more quickly deliver new versions of the software to customers.

Collective code ownership is a valuable practice that can support collaboration, improve the quality and maintainability of the code, and support agile development practices. By adopting this approach, teams can benefit from the collective expertise and perspectives of all team members, and can ultimately deliver better outcomes for the project.

Facing a complex engineering challenge? – Use a Spike!

In agile software development, a spike is a time-boxed investigation into a specific technical issue or problem. The goal of a spike is to gather information and explore possible solutions to the issue, in order to provide the team with a better understanding of the problem and potential approaches to addressing it.

Spikes are typically used when the team is facing an uncertain or complex technical challenge, and needs more information in order to make informed decisions about how to proceed. For example, a spike might be used to explore a new technology or approach, or to conduct a proof of concept for a particular solution.

To use a spike, the team first identifies the specific technical issue or challenge that they are facing. The team then sets a time box for the spike, typically ranging from a few hours to a few days, depending on the complexity and scope of the issue. During the spike, the team members who are working on the spike focus exclusively on exploring the issue and gathering information, without being interrupted by other work.

At the end of the spike, the team reviews the information and insights that have been gathered, and uses this information to make informed decisions about how to proceed. This may involve selecting a specific solution to implement, or deciding to conduct additional spikes to explore other options.

Spikes are a valuable tool for agile teams that are facing complex or uncertain technical challenges. By providing a focused and time-boxed investigation into these challenges, spikes can help teams to gather the information and insights they need to make informed decisions and move forward with confidence.

When does manual testing still provide value?

Manual testing is still required for software in some cases, even when automated testing tools are available. There are several situations where manual testing may be necessary, including the following:

  • Exploratory testing:

    Manual testing can be useful for exploratory testing, where the goal is to test the software in an unstructured and open-ended manner. This can help to identify unexpected or hidden issues with the software, and can provide valuable insights into its behavior and functionality.

  • Usability testing:

    Manual testing can also be useful for usability testing, where the goal is to evaluate the user experience of the software. This can involve testing the software with real users, and observing how they interact with the software in order to identify areas for improvement.

  • Regression testing:

    In some cases, manual testing may be necessary for regression testing, where the goal is to ensure that changes to the software have not introduced new bugs or issues. This can be particularly important when changes to the software have a significant impact on its behavior or functionality, and automated testing may not be able to adequately cover all scenarios.

While automated testing can be a valuable tool for software development, there are still some situations where manual testing is necessary. By considering the specific needs and circumstances of the project, teams can determine when manual testing is required, and can use it effectively to improve the quality and functionality of the software.

Do you know how to Toggle?

Toggles, also known as feature flags or feature switches, can help agile teams in several ways. First, they allow teams to quickly and easily enable or disable specific features or functionality without having to do a full deployment. This can be useful for testing new features or for rolling back changes that cause problems.

Second, toggles can help teams experiment and test different variations of a feature to see which one performs best. This can be done through A/B testing, where different versions of a feature are shown to different users, and the team can then analyze the results to determine which version is most effective.

Third, toggles can help teams manage the deployment of complex features that may take a long time to develop and test. By using toggles, teams can gradually roll out the feature to a small group of users, monitor its performance, and then gradually expand its use to more users. This can help teams avoid the risks associated with deploying a complex feature to all users at once.

Toggles can help agile teams be more flexible and responsive to changing needs, and can make it easier to test and deploy new features and functionality.

Coping with change control in an agile environment

Control boards and change approval boards are processes that are used to review and approve changes to a project or product. In an agile environment, these processes can slow down the development and deployment of new features and functionality because they add an additional layer of review and approval that must be completed before a change can be made.

To address this, teams can take a number of steps to streamline control boards and change approval boards without sacrificing the benefits of having a review and approval process in place. For example, teams can:

  • Set clear criteria for what types of changes require review and approval, and which ones can be made without going through the control board or change approval board.

  • Use automated tools to help manage the review and approval process, which can speed up the flow of information and reduce the need for face-to-face meetings.

