Sawyer Conrady

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12 Tips for incorporating “security” into the responsibility of agile teams

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on November 20, 2023

Moving security and compliance “left” in the Agile development process means integrating these considerations early on, rather than addressing them as a separate phase at the end of the development cycle. This shift-left approach aims to identify and address security and compliance issues throughout the entire Agile development lifecycle. Here are strategies to incorporate security and compliance into Agile teams’ responsibilities:

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Navigating the Intersection of Agile and Engineering Excellence

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on November 20, 2023


In the dynamic world of software development, the intersection of Agile methodologies and engineering excellence is where innovation thrives. Agile, with its emphasis on flexibility and collaboration, and engineering excellence, with its focus on quality and efficiency, might seem like contrasting forces. However, when these two realms converge, organizations can unlock a powerful synergy that propels them towards successful and sustainable product development. In this blog, we’ll explore the harmonious intersection of Agile and engineering excellence, understanding how their collaboration forms the backbone of modern software engineering.

Agile’s Adaptive Framework

Agile methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban, have become synonymous with adaptability and iterative development. The Agile framework encourages frequent communication, rapid feedback loops, and the ability to respond to change. This adaptability aligns seamlessly with the fast-paced nature of software development, allowing teams to pivot quickly in response to evolving requirements and customer feedback.

Engineering Excellence: The Pillar of Quality

On the other side of the spectrum, engineering excellence embodies the principles and practices that lead to high-quality software. This includes robust architecture, clean code, effective testing strategies, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Engineering excellence is the cornerstone of building software that not only meets immediate needs but also stands the test of time, with minimal technical debt and maximum maintainability.

The Intersection: Striking a Balance

Iterative Refinement:

Agile’s iterative cycles provide the perfect environment for continuous improvement. At the intersection, engineering excellence ensures that each iteration builds upon a solid foundation. Teams can refine and enhance not only features but also the underlying codebase, fostering a culture of constant improvement.

Collaboration and Communication:

Agile emphasizes collaboration and regular communication. At the intersection, engineering excellence ensures that these collaborative efforts extend beyond project management to encompass technical collaboration. Cross-functional teams collaborate not only on tasks but also on code reviews, knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving.

Test-Driven Development (TDD):

TDD is a practice within engineering excellence that involves writing tests before writing code. At the intersection, TDD becomes an integral part of the Agile process, ensuring that each piece of code is validated against defined criteria. This not only improves code quality but also accelerates the development process.

Adapting to Change Without Compromising Quality:

Agile’s strength lies in its ability to embrace change. At the intersection, engineering excellence ensures that changes are implemented without compromising the integrity of the codebase. A robust testing infrastructure, continuous integration, and automated testing play pivotal roles in maintaining high standards during rapid iterations.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

Both Agile and engineering excellence share a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. At the intersection, teams engage in retrospectives not only on project management aspects but also on technical practices. This holistic approach fosters a culture of learning and adaptability.

Benefits of the Intersection

Faster Time-to-Market:

Agile’s iterative cycles, coupled with engineering excellence, enable faster and more efficient development. High-quality code and a focus on automation reduce the time spent on debugging and maintenance.

Higher Customer Satisfaction:

Agile’s responsiveness to customer feedback, combined with engineering excellence, results in software that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations. The intersection ensures the delivery of features that are not just functional but also reliable and maintainable.

Sustainable Development:

Engineering excellence at the intersection ensures that the development process is sustainable over the long term. Teams can adapt to change without accumulating technical debt, leading to a more sustainable and resilient codebase.


In the complex landscape of software development, the intersection of Agile methodologies and engineering excellence forms a nexus of innovation and efficiency. By combining the adaptability of Agile with the foundational principles of engineering excellence, organizations can navigate the challenges of modern software engineering successfully. The result is a dynamic, collaborative, and quality-driven approach that not only meets the needs of today but also paves the way for the challenges of tomorrow.

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Pragmatic Agile Coaches: Blending the Best from Many Methodologies

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on November 20, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, the Agile approach has emerged as a transformative force, promising flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability. However, in the quest for agility, some organizations find themselves navigating a sea of methodologies, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Enter the pragmatic Agile coach, the maestro of amalgamation, pulling the best from various methodologies to create a tailored approach that suits the unique needs of each organization. In this blog, we’ll explore the art of being a pragmatic Agile coach and how their approach brings a harmonious balance to the dynamic world of project management.

The Agile Landscape: A Mosaic of Methodologies

Agile, as a philosophy, encompasses various frameworks and methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and Extreme Programming (XP). Each methodology offers a unique set of principles, practices, and roles. While each is powerful in its own right, the pragmatic Agile coach recognizes that no one-size-fits-all solution exists. Instead, they embrace the diversity and selectively integrate elements from multiple methodologies to craft a bespoke Agile strategy.

Scrum’s Rhythm, Kanban’s Flow:

Scrum provides a structured framework with defined roles, events, and artifacts, offering a rhythm that suits many organizations. Pragmatic Agile coaches may borrow Scrum’s sprint planning and review ceremonies for their predictability.
Kanban, with its emphasis on visualizing work and maintaining a continuous flow, complements Scrum. Agile coaches often integrate Kanban boards to enhance visibility and facilitate smoother workflows between sprints.

Lean Thinking for Efficiency:

Lean principles, derived from manufacturing processes, focus on minimizing waste and maximizing value. Pragmatic Agile coaches adopt Lean thinking to streamline processes, eliminate bottlenecks, and optimize resource utilization, enhancing the overall efficiency of Agile practices.

XP’s Technical Excellence:

Extreme Programming (XP) places a strong emphasis on technical excellence through practices like pair programming and test-driven development. Pragmatic Agile coaches recognize the importance of these practices and incorporate them to ensure the delivery of high-quality, sustainable software.

Agile Mindset Beyond Methodologies:

The pragmatic Agile coach understands that agility is not confined to methodologies alone. They foster an Agile mindset within teams, encouraging adaptability, collaboration, and a focus on customer value. This mindset transcends the boundaries of specific methodologies and is foundational to the success of Agile practices.

The Art of Adaptation

The true art of being a pragmatic Agile coach lies in the ability to adapt. It’s not about rigidly adhering to a particular methodology but rather about recognizing the unique needs and challenges of each organization. The coach navigates the Agile mosaic, selecting and combining elements that make sense for the specific context.

Benefits of Pragmatic Agility

Flexibility and Adaptability:

Pragmatic Agile coaches enable organizations to adapt to change quickly. By drawing from various methodologies, they create a flexible framework that can evolve with the dynamic nature of projects.

Customization for Unique Challenges:

Every organization faces unique challenges. Pragmatic Agile coaches tailor their approach to address specific pain points, ensuring that Agile practices are not implemented in isolation but are integrated into the organization’s DNA.

Continuous Improvement:

Just as Agile emphasizes continuous improvement, the pragmatic Agile coach applies the same principle to their approach. They regularly assess the effectiveness of practices, seeking opportunities to refine and enhance the Agile strategy.


In the realm of Agile coaching, pragmatism is the key to success. Pragmatic Agile coaches recognize the richness of the Agile landscape and artfully blend methodologies to create a customized approach that best serves the needs of their organizations. By weaving together the strengths of Scrum, Kanban, Lean, XP, and fostering an Agile mindset, these coaches guide organizations towards a more adaptive, collaborative, and efficient future in the ever-evolving world of project management.

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Maximizing ALM/PPM Tools: The Indispensable Role of Expert Agile Coaches

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on November 20, 2023


In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment, organizations are increasingly turning to Agile methodologies to enhance their project management and product development processes. Accompanying this shift is the widespread adoption of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tools, which promise to streamline workflows, increase collaboration, and deliver projects more efficiently. However, the successful implementation and utilization of these tools require more than just software; they demand the guidance of expert Agile coaches. In this blog, we will explore why expert Agile coaching is indispensable for getting the most out of ALM/PPM tools.

Understanding ALM and PPM Tools

Before delving into the significance of expert Agile coaching, let’s briefly understand ALM and PPM tools.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM):

ALM tools provide a centralized platform to manage the entire lifecycle of a software application, from ideation and planning to development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

Project Portfolio Management (PPM):

PPM tools focus on optimizing project portfolios by helping organizations prioritize, manage, and execute projects more effectively. They provide visibility into project statuses, resource allocation, and strategic alignment.

The Role of Expert Agile Coaches

Agile coaches play a crucial role in guiding organizations through the Agile transformation and ensuring that ALM/PPM tools are used to their full potential. Here’s why their expertise is essential:

Tailoring Agile Practices:

Every organization is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Expert Agile coaches understand the nuances of Agile methodologies and can tailor practices to suit the specific needs and culture of an organization. This customization is vital for the successful integration of ALM/PPM tools into existing workflows.

Ensuring Alignment with Agile Principles:

ALM/PPM tools are most effective when aligned with Agile principles such as iterative development, collaboration, and customer feedback. Agile coaches ensure that the tools complement these principles rather than hinder them, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Overcoming Resistance to Change:

Implementing new tools and methodologies often faces resistance from team members accustomed to traditional approaches. Agile coaches are adept at managing change and can guide teams through the transition, addressing concerns, and highlighting the benefits of adopting ALM/PPM tools.

Facilitating Collaboration and Communication:

Collaboration is at the heart of Agile methodologies. Expert Agile coaches promote a culture of open communication and collaboration within teams and across departments, leveraging ALM/PPM tools to enhance these interactions. This ensures that everyone involved in a project has real-time access to critical information.

Optimizing Tool Usage:

ALM/PPM tools come with a plethora of features, and understanding how to leverage these features to their fullest extent is crucial. Agile coaches provide hands-on training and guidance, helping teams navigate the tools efficiently and maximizing their capabilities.

Continuous Improvement:

Agile is built on the principles of continuous improvement and adaptation. Expert Agile coaches instill a mindset of continuous learning within teams, encouraging them to regularly reassess and improve their processes with the support of ALM/PPM tools.


In conclusion, while ALM and PPM tools offer significant advantages in managing application development and project portfolios, their successful implementation hinges on the expertise of Agile coaches. These coaches serve as the guiding force, ensuring that the tools are seamlessly integrated into Agile workflows, fostering collaboration, and driving continuous improvement. In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, the partnership between organizations and expert Agile coaches is the key to unlocking the full potential of ALM/PPM tools.

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RTE Tips & Tricks Part 1: Automatically Update Agenda Times

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on October 17, 2023

Welcome to Tips & Tricks for RTEs

Today I am excited to release the first in a series of Tips and Tricks for Release Train Engineers (RTE). For those who are not familiar and have not worked with one, think of an RTE as the person who plans and coordinates large planning sessions on a regular cadence. Typically they are for software development teams, but can be used in most any context. These are typically referred to as Planning Intervals (PI), though there are other terms used, such as Big Room Planning. RTEs have so many responsibilities that it could be a separate blog series; for anyone who wants to dig deeper, Scaled Agile provides a very detailed explanation of the role.

From my experience as an RTE, I have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way, and I want to share them in case they can be helpful for others. This is all targeted to RTEs, however the tips I share could apply regardless of your role.

I always consider RTEs to be “master of ceremonies” for PI Planning. One of the most important things they can do while teams are busy preparing for PI Planning is to ensure all logistics for the event are set and ready to go for a smooth, efficient session.

While making the agenda for my first PI Planning, I spent entirely too much time keeping the start and end times accurate as I refined the agenda. Any time I made a change, I had to manually update the times, not just for that activity, but for all the ones below it too. No matter how much I double checked, I always missed something, and my PI Plannings quickly got sidetracked with questions and complaints about confusing agendas! I was thankful I had only one time zone on my agenda. I cringed when I thought about having more and quickly thought that there has to be a better way!

Tip #1 – Use Microsoft Excel Formulas to Calculate Agenda Times

Enter the first RTE tip in this series: Using Excel formulas, timeboxes for your activities, and time zone differences, you will never need to manually calculate agenda times again! Use my template to get started right away (go to File | Save As to download it) and slides to explain it. In a nutshell, there are three components:

1. Table of time zone offsets

The time zones on your agenda and how far ahead or behind they are from your own

2. Timeboxes for each activity on your agenda

The duration of each activity

3. Excel formulas driven by the time zone offset and timeboxes

Calculate start and end times.

Tip #1 – Use Cases

There are so many times when I think this can be helpful. Following are cases from my past experience when this has helped me:

1. US Daylight Savings Time

Update the time zone offset once when some time zones spring forward or fall back. All times on the agenda will be updated automatically.

2. Revised/resequenced agenda activities

Simply change the activities and/or their timeboxes, and agenda times will automatically update.

3. Modifying the time zones shown on your agenda

Add the time zone in the offset, add the columns on the agenda, then copy and paste the formulas.

Do you want to sharpen your RTE skills?

Yes, I want ICON to train me      |      No thanks, I’m at the top of my game

Hopefully you’ll find these as helpful as I do! We agilists love feedback, so please share your thoughts, and experiences in the comments. What tips do you have that I did not mention?

On tap for my next post: In today’s world of virtual and distributed teams, we are all dealing with more messages than ever before. Consequently, we quickly get inundated and can’t take it all in. The last thing you want is for your audience to gloss over. So what can you do to cut through all the communication clutter?

Written by
Andy Horvath SPC, RTE, MBA, CSM, PMP
Agile Transformation Coach

Find the original LinkedIn article here

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Eight Agile Coaching-style Dysfunctions – Don’t be an Antipattern

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on July 10, 2023

The 8 Agile Coaching-style Dysfunctions – Don’t be One of These

The Death Marcher

These coaches like to reverse coach “People and Interactions over Processes,” even if it is the first “Wassup” of the Agile Manifesto.
In this scenario, the team’s attempts to have fun can’t beat the pull of the Death-Marcher’s black hole. “Why are you taking a 5-minute break watching cute puppy videos, team, when you should be rewriting your iteration goal like I told you too?” The Death Marchers, lacking compassion, berate their team for coloring outside the lines rather than using this chance to bond with the team in a coachable moment. (I’m a sap. I personally like cute, cuddly puppy videos!)

The Death Marcher is a conversation oinker too. Rarely being satisfied, they often break fledgling spirits and foster feelings of frustration and inadequacy across their team. Usually without knowing they are doing it. Death marchers cherish correcting team infractions of the Death Marcher’s brand of “Agile Law” rather than rewarding healthy learning from honest mistakes and respectful debate.
In my experience, Death Marchers often lack creativity, empathy and an appreciation of their team’s cognitive load limits. They also lack understanding of Sinek’s Golden Circle; that which drives our intrinsic motivation. They are unable to see the art of team. Instead, they become a self-contextualized Agent of The Matrix bent on destroying any hope of Zion.

The Theorist

I learned after college, over the course of my first year in the workplace, my fancy book smarts didn’t quite get it when facing real-world challenges. That painful realization had to be mercilessly tempered by seeking experience through making mistakes, experimenting, and continuously learning. Come to terms with “It’s okay to suck at first,” provided you: Win. Learn. Never Lose.

I feel there are three kinds of theorists. Coaches that avoid accountability, those that lack the courage/energy to try, and coaches that lack human empathy to connect with all they serve. Regardless of the reason, theory alone creates a void that theorists can’t fill with just rules, tools and formulas.

True, you may have the knowledge, but if you don’t know how or are afraid to apply it when facing real-world variability, it’s useless. There’s an old coaching adage: A little pragmatism a day keeps waterfall away.
Paraphrasing the great philosopher Immanuel Kant: “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is no more than mental gymnastics.”

The Kumbaya

Oh my, lord. I have never seen agile teams rise to anger faster than when repeatedly encountering a Kumbaya coach. “Agile is self-sustaining harmony,” says the Kumbaya Coach while strumming a one-note soundtrack to the Movie, “Into the Unknown: My Agile Team’s Journey”.
Kumbayas often inadvertently undermine real problems a team faces daily, especially when teams are in the “Shu” maturity stage. They overuse the coaching phrase, “I don’t know, what would you do?” without due attention to team context. It comes across as coldly Darwinist, especially without first coaching the newborn cubs how to embody and radiate an agile mindset.
Look, Agile should be a relentless pursuit of harmony. But to reach it, first there must be an acknowledgement of chaos and entropy as the natural order. And when faced with this inescapable law, all things fall apart, the team and coach must winningly say to any challenge: “Oh no, not today, buddy!”

Invariably, Kumbayas think “I don’t know, what would you do?” is a forcing function for self-sufficiency. It can be in certain circumstances. My experience is that coaches better serve a team’s drive toward self-sufficiency using a sliding scale gradient based on a team’s maturity and environment when offering guidance.
The Zealot

I’m much more forgiving of The Zealot than of the Death Marcher. Zealots only crime is their inexperienced perspective. “I am an Agile Hammer, and everything looks like a communal-friendly nail.”
Zealots can be polarizing, especially when they fall in love with their own voice or knowledge. Unintentionally, their desire of viewing the entire world through a monochromatic lens, can push open/borderline Agile detractors further away from achieving Business Agility Nirvana.
Zealots are often neophytes and truly want to help people. They desire to evangelize the blessings Agile can bring to an organization. I get it and applaud it! However, through lacking an understanding of the application of Agile Principles, Zealots can become that song on Satellite radio that gets way too much air play.

The Condemner

“For your impudence team, drop and give me 20 then rewrite the Agile manifesto in its entirety repeatedly and intermixed with more push-ups until I say STOP.”

Condemners see the bad in everything. They hold agile ways of working a tad too righteously. They advocate rather than inquire. It is sad to say, that Condemners don’t listen to learn and understand, they listen to validate their own replies and counter opposing viewpoints. This is the lowest level of leadership agility.

If you want your team to continuously ghost you, become this type of coach.

The Giver

The Giver’s worst crime is often giving teams a fish rather than teaching them to fish. The Giver loves helping people and seeing that help improve other’s lives. They often care too much. The Giver will feed any misfortunate soul appearing on their doorstep at any hour of the workday and do so without judgement. The Giver would rather absorb all the pain than see the pain in those they coach without acknowledging that there’s pain that hurts and pain that alters.

As I self-reflect, I have embodied this dysfunction without realizing the harm it does in limiting the growth rate of those I coach. I have learned to cast a wide net, still. But also assess need on an individual/circumstantial basis where the team currently is at present. Then coach ½ a step ahead and anticipate where they want to be in the future. I now limit how much I do in favor of guiding more through powerful open-ended questions.

I use teach back techniques whenever/wherever they apply.

Nietzsche stated the difficulty of overcoming this dysfunction best: “This is hardest of all: to close the open hand out of love and keep modest as the giver.”

The Politician

There are two kinds of Politician coaches. The good ones that use their diplomatic talents to benefit those they serve ─ This Good Politician is the highest form of leadership agility. In self-reflection, this is the next level of coaching I am striving for through many learning lessons past and to come. Always put your teams before yourself while being kind to yourself and others, regardless of their viewpoint. Keep advocacy and inquiry always balanced.

The other version of The Politician is the bad one that is the posterchild of this self-serving dysfunction. The Bad Politician uses their talent for their own personal gains and notoriety rather than helping those they serve. Sometimes the needs of teams and the aim of The Bad Politician can coalesce, but this is of no concern to them. There is little trust between The Bad Politician and those they serve. They bypass, misrepresent and/or ignore the needs of their teams when discussing their teams with management.

It is all about control. The Bad Politician captures the ears of the leader they want to impress and becomes “the voice of the team”. To control the bi-directional information flow as a middle-man between teams and management. These types will always paint their failures as wins by saying “I told them not to do it” blame game. They laud their wins as if no one else on Earth but them made it happen. That is never the case in coaching.

A great Quote from the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham: “Tyranny and anarchy are never far apart”. A testament to most failed agile transformations.

The Data Merchant

The Data Merchant places too much emphasis on the data as a final endpoint rather than the beginning of the story. Tool-centricity and over-engineered dashboards become almost Messianic to The Data Merchant. A well-constructed dashboard and excellent data hygiene are indispensable to team/organizational growth. It’s the interpretation of data, in the absence of a lean-agile foundation and a pivotal conversation, that can objectify teams as a data point. The uninitiated team’s response is gaming the metrics. I feel data interpretation should be handled with the care of a story’s 3C’s.

Coaches by nature are empirical-driven creatures. To add to that, I am an engineer. It’s easy for folks like me to eat, breathe, and sleep 0’s and 1’s. There’s an allure to mathematics. It can provide some semblance of order when the chaos volume gets turned to 11.
It’s true. Good lean-agile habits coupled with judicious (3C) use of metrics can maximize a team’s self-discovery, growth, and rate of improvement. Or at a minimum, help uncover critical delays in value flow. The Data Merchant should invest more in the team’s Shu stage of development to let the intrinsic value of metrics take its rightful place in the Agile Pantheon. After all, coaches are in the making-good-habits business.

Do you want us to do your business agility for you?

Yes, I want ICON to do it for me      |      No thanks, I’d rather do it myself

Written by Joe Tardiolo
Enterprise Agile Transformation Coach

See Joe Tardiolo’s original LinkedIn article here.

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Topics: Antipatterns

Technical VS Adaptive Problems in Agile

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on February 6, 2023

“The most common leadership failure stems from trying to apply technical solutions to adaptive challenges.” Ron Heifetz

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Topics: Agile Leadership

Team-Level Agile

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 19, 2023

Do you want us to do your business agility for you?

Yes, I want ICON to do it for me      |      No thanks, I’d rather do it myself

What is a Scrum Team?

First, we need a short preface to define Scrum. The Scrum methodology is a team-level agile framework that achieves goals by delivering higher customer value in sprint-based iterations. At the heart of Scrum, lies the Scrum Team — a self-organized force driving success.

Now imagine a small, cross-functional team of dedicated individuals, working collaboratively to deliver valuable increments of work in short iterations called Sprints. This team consists of a skilled Scrum Master, an insightful Product Owner, and a group of talented Developers. They embody the Scrum values of transparency, trust, and openness, creating an environment of continuous learning and improvement.

A well-structured Scrum Team brings numerous benefits to your organization. By carefully considering the team size, you ensure effective cross-functionality and self-organization, enabling them to tackle any challenge that comes their way. The Scrum Master acts as a change agent, coaching the team on mindset and values, while the Product Owner maximizes the product’s value, making data-driven decisions aligned with business objectives.

The team, as a cohesive unit, possess a diverse range of skills, working autonomously to craft exceptional product increments. They pursue technical excellence, constantly refining their Definition of Done and leveraging Extreme Programming practices for inspiration.

But the true power of a Scrum Team lies in its ability to deliver value consistently. By understanding customer motivations, aligning with the product vision and overall business goals, and measuring outcomes rather than mere output, an organization’s Scrum Teams become a catalyst for success.

Regular self-assessment, retrospectives, and continuous improvement are key to unlocking the full potential of your Scrum Team. By reevaluating their progress in delivering value, you can identify areas for improvement and drive organizational agility to new heights.

Why do Agile teams need dedicated resources?

When Scrum teams have too many shared resources, it can lead to a number of problems. For example, shared resources may be over-allocated and unable to provide the necessary support to the team, which can cause delays and hinder the team’s ability to deliver their work on time. Additionally, shared resources may have conflicting priorities, which can lead to confusion and miscommunication within the team. Furthermore, having too many shared resources can make it difficult for the team to maintain focus and stay on track, which can impact the team’s overall productivity and efficiency.

Agile teams typically need dedicated resources because it allows team members to focus solely on the work of the team, without being pulled in other directions. This can help the team to be more productive and efficient, as well as better able to respond to changes and challenges. Additionally, having dedicated resources can help to build a sense of ownership and commitment among team members, which can be important for the success of the team.

6 Essential characteristics of an effective Product Owner

As Agile methodology continues to revolutionize the way software development teams work, the role of the Product Owner has become increasingly important. The Product Owner is the individual responsible for managing the product backlog, gathering user requirements, and making sure the product is meeting customer needs. 

To effectively fulfill this role, the Product Owner must possess certain key characteristics that are necessary for success.

1. Strategic Vision

The Product Owner must have a clear idea of the vision for the product and how it fits into the overall business strategy. They must be able to communicate this vision to stakeholders and the development team in order to ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.

2. Prioritization Skills

Product Owners must be able to prioritize tasks based on customer needs, business goals, and the team’s availability. They must be able to make tough decisions in order to ensure the team is focusing on the most important tasks. 

3. Communication Skills

Product Owners must be able to effectively communicate with stakeholders, customers, and team members. They must ensure all parties are on the same page and that everyone understands the product’s goals and objectives. 

4. User-Centric

Product Owners must have a good understanding of the user’s needs and be able to prioritize user stories accordingly. They must be able to empathize with the user and put themselves in their shoes when making decisions. 

5. Technical Knowledge

Product Owners must have a good understanding of the technology the team is using and be able to identify potential technical issues. They must also be able to communicate any technical requirements to the team.

6. Business Acumen

Product Owners must understand the business objectives of the product and be able to make decisions that will help the product meet those objectives. They must be able to identify opportunities for improvement and make decisions that will result in the best outcome for the business. 

The characteristics listed above are all essential for an effective Product Owner. To be successful in this role, Product Owners must possess a combination of business acumen, strategic vision, technical knowledge, and user-centric thinking. With the right skills, Product Owners can ensure their team is delivering the best possible product to their customers.


Problems with having more than one PO per team

There are a few potential problems with having more than one Product Owner (PO) per agile team:

Confusion and conflict

Having multiple POs can lead to confusion and conflict, as team members may receive conflicting direction or priorities from different POs. This can hinder the team’s ability to focus and deliver value effectively.

Reduced accountability

With multiple POs, it can be difficult to determine who is ultimately responsible for the team’s direction and decisions. This can lead to reduced accountability and a lack of ownership over the product.

Decreased team cohesion

Having multiple POs can lead to a lack of clarity and consistency in the team’s vision and direction, which can decrease team cohesion and morale.

It is generally recommended to have a single PO per agile team in order to avoid these problems and to ensure that the team has clear direction and accountability. 


Signs your Product Owner is not fulfilling their responsibilities

Here are some signs that a product owner may not be effectively fulfilling their role:

  1. They are not regularly attending sprint planning, review, and retrospective meetings, or they are not actively participating in these meetings.

  2. They are not available to the team to answer questions or provide guidance on the product vision and priorities.

  3. They are not prioritizing the backlog, or the priorities in the backlog are not clear to the team.

  4. They are not regularly communicating with stakeholders to gather feedback and input on the product.

  5. They are not making decisions or providing clear direction to the team on what to work on and when.

  6. They are not effectively managing scope and trade-offs to ensure that the team is delivering value to the business.

  7. They are not collaborating with the team and other stakeholders to ensure that the product is meeting the needs of its users.

A product owner (PO) who is not effectively fulfilling their role may be hindering the team’s ability to deliver value to the business and meet its goals and objectives. In such cases, it may be necessary to address the issue and find ways to improve the product owner’s performance.


6 Essential characteristics of a good Scrum Master

As any agile development leader knows, the role of a Scrum Master is critical to the success of any agile project. The Scrum Master must be able to ensure that the development process is running smoothly, that the team is productive, and that any impediments to progress are quickly identified and resolved. To be effective, a Scrum Master must possess a number of key characteristics and traits. 

Here are six of the most important ones to look for when hiring a Scrum Master: 

1. Communication and Collaboration

A good Scrum Master should have excellent communication and collaboration skills in order to be able to effectively communicate with team members, facilitate productive conversations and discussions, and ensure that all team members are on the same page.

2. Leadership

The Scrum Master should be a strong leader, not just someone who is able to direct and control the team. They should be able to motivate and inspire the team, provide clear direction, and foster a sense of unity and collaboration. 

3. Technical Expertise

The Scrum Master should have a good understanding of the development process, the technology being used, and the various tools and techniques. This knowledge will help them to provide effective guidance and direction to the team.

4. Problem-Solving

The Scrum Master should be able to quickly identify and troubleshoot any problems that arise during the development process. They should also be able to proactively identify potential issues and develop strategies to prevent them. 

5. Adaptability

As the development process evolves, the Scrum Master needs to be able to adapt and adjust accordingly. They should be able to quickly identify changes that need to be made and be willing to make them in order to ensure the success of the team. 

6. Empathy

Finally, the Scrum Master must be able to understand and empathize with the team members. This will enable them to better understand their needs and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal. 

These are just some of the key characteristics of an effective Scrum Master. The right person for the job should be someone who possesses all of these qualities, as well as strong technical and problem-solving skills.


Should team members rotate the Scrum Master/Team Coach?

It is possible for team members to take turns playing the Scrum Master role, with each person serving as the Scrum Master for a specific period of time before handing the role off to another team member. This approach can be beneficial in several ways.

First, it allows team members to gain experience and expertise in the Scrum Master role. This can be valuable for their personal and professional development, and can also provide the team with a broader range of skills and perspectives.

Second, rotating the Scrum Master role can help to prevent burnout and maintain team morale. The Scrum Master role can be demanding, and allowing team members to take turns in this role can help to distribute the workload and keep everyone engaged and motivated.

Third, rotating the Scrum Master role can also promote collaboration and teamwork within the team. By working together to fulfill the responsibilities of the Scrum Master, team members can develop stronger bonds and a greater sense of shared ownership over the team’s success.

Allowing team members to take turns playing the Scrum Master role can be a valuable approach, but it’s important to carefully plan and coordinate the rotation to ensure that the team’s workflow and progress are not disrupted.  There are some dangers in this approach:

While allowing team members to take turns playing the role of Scrum Master can have some benefits, it can also introduce some potential dangers.

One of the main dangers is that rotating the Scrum Master role can disrupt the team’s workflow and progress. The Scrum Master plays a critical role in facilitating the team’s work, and changing the person in this role can cause confusion and uncertainty within the team.

Another danger is that team members may not have the necessary skills and experience to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of the Scrum Master. The Scrum Master role requires a specific set of knowledge and abilities, and not all team members may be equipped to handle these responsibilities.

Additionally, rotating the Scrum Master role can also create inconsistencies in the team’s processes and practices. Different Scrum Masters may have different approaches and styles, which can lead to confusion and inconsistencies within the team.

While rotating the Scrum Master role can have some benefits, it’s important to carefully consider the potential dangers and plan accordingly to minimize any negative impacts on the team.


How should a Scrum Master/Team Coach spend their time to be effective?

As a Scrum Master/Team Coach, there are a number of activities that you can focus on in order to be effective:

Facilitating team meetings

This may include daily stand-ups, planning meetings, and retrospectives. You can help the team to run these meetings efficiently and effectively, and to identify and address any challenges or issues that arise.

Supporting the team

You can provide support and guidance to the team as they work towards their goals, and help them to identify and address any challenges or obstacles.

Removing roadblocks

You can help the team to remove any roadblocks or impediments that are hindering their progress, such as technical issues or dependency issues.

Protecting the team

You can help to protect the team from distractions and interruptions, and ensure that they have the time and resources they need to focus on their work.

Coaching and mentoring

You can provide coaching and mentorship to team members as they develop their skills and expertise.

As a Scrum Master/Team Coach, it is important to focus on supporting and enabling the team to work effectively and efficiently, and to help them to deliver value to their stakeholders.


Are your SMs supporting too many teams?

There are a few dangers of a scrum master supporting too many teams at the same time:

Reduced effectiveness

If a scrum master is spread too thin, they may not be able to provide the necessary level of support and guidance to the teams they are working with. This can lead to reduced effectiveness and productivity, and may hinder the team’s ability to deliver value.


Supporting too many teams can be demanding and time-consuming, and it can lead to burnout if the scrum master is not able to manage their workload effectively.

Decreased team satisfaction

If a scrum master is not able to provide the necessary support and guidance to the teams they are working with, team members may become frustrated or dissatisfied, which can lead to decreased satisfaction and engagement.

It is important for a scrum master to carefully consider the number of teams they are supporting, and to ensure that they have the necessary resources and support to effectively serve the needs of all of the teams they are working with. The number of teams that a scrum master should support can depend on a number of factors, such as the size of the teams, the complexity of the work, and the availability of resources. In general, it is generally recommended that a scrum master focus on supporting one or two teams at a time, as this allows them to provide the necessary level of support and guidance to the team.


6 Worst Scrum Master mistakes

Scrum Masters are the cornerstone of successful Agile projects and initiatives. As such, it is important to understand common mistakes that Scrum Masters make and how to avoid them. Here are 6 of the worst Scrum Master mistakes: 

1. Not Understanding the Role

A Scrum Master is not a project manager. The Scrum Master is responsible for guiding the team to success, not for managing the team’s day-to-day activities. A Scrum Master should be able to recognize the team’s strengths and weaknesses and facilitate collaboration. 

2. Not Listening to Team Members

A Scrum Master should be a good listener. It is important for the Scrum Master to take time to listen to the team’s ideas and opinions. This will help the Scrum Master to gain insight into the team’s dynamics and make better decisions. 

3. Not Being Available

A Scrum Master should always be available to the team. This means being available in person, via email, or via video conferencing. The Scrum Master should be accessible to the team to answer questions and provide guidance.

4. Not Having Clear Objectives

A Scrum Master should have a clear understanding of the project’s objectives and how the team can achieve them. Without clear objectives, the team will be unable to measure progress and make meaningful decisions. 

5. Not Holding Team Members Accountable

A Scrum Master should be able to hold team members accountable for their actions. This includes ensuring that team members are performing to the best of their abilities, ensuring transparency and engaging the team to pivot or replan if necessary. 

6. Not Facilitating Retros

A Scrum Master should facilitate regular retrospectives. Retrospectives provide an opportunity for the team to reflect on their successes and failures and identify areas of improvement. 

By avoiding these mistakes, Scrum Masters can ensure that their projects are successful. Scrum Masters must be knowledgeable and proactive to ensure that the team is working together effectively and efficiently.


When to use Kanban vs Scrum

Kanban and Scrum are both Agile project management frameworks that aim to help teams deliver high-quality products in a fast and efficient manner. In general, Kanban may be a better choice than Scrum in situations where the team needs to focus on continuously improving the efficiency of their work processes, or where the team needs to be able to quickly adapt to changes in priorities or requirements. This is because Kanban places a strong emphasis on visualizing work and managing flow, which can help teams to identify bottlenecks and improve their processes in real time. On the other hand, Scrum may be a better choice in situations where the team needs to deliver a large, complex project with well-defined requirements, as Scrum provides a structured approach to planning and executing work. Ultimately, the decision of which framework to use should be based on the specific needs and goals of the team.


Basics of the burn-down chart

A burndown chart is a visual tool that is used in Agile methodologies to track progress and predict what features and defect resolutions will likely be available for a release.  To use a burndown chart effectively, you should follow these steps:

  1. Identify the scope of work for the initiative and break it down into individual tasks.

  2. Estimate the effort required to complete each task, and use this information to create a burndown chart that shows the total amount of work remaining over time.

  3. Update the burndown chart regularly to reflect the actual progress of the team.

  4. Use the burndown chart to identify trends and patterns in the team’s progress, and take action to address any issues or obstacles that may be hindering their progress.

  5. Monitor the burndown chart closely to ensure that the team understands what is on track for release, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the initiative stays on schedule.

The key to using a burndown chart effectively is to use it as a tool for continuous improvement, and to use the information it provides to drive decisions and actions that will help the team to be more effective and efficient.


Key Benefits of using a burn-up chart

Scrum teams often face the challenge of managing a large number of tasks and ensuring that the team is making progress towards a goal. This is where the Burn-up Chart comes in. A Burn-up Chart is a graphical representation of the progress made by a team in a sprint or PI, and can provide a great visual representation of the work that has been completed. 

This Chart is a great tool for teams to use when managing their sprints. It allows them to quickly and easily track the progress they’re making, and to see if they are on track to complete all of the tasks they have planned. 

The Burn-up Chart makes it easy to identify any tasks that are taking too long to complete, or any tasks that have been completed ahead of schedule, so the team can adjust their sprint planning accordingly. 

The Burn-up Chart can also be used to identify areas where the team needs to focus more attention. It can be used to identify tasks that are taking too long to complete, or tasks that have been completed ahead of schedule. This allows the team to shift their focus to the tasks that need more attention, and to ensure that the sprint is completed on time. 

The Burn-up Chart also provides a great visual representation of the team’s progress. Teams can easily identify any areas where they may be struggling, and can quickly focus their attention on those areas. This helps teams stay focused and motivated. 


4 Agile estimation techniques

Agile estimation is an essential part of agile execution. Estimating the effort and resources needed to complete an initiative is one of the most important decisions a team can make. It can determine whether a project succeeds or fails. With the right estimation techniques, teams can ensure the success of their projects. There are a variety of agile estimation techniques, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. 

Some of the most popular techniques include Planning Poker, Wideband Delphi, Affinity Mapping, and the Magic Estimation Technique. 

Planning Poker is a popular agile estimation technique. 

It involves a group of people—usually the entire team—gathering to estimate the size and complexity of tasks. Each team member is given a set of cards with numerical values representing the size of the task. The team then discusses the task and places a card on the table. The cards are then compared and the most commonly chosen value is the estimated time for the task. 

Wideband Delphi is another popular agile estimation technique. 

This technique involves a group of experts who are given a task to estimate. The experts are then asked to submit their estimates anonymously. The estimates are then combined and used to create a consensus estimate. 

Affinity Mapping is a technique used to estimate the duration of a task. 

It involves grouping similar tasks together and assigning a numerical value to each group. This value is then used to estimate the total duration of the task. 

The Magic Estimation Technique is a popular technique used to estimate the effort and duration of a project. 

This technique involves breaking the project down into small parts and estimating the effort and duration of each part. The total effort and duration are then calculated based on the estimates of the individual parts. 

No matter which technique is used, having an accurate estimate of the effort and duration of a project is essential for success. Estimating is an important part of agile execution and should not be taken lightly. With the right technique, teams can ensure they can sustainably and predictably deliver.


Need a quick estimation method? Try T-Shirt Sizing

T-shirt sizing is a method that is commonly used in agile development to estimate the size or complexity of a given task or feature. This method involves assigning a size to each task or feature based on its relative complexity, with sizes typically ranging from XS (extra small) to XL (extra large).

T-shirt sizing is often used in agile development as part of the planning process. It can help teams quickly and easily estimate the amount of work that will be required for a given task or feature, and can also provide a way to compare the relative complexity of different tasks and features.

T-shirt sizing is generally most useful when teams are trying to develop a high-level understanding of the work that needs to be done, and when they need to make decisions about which tasks or features to prioritize. It is not intended to provide precise or detailed estimates, but rather to provide a general sense of the relative size and complexity of different tasks and features.

T-shirt sizing can be a useful tool in agile development when teams need to quickly and easily estimate the size and complexity of different tasks and features. By using this method, teams can make more informed decisions about how to prioritize their work and allocate their resources.


How is cost of delay used in WSJF

In the context of Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF), the cost of delay refers to the potential costs and negative impacts of delaying a particular piece of work. WSJF is a prioritization methodology that is used to prioritize work based on its relative importance and value to the organization. The cost of delay is one of the factors that is taken into account when determining the relative importance of a piece of work, and it is used to reflect the potential costs and negative impacts of delaying the work.

For example, imagine that you are working on an agile project and have two pieces of work that need to be prioritized. The first is a small user story that will take a few days to complete, but has a low potential cost of delay. The second is a larger feature that will take several weeks to complete, but has a high potential cost of delay if it is not completed in a timely manner. If you were to prioritize the small user story first, you would be exposing yourself to the potential costs and negative impacts of delaying the larger feature, which would be the cost of delay of prioritizing the small user story.

The cost of delay in WSJF is a measure of the potential costs and negative impacts of delaying a particular piece of work. It is used to help prioritize work based on its relative importance and value to the organization, with the goal of minimizing the potential costs and negative impacts of delays.

Best advice for splitting user stories that are too big

If you have a user story that is too big to be completed in a single iteration, it may be necessary to split the story into smaller, more manageable chunks. Here are some guidelines for splitting user stories:

  1. Identify the smallest possible piece of the user story that provides value to the customer. This could be a single feature or function, or a specific aspect of the user story.

  2. Create a separate user story for each piece of the original user story. Be sure to include the acceptance criteria and any other relevant details for each new user story.

  3. Prioritize the new user stories based on their value to the customer and the effort required to complete them.

  4. Assign the new user stories to the appropriate team or teams, and ensure that they are included in the next planning cycle.

The goal of splitting user stories is to ensure that the user stories are small enough to be completed in a single iteration, and that they provide value to the customer in a timely and efficient manner.


Leverage the “technical user story” to capture non-functional requirements

Technical user stories can be leveraged to cover non-functional requirements by explicitly including non-functional requirements in the user story. Non-functional requirements are often referred to as “quality attributes,” and they describe the characteristics of a system or product that are not related to specific functionality, such as performance, security, usability, or reliability.

To include non-functional requirements in a technical user story, the team can use the following format:

As a [user], I want [feature] so that [benefit] with the following non-functional requirements:

  • [Non-functional requirement 1]

  • [Non-functional requirement 2]

  • [Non-functional requirement 3]

For example:

As a user, I want to be able to log in to the application using my email address and password so that I can access my account securely.

Non-functional requirements:

  • The login process should be secure, with password hashing and salting to protect against attacks.

  • The login process should be fast, with a response time of less than 500 milliseconds.

  • The login process should be user-friendly, with clear error messages and an option to reset my password if I forget it.

By explicitly including non-functional requirements in technical user stories, teams can ensure that they are considering the full range of requirements for a product or system, and can prioritize and plan work accordingly.


Get creative with your retrospectives

Here are some ideas for getting creative with your retrospectives:

  1. Try a different format for your retrospectives. Instead of a traditional meeting, consider using a format such as a fishbowl discussion or a brainstorming session.

  2. Encourage participation from all members of the team. This could involve asking everyone to contribute their thoughts and ideas, or using techniques such as anonymous voting to gather feedback.

  3. Use a mix of qualitative and quantitative data in your retrospectives. In addition to soliciting feedback from team members, consider using metrics and other data to inform your discussions.

  4. Take a systemic approach to your retrospectives. Instead of just focusing on individual issues or problems, try to identify patterns and trends that may be impacting the team as a whole.

  5. Consider using visual aids, such as diagrams or graphs, to help communicate and explore ideas in your retrospectives.

The key to getting creative with your retrospectives is to be open to trying new things, and to be willing to experiment and learn from your experiences.  There are many resources available to help you identify ways to make your retrospectives creative and engaging.


Are you a scrum team that skips retros?

There are several things that can happen to Scrum teams that skip retrospectives:

Decreased team morale

Skipping retrospectives can lead to decreased team morale, as it deprives team members of an opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback on the work that has been completed and to identify and address any issues or challenges that may be impacting their ability to meet their goals.

Decreased transparency and accountability

Skipping retrospectives can also decrease transparency and accountability within the team, as it reduces the frequency of progress reviews and makes it more difficult to identify and address any issues or challenges that may be impacting the team’s effectiveness.

Decreased continuous improvement

Finally, skipping retrospectives can decrease the team’s focus on continuous improvement, as it reduces the frequency of review and assessment of the team’s process and work, and can make it more difficult to identify and address areas for improvement.

Skipping retrospectives can have negative impacts on team morale, transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, and it is important for Scrum teams to make time for regular retrospectives to ensure that they are able to effectively review and assess their progress and identify any areas for improvement.


Need a new Retro Technique: Try the Sailboat

The sailboat method is a technique for conducting retrospectives. It is called the sailboat method because it uses a sailboat as a metaphor to help teams reflect on their journey and identify areas for improvement.