  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities for members of the control board or change approval board, and ensure that they have the necessary training and support to do their jobs effectively.

  • Regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of the control board or change approval board, and make changes as needed to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

It is important for teams to strike a balance between the need for review and approval processes and the need for agility and speed in an agile environment. By taking a proactive and thoughtful approach to managing control boards and change approval boards, teams can minimize their impact on agile development without sacrificing the benefits they provide.

6 Easy steps to replace your monolith incrementally

Here are some tips for replacing your monolith incrementally:

  1. Start by identifying the parts of your monolith that can be replaced first. This could be a standalone component or a group of related components that can be extracted and replaced without disrupting the rest of the monolith.

  2. Create a plan for how you will extract and replace the selected components. This should include details about the technologies and approaches you will use, as well as any dependencies or challenges you may encounter.

  3. Communicate your plan to the rest of your organization and get buy-in from key stakeholders. This will help ensure that everyone is on board and understands the implications of the changes you’re making.

  4. Begin extracting and replacing the selected components according to your plan. This should be done carefully and incrementally, to minimize disruption and ensure that the monolith continues to function properly during the transition.

  5. Monitor and test the extracted components to ensure they are functioning properly and meeting the organization’s needs. This will help you identify any issues or challenges that need to be addressed before proceeding with the next phase of the replacement.

  6. Continue extracting and replacing components until the entire monolith has been replaced. This may take some time, depending on the size and complexity of your monolith, but the end result will be a more modular, scalable, and maintainable system.

By following these steps, you can replace your monolith incrementally and minimize the disruption and risk associated with such a major change. This will help ensure a successful transition and enable your organization to reap the benefits of a more modular, agile architecture.

Have you implemented continuous testing?

In the Agile software development approach, continuous testing is the practice of integrating testing activities into the development process in a way that allows teams to identify and fix defects as early as possible in the development lifecycle. This approach helps teams to deliver high-quality software faster and with fewer defects, as testing is integrated into the development process rather than being treated as a separate phase.

Continuous testing typically involves the use of automated testing tools and techniques, such as unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests, to ensure that the software is working as intended at all times. This can include running tests continuously in the background as code is being developed, as well as running tests before and after code is deployed to production.

One key benefit of continuous testing is that it helps teams to catch defects early in the development process, when they are easier and less expensive to fix. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to fix defects, and it can also help to improve the overall quality of the software. Additionally, by integrating testing into the development process, teams can get faster feedback on the quality of their software, which can help them to identify and address issues more quickly.

Heat Mapping – where is your software system fragile?

Heat mapping is a technique that can be used to visually represent the distribution and intensity of defects in a software system. This is typically done by creating a heat map that represents different parts of the system using different colors, with warmer colors indicating a higher concentration of defects.

Heat mapping engineering defects can help in a number of ways. First, it can provide a visual representation of the distribution and intensity of defects in the system, which can help teams to identify areas of the system that may be more prone to defects. This can be particularly useful for identifying patterns or trends that may not be immediately apparent from looking at individual defects.

Second, heat mapping can help teams to prioritize their efforts by identifying areas of the system that are most in need of attention. For example, if a particular component of the system has a high concentration of defects, it may be a good candidate for further investigation or refactoring.

Finally, heat mapping can help teams to track the progress of their efforts to reduce defects over time. By comparing heat maps from different points in time, teams can see if their efforts are having the desired impact and make adjustments as needed.

Addressing Software Fragility

In software development, “fragility” refers to the susceptibility of a system to break or malfunction when changes are made to it. A fragile system is one that is prone to unexpected errors or failures when modifications are made, even if those changes are minor or unrelated to the parts of the system that are breaking.

Fragility can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor design, a lack of testing, and a lack of separation between different components of the system. It can also be caused by a lack of modularity, where changes to one part of the system have unintended consequences on other parts of the system.

To address fragility in software, it is important to design systems with modularity and separation of concerns in mind, and to thoroughly test the system to ensure that it is robust and can withstand changes. It is also important to continuously monitor and maintain the system to identify and fix any potential issues that may arise.