To use the sailboat method, the facilitator draws a sailboat on a whiteboard or flipchart, and asks the team to reflect on their journey over the last iteration. The facilitator then asks the team to identify any obstacles or challenges they encountered during their journey, and to place them on the anchor as “baggage” that is pulling the boat down.

Next, the facilitator asks the team to identify any positive experiences or accomplishments they had during their journey, and to place them on the sailboat as “wind” that is helping the boat move forward.

Finally, the facilitator asks the team to identify any actions or improvements they can make to help the boat sail more smoothly and efficiently in the future. These actions are then written down and recorded, and the team commits to implementing them in the next iteration.

The sailboat method is a simple and effective way to help teams reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement. It is a visual and engaging approach that can help teams gain new insights and perspectives, and it can also help them build stronger connections and trust within the team.


Another Retro Technique: “King” or “Queen” for the Day

The “King or Queen for a Day” retrospective game is a technique that is used to identify and discuss issues and improvements within a team. It involves asking team members to pretend that they are the “king” or “queen” for a day, and that they have the power to make any changes they wish to improve the team’s processes or work environment.

To play the game, the team leader or facilitator asks each team member to think about one change they would make if they were “king for a day.” The team members then share their ideas with the group and discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of each suggestion.

The purpose of the game is to encourage team members to think creatively and outside the box, and to identify areas for improvement that may not have been surfaced through more traditional retrospective techniques. It can also help to build team cohesion and foster a sense of ownership and empowerment among team members.

To conclude the game, the team can discuss which of the suggestions are feasible to implement and create a plan for incorporating them into the team’s processes.

Boring Retrospectives? Try the Escape Room version

The escape room method is a technique that can be used to facilitate a retrospective meeting in an agile team. In this method, the team is presented with a “puzzle” or problem to solve, and must work together to find a solution.

To use the escape room method for a retrospective, the facilitator can create a scenario or theme based on the team’s current project or challenges. For example, the theme could be “getting out of a sticky situation” or “solving a mystery.” The team is then given a set of clues or tasks to complete in order to solve the puzzle and “escape” from the scenario.

As the team works through the clues and tasks, they can reflect on their experiences and discuss what went well, what could be improved, and what they learned during the current iteration. This approach can be a fun and engaging way for teams to conduct a retrospective and identify areas for improvement.


Considered about your teams dwindling energy levels – Conduct the “Energy Level” retrospective

The energy level retrospective is a technique that can be used to facilitate a retrospective meeting in an agile team. This method involves having team members rate their energy level at different points during the current iteration, and then discussing what factors contributed to their energy level and how it affected their work.

To use the energy level retrospective method, the facilitator can ask team members to rate their energy level at the beginning, middle, and end of the iteration on a scale from 1 to 10. The team can then discuss what factors contributed to their energy level at each point, such as feeling overwhelmed or energized, and how their energy level affected their work.

The energy level retrospective can be a useful tool for teams to identify patterns and trends in their energy levels, and to identify ways to improve their energy management. It can also help teams to identify factors that may be affecting their productivity and satisfaction, and to make necessary adjustments.


The controversy of using velocity as an agile team performance metric…

Velocity is a controversial agile metric for a few reasons. First, velocity is often used as a measure of productivity, and there is a concern that this can lead to a focus on meeting predetermined velocity targets rather than on delivering value to the customer. This can result in teams engaging in unproductive behaviors, such as over-committing to work or sacrificing quality in order to meet their velocity targets. Additionally, velocity can be a highly variable metric, and can be influenced by a number of factors that are outside the control of the team. This can make it difficult to use velocity as a reliable predictor of future performance. Finally, some critics argue that velocity is not a meaningful or useful metric, and that it is better to focus on other measures of performance, such as customer satisfaction or business value delivered. 

While velocity can be a useful tool for tracking and managing the progress of an agile team, it is important to use it in the right context and to avoid putting too much emphasis on it.


Steps to building high-performing teams

A high-performing agile team is a group of individuals who are able to quickly and efficiently deliver high-quality products or services through the use of agile methodologies. This type of team typically has strong communication and collaboration skills, is highly adaptable and able to pivot quickly in response to changing market conditions or customer needs, and is committed to continuously improving its processes and output. Additionally, a high-performing agile team is often characterized by a high level of trust and transparency within the team, and a shared sense of ownership and accountability for the team’s work.

There are several key steps to building a high-performing team. These include:

  1. Clearly defining the team’s goals and objectives, and ensuring that everyone on the team understands their role in achieving these goals.

  2. Providing the team with the necessary tools, resources, and support to be successful. This might include things like training, access to the right technology, or funding for key initiatives.

  3. Creating an open and collaborative work environment, where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and working together to solve problems.

  4. Establishing clear communication channels, and ensuring that everyone on the team is regularly updated on the team’s progress and any changes to the team’s goals or objectives.

  5. Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where team members are encouraged to take on new challenges and learn from their successes and failures.

  6. Providing regular feedback and support to team members, and creating opportunities for team members to grow and develop their skills.

  7. Recognizing and rewarding team members for their contributions, and celebrating the team’s successes together.

Building a high-performing team requires a combination of clear communication, collaboration, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By focusing on these key areas, teams can become more efficient, effective, and successful in achieving their goals.


Potential antipatterns teams can fall prey to

There are many potential agile antipatterns that teams can fall into, but some of the most common ones to avoid include:

  1. Over-reliance on daily stand-up meetings: While daily stand-up meetings can be an effective way to keep the team focused and on track, they can also become a crutch that hinders progress if relied upon too heavily.

  2. Lack of clear goals and objectives: Agile teams need to have well-defined goals and objectives in order to be effective. Without these, the team may struggle to stay on track and make progress.

  3. Lack of clear communication and collaboration: Agile teams rely on effective communication and collaboration in order to be successful. If these elements are missing, the team may struggle to make progress.

  4. Failure to adapt to changing circumstances: Agile teams need to be flexible and able to adapt to changing circumstances in order to be successful. If the team is unable to do this, they may struggle to make progress.

  5. Over-reliance on agile tools and processes: Agile tools and processes can be incredibly useful, but they are only effective if used properly. Over-reliance on these tools and processes can lead to stagnation and a lack of progress.


Tips for supporting innovation in your scrum teams

Scrum is a framework for agile software development that emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and the delivery of working software. In order to enable Scrum teams to be innovative, there are several steps that organizations can take, including:

Create a supportive environment

In order to foster innovation, organizations should create a supportive environment that encourages creativity and risk-taking. This can involve providing the necessary resources and support that teams need to experiment and try new things.

Encourage collaboration

Innovation often emerges from collaboration and the sharing of ideas. Organizations should encourage Scrum teams to work closely together and share their ideas and perspectives in order to foster a culture of innovation.

Allow for experimentation

In order to enable Scrum teams to be innovative, organizations should allow teams to experiment and try new approaches. This can involve providing the necessary resources and support to allow teams to take risks and try new things.

Provide regular feedback

In order to enable Scrum teams to be innovative, organizations should provide regular feedback on the teams’ performance and progress. This can help teams to identify areas for improvement and to refine their approaches in order to achieve better results.

Organizations can enable Scrum teams to be innovative by creating a supportive environment, encouraging collaboration, allowing for experimentation, and providing regular feedback. By taking these steps, organizations can foster a culture of innovation and support Scrum teams in their efforts to deliver high-quality software.


The Impact of Task Switching

Task switching, or the practice of constantly switching between different tasks, can have a negative impact on agile teams.

First, task switching can lead to decreased productivity, as workers may be unable to focus on a single task and may need to constantly switch between different tasks. This can result in lower quality work and increased cycle times, as workers may need to spend more time re-familiarizing themselves with tasks that they have set aside for a period of time.

Second, task switching can lead to decreased collaboration and communication among team members, as workers may be less likely to share their thoughts and ideas with others when they are constantly switching between tasks. This can reduce the overall effectiveness of the team and can make it difficult for team members to work together to achieve their goals.

Third, task switching can lead to increased stress and burnout among team members, as workers may feel overwhelmed by the constant need to switch between tasks. This can lead to decreased morale and motivation among team members, which can ultimately impact the overall performance of the team.

Task switching can have a negative impact on agile teams, and should be avoided whenever possible. To minimize the negative effects of task switching, teams should strive to limit the amount of WIP (work in progress) and to focus on completing tasks and projects in a timely and efficient manner. This can help to increase productivity, improve collaboration and communication, and reduce stress and burnout among team members.

Do Standups have to be daily?

Agile stand-ups, also known as daily stand-ups, are a common practice in agile software development. They are typically short meetings that take place every day, in which team members share what they have accomplished since the last stand-up, what they are currently working on, and any obstacles or challenges they are facing. Doing stand-ups only on a weekly basis rather than daily can have some drawbacks.

First, daily stand-ups help teams stay on track and avoid getting off course. By providing regular updates on progress and challenges, team members can quickly identify and address any issues that may arise. This can help prevent delays and keep the project moving forward smoothly. When stand-ups are only held weekly, it can be more difficult for team members to stay in sync and for the team as a whole to stay on track.

Second, daily stand-ups can help identify and address potential problems before they become major issues. By providing a forum for team members to discuss their work and challenges, stand-ups can help identify potential roadblocks or issues early on. This can allow the team to take corrective action before the problem becomes serious, which can save time and effort in the long run. When stand-ups are only held weekly, it can be more difficult to identify and address potential problems in a timely manner.

You may think you are saving time holding stand-ups only on a weekly basis, but doing so can also introduce some risks and challenges. 

5 Signs your stand ups need a tune up!  

Here are some signs that your agile stand-up meetings may need a tune-up:

  • The meetings are not focused and tend to wander off topic.

  • Participants are not actively engaged in the meetings and are not providing updates or asking for help.  

  • The meetings are not providing value to the team and are not helping to improve communication and collaboration.

  • The meetings are not helping the team to identify and address challenges and roadblocks in their work.

  • Team members don’t show up!

If your agile stand-up meetings are not providing value to the team and are not helping to improve communication and collaboration, it may be time to reassess how they are being run and make adjustments as needed to improve their effectiveness.


Recognize the stages of your team’s evolution

Forming, storming, norming, and performing are stages of team development first described by psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965. These stages are often referred to as Tuckman’s stages, and they describe the typical patterns of behavior that teams go through as they form, develop, and mature.


In the forming stage, team members are getting to know each other and establishing relationships. They may feel excited and enthusiastic about the work ahead, but they may also feel uncertain or anxious about their roles and responsibilities.


In the storming stage, team members may start to experience conflict or tension as they work to define their roles and establish their place within the team. This stage can be challenging, but it is also an opportunity for team members to learn more about each other and to build trust and understanding.


In the norming stage, team members start to work more cohesively and to establish norms and patterns of behavior. They may also start to develop a sense of shared identity and purpose.


In the performing stage, the team is working effectively and efficiently towards their goals. Team members are able to communicate openly and collaborate effectively, and they are able to adapt to changes and challenges as they arise.

It’s important to note that these stages are not necessarily linear, and teams may move back and forth between stages as they work together. As a team progresses through these stages, it’s important to provide support and guidance to help them develop and mature.


Tips for SMs to support their teams during “Storming”

Here are a few tips for scrum masters who have a team in the “storming” phase:

  • Encourage open communication:

    Encourage team members to share their thoughts and concerns openly and honestly, and create an environment where it is safe to express differences of opinion.

  • Facilitate conflict resolution:

    Help the team to identify and resolve conflicts as they arise. This may involve facilitating discussions or mediating disputes.

  • Set clear expectations and roles:

    Clearly communicate roles and responsibilities, and make sure that team members understand what is expected of them. This can help to reduce confusion and conflict.

  • Foster a positive team culture:

    Promote a supportive and inclusive environment, and encourage team members to work together and support one another.

  • Provide support and guidance:

    Help the team to identify and address challenges, and provide resources and tools to support their development.

By taking these steps, you can help your team to navigate the storming phase and move towards more effective and efficient collaboration.


Create a Kudos Card Wall

A kudos card wall is a technique that is often used during agile retrospectives to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of team members.

To use a kudos card wall, the team creates a physical or virtual wall and prints or posts a set of blank cards on it. Team members are then invited to write down and post a “kudos card” for a teammate who they would like to recognize and thank for their contributions. The cards should include specific examples of what the team member did that was valuable or appreciated.

The purpose of the kudos card wall is to create a positive and supportive environment within the team and to recognize and celebrate the contributions of individual team members. It can help to build team morale and foster a sense of appreciation and gratitude within the team.

At the end of the retrospective, the team can review the kudos cards and discuss the positive impact that the recognized team members had on the team and the project. The cards can then be saved and displayed as a reminder of the team’s accomplishments and appreciation for each other.

Refresh your team’s working agreement 

Agile teams establish a working agreement in order to establish clear expectations and ground rules for how team members will work together. A working agreement is a document that outlines the team’s expectations for communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution. It is a crucial tool for helping agile teams to be successful, as it provides a common framework for team members to follow and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, a working agreement can help to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts within the team, and it can also help to build trust and foster a sense of collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, a working agreement is an essential part of any agile team, as it helps the team to be more efficient, effective, and successful.

A good working agreement for a scrum team should include a number of key elements. Some of the key elements that should be included in a working agreement for a scrum team include:

The team’s purpose and goals

The working agreement should clearly state the team’s purpose and goals, and provide a clear direction for the team to follow. This will help team members to understand what the team is working towards, and will provide a common framework for decision-making.

The team’s values and principles

The working agreement should also include the team’s values and principles. This may include values such as collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. These values will guide the team’s behavior and decision-making, and will help to foster a positive and productive team culture.

The team’s roles and responsibilities

The working agreement should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member. This will help to ensure that everyone understands their role and what is expected of them, and it will also help to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts within the team.

The team’s communication and collaboration practices

The working agreement should include the team’s communication and collaboration practices. This may include details such as how team members will communicate with each other, how decisions will be made, and how conflicts will be resolved.

The team’s rules and expectations

The working agreement should also include the team’s rules and expectations. This may include expectations for attendance, punctuality, and participation, as well as any other rules or guidelines that the team has agreed upon.

Let your scrum teams pick a team name

The act of a Scrum team picking a name can serve several purposes. First, it can help to promote a sense of unity and teamwork among team members. By choosing a name together, the team can feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and can foster a sense of belonging.

Additionally, a team name can also help to establish the team’s identity, both within the organization and among stakeholders. This can be particularly useful in organizations with multiple Scrum teams, as it can help to distinguish one team from another and facilitate communication and collaboration.

Finally, choosing a team name can also be a fun and enjoyable activity that can help to build morale and foster a positive team culture. In this way, the act of picking a name can be seen as an important part of the team-building process.

Just a few examples although you will find your teams to be very creative:

  • Agile Avengers

  • The Sprint Masters

  • The Scrum Warriors

  • The Agile Ninjas

  • The Scrum All-Stars

  • The Agile Mavericks


Adjust your team capacity for PTO

o incorporate your paid time off (PTO) into your capacity for sprint planning, you can follow these steps:

Determine your team’s capacity

The first step is to determine how much work your team can realistically handle during the sprint. This will depend on the size of your team, their skills and expertise, and the complexity of the work.

Account for PTO

Once you know your team’s capacity, subtract the number of hours that team members will be out on PTO. This will give you a more accurate picture of the team’s capacity during the sprint.

Plan your work accordingly

Based on the remaining capacity, plan the work for the sprint. Make sure to prioritize the most important tasks and allocate them to team members who will be available during the sprint.


Reasons team members may be resisting change

There are a number of reasons why people may resist change during an agile transformation:

  • Fear of the unknown:

    Change can be intimidating, especially if it involves unfamiliar processes or tools. Some people may resist change out of a fear of the unknown or a fear of failure.

  • Loss of control:

    Some team members may feel like they are losing control or autonomy when their work processes are changed. They may be concerned about their ability to perform their job effectively under the new system.

  • Comfort with the status quo:

    People often become comfortable with their current work processes, even if they are not ideal. It can be difficult to break out of old habits and embrace new ways of working.

  • Lack of understanding:

    Some team members may not fully understand the benefits of the agile transformation or how it will impact their work. This can make it difficult for them to see the value in the change.

  • Personal reasons:

    Some people may resist change for personal reasons, such as a lack of confidence in their own abilities or a fear of being judged by their peers.

To overcome resistance to change, it’s important to communicate clearly and transparently about the reasons for the transformation and how it will benefit the team. Providing training and support to help team members understand and adapt to the new processes can also be helpful.


Most common impediments for scrum teams

There are many potential impediments that can impact a Scrum team’s ability to deliver value. Some common examples include:

Dependencies on other teams or external organizations

Scrum teams often rely on other teams or external organizations to complete their work. If these dependencies are not managed effectively, it can create delays and hinder progress.

Lack of clarity on user stories or acceptance criteria

If the team does not have a clear understanding of what is expected from each user story, it can be difficult for them to make progress.

Insufficient resources

Scrum teams may not have the necessary resources (e.g. time, money, personnel) to complete their work. This can create bottlenecks and delays.

Technical challenges

Complex or poorly understood technical challenges can slow down progress and create frustration for team members.

Poor communication

If team members are not communicating effectively, it can be difficult to identify and resolve impediments in a timely manner.

Political issues

Internal politics or conflicting priorities within the organization can create roadblocks for the Scrum team.

Personal issues

Personal issues, such as illness or other distractions, can impact an individual’s ability to contribute to the team’s work.

It’s important for Scrum teams to identify and address these and other impediments as quickly as possible to ensure that they are able to deliver value on a consistent basis.

Do you have “False Velocity”?

Carrying work over to the next sprint, also known as “carryover,” can be dangerous for a number of reasons.

Carryover can make it difficult to accurately track progress and measure the team’s velocity.  In these situations, the team frequently spends time deciding how much partial credit to take and how to resize the remaining work for the next sprint.  This “false velocity” can make it challenging for the team to accurately estimate how long it will take to complete future work, which can lead to unrealistic commitments and missed deadlines.

Carryover can also be a sign of larger problems within the team, such as a lack of proper planning, communication, or collaboration. It’s important for the team to regularly review their process and identify any potential issues that may be contributing to the carryover of work.

It’s important for Scrum teams to avoid carrying work over to the next sprint as much as possible and potentially complete less work, but complete that work to adhere to the definition of done.

Are you “waterfalling” your sprints?

In agile software development, a sprint is a short, fixed period of time (usually one to two weeks) during which a specific set of work is completed. Sprints are a key element of the agile process, and are used to deliver working software incrementally and to continuously gather feedback from stakeholders.

To “waterfall” a sprint means to adopt a more traditional, non-agile approach to completing the work within a sprint. This might involve creating a detailed plan at the beginning of the sprint, breaking the work down into specific tasks and assigning them to individual team members, and tracking progress using a Gantt chart or other project management tool.  This might also involve focusing on development in a sprint, but pushing testing to another sprint.

Waterfalling a sprint can be problematic because it goes against the principles of agile, which emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and continuous delivery. Waterfalling a sprint can lead to inflexibility and a lack of adaptability, as the team is locked into a specific plan and may not be able to respond to changes or pivot as needed.

It is best to follow agile principles and practices when working within a sprint, rather than adopting a more traditional, waterfall approach.


Why are we always getting interrupted mid-sprint?

There are several potential reasons why your Scrum team’s sprints might be getting disrupted, and it’s likely that there is more than one contributing factor. Here are some common causes of disruptions in Scrum sprints:

  • Changes in scope or priorities:

    If the scope or priorities of the work being done in a sprint change frequently, it can be difficult for the team to maintain stability and focus.

  • Lack of clear goals:

    If the goals of the sprint are not clearly defined or understood by the team, it can be hard for team members to stay on track and make progress.

  • Interruptions:

    External interruptions, such as meetings or unplanned work, can disrupt the flow of work within a sprint and make it difficult for the team to maintain momentum.

  • Team skills and experience:

    If team members are not fully skilled or experienced in the work they are doing, it can lead to disruptions and delays.

  • Communication issues:

    Poor communication within the team or with stakeholders can lead to misunderstandings and misalignment, which can disrupt the progress of the sprint.

To address these issues, it may be helpful to review your team’s processes and identify areas for improvement. For example, you could work to better define the scope and goals of each sprint, establish clear communication channels, and provide training and support to team members as needed. It may also be helpful to have a Scrum Master or other agile coach work with the team to identify and address any challenges they are facing.


User Stories specify “why”, Tasks specify “how”

In agile development, the “why” or purpose behind the work being done is typically captured in user stories, while the “how” or specific tasks required to complete the work are captured in the accompanying task list.

A user story is a short, simple description of a feature or functionality that will be valuable to an end user. It typically follows the format: “As a [user], I want to [do something], so that [I can achieve some benefit].” User stories are focused on the value that the work will deliver to the end user and are used to guide the development process.

The task list, on the other hand, is a list of the specific tasks that need to be completed in order to implement the user story. These tasks should be small, specific, and achievable within a single sprint. The task list helps to break down the user story into smaller, more manageable chunks of work and provides a clear roadmap for the team to follow.

By separating the “why” (user stories) from the “how” (tasks), agile teams can focus on delivering value to the end user while also ensuring that the work is broken down into manageable chunks that can be completed efficiently.


Clean up those “orphaned” user stories

In agile development, a story (also called a user story) is a description of a feature or functionality that is desired by a user or customer. A story typically follows a specific format, such as “As a [user type], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].”

An orphaned agile story may have been identified and defined, but has not been prioritized or scheduled for implementation nor has it been connected to feature, product or portfolio roadmaps. Orphaned stories may be important to the customer or business, but they may not be the highest priority at the moment, or there may not be sufficient resources or capacity to work on them.

Orphaned stories are often recorded and tracked in the team’s backlog, which is a list of all the stories that the team has identified but has not yet completed. The backlog serves as a reference for the team and helps them prioritize their work.

It’s important for agile teams to periodically review their backlog and ensure that orphaned stories are still relevant and aligned with the business goals. If a story is no longer needed or has become outdated, it can be removed from the backlog. If a story is still important and should be considered for future implementation, it can be reevaluated and prioritized accordingly and should be properly linked to the feature and portfolio levels of the hierarchy.


When the user of your user story is actually a “system”

In agile software development, user stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature that is being developed. They are written from the perspective of the user and are used to capture the requirements for a feature.

When the user of a feature is another system, rather than a human user, the user story should still be written from the perspective of the system that is using the feature. For example, if a system is being developed to interface with another system, the user story might be written as:

“As a system that interfaces with other systems, I want to be able to exchange data with other systems using a standard protocol, so that I can seamlessly integrate with other systems.”

In this case, the user story is written from the perspective of the system that is being developed, and it clearly describes the desired functionality and the benefit that it provides.

It is important to note that user stories are just one tool that can be used to capture requirements in an agile development process. Other tools, such as acceptance criteria and technical design documents, may also be used to provide more detailed information about the feature being developed.


Clarify the difference between “Acceptance Criteria” and “Definition of Done”

In agile development, the “Definition of Done” (DoD) is a set of standards that a product or feature must meet in order to be considered complete. The DoD specifies the requirements that a product or feature must fulfill in order to be considered ready for release or deployment. The DoD is typically created by the development team, and it can include criteria such as code review, testing, and documentation requirements.

Acceptance criteria, on the other hand, are the specific requirements or conditions that a product or feature must meet in order to be accepted by the customer or stakeholder. Acceptance criteria are typically defined by the customer or stakeholder, and they outline the specific features or capabilities that the product must have in order to be considered successful.

While the DoD and acceptance criteria are related, they serve different purposes. The DoD is used by the development team to ensure that a product or feature is complete and ready for release, while acceptance criteria are used by the customer or stakeholder to evaluate whether the product or feature meets their needs and expectations.

Don’t blindly fill your team’s backlogs with tickets!

There are several potential dangers of just filling your agile team’s backlogs with tickets without proper planning and consideration:


Filling the backlog with too many tickets can lead to an overload of work for the team, resulting in burnout and decreased productivity.

Lack of focus

A backlog full of tickets can make it difficult for the team to prioritize their work and identify the most important tasks. This can lead to a lack of focus and inefficient use of resources.

Lack of vision

Filling the backlog with tickets without considering the long-term vision and goals of the project can result in a lack of direction and purpose for the team.

Decreased morale

When team members feel overwhelmed or uncertain about their work, it can lead to decreased morale and engagement.

To avoid these dangers, it is important to carefully plan and prioritize the work in the backlog, and to regularly review and adjust the backlog to ensure that it aligns with the team’s goals and objectives. This will help to ensure that the team is focused on the right work and has the resources and support they need to be successful.


Top 10 Characteristics of Great Agile Teams

Here are the top 10 characteristics of great agile teams:

  • Collaboration:

    Great agile teams work together effectively and are able to collaborate and communicate effectively across different roles and disciplines.

  • Adaptability:

    Great agile teams are flexible and adaptable, able to respond quickly to changing requirements and priorities.

  • Empathy:

    Great agile teams demonstrate empathy towards their customers and stakeholders, and are able to understand and prioritize their needs.

  • Ownership:

    Great agile teams take ownership of their work and are committed to delivering high-quality results.

  • Trust:

    Great agile teams build trust through open communication and transparency, and are able to rely on each other to deliver on commitments.

  • Respect:

    Great agile teams demonstrate respect for their teammates and value diversity and inclusivity.

  • Courage:

    Great agile teams are willing to take risks and embrace change, and are not afraid to challenge the status quo.

  • Continuous improvement:

    Great agile teams are always looking for ways to improve their processes and practices, and are open to learning and experimentation.

  • Focus:

    Great agile teams are able to focus on the most important tasks and priorities, and are able to deliver results efficiently and effectively.

  • Fun:

    Great agile teams enjoy working together and find meaning and fulfillment in their work. They create a positive and supportive work environment that fosters creativity and innovation.


Beware of the long sprint

Sprints that are too long can lead to a number of problems in an agile development process. Some potential consequences of creating sprints that are too long include:

Decreased focus and motivation

Long sprints can lead to a loss of focus and motivation among team members, as they may feel that the end of the sprint is too far off to be meaningful. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and engagement.

Increased risk of scope creep

Long sprints can also increase the risk of scope creep, as new ideas and requirements may emerge over the course of the sprint. This can lead to delays and make it difficult for the team to complete the work that was originally planned.

Increased risk of burnout

Working on a single sprint for an extended period of time can lead to burnout among team members, as they may feel overwhelmed by the volume of work. This can lead to a decrease in quality and an increase in errors and defects.

Difficulty adapting to changes

Long sprints can also make it more difficult for the team to adapt to changes or course-correct if necessary. This can lead to delays and inefficiencies in the development process.

In general, it’s important to carefully consider the length of sprints in an agile development process, and to strike a balance between allowing sufficient time to complete the work and maintaining focus and momentum.


3 Reasons to Timebox the Sprint

Timeboxing a sprint is the practice of setting a fixed length of time for the sprint, and it is an important aspect of agile development. There are several reasons why timeboxing a sprint is important:

  1. It helps to maintain focus and momentum:

    Timeboxing a sprint helps to maintain focus and momentum by setting clear boundaries around the work that will be completed during the sprint. This can help to prevent scope creep and ensure that the team stays on track.

  2. It allows for frequent feedback and review:

    Timeboxing a sprint also allows for frequent feedback and review, as the team can review and assess the progress made at the end of each sprint. This can help to identify any issues or challenges that need to be addressed, and can provide an opportunity to course-correct if necessary.

  3. It enables better planning and estimation:

    Finally, timeboxing a sprint can help with planning and estimation, as it provides a clear framework for the team to use when determining how much work can be realistically completed during the sprint. This can help to improve the accuracy of estimates and improve the overall efficiency of the development process.

Explain “Sprint Zero”

Sprint zero is a term used in agile software development to refer to the initial planning phase of a project. It is the first sprint in a project and typically involves activities such as gathering and analyzing requirements, creating a high-level project plan, and defining the scope of the project. The purpose of sprint zero is to establish a solid foundation for the project, so that the team can begin working on actual features and functionality in subsequent sprints. Sprint zero may also involve setting up the development environment, establishing project management tools and processes, and identifying any dependencies or constraints that will affect the project. It is important to note that sprint zero is not a traditional sprint in the sense that it does not involve the actual development of any deliverables. Instead, it is focused on planning and preparation for the rest of the project.


Continuously missing sprint Goals?  Reset!

Here are some steps that agile teams can take to reset themselves when they continuously miss their sprint goals:

Review and assess the current process

The first step in resetting an agile team that is missing its sprint goals is to review and assess the current process. This might involve reviewing the team’s planning and estimation practices, looking for potential sources of scope creep or other issues that may be causing delays, and identifying any other challenges or roadblocks that may be impacting the team’s ability to meet its goals.

Identify and prioritize key issues

Once the team has identified the key issues that are causing them to miss their sprint goals, they can prioritize these issues and develop a plan to address them. This might involve making adjustments to the team’s process or workflow, improving communication and collaboration within the team, or finding new ways to manage scope and focus on the most important work.

Set new, realistic goals

Once the team has identified and addressed the key issues that were causing them to miss their sprint goals, they can set new, realistic goals for the next sprint. This might involve revising the scope of work or adjusting the team’s capacity to ensure that the goals are achievable.

Regularly review and assess progress

To help ensure that the team stays on track and meets its goals, it is important to regularly review and assess progress throughout the sprint. This might involve setting up regular check-ins or stand-ups, or using agile tools and techniques such as burn-down charts to track progress and identify any issues that need to be addressed.

Resetting an agile team that is continuously missing its sprint goals involves reviewing and assessing the current process, identifying and addressing key issues, setting new, realistic goals, and regularly reviewing and assessing progress. By following these steps, teams can reset themselves and get back on track to successfully meeting their sprint goals.


Examples of Productive Failing Fast

  1. One example of failing fast in agile is the “fail fast” mentality, which encourages teams to identify and address potential problems early on in the development process. This approach helps teams to quickly identify issues, learn from them, and make necessary adjustments before they become major roadblocks.

  2. Another example of failing fast in agile is the use of prototyping and iterative development. By creating prototypes and testing them early in the development process, teams can quickly identify and address problems, rather than spending a lot of time and resources on a solution that might not work.

  3. A third example of failing fast in agile is the use of continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) practices. By regularly integrating code changes and delivering them to production environments, teams can quickly identify and fix issues as they arise, rather than waiting until the end of a development cycle to discover problems. This helps teams to move more quickly and efficiently, and reduces the risk of major disruptions or failures.


But don’t misinterpret the concept of failing fast in these ways:

Thinking that it’s acceptable to neglect quality

Some teams might interpret failing fast as a license to cut corners or neglect quality in order to move quickly. However, failing fast does not mean ignoring best practices or sacrificing quality in the name of speed. In fact, maintaining high standards of quality is essential for ensuring that a product or solution is reliable and effective in the long term.

Failing to learn from mistakes

Failing fast is meant to help teams learn from their mistakes and make necessary adjustments. However, if a team fails to reflect on and learn from their failures, they might continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Failing to consider the impact on stakeholders

Failing fast should not be done at the expense of stakeholders, such as customers or users. Teams should consider the impact of their failures on these stakeholders and work to minimize any negative effects.

Failing to plan for contingencies

While failing fast is about identifying and addressing problems early on, it’s also important to have a plan in place for handling unexpected setbacks or failures. Teams should anticipate potential risks and have a plan in place for dealing with them, rather than simply reacting to problems as they arise.


Are your teams FAKING demos?

Faking demos in an agile environment refers to the practice of presenting work as being further along or more complete than it actually is in order to mislead stakeholders or to create the impression of progress. This can be damaging to the trust and credibility of the team, and can hinder the effectiveness of the agile process.

Here are a few examples of faking demos in an agile environment:

  • Demonstrating incomplete or non-functional features:

    Presenting features that are incomplete or non-functional as if they are fully functional and ready for release.  This may mean showing a feature working, but failing to indicate that it has not been integrated with other code that could uncover issues.

  • Using mock-ups or prototypes as if they are fully functional:

    Presenting mock-ups or prototypes as if they are fully functional, when in reality they are not.

  • Conducting the demo via powerpoint:

    This is a sign that the team does not have working software.

Faking demos undermines the integrity of the agile process and can damage the trust and credibility of the team. It is important for teams to be transparent and honest about their progress, and to demonstrate progress through working software whenever possible.


Tips for preparing for a successful demo

There are a few key steps that agile teams can take to prepare for their demos:

Identify the objectives

Clearly define the objectives of the demo, including the specific features or functionality that you want to showcase, and the key messages that you want to communicate to the audience.

Plan the demo

Create a plan for the demo, including the sequence of events, the specific features or functionality that you will showcase, and any supporting materials that you will use.

Practice the demo

Practice the demo to ensure that you are comfortable with the material and that you can effectively showcase the software. This may involve rehearsing the demo with the team or doing a dry run with a smaller group.

Gather supporting materials

Gather any supporting materials that you will use during the demo, including slides, handouts, or other visual aids.

Test the software

Test the software to ensure that it is functioning correctly and that it is ready to be demonstrated. This may involve running through a checklist of key features or functionality to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Confirm the details

Confirm the details of the demo, including the date, time, location, and any logistical considerations such as connectivity or equipment needs.

Preparing for a demo requires careful planning and practice in order to effectively showcase the software and communicate its value to the audience.


Considerations for Scrum of Scrums

Scrum of scrums is a method used by teams that are working on large, complex projects. It is a way for teams to coordinate their work and ensure that they are all moving in the same direction. This is especially important in agile software development, where teams are working on interdependent tasks and need to be able to quickly and efficiently communicate with each other in order to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality products.

Here are a few tips for running an effective scrum of scrums:

  1. Identify the key stakeholders who will be participating in the scrum of scrums and ensure that they are committed to the process.

  2. Establish a regular schedule for the scrum of scrums meetings, and make sure that all participants are able to attend.

  3. Keep the meetings focused and on track. Use a facilitator to keep the conversation moving and ensure that all participants have a chance to speak.

  4. Set clear goals and objectives for the scrum of scrums meetings, and make sure that all participants are aware of what is expected of them.

  5. Use the meetings to discuss challenges and roadblocks that the teams are facing, and work together to find solutions.

  6. Encourage open communication and collaboration among the teams, and foster a culture of trust and transparency.


8 Ways to Create thriving CoPs (Communities of Practice)

Body: As organizations look to increase collaboration and learning opportunities, creating Communities of Practice (CoPs) has become an increasingly popular way to do so. CoPs are voluntary networks of people who share information and a common interest in a particular area or topic. They are a great way to foster communication and collaboration amongst members, and can be incredibly valuable to an organization. But how do you create a successful CoP? 

Here are the 8 best ways to create a thriving Community of Practice. 

1. Identify the purpose and scope of the CoP.

Before you begin creating the CoP, it is important to identify the purpose and scope of the group. What is the goal of the CoP? What topics or areas does it cover? What will members be expected to do? These are all important questions to consider before you begin. 

2. Engage stakeholders.

Identifying stakeholders and engaging them in the process is essential for creating a successful CoP. Stakeholders can provide valuable input on the purpose and scope of the CoP, as well as insight on who should be involved. 

3. Establish clear membership criteria.

Establishing clear criteria for membership will help ensure that the right people are involved in the CoP and that the group is focused on the right topics. 

4. Establish a governance model.

Establishing a governance model for the CoP will ensure that it is well-managed and that decisions are made in a consistent and efficient manner. 

5. Develop a communication plan.

A good communication plan should include both internal and external communication strategies. This will ensure that members are kept up to date on the CoP’s activities and that the CoP is visible to potential members. 

6. Set realistic goals.

Setting realistic goals for the CoP is important for keeping members engaged and motivated. It is also important for measuring the success of the CoP. 

7. Monitor and evaluate progress.

Monitoring and evaluating progress is essential for ensuring that the CoP is on track and meeting its goals. 

8. Celebrate success.

Celebrating successes, both big and small, is a great way to keep members engaged and motivated. 

Creating a successful CoP takes time, effort, and dedication. But with the right approach, you can create a thriving CoP that will be beneficial to both members and the organization.


5 Tips: Improving Engagement for Communities of Practice

1. Encourage participation and collaboration

Encourage members of the community of practice to actively participate and collaborate with each other. This could include setting up forums or discussion groups, hosting regular meetings or webinars, or encouraging members to share their experiences and knowledge with each other.

2. Provide opportunities for learning and growth

Offer opportunities for members to learn new skills and advance their knowledge and careers. This could include hosting training sessions, providing access to online resources, or offering mentorship programs.

3. Foster a sense of community and belonging

Create a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages members to feel like they are part of a larger community. This could include hosting social events, creating recognition programs, or simply making an effort to connect with members on a personal level.

4. Make it easy for members to access resources and information

Provide easy access to resources and information that members of the community of practice can use to support their work and professional development. This could include online libraries, databases, or forums where members can ask questions and get answers from experts in the field.

5. Encourage innovation and creativity

Encourage members to think creatively and come up with new ideas and solutions to problems. This could include hosting hackathons or innovation challenges, or simply encouraging an open and creative culture within the community of practice.


Tips for getting promoted in an agile environment

Here are some ways you can increase your chances of getting promoted in an agile environment:

  1. Understand the agile principles and values and apply them in your work. This includes being proactive, collaborative, and adaptable.

  2. Contribute to the team’s success by taking ownership of your work, being reliable, and continuously improving your skills.

  3. Communicate effectively with your team members and stakeholders. This includes being transparent, open to feedback, and actively seeking out opportunities to collaborate.

  4. Be proactive in identifying and addressing roadblocks or challenges that may be hindering the team’s progress.

  5. Seek out opportunities to learn and grow, both within your team and in the broader organization. This could involve taking on additional responsibilities, participating in training or development programs, or seeking out mentors or coaches.

  6. Foster a positive and inclusive culture within your team. This could involve being a role model for others, helping to resolve conflicts, and supporting the growth and development of your team members.

To get promoted in an agile environment, it’s important to demonstrate that you are a valuable contributor to the team’s success and that you are committed to continuously learning and improving.

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Topics: Agile Team

Agile Product Management

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 19, 2023

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The Intersection of Agile and Product

Agile product management intersected in the early 2000s with the popularization of Agile software development methodologies such as Scrum. Agile methodologies emphasize iterative and incremental development, with a focus on flexibility and collaboration between cross-functional teams. Product management, which involves determining the overall direction and success criteria for a product, is well-suited to work within an Agile framework and many product managers now use Agile practices to manage their products.

8 Components of a Mature Product Organization

As product organizations strive to reach maturity, there are certain components that need to be in place in order to ensure success. These components are essential for a product organization to be effective and efficient. 

In this blog, we’ll be looking at 8 components of what a mature product organization looks like: 

1. Clear Product Strategy

A mature product organization should have a well-defined product strategy that is tied to the overall business strategy. This strategy should include clear objectives, goals, and KPIs that guide product development and help teams make decisions about which features to prioritize and when. 

2. Product Roadmap

A product roadmap outlines the direction of a product over time and helps teams stay focused on the right priorities. A mature product organization should have a well-defined roadmap that is aligned with the product strategy and is updated regularly. 

3. Product Ownership

A mature product organization should have a clear ownership structure that outlines who is responsible for making decisions and taking action. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the product is moving in the right direction. 

4. Agile Processes

A mature product organization should be using agile processes such as scrum, Kanban, and XP to ensure that product development is efficient and effective. This helps teams stay on track and make sure that their efforts are focused on the right tasks.

5. Customer-Centricity

A mature product organization should be customer-centric, with the customer’s needs at the forefront of all product decisions. This helps ensure that the product is meeting the needs of the customer and provides value. 

6. Data-Driven Decision Making

A mature product organization should be making decisions based on data and insights. This helps teams make informed decisions about which features to prioritize and when, as well as how to optimize the product. 

7. Effective Communication

A mature product organization should have effective communication between teams and stakeholders. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the product is moving in the right direction.

8. Continuous Improvement

A mature product organization should have a culture of continuous improvement. This helps teams stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies and helps ensure that the product is always evolving and improving. 

These 8 components are essential for a mature product organization to be successful. 

By having a well-defined product strategy, product roadmap, product ownership structure, agile processes, customer-centricity, data-driven decision making, effective communication, and a culture of continuous improvement, product organizations can ensure that their products are successful and meet customer needs.

Tips for Effective Product Lifecycle Management

Product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception to retirement. This includes the design, development, production, marketing, and support of the product. Effective PLM involves the use of a comprehensive suite of software and processes to keep track of all the key aspects of the product throughout its lifecycle. It also means that multiple teams must work together to ensure that all of the necessary steps are taken to ensure the product’s success. 

The first step in effective PLM is to create a detailed product roadmap. This roadmap should outline the product’s goals, timeline, and milestones. It should also include any key decisions that must be made about the product’s design, development, production, and marketing. 

Once the roadmap is created, the next step is to create a product design. This involves creating a detailed model of the product’s design, including drawings, specifications, and components. This design must be reviewed and approved by stakeholders, such as engineers and marketing teams. 

The third step is to create a product development plan. This plan should outline the steps needed to bring the product to market, including the timeline, budget, and resources required. It should also include a risk assessment to ensure that any potential problems are identified and addressed before they become a problem.

The fourth step is to create a product launch plan. This plan should include a detailed timeline, budget, and support resources. It should also include any marketing activities that need to be executed to ensure that the product reaches its target audience. 

Finally, the fifth step is to implement the product lifecycle management process. This process should include regular reviews of the product’s progress and performance, as well as any changes that need to be made to ensure its success. 

Effective product lifecycle management is essential for any organization that wants to successfully bring a product to market. By following these five steps, organizations can ensure that their product is successful and profitable.

8 Ways Product Management and Marketing Work Together

Product management and marketing are two of the most important functions of any successful business. Both departments have the same goal: to create a product that meets customer needs and wants. However, they have different roles to accomplish this goal. Product management is focused on the development and design of the product and marketing is focused on promoting and selling it. The two departments must work together if a product is to be successful.

Here are eight ways product management and marketing can work together to achieve success: 

1. Developing a unified strategy

Product managers and marketers should come together to craft a unified strategy that outlines the product’s features, objectives, and messaging. This will ensure that both teams are working together towards the same goal. 

2. Sharing market research

Marketers should share their research findings with product managers. This will help product managers understand the customer’s needs and wants, which will help them create a better product. 

3. Establishing goals

Product managers and marketers should establish shared goals. This will ensure that both teams are working towards a common objective. 

4. Collaborating on promotions

Product managers and marketers should work together to create promotional materials that will effectively promote the product. This could include writing copy, designing promotional materials, and developing creative campaigns. 

5. Testing for feedback

Product managers should involve marketers in product testing. This will give marketers insight into the customer’s experience with the product and allow them to craft better marketing messages. 

6. Sharing success stories

Marketers should share success stories with product managers. This will help product managers understand how their product is being received by customers and what improvements need to be made. 

7. Leveraging analytics

Product managers and marketers should leverage analytics to understand customer behavior and gain insight into what is working and what isn’t. 

8. Refining the product

Product managers should involve marketers in the product refinement process. This will ensure that the product meets customer needs and wants. 

Product management and marketing are two of the most important functions of any successful business. By working together, they can create a product that meets customer needs and wants, which will ultimately lead to success.

The Art of determining if your product will be a market-fit

A product is considered to have “market fit” if it meets the needs and preferences of its target market, and if it is successful in the market. Determining whether a product will have market fit is not an exact science, and it can be difficult to predict with certainty whether a product will be successful in the market. However, there are a few key steps that organizations can take to increase the chances that their product will have market fit:

Conduct market research

Market research involves gathering and analyzing data on the needs, preferences, and behavior of potential customers. This can help organizations to identify gaps or opportunities in the market, and to develop a product that meets the needs of their target market.