Long-term application supportability

There are several reasons why software systems can become difficult to support over time. Some common reasons include:

Lack of documentation:

If the software system was not well-documented, it can be difficult for support staff to understand how the system works and how to troubleshoot problems.


Complex software systems can be more difficult to support because they may have many different components and integrations, making it harder to identify and fix issues.

Outdated technology:

As technology advances, software systems that rely on older technologies may become more difficult to support because the necessary skills and resources may no longer be readily available.


Customized software systems can be more difficult to support because they may be unique and not well-understood by support staff.

Poor quality:

Poorly-designed or implemented software systems can be more difficult to support because they may be prone to errors and glitches, making it harder to identify and fix issues.

It’s important for organizations to carefully consider the long-term supportability of software systems when choosing and implementing them, in order to minimize the difficulties and costs associated with supporting them over time.

Get specific about NFRs

Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are software requirements that specify how a system should behave, rather than what it should do. They describe the system’s quality attributes, such as reliability, performance, security, and usability. Here are some examples of non-functional requirements for software:

1. Performance

This includes requirements related to the speed, efficiency, and scalability of the system. Examples might include response time goals for specific actions, the maximum number of users the system can handle, and the ability to scale up or down as needed.

2. Security

These are requirements related to protecting the system and its data from unauthorized access or tampering. Examples might include requirements for encryption, authentication, and access control.

3. Usability

These are requirements related to the ease of use and understandability of the system. Examples might include requirements for user-friendly interfaces, clear error messages, and the ability to easily navigate the system.

4. Reliability

These are requirements related to the stability and dependability of the system. Examples might include requirements for uptime, the ability to recover from errors or failures, and the ability to handle unexpected input or conditions.

5. Maintainability

These are requirements related to the ease of maintaining and updating the system over time. Examples might include requirements for clear documentation, modular design, and the ability to easily test and deploy changes.

Non-functional requirements are important because they ensure that the system meets the quality standards that are necessary for it to be effective and usable.

DevOps is the Backbone of Agile

DevOps is a set of practices that aims to improve collaboration and communication between software development and operations teams, with the goal of delivering software more frequently and reliably. It is often considered the backbone of agile because it supports and enables the principles and practices of agile development.

One of the key benefits of DevOps is the ability to deliver software quickly and frequently, which is a key aspect of agile development. By automating many of the processes involved in software delivery, DevOps enables teams to iterate and deploy code faster, which allows for faster feedback and the ability to respond to changing business needs.

In addition, DevOps promotes a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, which is essential for agile teams. By bringing development and operations teams together and fostering a culture of continuous learning, DevOps helps teams to identify and eliminate bottlenecks, improve efficiency, and deliver value to customers more quickly.

DevOps is a key aspect of agile development because it enables teams to deliver software faster, more reliably, and with higher quality, which is essential for organizations that are looking to respond to changing business needs in a flexible and efficient manner.

Help your application support team establish classes of service

An application support team could use classes of service to prioritize and manage the work that they do. By establishing different classes of service, the team can ensure that they are focusing their efforts on the most important and urgent tasks first, while still addressing lower-priority tasks as time allows.

To use classes of service, the application support team would need to define the criteria for each class of service, such as the severity of the issue, the impact on users, or the urgency of the request. They could then use these criteria to assign incoming requests to the appropriate class of service.

For example, the team might define a “critical” class of service for issues that are preventing users from accessing the application, a “high” class of service for issues that are impacting a large number of users or have a significant impact on business operations, and a “low” class of service for issues that are minor or have a limited impact on users.

The team could use different visual indicators, such as different colors or shapes of cards or stickers, to represent the different classes of service and help them prioritize their work. They might also use a kanban board or other tool to visualize and manage the work in their workflow.

Using classes of service can help the application support team to be more efficient and effective in their work, by ensuring that they are addressing the most important issues first and providing a clear understanding of the priority of each task.

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Topics: Agile Technical Practices