Test the product with potential customers

Before launching a product, it can be helpful to test it with a group of representative customers to gather feedback and to identify any issues or improvements that are needed. This can help organizations to refine the product and to ensure that it meets the needs and preferences of its target market.

Monitor market trends and customer feedback

Once the product is launched, it is important to monitor market trends and customer feedback to identify any changes or shifts in the market that may affect the product’s success. This can help organizations to make timely adjustments to their product or marketing strategy to ensure that it remains relevant and competitive.

Determining whether a product will have market fit is not an exact science, but conducting market research, testing the product with potential customers, and monitoring market trends and customer feedback can all help to increase the chances of success.

Target Market Sizing

Target market sizing is the process of estimating the size of a specific market segment that a company is targeting. It involves identifying the characteristics of the target market, researching the size of the overall market, and estimating the size of the target market within that overall market. Here are some steps you can take to conduct target market sizing:

  • Define the target market:

    Clearly define the characteristics of the target market, including demographics, needs, and behavior.

  • Research the overall market:

    Gather data on the size of the overall market, including industry reports, market research studies, and government statistics.

  • Estimate the size of the target market:

    Use the data on the overall market and the characteristics of the target market to estimate the size of the target market within that overall market.

  • Validate the estimate:

    Test the validity of the estimate by gathering additional data and feedback from potential customers in the target market.

Target market sizing is an important step in the product development process because it helps companies understand the potential demand for their product or service and make informed decisions about how to allocate resources.

Could you be more effective leveraging Microtargeting?

Microtargeting is a marketing technique that involves using detailed data and advanced analytics to identify and target specific segments of the market with personalized messages and offers. This approach is based on the idea that rather than trying to appeal to a broad audience with a single message, it is more effective to tailor marketing messages and strategies to the specific needs and preferences of individual customers or small groups of customers.

To implement microtargeting, organizations need to have access to detailed data on their customers and potential customers, including information on their demographics, behaviors, interests, and preferences. This data is then analyzed using advanced analytics tools to identify specific segments of the market that are likely to be most receptive to a particular product or offer. The marketing messages and strategies are then tailored to these segments, in order to maximize their relevance and effectiveness.

Microtargeting can be used in a variety of marketing contexts, such as email marketing, social media marketing, or online advertising. By providing customers with personalized and relevant messages and offers, organizations can improve their marketing effectiveness and increase their chances of success in the market.

Use Data to Microtarget your Customers

Microtargeting customers refers to the practice of using data to identify and target specific segments of a customer base with personalized marketing messages or offers. Here are a few ways you can use data to microtarget customers:

Segment your customer data

Start by collecting and organizing data on your customers, including demographics, purchasing history, and online behavior. Use this data to segment your customer base into smaller, more specific groups that you can target with personalized marketing efforts.

Use customer profiling

Customer profiling involves creating detailed profiles of your ideal customer based on data and research. Use these profiles to identify common characteristics and behaviors among your target customers, and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

Utilize marketing automation tools

Marketing automation tools can help you create personalized marketing campaigns based on data you have collected on your customers. These tools can send targeted emails, display personalized ads, or send personalized recommendations based on customer behavior.

Track customer interactions and behavior

Use tools like web analytics, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and customer feedback surveys to track how customers interact with your brand and what they are interested in. Use this data to create targeted marketing campaigns that speak directly to your customers’ needs and interests.

Test and optimize

As with any marketing strategy, it’s important to test and optimize your microtargeting efforts to ensure they are effective. Use A/B testing to compare different marketing approaches and track the results to see which ones are most effective at reaching and engaging your target customers.

Build the psychographic profile to identify your target market

A psychographic profile is a detailed characterization of a person or group based on their attitudes, values, interests, and lifestyles. When trying to identify a target market, creating a psychographic profile can be a helpful way to understand the characteristics of the individuals or groups you are trying to reach.  Sharing this profile with your agile product development teams will greatly benefit their ability to develop the right product.

To create a psychographic profile, you can gather data on a variety of factors such as:

  • Values:

    What is important to the individuals or groups you are targeting? What do they believe in? What motivates them?

  • Interests:

    What do the individuals or groups enjoy doing in their free time? What topics or activities are they interested in?

  • Lifestyle:

    How do the individuals or groups spend their time? What are their daily routines and habits? What are their living arrangements?

  • Attitudes:

    How do the individuals or groups feel about certain topics or issues? What are their opinions and beliefs?

By gathering this type of data, you can build a detailed picture of your target market and use it to create marketing campaigns and messaging that speaks directly to their needs and interests. This can be particularly useful when trying to reach niche markets or segments that may have different values and lifestyles than the broader population.

Biggest culprits of waste in product development

There are a number of different ways in which waste can occur in product development, and the specific areas of waste will depend on the specific context and circumstances of the organization. Some common areas of waste in product development include:


This refers to the production of more product than is needed, either at the wrong time or in excess of customer demand. This can lead to increased inventory costs and storage requirements, as well as reduced product quality and customer satisfaction.


This refers to delays and idle time in the product development process, where team members are waiting for information, resources, or approvals. This can lead to increased lead times and reduced productivity, as well as increased project costs and reduced customer satisfaction.


This refers to the movement of materials, information, or people within or between different locations or departments. This can lead to increased lead times and reduced productivity, as well as increased project costs and reduced customer satisfaction.


This refers to the production of product that exceeds the quality or functionality requirements of the customer. This can lead to increased project costs, as well as reduced customer satisfaction and value.


This refers to the production of product that does not meet the quality or functionality requirements of the customer. This can lead to increased project costs, as well as reduced customer satisfaction and value.

The biggest areas of waste in product development will vary depending on the specific context and circumstances of the organization. By identifying and addressing these areas of waste, organizations can improve their productivity, reduce their costs, and increase their customer satisfaction.

Organizational Design’s Impact on Product Development

Organizational design refers to the way that a company is structured and the way that its various parts work together. This can have a big impact on product development because it determines how decisions are made, who is responsible for different aspects of the development process, and how resources are allocated.

For example, if a company has a hierarchical organizational structure, product development decisions may need to be approved by multiple levels of management, which can slow down the process. In contrast, a flatter organizational structure with fewer levels of management may allow for faster decision making and more agile product development.

Additionally, the way that a company is organized can affect how well different teams and individuals work together. If teams are siloed and there is poor communication and collaboration, it can hinder the development process. On the other hand, if teams are structured in a way that encourages collaboration and communication, it can facilitate the development of high-quality products.

In summary, organizational design plays a crucial role in product development by determining how decisions are made, who is responsible for different aspects of the process, and how resources are allocated. It can also impact the effectiveness of collaboration and communication within the development team.

Consider combining your product and technology departments

There can be several reasons why an organization might choose to combine its product and technology departments. One reason might be to improve collaboration and alignment between the two teams. By bringing the product and technology teams together, the organization can ensure that the product development process is closely integrated with the technological capabilities and infrastructure of the organization. This can help to ensure that the product is developed in a way that is technically feasible and leverages the organization’s existing technology resources effectively.

Another reason might be to streamline decision-making and reduce bureaucracy. By having both the product and technology teams report to the same leader or working closely together, the organization can make faster and more informed decisions about how to allocate resources and prioritize projects. This can help the organization to be more agile and responsive to changing market conditions and customer needs.

Finally, combining the product and technology departments can also help to create a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the organization. By encouraging the product and technology teams to work closely together and share knowledge and expertise, the organization can foster a culture of continuous learning and experimentation, which can help to drive innovation and drive business growth.

What to include in my product roadmap

A product roadmap is a high-level plan that outlines the strategic direction and priorities for a product or product line. It should include the following elements:

  • Vision:

    A clear and compelling statement of the long-term vision for the product, including its purpose, value proposition, and target market.

  • Goals:

    Specific, measurable goals that the product roadmap is intended to help achieve, such as increased market share, improved customer satisfaction, or increased revenue.

  • Themes:

    Broad categories or themes that represent the major areas of focus for the product, such as new features, performance improvements, or user experience enhancements.

  • Prioritized initiatives:

    A list of specific initiatives or projects that will be undertaken to achieve the goals of the product roadmap, along with their priorities and estimated timelines.

  • Dependencies:

    A list of any dependencies or constraints that may impact the progress of the initiatives on the roadmap, such as the availability of resources or external factors.

  • Metrics:

    Key metrics that will be used to measure the progress and success of the initiatives on the roadmap, along with targets for each metric.

A product roadmap should provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the direction and priorities for a product, including details on the goals, themes, initiatives, dependencies, and metrics that will be used to track progress.

8 Items to include in your Go-To-Market Plan

A go-to-market (GTM) plan outlines the strategies and tactics a company will use to bring a product or service to market. It should include the following elements:

  1. Target market:

    A clear definition of the target market for the product or service, including demographics, needs, and pain points.

  2. Value proposition:

    A clear and compelling statement of the benefits and value that the product or service will provide to the target market.

  3. Marketing and sales strategies:

    A description of the marketing and sales strategies that will be used to reach and engage the target market, including channels, campaigns, and messaging.

  4. Distribution strategy:

    A description of how the product or service will be distributed to customers, including any partnerships or channels that will be used.

  5. Pricing strategy:

    A description of how the product or service will be priced, including any discounts or promotions that will be offered.

  6. Competition:

    An analysis of the competitive landscape, including a SWOT analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  7. Resource allocation:

    A description of the resources (e.g., budget, people, time) that will be required to execute the GTM plan and a plan for how they will be allocated.

  8. Metrics and targets:

    A list of key metrics that will be used to measure the success of the GTM plan, along with specific targets for each metric.

A GTM plan should provide a clear and comprehensive roadmap for bringing a product or service to market, including details on the target market, marketing and sales strategies, distribution, pricing, and resource allocation.

5 Key Steps To Design Thinking

Design thinking is a creative problem-solving approach that combines the best of both design and technology to find innovative solutions to complex problems. It is a way of thinking that focuses on the user, their needs, and the context in which they will use the product or service. It is a process that begins with understanding the problem and exploring possible solutions, followed by prototyping, testing, and refinement.

 At its core, design thinking is about understanding people. It is a way of learning about their needs and motivations, and how they interact with their environment. This understanding informs the design process, allowing designers to create solutions that are both effective and meaningful to the user. 

The design thinking process can be broken down into five key steps: 

1. Empathize

The first step in design thinking is to gain an understanding of the user. This means gathering information about the user’s needs and motivations, as well as the context in which they will use the product or service. 

2. Define

Once you have a better understanding of the user, it’s time to define the problem. This involves identifying the problem and putting it into context. 

3. Ideate

The next step is to generate ideas. This can involve brainstorming, creative problem-solving, and other creative techniques. 

4. Prototype

This step involves creating a prototype of the solution. This helps to refine the ideas and make them more tangible. 

5. Test

The final step is to test the prototype. This involves collecting feedback and using it to further refine the design. 

Design thinking is an iterative process, which means that it’s not a linear path. As ideas are tested and refined, the design process can move back and forth as necessary. This allows designers to create solutions that are both effective and meaningful to the user. Design thinking is a powerful way to approach problem-solving. 

By understanding the user, their needs, and the context in which they will use the product or service, designers can create innovative solutions that are tailored to the user’s needs.

5 Key Methods of Product Discovery to Invest in the Right Things

Product discovery is an essential part of any product development process. It’s an ongoing process that helps ensure that a product is built around customer needs, is feasible and viable, and meets the goals of the business. To ensure that we are investing in the right thing, it’s important to have effective product discovery processes in place. 

Here are five methods to conduct product discovery: 

1. User Interviews

User interviews are a great way to gain insight into customer needs and preferences. By talking to customers directly, you can learn more about their pain points, what they need from a product, and what would make them loyal customers. 

2. Market Research

Doing market research can help you understand the competitive landscape and identify opportunities for differentiation. It can also help you to identify potential customers and understand their needs and wants. 

3. Prototyping

Prototyping is a great way to validate ideas and test assumptions. It also allows you to get feedback from users early in the development process and make necessary changes before investing in a product. 

4. Surveys

Surveys are a great way to collect feedback from a large number of users in a short amount of time. They can be used to understand customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. 

5. A/B Testing

A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing products. It allows you to test different versions of a product and measure the results, so you can make informed decisions about product features and design. 

By using these methods, you can ensure that you are investing in the right thing. Product discovery is an ongoing process and should be an integral part of any product development process.

6 Useful Customer Journey Mapping Techniques

As a business, it’s important to understand your customers’ journey and the steps they take when engaging with your product or service. Customer Journey Mapping is an effective way to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to improve customer experience and increase customer loyalty. 

Here are 6 Customer Journey Mapping techniques that you can use to do just that. 

1. Creating customer personas is a great way to gain insight into the behavior and preferences of your customers.

A customer persona is a representation of a customer segment, based on data collected from interviews, surveys, or other sources. Personas can help you identify the needs and wants of your customers, which can be used to create targeted solutions that meet their individual needs. 

2. Process mapping is a technique used to understand the process a customer takes when engaging with your product or service.

It involves creating a visual representation of the customer journey, which can be used to identify areas for improvement and identify opportunities to optimize the customer experience. 

3. Heat mapping is a technique used to measure customer engagement with different elements of your product or service.

It involves tracking the actions of customers, such as clicks, scrolls, or purchases, and visualizing the data in a heat map. This data can be used to identify areas where customers are engaging with your product or service and areas where there is potential for improvement. 

4. Empathy mapping is a technique used to gain insight into the feelings, thoughts, and motivations of customers.

It involves creating a visual representation of the customer’s journey, which can be used to identify opportunities for improvement in the customer experience. 

5. Journey mapping is a technique used to understand the entire customer journey, from the moment they become aware of your product or service to when they make a purchase.

It involves creating a visual representation of the customer journey, which can be used to identify areas for improvement and create targeted solutions that meet their individual needs. 

6. Feedback analysis is a technique used to understand customer sentiment and preferences.

It involves collecting customer feedback, such as surveys, reviews, or customer service conversations, and analyzing it to identify areas of improvement and uncover opportunities to optimize the customer experience. 

By using these 6 Customer Journey Mapping techniques, you can gain insights into customer behavior and preferences and make data-driven decisions that will improve customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

Real-world healthcare impact: Improving the Patient Experience using customer journey mapping

There are several companies in the healthcare industry that have used customer journey mapping to make dramatic differences for patients. Here are a few examples:

Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic, a non-profit academic medical center in Ohio, used customer journey mapping to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the patient experience. By mapping the patient journey from the moment a patient contacts the clinic until the end of their treatment, the clinic was able to identify a number of opportunities for improvement, such as streamlining the appointment scheduling process and improving communication with patients.

Partners HealthCare

Partners HealthCare, a non-profit healthcare system in Massachusetts, used customer journey mapping to identify opportunities for improving the patient experience at its primary care practices. By mapping the patient journey from the moment a patient schedules an appointment until the end of their visit, the healthcare system was able to identify a number of opportunities for improvement, such as reducing wait times and improving communication with patients.

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic, a non-profit academic medical center in Minnesota, used customer journey mapping to identify opportunities for improving the patient experience at its primary care practices. By mapping the patient journey from the moment a patient schedules an appointment until the end of their visit, the clinic was able to identify a number of opportunities for improvement, such as reducing wait times and improving communication with patients.

These companies have used customer journey mapping to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the patient experience, and have implemented changes to improve the patient journey and deliver a better experience for patients.

5 tips to Effective Persona Building

Persona building is an essential part of your marketing strategy. It helps you to understand the needs and preferences of your target audience, so that you can create content and products that meet their wants and needs. Here are some tips to help you build a successful persona for your business: 

1. Research your audience

Do some research about your target audience and find out as much information as possible about them. Gather data on their age, gender, location, interests, values, and other factors. This will help you create a more accurate persona for your business. 

2. Understand their pain points

Once you have a better understanding of your target audience, you need to understand their pain points. Knowing what problems they are facing and what solutions they are looking for will help you create content and products that meet their needs. 

3. Craft a story

Create a story for your persona that will give them a voice and make them relatable to your audience. This will help you to better understand their needs and create content and products that they can connect with. 

4. Create a profile

Now that you have all the information you need, it’s time to create a profile for your persona. Include information such as age, gender, interests, values, and other factors to create a detailed description of your persona. 

5. Test and refine

Once you have created your persona, it’s time to test it to see if it resonates with your target audience. Analyze the feedback and refine your persona as needed. 

Creating an accurate persona for your business is essential for your marketing success. Follow these tips to create a successful persona for your business.

Your Buyer Persona is different than the End User Persona

As a product manager, it is important to understand both buyer personas and user personas. Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, based on market research and real data about your target audience. They help you understand the needs, goals, and motivations of your potential customers and how they make purchasing decisions.

User personas, on the other hand, focus on the characteristics and behaviors of the people who will be using your product. They help you understand how your product will fit into the lives of your users and what features and functionality will be most important to them.

Both buyer personas and user personas are important for product managers to understand, as they can help guide product development and marketing efforts. By understanding the needs and motivations of both your potential customers and your product users, you can create a product that meets the needs of both groups and is more likely to be successful in the market.

8 reasons why companies should invest in User Experience design

As companies strive to remain competitive in their respective markets, user experience design (UX) has become increasingly important. UX design is the process of creating products, services, and systems that provide a positive user experience. To ensure that customers have a positive experience when interacting with their products and services, companies need to invest in UX design.

 Here are 8 reasons why companies should invest in UX design: 

1. Improved customer satisfaction

Companies that invest in UX design can provide customers with a better overall experience. This helps to build customer loyalty and satisfaction, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

2. Increased conversions

Companies that invest in UX design can create a more intuitive user interface, which can lead to increased conversions. A better UX design can make it easier for customers to navigate the website and take the desired action. 

3. Improved customer retention

Companies that invest in UX design can create a more memorable experience for their customers. A better user experience can make customers more likely to return to the website and make repeat purchases. 

4. Cost savings

Investing in UX design can help companies to save money in the long run. By creating a more intuitive user interface, companies can reduce the need for customer service and support. This can lead to a reduction in labor costs and other associated costs. 

5. Improved brand image

Companies that invest in UX design can create a more positive brand image. A better user experience can make customers more likely to recommend the company to their friends and family.

6. Increased efficiency

Companies that invest in UX design can make their products and services more efficient. This can lead to increased productivity and improved customer service. 

7. Improved search engine rankings

Companies that invest in UX design can improve their search engine rankings. A better user experience can lead to improved rankings, which can result in more website visitors.

8. Increased market share

Companies that invest in UX design can increase their market share. A better user experience can lead to more customers, which can result in a larger market share. By investing in UX design, companies can create a better experience for customers, improve their brand image, and increase their market share. 

Investing in UX design can help companies remain competitive in their respective markets and ensure that customers have a positive experience when interacting with their products and services.

Improve the Usability of Your Product

There are several steps that you can take to improve the usability of your product:

Conduct user research

One of the best ways to improve the usability of your product is to gather feedback from actual users. This can include things like user interviews, surveys, and usability testing. This can help you to understand the needs and preferences of your users, and can identify any areas where the product is difficult or confusing to use.

Make the user’s goals and tasks clear

It’s important that the user knows what they are supposed to do, and how to do it. This means that you should make the user’s goals and tasks clear, and provide them with the information and tools that they need to complete these tasks.

Use familiar and consistent design patterns

People are more likely to use a product if it is familiar and intuitive to them. This means that you should use familiar and consistent design patterns, such as common navigation schemes and buttons, in your product.

Provide clear feedback

It’s important that the user knows what is happening as they use the product. This means that you should provide clear feedback, such as visual or audio cues, to let the user know when an action has been completed or when an error has occurred.

Keep the design simple and uncluttered

A cluttered or complex design can make a product difficult to use. To improve the usability of your product, try to keep the design simple and uncluttered, and remove any unnecessary elements.

Improving the usability of your product can help to make it more user-friendly and enjoyable to use, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Everything product managers should know about their customers

As a product manager, understanding your customer is key to creating a successful product. It’s important to know who your customer is, what they want, and how they use your product. 

Here are 10 things a product manager should know about their customer: 

  1. Customer Demographics:

    Get a good understanding of who your customer is. Know their age, gender, location, and any other important demographic information.

  2. Customer Needs:

    Understand your customer’s needs and how your product meets those needs. 

  3. Customer Pain Points:

    Identify what issues your customer is facing with current products in the market and how your product can help solve them. 

  4. Customer Preferences:

    Understand the preferences of your customer. This could include design, features, pricing, etc. 

  5. Customer Behaviors:

    Analyze how your customer interacts with your product and what features they use the most. 

  6. Customer Feedback:

    Listen to customer feedback and use it to improve your product. 

  7. Customer Reviews:

    Pay attention to customer reviews and use them as a guide for improving your product.

  8. Customer Support:

    Make sure you have a good customer support system in place to ensure your customers are being taken care of. 

  9. Customer Retention:

    Understand the factors that keep customers coming back and use that to retain customers. 

  10. Customer Lifetime Value:

    Understand the value of each customer over time and use that information to create a better experience for them. 

By understanding your customer, you can create a product that meets their needs and solves their problems. Knowing these 10 things about your customer will help you create a successful product.

5 Ways to focus on Customer Delighters

Customer delighters are an important element of customer satisfaction and loyalty. They are the special touches that make customers feel valued and appreciated. Delighters can range from a simple thank you note to a personalized gift. 

Here are five ways to focus on customer delighters to enhance the customer experience. 

1. Offer personalized experiences

Customers love feeling like they are getting special treatment. Try to personalize the customer experience by creating personalized offers or discounts based on their past interactions with your company. This could include things such as discounts for their birthday or anniversary, or other special offers. 

2. Show your appreciation

Send out thank you notes or cards to customers who have done business with you in the past. This simple gesture can go a long way in making customers feel appreciated and valued. 

3. Reward loyalty

Show your customers that you value their loyalty by offering rewards for repeat purchases or loyalty programs. This could be something as simple as a discount or special offer for repeat customers.

4. Give back

Show your customers that you care about them and their communities by giving back. This could be through donations to local charities or fundraising events. 

5. Be proactive

Reach out to customers before they have to ask for help. This could be through proactive emails or phone calls to check in and make sure they’re happy with your services. 

These five strategies can help you focus on customer delighters and enhance the customer experience. Show your customers that you appreciate them and their loyalty by offering personalized experiences, rewards, and giving back to the community. Taking the time to focus on customer delighters will help you build long-term relationships with customers and increase customer satisfaction.

6 Tips to prioritizing defects

As a product owner or product manager, you know that defects are inevitable. But, how do you prioritize which ones to tackle first? This is a challenge that many product owners face. 

To make the process easier, here are 6 tips to help you prioritize defects for your product: 

1. Determine Impact

Start by assessing the impact of each defect. If a defect is causing a critical issue with your product, it should be a high priority to fix. On the other hand, if the defect is minor and not impacting the user experience, it can be given a lower priority. 

2. Analyze Severity

The severity of a defect is another important factor to consider. A defect that is causing a crash or major disruption to the user experience is more severe than a defect that is causing a minor annoyance. Prioritize the more severe defects over the less severe ones. 

3. Evaluate Cost

Consider the cost of fixing each defect. If a defect requires a lot of resources to fix, it may be better to prioritize other defects or even enhancements that require less effort.

4. Consider User Requests

If users have requested a particular feature or bug fix, prioritize these requests. User feedback should be taken into account when prioritizing defects. 

5. Prioritize Security Issues

Security issues should always be given a high priority. Even minor security issues can have a major impact on the user experience and can put your product at risk. 

6. Consider Time Constraints

If you have a tight deadline, prioritize the defects that can be fixed in the shortest amount of time. This will ensure that you meet your deadline and don’t have to push back the launch of your product. 

By following these tips, you can better prioritize the defects in your product and ensure that the most important ones are fixed first. This will help ensure that your product is of the highest quality and meets the needs of your users.

6 things product managers should know about technical debt

As product managers, it’s important to understand the technical debt and how to manage it effectively. Technical debt is the accumulated cost of shortcuts or bad code that lead to a decrease in the product quality or code maintainability. It can be difficult to determine the exact amount of technical debt, but it’s important to understand the basics in order to properly manage it. 

Here are 6 things product managers should know about technical debt: 

1. Technical debt is unavoidable

As a product manager, you may be tempted to reduce the amount of technical debt, but the truth is that it’s unavoidable. It’s a natural part of software development and is usually the result of shortcuts taken in order to speed up the development process. 

2. It’s important to track technical debt

Keeping track of the amount of technical debt is essential. Without this, it will be difficult to make informed decisions about how to manage the debt. A good way to track technical debt is to use a tool like SonarQube that automatically tracks the amount of technical debt in your codebase.

3. Technical debt can be managed

It’s important to recognize that technical debt can be managed and should be actively managed. It’s important to identify the areas of code that require refactoring or improvement, and to prioritize tasks that will reduce the technical debt. 

4. Technical debt can contribute to product success

While technical debt can be a problem, it can also be an asset in certain cases. If a product is released with a certain amount of technical debt, it can reduce the amount of time needed to get the product to market.

5. Technical debt can have long-term implications

It’s important to understand that technical debt can have long-term implications. If the technical debt isn’t managed properly, it can lead to decreased code quality or maintainability, which can increase the cost of future development or maintenance. 

6. Technical debt should be managed by the whole team

Technical debt should be managed by the whole team, not just the product manager. Developers, designers, and other stakeholders should be involved in the process in order to ensure that the technical debt is managed properly. 

By understanding the basics of technical debt, product managers can make informed decisions about how to manage it and ensure that their products are successful. Technical debt should be managed proactively, and the whole team should be involved in the process.

6 Tips for Good Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria are an important part of the product development process, as it provides the basis for assessing whether a feature or product meets the requirements for a successful launch. Without clear, well-defined criteria, it can be difficult to evaluate progress and identify any potential issues. 

Here are 6 tips to help you create effective acceptance criteria. 

  • Set clear objectives:

    The first step is to define your objectives for the product or feature. This will help you identify the criteria that need to be met for successful acceptance. 

  • Be specific:

    Make sure your criteria are clear and specific. Avoid vague language and aim to be as precise as possible.

  • Involve stakeholders:

    Involve stakeholders when defining acceptance criteria. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that all perspectives are considered. 

  • Focus on user experience:

    Put yourself in the shoes of the user and consider how they will interact with the feature or product. This will help you to define criteria that ensure a positive experience.

  • Test it:

    Design tests that can be used to verify whether the criteria have been met. This will help to ensure quality and prevent any potential problems.

  •  Review often:

    Make sure to review the acceptance criteria regularly to ensure they are still relevant and up-to-date. This will prevent any unnecessary delays and ensure a successful launch. 

By following these tips, you can create effective acceptance criteria that will help to ensure the successful launch of your product or feature.

Don’t forget to include product performance requirements in your acceptance criteria

Product performance analysis is the process of evaluating the performance of a software product in order to identify areas for improvement and optimize its performance. Here are some steps you can take to conduct a product performance analysis for software products:

  • Define performance goals:

    Identify specific performance goals for the product, such as increased speed, improved usability, or increased reliability.

  • Gather data:

    Collect data on the product’s performance using a variety of tools and techniques, such as log files, analytics tools, and user feedback.

  • Analyze data:

    Analyze the data to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement.

  • Identify root causes:

    Determine the root causes of any performance issues identified in the data analysis.

  • Develop and prioritize solutions:

    Develop solutions to address identified performance issues and prioritize them based on their potential impact and feasibility.

  • Implement and test solutions:

    Implement the most impactful and feasible solutions and test their effectiveness.

  • Monitor and adjust:

    Continuously monitor the product’s performance and adjust your solutions as needed to ensure that performance goals are being met.

Product performance analysis is an important process that can help you identify and address any performance issues with your software product, ultimately leading to a better user experience and increased customer satisfaction.

Are you leveraging A/B Testing?

A/B testing is a method of experimentation in which two versions of a product or feature are tested with a small group of users to see which one performs better. The goal of A/B testing is to gather data and feedback to inform decision-making and improve the product. For example, a website might conduct an A/B test by showing half of its users version A of a page with a certain design, and the other half version B with a different design. The website would then track metrics such as clicks, conversions, or other desired outcomes to determine which version performed better. This information can then be used to refine the design and improve the user experience.

This technique can be used to test a variety of different elements, including the design, layout, wording, and functionality of a website or app. Some benefits of A/B testing include the ability to make data-driven decisions, to identify and fix problems with your website or app, and to improve the user experience. Additionally, A/B testing can help you to optimize conversions and improve the overall performance of your website or app.

4 Ways to get input from your customers

There are a few different ways you can survey customers to understand what product features they want you to build:

1. Online surveys

You can create an online survey using a tool like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey, and send it to your customer base via email or social media. Make sure to clearly explain the purpose of the survey and how you will use the results.

2. Customer interviews

You can schedule one-on-one interviews with individual customers to ask them about their needs and preferences. This can be done in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing.

3. Focus groups

You can bring together a group of customers for a moderated discussion about your product and what they would like to see in future versions. This can be done in person or online.

4. Customer feedback forums

You can create a dedicated forum or discussion board where customers can share their ideas and feedback. This can be an ongoing resource for you to gather insights from your customers.

Regardless of which method you choose, it’s important to make sure you’re collecting feedback from a diverse group of customers and not just a select few. This will help you get a better understanding of the needs and preferences of your customer base as a whole.

Impact of over-customizing

Over-customizing a product or system can impact the total cost of ownership (TCO) in a number of ways.

First, the process of customizing a product or system can be time-consuming and costly in itself. This is especially true if the customization requires the development of new features or the integration of different technologies.

Second, over-customization can lead to increased complexity and maintenance costs. Customized products or systems may be more difficult to update or upgrade, and may require specialized knowledge or resources to maintain. This can increase the overall cost of ownership over time.

Finally, over-customization can also lead to vendor lock-in, where an organization becomes dependent on a particular vendor or solution provider for support and maintenance. This can limit an organization’s ability to switch to a different vendor or solution, which can increase the TCO in the long run.

It’s important for organizations to carefully consider the costs and benefits of customizing products or systems, and to strike a balance between customization and standardization in order to minimize the TCO.

Considerations for Buy, Build, Partner Decisions

As a product manager, you may often need to make decisions about whether to buy, build, or partner for certain products or features. These decisions can have significant impacts on your product, your team, and your company, so it’s important to consider them carefully.

Here are some things to consider when making buy, build, or partner decisions:


Building a product or feature from scratch can be more expensive than buying or partnering for it. Consider the upfront and ongoing costs of each option.  Don’t forget to consider the integration costs if you buy or partner.

Time to market

If you need to bring a product or feature to market quickly, buying or partnering may be the better option. Building from scratch can take longer.


Building a product in-house gives you more control over the development process and the final product. Buying or partnering can give you less control.


If you don’t have the necessary expertise in-house to build a product or feature, partnering or buying may be the better option.

Long-term strategy

Think about how the product or feature fits into your long-term product roadmap and strategy. Does building it in-house align with your goals?

Ultimately, the best option will depend on your specific circumstances and needs. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option and make a decision that aligns with your business goals and priorities.

DANGER: When product teams forget to focus on Non-Functional Requirements

Failing to specify non-functional requirements can lead to a number of problems, including:

Poor performance

If the system does not meet the required performance criteria, it may be slow or unresponsive, leading to user frustration and reduced productivity.

Security vulnerabilities

If security requirements are not properly specified, the system may be vulnerable to attacks, leading to data breaches and other security incidents.

Compatibility issues

If the system is not designed to be compatible with other systems or devices, it may not function as intended and may cause problems when integrated into a larger system.

User dissatisfaction

If the system does not meet the user’s expectations or needs, they may be disappointed or frustrated with the product, leading to reduced adoption and use.

Increased costs

Failing to properly specify non-functional requirements can lead to rework, debugging, and other costly issues during the development process, as well as increased maintenance and support costs after the system is deployed.

How the best Product Managers win over stakeholders

As a product manager, one of your key responsibilities is to manage the priorities and objectives of your product. This often involves working with a variety of stakeholders who may have different interests and priorities.

So how do the best product managers help stakeholders reach consensus on priorities? Here are a few key strategies:

Clearly communicate the vision and goals of the product

Make sure that all stakeholders understand the overall direction and purpose of the product, and how their input and involvement contribute to its success. This can help align priorities and focus efforts.

Build relationships

Take the time to get to know stakeholders and understand their needs and concerns. This can help build trust and establish a more productive working relationship.

Seek out common ground

Try to identify areas of agreement and focus on finding solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders. This can help build consensus and ensure that everyone feels heard and valued.

Use data and evidence

Use data and evidence to support your decisions and priorities, and be prepared to explain the reasoning behind them. This can help build credibility and encourage buy-in from stakeholders.

Manage conflicts

If conflicts do arise, try to address them as soon as possible and work to find a resolution that is mutually beneficial. This may involve seeking the input of an unbiased third party or mediator.

The best product managers are able to effectively communicate and build relationships with stakeholders to help them reach consensus on priorities. By being proactive, transparent, and data-driven, you can help ensure that your product is meeting the needs of all stakeholders and moving in the right direction.

Do you have what it takes to be a Product Manager?

Product managers are responsible for overseeing the development and success of a product or product line, and as such, they need a diverse set of skills and experience to be effective in their role. Some key skills and experience that can be helpful for product managers include:

Technical expertise

While it is not necessary for product managers to be technical experts, a strong understanding of the technology or domain in which the product operates can be beneficial. This can help product managers better understand the capabilities and limitations of the product, as well as identify opportunities for innovation.

Business acumen

Product managers should have a strong understanding of business principles and be able to think strategically about the product and its place in the market. This includes understanding customer needs and market trends, as well as being able to identify and prioritize opportunities for growth.

Leadership skills

Product managers often lead cross-functional teams and need strong leadership skills to effectively manage and motivate team members. This includes the ability to delegate, set goals, and provide guidance and direction.

Communication skills

Product managers need to be able to clearly and effectively communicate their vision and plans for the product to both technical and non-technical audiences. This includes the ability to present ideas and persuade others to adopt them.

Problem-solving skills

Product managers need to be able to identify and solve complex problems and make sound decisions under pressure. This includes the ability to analyze data and make data-driven decisions.

Collaboration skills

Product managers often work with a variety of stakeholders, including executives, developers, designers, and sales and marketing teams. Strong collaboration skills are essential for building relationships and getting work done effectively.

Being a successful product manager requires a combination of technical expertise, business acumen, leadership skills, communication skills, problem-solving skills, and collaboration skills.

Keeping in touch with Market Trends and Customers

Product managers play a crucial role in identifying and responding to market trends and customer needs, so it is important for them to stay in touch with these developments. Here are a few strategies that talented product managers use to stay informed:

Conduct market research

Product managers can use a variety of methods, such  as surveys, focus groups, and customer interviews, to gather insights about market trends and customer needs. This can help them understand what is driving customer behavior and identify opportunities for innovation.

Monitor industry news and social media

Keeping up with industry news and following relevant blogs and social media accounts can help product managers stay informed about the latest developments and trends in their market.

Engage with customers

Product managers can get valuable insights by engaging with customers directly, either through in-person interactions or online forums and communities. This can help them better understand customer needs and pain points, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Use customer feedback

Product managers can use customer feedback, such as reviews and ratings, to get a better understanding of what customers like and dislike about the product. This can help them identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about product development.

Work with sales and customer success teams

Product managers can also learn from the experiences and insights of sales and customer success teams, who often have close interactions with customers. Collaborating with these teams can help product managers stay in touch with customer needs and trends.

Staying in touch with market trends and customer needs is an ongoing process that requires active effort and engagement. By using a combination of these strategies, product managers can stay informed and responsive to the needs of the market and their customers.

Top 5 Reasons Product Managers Fail

There are many potential reasons why a product manager might fail, and the specific circumstances will depend on the individual situation. Here are a few examples of situations where product managers might fail and some potential reasons why:

1. Lack of strategy

Product managers who fail to develop a clear and cohesive strategy for their product are more likely to struggle with execution and ultimately fail. This might be due to a lack of understanding of the market, the product, or the target audience.

2. Poor communication

Product managers who struggle to effectively communicate their vision and goals to their team and stakeholders are likely to face challenges in executing their plans. This might be due to poor presentation skills, a lack of clarity in messaging, or a failure to build strong relationships with key players.

3. Inability to adapt

Product managers who are unable to adapt to changing market conditions or customer needs may struggle to deliver successful products. This might be due to a lack of flexibility or an inability to pivot quickly in response to new information.

4. Insufficient resources

Product managers who do not have the necessary resources (e.g., budget, time, personnel) to execute their plans may struggle to deliver successful products. This might be due to a lack of support from upper management or a failure to properly plan and allocate resources.

5. Lack of leadership

Product managers who are unable to effectively lead and motivate their team may struggle to execute their plans and deliver successful products. This might be due to a lack of leadership skills or a failure to build a positive and collaborative team culture.

5 Tips for Creating Brand Loyalty

Building brand loyalty is an important goal for many businesses, as it can lead to long-term customer retention and increased revenue. Here are a few ways to build brand loyalty:

1. Deliver excellent customer service

Providing exceptional customer service is one of the most effective ways to build brand loyalty. Customers who feel valued and supported are more likely to return and recommend your brand to others.

2. Offer high-quality products or services

Customers are more likely to be loyal to brands that consistently deliver high-quality products or services. Invest in product development and ensure that you are meeting or exceeding customer expectations.

3. Create a strong brand identity

A strong brand identity can help customers connect emotionally with your brand, making them more likely to be loyal. Develop a clear brand message and visual identity that reflects your brand’s values and mission.

4. Foster a sense of community

Creating a sense of community around your brand can help build loyalty. Consider offering exclusive perks or experiences to your most loyal customers, or creating online communities where customers can connect and share their experiences with your brand.

5. Stay true to your brand’s values

Loyalty can be difficult to build if customers don’t believe that your brand is consistent with its values and mission. Be transparent and consistent in your messaging and actions to demonstrate that your brand is trustworthy and reliable.

Are you including customer retention in your product development plans?

Including customer retention plans in your product development process can help ensure that your products are designed with customer needs and preferences in mind, which can ultimately lead to increased customer loyalty. Here are a few steps you can take to include customer retention plans in your product development process:

Gather customer feedback

Regularly solicit customer feedback on your existing products and use this information to inform your product development plans. This can help you identify customer pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Conduct market research

Use market research to understand the needs and preferences of your target customers. This can help you identify new product ideas and features that are likely to be well received by your customers.

Involve customers in the development process

Consider involving customers in the product development process through focus groups or customer advisory boards. This can help you get direct feedback on your product ideas and ensure that you are meeting the needs of your target customers.

Set retention goals

Set specific goals for customer retention and make them a part of your product development process. For example, you might aim to increase customer retention by a certain percentage within a specific time frame.

Evaluate and optimize

Continuously evaluate and optimize your products based on customer feedback and retention data. This can help you identify areas for improvement and make ongoing adjustments to your products to ensure that they are meeting the needs of your customers.

Consider setting these OKRs and KPIs for your products and services

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are tools that businesses use to set and track progress towards specific goals. Here are a few ideas for OKRs or KPIs you could set for your products and services:

Increase customer retention

Set an OKR or KPI to increase customer retention by a certain percentage over a specific time period. This could involve implementing customer retention strategies, gathering customer feedback, or improving the customer experience.

Increase customer satisfaction

Set an OKR or KPI to improve customer satisfaction scores, as measured through customer surveys or other metrics. This could involve identifying and addressing customer pain points, improving product quality, or enhancing the customer experience.

Increase market share

Set an OKR or KPI to increase your market share in a specific market or product category. This could involve developing new products or features, expanding your distribution channels, or improving your marketing efforts.

Reduce customer churn

Set an OKR or KPI to reduce customer churn, which is the rate at which customers stop using your products or services. This could involve identifying and addressing customer complaints or dissatisfaction, offering incentives for customers to stay, or improving the customer experience.

Increase revenue

Set an OKR or KPI to increase revenue from your products over a specific time period. This could involve identifying new market opportunities, improving pricing strategies, or increasing sales through marketing and customer acquisition efforts.

5 Ways to increase market share

There are many ways businesses can try to increase their market share, which is the portion of a market that is served by a particular company or product. Here are a few interesting ways to increase market share:

1. Develop new products or services

Introducing new products or services can help you reach new customers and expand your market share. Consider identifying untapped market opportunities or creating innovative products that solve customer problems in new ways.

2. Improve your marketing efforts

Enhancing your marketing efforts can help you reach new customers and increase brand awareness. This could involve developing targeted marketing campaigns, improving your online presence, or leveraging social media to reach new audiences.

3. Expand your distribution channels

Increasing the number of places where customers can purchase your products can help you reach new markets and increase your market share. This could involve partnering with new retailers or distributors, or developing an online store or e-commerce platform.

4. Build partnerships and collaborations

Collaborating with other businesses or organizations can help you tap into new markets and reach new customers. This could involve partnering with complementary brands, participating in joint marketing efforts, or collaborating on new products or services.

5. Focus on customer retention

Improving customer retention can also help increase your market share over time. Consider implementing customer retention strategies, gathering customer feedback, or improving the customer experience to encourage customers to continue using your products or services.

Heat Map your Customer Pain Points

Heat mapping is a technique that can be used to identify and prioritize customer pain points, or the problems or challenges that customers experience when using a product or service. Here are a few techniques for heat mapping customer pain points:

Gather customer feedback

One of the most effective ways to identify customer pain points is to ask customers directly. Consider using customer surveys, focus groups, or customer service feedback to gather information about the problems or challenges customers are experiencing with your product or service.

Analyze customer data

Customer data, such as usage patterns, customer complaints, and customer support inquiries, can provide valuable insights into customer pain points. Use data analytics tools to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior and feedback that may highlight areas for improvement.

Conduct customer interviews

Interviewing customers one-on-one can provide more in-depth insights into their experiences and pain points. Consider using open-ended questions to encourage customers to share their thoughts and experiences in their own words.

Use customer journey mapping

Customer journey mapping is a technique that involves creating a visual representation of the steps customers go through when interacting with your product or service. This can help you identify pain points and opportunities for improvement at each stage of the customer journey.

Observe customer behavior

Observing customers as they use your product or service can provide valuable insights into their pain points. Consider using techniques such as usability testing or ethnographic research to observe how customers interact with your product or service in real-world situations.

Be open-minded to crowdsourcing 

As a product manager, you can leverage crowdsourcing to gather feedback and support for your product. Here are some specific ways you can use this tool:

Gather feedback and ideas

By crowdsourcing ideas and feedback from a large group of people, you can gather valuable insights and perspectives that can help inform your product development efforts. You can use platforms like IdeaScale or UserTesting to solicit feedback and ideas from a broad group of people.

Test market demand

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can be a useful tool for testing market demand for your product. By launching a crowdfunding campaign, you can gauge the level of interest and support for your product, and use this information to inform your product development efforts.

Build a community

By engaging with potential customers through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding campaigns, you can build a community of supporters who are invested in your product’s success. This community can provide valuable feedback and support as you develop and launch your product.

Secure funding

Crowdfunding can also be a way to secure funding for your product development efforts. By setting a funding goal and offering rewards or incentives to backers, you can raise the capital you need to bring your product to market.

Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding can be valuable tools for product managers looking to gather feedback, test market demand, build a community, and secure funding for their products.

Cannibalization – Product Managers heed this warning

Product managers may accidentally cannibalize their own products in a few different ways. Some common scenarios include:

Failing to consider the impact on existing products

When launching a new product, product managers may not fully consider the potential impact on their existing products. For example, a new product may overlap with or compete directly with an existing product, leading to reduced sales or market share.

Underestimating the value of existing products

Product managers may underestimate the value of their existing products, and as a result, may prioritize the development of new products over maintaining and improving existing ones. This can lead to neglect or underinvestment in existing products, which can ultimately lead to their decline.

Failing to coordinate with other teams

Product managers may not effectively coordinate with other teams, such as sales or marketing, which can lead to conflicting messages or actions that can ultimately harm existing products.

Not gathering enough customer feedback

Product managers may not gather enough customer feedback or insights, which can lead to a lack of understanding of customer needs and preferences. This can result in the development of new products that do not effectively meet customer needs, leading to decreased demand for existing products.

It is important for product managers to consider the potential impact of new products on their existing product portfolio, to prioritize the ongoing maintenance and improvement of existing products, and to gather and act on customer feedback in order to avoid cannibalizing their own products.

Slow to sunset legacy systems

There are several reasons why organizations may be reluctant to sunset (i.e., retire or decommission) legacy systems. Some common reasons include:


Legacy systems may be deeply integrated into an organization’s operations and processes, making it difficult to switch to a new system without disrupting business.


Replacing a legacy system can be costly, especially if it requires significant changes to processes and infrastructure.

Lack of resources

Many organizations do not have the resources (e.g., budget, personnel, time) to devote to replacing a legacy system, especially if it is still functioning adequately.

Risk aversion

Some organizations may be hesitant to replace a legacy system because of the perceived risk of change, especially if the system has been in place for a long time.

Lack of awareness

In some cases, organizations may be unaware that newer, more efficient systems are available, or they may not understand the potential benefits of replacing their legacy system.

It’s important for organizations to carefully consider the costs and benefits of replacing legacy systems, and to have a clear plan in place for managing the transition to a new system in order to minimize disruptions and maximize the benefits.

What to include in your lean business case

When developing a lean business case, it is important to clearly and concisely communicate the value and potential impact of your proposed project or idea. Here are some key elements to include in your lean business case:

The problem or opportunity

Clearly articulate the problem or opportunity that your project or idea is intended to address. This should include a detailed description of the current state of affairs and how your solution will address it.

The solution

Outline your proposed solution and how it will address the identified problem or opportunity. This should include a high-level description of the product or service, as well as any key features or benefits.

The benefits

Clearly outline the benefits of your solution, including any cost savings, increased efficiency, or improved customer satisfaction. Be specific and use data to support your claims.

The risks

Identify and discuss any potential risks or challenges associated with your solution. This could include technical risks, market risks, or regulatory risks.

The resources and timeline

Outline the resources that will be required to implement your solution, including budget, personnel, and any external resources. Also, provide a rough timeline for when key milestones or deliverables will be achieved.

The key performance indicators (KPIs)

Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of your solution. This could include metrics such as revenue, cost savings, customer satisfaction, or market share.

A well-crafted lean business case should clearly and concisely communicate the value and potential impact of your proposed project or idea, and provide a compelling argument for why it is worth pursuing.

Product Managers – don’t forget to arrange beta testing

Beta testing is a type of testing that is conducted towards the end of the product development process, before a product is released to the general public. It is typically the final stage of testing and is focused on gathering feedback and identifying any remaining issues or defects that need to be addressed before the product is released.

Beta testing is typically conducted by a group of external testers, such as customers or users, who are representative of the target market for the product. Beta testers are given access to the product and are asked to use it and provide feedback on their experience. This feedback can include comments on the product’s functionality, usability, and overall value.

Beta testing is an important step in the product development process, as it allows product managers to gather valuable insights and feedback from real users and identify any remaining issues or defects that need to be addressed before the product is released. By carefully planning and executing the beta test, product managers can ensure that the test is effective and provides valuable insights that can inform product development efforts.

Who should be the “Voice of the Customer”?

There are several roles within an organization that may be responsible for representing the voice of the customer and ensuring that their needs and preferences are taken into account. Some common roles that may be the voice of the customer include:

Product owners (PO) and Product managers (PM)

They are responsible for defining and prioritizing the features and capabilities of a product, and are often the primary point of contact for customers. As such, they are well-positioned to be the voice of the customer and ensure that their needs and preferences are represented in product development.

Customer service representatives

Customer service representatives are responsible for interacting with and supporting customers, and are often the first point of contact for customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback. They are well-positioned to gather and relay customer feedback to the rest of the organization.

User experience (UX) designers

UX designers are responsible for designing and testing the user experience of a product or service, and are often focused on ensuring that the product meets the needs and preferences of the target audience. They can be the voice of the customer by advocating for user-centered design approaches and incorporating customer feedback into the design process.

Market researchers

Market researchers are responsible for gathering and analyzing data about customer needs and preferences, and can be the voice of the customer by providing insights and recommendations based on this data.

There are several roles within an organization that can be the voice of the customer and ensure that their needs and preferences are taken into account. It is important for these roles to regularly gather and consider customer feedback and advocate for the customer perspective in decision-making.

Is your product becoming a commodity?

There are several signs that may indicate that your product is becoming a commodity:

Price competition

If the market is flooded with similar products and the price becomes the main differentiator, it may be a sign that your product is becoming a commodity.

Lack of product differentiation

If customers are unable to see any meaningful differences between your product and the competition, it may be a sign that your product is becoming a commodity.

Decreasing profit margins

If your profit margins are decreasing, it may be a sign that your product is becoming a commodity. This can be due to increased competition, lower prices, or both.

Decreasing customer loyalty

If customers are not loyal to your product and are willing to switch to a competitor at the drop of a hat, it may be a sign that your product is becoming a commodity.

Decreasing brand awareness

If customers are not aware of your brand or do not associate it with a particular product, it may be a sign that your product is becoming a commodity.

If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to reassess your product strategy and consider ways to differentiate your product in the market. This could involve improving the quality or features of your product, adding value through services or support, or developing a strong brand identity.

Why do your business stakeholders dislike the term MVP?

There are several reasons why some people may dislike the term “minimum viable product” (MVP):

It may be misunderstood

Some people may misunderstand the concept of an MVP, thinking that it means creating a product that is of low quality or lacks important features. This can lead to disappointment or frustration when the product does not meet their expectations.

It may be misused

Some companies may use the term MVP as an excuse to create a subpar product, without fully investing in its development or testing. This can lead to poor customer satisfaction and a negative reputation for the company.

It may be seen as risky

Some people may be hesitant to adopt an MVP approach because it involves launching a product with fewer features than a fully-developed product. This can be seen as risky, as it may not meet the needs of all customers and may require additional investment to improve or add features later on.

It may be seen as insufficient

Some people may view an MVP as insufficient because it does not include all the features or functionality they would like. This can lead to dissatisfaction with the product and a lack of loyalty to the company.

The MVP approach can be a valuable tool for testing and validating a product idea, but it’s important to communicate clearly with customers and ensure that the product meets their needs and expectations.

Use the MVP concept effectively

The concept of a minimum viable product (MVP) can be an effective tool for validating and refining a product idea, but it’s important to use it correctly in order to get the most benefit. Here are some tips for using the MVP concept effectively:

Clearly define your MVP

Before you begin development, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what your MVP will include. This should be a minimum set of features that will allow you to test your product idea and gather feedback from users.

Focus on solving a specific problem

An MVP should be focused on solving a specific problem or meeting a specific need for a specific group of users. It’s important to avoid trying to include too many features or solve too many problems, as this can distract from the main goal of the MVP.

Gather feedback from users

An MVP is not a finished product, but rather a way to test and validate your product idea. It’s important to gather feedback from users and use it to improve and refine the product.

Keep it simple

An MVP should be as simple as possible, with a minimal set of features. This will allow you to get it to market quickly and gather valuable feedback from users.

Be prepared to pivot

An MVP is meant to be a learning tool, and it’s important to be open to changing course based on the feedback you receive. Don’t be afraid to pivot and adjust your product strategy if it’s not meeting the needs of users.

By following these tips, you can effectively use the MVP concept to validate and refine your product idea, and ultimately create a product that meets the needs of your customers.

Minimum Marketable Product (MMP) Explained

A minimal marketable product (MMP) is a product that has the minimum set of features required to be considered marketable and viable in the market. It is similar to a minimum viable product (MVP), but it is more fully developed and has more features than an MVP.

The goal of an MMP is to provide a product that has enough value and functionality to attract and retain customers, but without unnecessary features or complexity that would increase development time and cost.

The MMP concept is often used in the early stages of product development, when a company is trying to gauge market demand and assess the potential for a product. By developing and launching an MMP, a company can gather feedback from customers and use it to improve and refine the product before fully committing to a full product launch.

The MMP concept is a useful tool for companies looking to test and validate a product idea, while also providing a fully functional and marketable product to customers.

Please retire the MRD

As technology and market conditions evolve, it’s important for companies to re-evaluate their processes and tools to ensure that they are still relevant and effective. One document that may be worth reconsidering is the market requirements document (MRD).

An MRD is a document that outlines the market needs and requirements for a product, based on market research and analysis. It is typically used to guide product development and inform marketing efforts.

However, there are several reasons why we may want to retire the MRD in favor of more agile and flexible approaches:

The MRD can be time-consuming to create

Developing an MRD requires a significant amount of time and resources, including market research, analysis, and stakeholder input. This can be a burden on product development teams and may not provide the most value for the time and effort invested.

The MRD can be inflexible

An MRD is a static document that is created at a specific point in time. This means that it may not be able to adapt to changes in market conditions or customer needs.

The MRD may not reflect real-time customer feedback

An MRD is based on market research and analysis, which may not always accurately reflect the needs and preferences of actual customers. By the time the MRD is developed, customer needs may have already changed.

Instead of relying on an MRD, it may be more effective to adopt agile product development approaches that allow for more flexibility and adaptability. This could involve using customer feedback and data to guide product development, rather than relying on a static document.

While the MRD may have been a useful tool in the past, it may be time to retire it in favor of more agile and flexible approaches that better reflect the rapidly changing needs and preferences of customers.

Top 5 Complexities for Product Launch

There are several things that can make a software product launch complex, including:

1. Integration with other products or platforms

If your software product integrates with other products or platforms, it can be complex to ensure that the integration is smooth and seamless. This may involve coordinating with other companies or development teams and testing the integration to ensure that it is reliable.  Agile methods that endorse early and frequent integration will help relieve these risks.

2. Dependency on external factors

If your software product depends on external factors, such as third-party APIs or data sources, it can be complex to ensure that these dependencies are stable and reliable.

3. Multiple stakeholders

If your software product involves multiple stakeholders, such as a development team, a sales team, and a marketing team, it can be complex to coordinate and align all these groups in order to have a successful launch.

4. Complexity of the product

If your software product is complex, with many features and functionality, it can be challenging to test and debug all aspects of the product before launch.

5. Tight deadlines

If you are under tight deadlines to launch your software product, it can be complex to ensure that all necessary tasks are completed on time and that the product is ready for launch.

A software product launch can be complex due to a variety of factors, including integration with other products or platforms, dependency on external factors, multiple stakeholders, complexity of the product, and tight deadlines. It is important to carefully plan and coordinate all aspects of the launch in order to ensure a smooth and successful rollout.

Have you planned for product support after launch?

Supporting a software product once it is launched requires a proactive and organized approach. Here are some key considerations for ensuring that your product is supported effectively:

Customer support

Providing timely and effective customer support is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. This can involve offering various support channels, such as email, phone, or online chat, as well as providing clear documentation and resources to help customers troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

Bug fixes and updates

Even with thorough testing, it is inevitable that bugs and issues will be discovered after a product is launched. It is important to have a plan in place for addressing these issues and releasing updates in a timely manner. This can involve creating a system for tracking and prioritizing bugs, as well as coordinating with the development team to fix and release updates.

Feature updates and improvements

In order to keep your product relevant and competitive, it is important to continuously improve and add new features. This can involve gathering feedback from customers and analyzing market trends to identify areas for improvement.

Integration with other products and platforms

If your product integrates with other products or platforms, it is important to maintain these integrations and address any issues that may arise. This can involve working closely with other companies or development teams to ensure smooth integration.

Documentation and resources

Providing clear and comprehensive documentation and resources can help customers get the most out of your product and reduce the need for support. It is important to regularly review and update these resources to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date.

Supporting a software product requires a combination of customer support, bug fixes and updates, feature updates, integration management, and comprehensive documentation and resources. By taking a proactive and organized approach to these areas, you can ensure that your product is well-supported and continues to meet the needs of your customers.

Don’t ever think you have a captive audience

Thinking that you have a captive audience as a product manager can be dangerous because it can lead to complacency and a lack of focus on customer needs. If you believe that your customers have no choice but to use your product, you may not be motivated to listen to their feedback or make improvements to meet their changing needs.

This mindset can also cause you to overlook the potential for new competitors to enter the market and offer more appealing products or services. Failing to anticipate and adapt to changes in the market can ultimately lead to the decline of your product or company.

To avoid these dangers, it’s important for product managers to continuously gather and analyze customer feedback, stay up-to-date on industry trends and competitive offerings, and be proactive in making improvements and innovations to the product. This helps to ensure that the product continues to meet the needs and preferences of the target market and remains competitive in the market.

Don’t create waste by reinventing the wheel

When product managers make the mistake of reinventing the wheel, it means they are attempting to create a solution to a problem that has already been solved, often without considering the existing solutions that are already available. This can be a waste of time and resources and can lead to the development of a product or solution that is inferior to what is already available in the market.

Reinventing the wheel can also lead to missed opportunities for partnerships or collaborations with other companies or individuals who have already developed similar solutions.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important for product managers to thoroughly research the market and existing solutions before embarking on the development of a new product or feature. This may involve seeking out industry experts and conducting market research to understand the needs and preferences of the target market, as well as the competitive landscape. By understanding what solutions are already available, product managers can make informed decisions about how to proceed and avoid unnecessarily reinventing the wheel.

Some features should include a hypothesis

A hypothesis is a testable prediction or assumption about the relationship between two or more variables. In agile development, hypotheses can be included in a feature by incorporating them into the user story or acceptance criteria.

For example, a feature might be written in the following format:

“As a [user], I want [feature] so that [benefit]. I believe that [hypothesis] will be the result.”

For example: “As a customer, I want to be able to filter products by color so that I can more easily find the products I am looking for. I believe that this feature will increase the likelihood that customers will make a purchase.”

In this example, the hypothesis is that the ability to filter products by color will increase the likelihood of a purchase. This hypothesis can be tested by collecting data on customer behavior before and after the feature is implemented and comparing the results.

Including a hypothesis in a feature can help to guide the development process and provide a basis for evaluating the success of the feature. It can also help to inform decision-making about the allocation of resources and prioritize features based on their potential impact.

4 Considerations for Encouraging Innovation

Innovation is a key factor in the success of businesses today. Companies that embrace innovation and use it to their advantage can stay ahead of the competition and build a successful brand. But there are certain factors to consider when it comes to innovation in your business. 

1. Create a Culture of Innovation

To foster an environment that encourages innovation, it’s important to create a culture of innovation in your organization. This means giving employees the freedom to explore new ideas, think outside the box, and be creative. It’s also important to reward and recognize employees who come up with innovative solutions. 

2. Encourage Risk-Taking

Taking risks is an important part of innovation. Encourage your team to take risks and to think outside of the box. This may lead to some failures, but those failures can also lead to breakthroughs. 

3. Invest in Research and Development

Investing in research and development is key to staying ahead of the competition. Spend time and money on researching new technologies, products, and services. This will help you stay one step ahead of the competition and create a more innovative business. 

4. Utilize Data

Data is an important tool for businesses to use when it comes to innovation. Utilize data to get a better understanding of customer needs, trends, and behaviors. This data can also help you develop new products and services that are tailored to customer needs. 

These are just a few of the factors to consider when it comes to innovation in your business. By considering these factors and implementing them into your organization, you can create a more innovative and successful business.

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Topics: Agile for "non-software" teams

Agile Anti-Patterns

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 19, 2023

Do you want us to do your business agility for you?

Yes, I want ICON to do it for me      |      No thanks, I’d rather do it myself

Top reasons Agile Transformations Fail

There are many reasons why agile transformations can fail. We will cover the common reasons for anti-patterns and misalignment throughout this article.

Some common reasons included in:

  • Lack of buy-in or support from upper management

  • Lack of clear goals or objectives – make sure you define the outcomes you plan to achieve and share clear communication your entire organization

  • Inadequate training or resources to support your team

  • Resistance to change from team members, middle management or even executive leadership

  • Failure to pull in product and business organizations

  • Lack of competent coaching support can lead to implementing agile practices without fully understanding their principles or without properly tailoring them to the needs of the team or organization.

  • Failing to implement the technical practices (if you are a SW development organization)

  • Failing to collaborate with other organizations that could be indirectly impacted – Finance, HR, operations, marketing and sales, training departments, etc)

  • Inadequate budgeting for the investment required

Agile Transformation Anti-patterns to avoid

When undergoing an agile transformation, it’s important to avoid some common antipatterns that can hinder the success of the transition. Some of the most common agile transformation antipatterns to avoid include:

Not involving the entire team in the process

An agile transformation should involve the entire team, not just a select few individuals. Failing to involve the entire team can lead to resistance and a lack of buy-in.

Not adequately training and supporting the team

The team should be adequately trained and supported throughout the agile transformation process. Without this, they may struggle to adapt to the new way of working and the transformation may fail.

Not having a clear plan and vision for the transformation

The agile transformation should have a clear plan and vision in place in order to be successful. Without this, the team may struggle to stay on track and make progress.

Not adequately addressing organizational culture

The organizational culture should be taken into account during the agile transformation. If the culture is not conducive to agile ways of working, the transformation may be unsuccessful.

Not measuring and tracking progress

It’s important to regularly measure and track progress during the agile transformation in order to ensure that it is moving forward in the right direction. Without this, it can be difficult to identify and address any obstacles or challenges that arise.

You may regret investing in your own framework instead of using an existing one

There are several benefits to selecting an existing agile framework instead of creating your own. Some of these benefits include:

Proven success

Agile frameworks have been developed and refined over time, and have been proven to be successful in many different organizations. By using an established framework, you can be confident that it has been tested and validated, and that it will be effective in your organization.

Time and cost savings

Developing your own agile framework can be a time-consuming and costly process. By using an existing framework, you can save time and money, and focus on implementing and adopting the framework rather than developing it from scratch.

Widely accepted

Agile frameworks are widely accepted and used in many organizations, which means that you can easily find resources and support to help you with your implementation.


Many agile frameworks are designed to be flexible and adaptable, which means that you can tailor them to your specific needs and requirements.

Community support

By using an established agile framework, you can tap into a community of other practitioners who are also using the framework, and who can provide support, guidance, and best practices.

What you are missing if you are only applying agile at the team level without scaling

There are several potential downsides to applying agile practices to teams, but not scaling agility across the organization:

1. Limited impact

If agility is only applied to a small number of teams, the benefits may be limited and may not be realized across the organization. This can result in a lack of consistency and coordination between teams, which can lead to inefficiencies and delays.

2. Resistance to change

If only a small number of teams are using agile practices, other teams may resist adopting them due to a lack of understanding or a desire to maintain the status quo. This can create tension and conflict within the organization.

3. Communication and coordination challenges

If agility is not scaled across the organization, teams may struggle to communicate and coordinate with each other effectively. This can lead to misunderstandings and delays, which can impact the quality and speed of delivery.

4. Lack of visibility

Without agility being scaled across the organization, it may be difficult to gain a comprehensive view of the work being done and the progress being made. This can make it difficult to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement.

While agile practices can bring significant benefits to teams, it is important to scale agility across the organization in order to realize the full potential of these practices and achieve the desired results.

Not engaging the product organization in the agile transformation

Agile transformation is a way for organizations to become more adaptable and responsive to changing market conditions and customer needs. This approach can help businesses to quickly develop and deliver high-quality products, while also improving collaboration and communication within the team. By adopting agile principles and practices, organizations can improve their ability to respond to changing circumstances and stay competitive in today’s market.  But change is hard – there is fear of the unknown and investment required to change.  

Here are some tips for engaging product in agile:

  • Make sure that the product team understands the principles and values of agile, and why the organization is adopting this approach – the product team is most concerned about getting to the business outcomes so be sure to walk them through how the new methods will achieve their goals.

  • Involve the product team in the agile transformation from the beginning, and encourage them to contribute their ideas and suggestions.

  • Provide the product team with the training and support they need to succeed with agile, including access to agile coaches and mentors.

  • Encourage collaboration and communication within the product team, and create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities for the product team, and ensure that they have the resources and support they need to deliver high-quality products.

  • Measure and monitor the progress of the product team, and provide regular feedback and support to help them improve and succeed with agile.

Not making “Flow” a top priority

“Flow” refers to the smooth and continuous movement of work through a process, and problems with flow can negatively impact the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. Here are a few examples of flow problems in major companies:


Bottlenecks occur when a particular step in a process becomes a bottleneck and slows down the overall flow of work. For example, a company may have a bottleneck in their production process that slows down the flow of finished goods to customers.

Inefficient processes

Processes that are inefficient or unnecessarily complicated can hinder the flow of work and make it difficult for teams to deliver value effectively.

Lack of visibility

If teams do not have visibility into the status of their work or the work of other teams, it can be difficult to identify and address problems with flow.

Dependency issues

Dependency issues can arise when one team is waiting on the output of another team in order to move forward with their own work. This can create delays and hinder the flow of work.

Poor communication

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and misalignment, which can hinder the flow of work and make it difficult for teams to deliver value effectively.

Problems with flow can negatively impact the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization, and it is important for companies to identify and address any issues with flow in order to deliver value effectively.

Don’t avoid evolving your PMO to support your agile organization

A modern agile PMO (Project Management Office) typically has the following characteristics:

  • It is flexible and adaptable, and is able to respond quickly to changes in the business environment.

  • It is focused on delivering value to the customer, and uses agile principles and practices to support this goal.

  • It is collaborative and inclusive, and encourages active participation from all members of the organization.

  • It is transparent and open, and provides clear and timely communication to all stakeholders.

  • It is data-driven and uses metrics and other data to inform decision-making and continuous improvement.

  • It is agile and responsive, and is able to adapt to changing priorities and requirements.

A modern agile PMO is focused on enabling the organization to deliver value to the customer in a fast, efficient, and effective manner.

You may not want to hang on to your Red, Yellow, Green Status Reports

Red, yellow, and green status reports, also known as RYG reports, were commonly used in traditional project management approaches to provide a quick overview of the progress of a project. In these reports, tasks or milestones were assigned a color (red, yellow, or green) based on their status, with red indicating that the task was behind schedule, yellow indicating that the task was on track, and green indicating that the task was complete.

However, these types of status reports are not effective in agile environments, for several reasons. First, agile emphasizes the delivery of working, high-quality software or other deliverables, rather than the completion of specific tasks or milestones. This means that RYG reports, which focus on the completion of tasks, may not provide an accurate picture of the team’s progress.

Second, agile emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement, which means that the team’s progress may change quickly and frequently. This can make it difficult to accurately assign a color to each task, as the status of a task may change multiple times within a short period of time.

Third, RYG reports can create a sense of blame or punishment, as they often focus on tasks that are behind schedule or incomplete. This can create a negative work environment, and can hinder the team’s ability to work together effectively.

RYG reports are not effective in agile environments, and there are better ways of tracking progress and communicating with stakeholders, such as using burndown charts or velocity graphs, or having regular team meetings or demo sessions.

Don’t forget that PM and BA roles must change in an agile organization

In an agile transformation, the focus is on adopting agile principles and practices to improve the way that work is organized and carried out within an organization. As a result, some traditional roles and ways of working may no longer be needed, or may need to be adapted to support the agile approach.

For example, in a traditional waterfall project management model, there may be a clear hierarchy of roles, with a project manager at the top who is responsible for planning and coordinating the work of the development team. In an agile transformation, the emphasis is on empowering team members to work together and make decisions collaboratively. As a result, the role of the project manager may need to change to become more facilitative and supportive, rather than directive.

Another example is the role of the business analyst. In a traditional project management model, the business analyst is responsible for gathering and documenting requirements, and then communicating those requirements to the development team. In an agile transformation, the focus is on developing a shared understanding of the problem and the desired solution among all team members. As a result, the role of the business analyst may need to evolve to become more collaborative and iterative, and to focus more on facilitating discussions and finding solutions, rather than on simply documenting requirements.

However, many of the core skills PMs and BAs have can be redirected to exciting agile practitioner roles such as scrum masters, product owners, release train engineers, epic owners agile coaches for those that are open minded and embrace the change.

Old-school project managers must overcome these stigmas in agile environments

While many project managers have always been flexible, adaptive, team-work oriented – not all are.  Old school project management characteristics that may not be effective in today’s business environment include:

  1. Hierarchical management style:

    Traditional, top-down management approaches may not be effective in today’s more collaborative and agile work environments.

  2. Lack of flexibility:

    Rigid, inflexible project management approaches may not be able to adapt to changing circumstances or priorities.

  3. Lack of focus on customer needs:

    Traditional project management approaches may not prioritize the needs and wants of customers or stakeholders.

  4. Inability to adapt to new technologies:

    Project managers who are not familiar with or open to using new tools and technologies may struggle to keep up with the rapidly changing business landscape.

  5. Lack of emphasis on teamwork:

    Old school project management approaches may prioritize individual contributions over teamwork and collaboration.

  6. Lack of transparency:

    Traditional project management approaches may not prioritize open communication and transparency, which can lead to mistrust and a lack of buy-in from team members and stakeholders.

  7. Lack of focus on continuous learning and improvement:

    Old school project management approaches may not prioritize ongoing learning and improvement, which can limit the effectiveness of the team and the project.

Pros and Cons of the project manager role remaining in an agile environment?

Here are some potential pros and cons of keeping the role of project manager in an agile environment:


  • Coordination and oversight:

    A project manager can help to coordinate the efforts of the team and ensure that tasks are aligned with the overall project goals and priorities. They can also provide oversight to ensure that the project is on track and identify any issues that may arise.

  • Communication and stakeholder management:

    A project manager can facilitate communication between team members and stakeholders and ensure that everyone is informed of progress and any changes to the project.

  • Risk management:

    A project manager can help to identify and mitigate risks to the project, ensuring that the team is prepared to handle any challenges that may arise.


  • Hierarchy and bureaucracy:

    A project manager can create a hierarchy within the team and may be seen as a bottleneck for decision-making. This can slow down the process and may not be in line with the agile principles of collaboration and adaptability.

  • Dependency on the project manager:

    If the team is too reliant on the project manager, it can hinder the team’s ability to be self-organizing and self-managing.

  • Reduced team autonomy:

    The presence of a project manager may reduce the team’s autonomy and ability to make decisions and take ownership of the work.

Whether or not to keep the role of project manager in an agile environment will depend on the specific needs and goals of the project and the team. It may be helpful to evaluate the pros and cons and determine the best approach for the specific situation.  In a scaled agile environment, there may be other roles facilitating prioritization, removing impediments and monitoring progress that make the role duplicative.  

Don’t miss defining a common definition of “Business Value” for your organization

There are several different ways that business value can be measured, depending on the specific context and goals of the organization. Some common ways to measure business value include:

1. Financial metrics

This can include measures such as revenue, profit, cost savings, or return on investment (ROI), which can provide a quantitative indication of the value generated by a business or a specific project.

2. Customer metrics

This can include measures such as customer satisfaction, customer retention, or customer lifetime value, which can provide insight into how well the business is meeting the needs of its customers and the value that it is providing to them.

3. Internal metrics

This can include measures such as productivity, efficiency, or employee satisfaction, which can provide insight into the value that the business is generating for its employees and other stakeholders.

4. Strategic metrics

This can include measures such as market share, competitive advantage, or innovation, which can provide insight into the value that the business is generating for its shareholders and other stakeholders in the long term.

Ultimately, the specific metrics that are used to measure business value will depend on the goals and priorities of the organization, as well as the industry and market in which it operates.

Failing to focus on Business Agility

Any company that fails to properly anticipate and respond to competitive threats is leaving itself open to potential harm. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as failing to adequately assess the market and the competition, failing to innovate and adapt to changes in the market, or simply becoming complacent and resting on past successes.

Some examples of companies that have left themselves open to competitive threats in the past include Kodak, which failed to anticipate the rise of digital photography and ultimately went bankrupt, and Blockbuster, which failed to adapt to the rise of streaming services and went out of business.

In order to avoid leaving themselves open to competitive threats, companies need to constantly assess the market and their competition, innovate and adapt to changes in the market, and stay focused on delivering value to their customers. This requires a combination of strategic planning, market research, and a willingness to take calculated risks in order to stay ahead of the competition

Still waterfall – review the challenges with the waterfall approach that led to agile methodologies going mainstream

Waterfall is a traditional project management approach in which work is completed in sequential phases, with each phase building on the previous one. Some of the problems associated with the waterfall approach include:

Lack of flexibility and adaptability

The waterfall approach is based on a linear, sequential model of development, where the requirements and scope of the project are defined upfront and are not expected to change. This can make it difficult to adapt to changes in the project or business priorities, which can lead to delays, cost overruns, and suboptimal solutions.

Poor communication and collaboration

The waterfall approach typically involves a high degree of specialization and division of labor, with different team members working on different phases of the project. This can lead to a lack of communication and collaboration within and across teams, which can hinder the development of a shared understanding of the problem and the desired solution.

Limited customer involvement

In the waterfall approach, the customer’s involvement is typically limited to the early phases of the project, where they provide input on the requirements and scope. This can lead to a disconnect between the customer’s needs and the final solution, which can result in reduced customer satisfaction.

The waterfall approach can be inflexible, disconnected, and inefficient, which can limit its effectiveness in today’s fast-paced, dynamic business environment.

Tools should not drive your Transformation!

Agile tools can be a useful tool to support your agile transformation, but they should not be the driving force behind the transformation. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Agile tools are just that – tools

Agile tools are designed to support and enhance the agile process, not define it. Focusing too much on the tools can distract from the underlying principles and values of agile.

2. Agile is a mindset, not a set of tools

Agile is a mindset and way of working that emphasizes collaboration, continuous improvement, and flexibility. Using agile tools without adopting the agile mindset can lead to a superficial or incomplete transformation.

3. Tools can’t solve organizational problems

Agile tools can’t fix organizational problems such as a lack of trust, poor communication, or conflicting priorities. These types of issues need to be addressed at a deeper level in order to truly transform the organization.

4. Too much focus on tools can stifle creativity

Focusing too much on the tools can lead to a narrow, formulaic approach to problem-solving. This can stifle creativity and prevent the team from finding the best solution to a problem.

Instead of driving your transformation, agile tools should be seen as a means to an end – a way to support and enhance the agile process. It’s important to focus on the underlying principles and values of agile and adopt an agile mindset to truly transform your organization.

If you are in a Highly Regulated Industry, don’t avoid updating your QMS

Agile quality management systems (QMS) can present some challenges when it comes to compliance. This is because traditional QMS approaches, such as ISO 9001, are designed for more predictable, linear development processes, while Agile approaches are based on flexibility and adaptability.

One of the main challenges with integrating Agile and compliance is that Agile emphasizes rapid iteration and the ability to quickly pivot in response to changing customer needs or market conditions. This can make it difficult to maintain strict control over processes and documentation in a way that is required by many compliance standards.

Another challenge is that Agile tends to focus on working software as the primary measure of progress, while compliance standards often require extensive documentation and testing. This can create tension between the need for flexibility and the need to follow strict processes and procedures.

One way to address these challenges is to adopt a hybrid approach that combines the flexibility and adaptability of Agile with the rigor and documentation required for compliance. This can involve incorporating Agile principles and practices into a traditional QMS framework, or adapting compliance requirements to better align with Agile values and principles.

Carefully considering the potential compliance challenges of your organization can be an important part of the process of adopting an Agile QMS, and to put in place appropriate measures to ensure that they are able to meet their compliance obligations while still maintaining the benefits of Agile.

Risk of not be prepared for audits

Deciding what to document for audit purposes in an agile environment can be challenging, as agile development tends to focus on flexibility and rapid iteration rather than strict documentation procedures.

Here are some tips for deciding what to document in an agile environment:

1. Understand the audit requirements

Before you begin documenting, make sure you have a clear understanding of the specific audit requirements and what type of information the auditor will need to review. This will help you to focus your documentation efforts on the most important information.  Some industry related audits would be difficult to alter, but you may be able to influence your organization’s internal expectations if you can show the new agile processes focus on quality assurance.

2. Consider the purpose of the documentation

As you create documentation for audit purposes, consider the purpose of the documentation and what information will be most useful for the auditor. For example, you may need to document the specific processes and procedures that the team follows, or the tools and technologies that are being used.  Usually audits are ensuring that you are sticking to the processes and procedures that you have defined.

3. Involve the team

Involve the team in the documentation process and encourage them to provide input and feedback. This can help to ensure that the documentation is relevant and useful to the team and avoids unnecessary work.  The team may have a lot of opinions about how frequently and when documentation should be updated as well as use of automated tools that can all lead to efficiency.

4. Keep documentation concise

Avoid including unnecessary details or information that does not add value to the audit process. Instead, focus on documenting the most important information and keeping it concise and to the point.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your documentation is relevant and useful for audit purposes and avoids wasteful documentation procedures.

Failure to understand of how to lead knowledge workers

A knowledge worker is an individual who uses their specialized skills, education, and experience to create, process, and apply knowledge and information in their work. This could include tasks such as analyzing data, solving complex problems, creating and implementing strategic plans, or developing new products or services.

In the past, most work was focused on physical tasks and manual labor, and knowledge work was relatively rare. However, in recent decades, the rise of technology and the increasing complexity of work has led to a shift towards a knowledge-based economy, in which knowledge workers play a central role.

One of the key differences between knowledge workers and those who engage in manual or routine tasks is the level of education and specialized skills required. Knowledge workers often have advanced degrees or specialized training in their field, and they use this knowledge to think critically, solve complex problems, and create value for their organization.

Another key difference is the nature of the work itself. Knowledge work tends to be more flexible and varied, and it often requires collaboration and communication with others. In contrast, manual or routine tasks are typically more structured and repetitive, and they may not require as much interaction with others.

The role of the knowledge worker has become increasingly important in the modern economy, and organizations that are able to effectively leverage the skills and expertise of their knowledge workers are often more successful and innovative.

Are you implementing agile processes without Winning Hearts & Minds?

In agile development, “winning the hearts and minds” refers to the process of gaining the commitment and support of team members for the agile approach and values. This can involve educating team members about agile principles and practices, helping them to understand the benefits of agile, and addressing any concerns or objections they may have. It’s important to foster a positive team culture, and recognize and value the contributions of each team member.

Winning the hearts and minds of team members is important because it helps to create a positive, supportive environment in which the team can work effectively together to deliver value to customers. When team members are fully on board with the agile approach and committed to working together, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive, and to deliver high-quality results.  All eyes will be on you as a leader – nothing will be more important than for leaders to demonstrate the agile values every day.

Understand the implications of how you structure Application Support Teams

There are several different ways to structure application support teams.  Here are a few options:

1. Centralized support team

In this model, a single team is responsible for providing support for all applications within an organization. This team may be structured in a variety of ways, such as having a tiered support model (e.g., Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 support) or dividing the team into smaller specialized sub-teams (e.g., database support, network support).

2. Decentralized support teams

In this model, each application or product has its own dedicated support team. This can be beneficial if each application has unique support needs or if the support team is closely aligned with the development team for a specific application.

3. Hybrid model

This model combines elements of both centralized and decentralized support models. For example, an organization may have a centralized support team that provides high-level support for all applications, but each application may also have its own dedicated support team to handle more specialized or in-depth support issues.

4. Agile model

It is generally advisable for agile teams to handle support for their own code. This is because agile teams are responsible for delivering high-quality software products that meet the needs of the customer, and handling support is an important part of this process. By handling support for their own code, agile teams can learn from the issues and challenges that users encounter and use this feedback to improve the product. This can help to ensure that the product is reliable, easy to use, and meets the needs of the customer over the long term. 

Having agile teams handle support for their own code can help to ensure that there is a clear line of responsibility and accountability for issues that arise. This can help to minimize the risk of delays or finger-pointing when issues arise, and can help to ensure that issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

Consider how you will Navigate Agile for internal “operational” systems

Internal back office systems, which are systems that support the internal operations of a company, are typically handled differently in an agile development process compared to customer-facing systems. This is because internal systems often have different requirements and constraints than customer-facing systems.

Here are a few ways in which internal back office systems may be handled differently in an agile development process:

1. Different stakeholders

Internal systems often have different stakeholders than customer-facing systems, and these stakeholders may have different needs and priorities. This can impact the development process and may require a different approach to stakeholder engagement.

2. Different priorities

Internal systems may have different priorities than customer-facing systems. For example, an internal system that supports the company’s payroll process may be given higher priority than a customer-facing system that provides a shopping cart feature.

3. Different release cycles

Internal systems may have different release cycles than customer-facing systems. This may be due to regulatory requirements or other constraints that apply to the internal system.

4. Different user groups

Internal systems may have different user groups than customer-facing systems, and these user groups may have different training and support needs.

Internal back office systems are typically handled differently in an agile development process due to the unique requirements and constraints that they may have.

Forgetting to include Finance and Legal Departments in transformation plans

Finance and legal departments may struggle the most during agile transformations for several reasons:

  • Complexity:

    Finance and legal departments often deal with complex issues and regulations that may be difficult to address in an agile manner.

  • Rigidity:

    Finance and legal departments may have more rigid processes and systems in place, which can make it more difficult to adopt agile practices.

  • Hierarchical approaches:

    Finance and legal departments may have more traditional, hierarchical approaches to work, which can make it more difficult to adopt agile practices that emphasize collaboration and teamwork.

  • Risk management:

    Finance and legal departments may be more risk-averse due to the importance of compliance and risk management in their work. This may make them more resistant to change and less likely to adopt agile practices.

While any department in an organization can struggle with agile transformation, finance and legal departments may face additional challenges due to the complexity and rigidity of their work, their traditional approaches to work, and their focus on risk management.

Addressing regulations in the banking industry

There are several common regulations that need to be accounted for in agile transformations in the banking industry, including:

1. Financial services regulations

Financial services regulations such as the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AML) are designed to prevent financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorist financing. Agile transformations in the banking industry must take these regulations into account in order to ensure compliance.

2. Data privacy regulations

Data privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are designed to protect consumer data and ensure that it is used in a responsible and transparent manner. Agile transformations in the banking industry must take these regulations into account in order to ensure compliance.

3. Cybersecurity regulations

Cybersecurity regulations such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act (CSA) are designed to protect against cyber threats and ensure the security of sensitive data. Agile transformations in the banking industry must take these regulations into account in order to ensure compliance.

Agile transformations in the banking industry must take a variety of regulations into account in order to ensure compliance and protect against financial crimes, data breaches, and cyber threats.  

There are several ways that you can factor these industry regulations into your user stories:

1. Identify the relevant regulations

First, identify the relevant regulations that apply to your project or product. This will help you to understand the specific requirements that you need to consider when developing user stories.

2. Develop user stories that align with regulations

Once you have identified the relevant regulations, develop user stories that align with these regulations. For example, if you are working on a financial services product, you may need to develop user stories that address regulations such as the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) or the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AML).

3. Include regulatory requirements in acceptance criteria

When developing user stories, include regulatory requirements in the acceptance criteria. This will help to ensure that the user stories are developed in a way that meets the relevant regulatory requirements.

4. Use regulatory requirements to inform testing

Use regulatory requirements to inform your testing efforts and ensure that the product meets all relevant regulations.

By identifying the relevant regulations, developing user stories that align with these regulations, including regulatory requirements in acceptance criteria, and using regulatory requirements to inform testing, you can factor industry regulations into your user stories.

Neglecting to create your organization’s agile playbook

An agile playbook is a set of guidelines and practices for implementing agile methodologies within a company. It should include information on the specific agile framework or approach that the company is using, as well as the roles and responsibilities of team members, the principles and values of the agile approach, and the tools and processes that will be used.

Some specific things that companies might include in an agile playbook include:

  1. An overview of the agile framework or approach being used, including the values and principles that underpin it.

  2. A description of the roles and responsibilities of team members and governing bodies.

  3. Information on the planning and estimation processes, including how work is prioritized and how estimates are made.

  4. A description of the tools and processes that will be used, including project management software, collaboration tools, and communication channels.

  5. Information on how the company will handle changes and adapt to new circumstances, including how to handle scope changes and how to incorporate feedback from stakeholders.

  6. A description of the review and retrospective processes, including how progress will be reviewed and how the team will reflect on and learn from its experiences.

An agile playbook should provide a clear and comprehensive guide to implementing agile methodologies within a company, including the values, principles, roles, tools, and processes that will be used.

Agile Coaches: Avoid these Political Landmines

Agile coaches often work with teams and organizations to help them adopt agile principles and practices, and this can sometimes involve navigating complex political environments. 

Here are a few political landmines that agile coaches should be mindful of:

Interpersonal conflicts

Agile coaches may encounter conflicts between team members or stakeholders that could impact the team’s ability to work effectively. It’s important for coaches to be aware of these conflicts and work to resolve them in a way that promotes collaboration and teamwork.

Power dynamics

Agile coaches may encounter power imbalances within organizations, where some stakeholders have more influence or authority than others. It’s important for coaches to be aware of these dynamics and to be respectful of all team members, regardless of their position or status.

Political agendas

Agile coaches may encounter stakeholders who are more interested in advancing their own agendas than in supporting the team’s success. It’s important for coaches to be aware of these agendas and to ensure that the team’s needs are the top priority.

By being aware of these potential landmines, agile coaches can better navigate complex political environments and help teams and organizations adopt agile practices more effectively.

Thinking that product training materials can’t be developed in an incremental way?

Yes, training materials for a product can be produced in an agile, incremental way. Agile development approaches prioritize delivering value early and often, and this can also be applied to the production of training materials.

Here are a few steps that can be taken to produce training materials in an agile, incremental way:

  • Identify the learning goals for the training materials.

    This can help to ensure that the materials are focused on the most important information and skills that learners need to acquire.

  • Break the training materials into smaller, more manageable chunks.

    This can make it easier to develop and revise the materials over time and to deliver value to learners more quickly.

  • Use an iterative development process to create the materials.

    This might involve developing a rough outline or prototype of the materials, testing them with a small group of learners, and then iterating on the materials based on feedback.

  • Involve learners in the development process.

    This can help to ensure that the materials meet the needs and interests of the learners, and that they are engaging and effective.

By following these steps, training materials can be produced in an agile, incremental way, allowing for flexibility and continuous improvement as the materials are developed and refined.

Expecting agile transformation results overnight

The timeline to see results from an agile transformation can vary depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the organization, the level of commitment to the transformation, and the level of resistance to change.

In general, it is typically possible to see some initial results from an agile transformation within the first few months. This may include improvements in delivery speed, quality, and customer satisfaction.

However, it is important to note that agile transformations are ongoing processes that require continuous improvement and adaptation. As such, it can take several months or even years to fully realize the benefits of an agile transformation.

It is also important to recognize that agile transformations are not one-size-fits-all, and the timeline for seeing results will depend on the specific goals and needs of the organization. It is important to carefully assess the current state of the organization and to develop a tailored approach to the transformation that takes these factors into account.

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