Eight Agile Coaching-style Dysfunctions – Don’t be an Antipattern

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on July 10, 2023

The 8 Agile Coaching-style Dysfunctions – Don’t be One of These

The Death Marcher

These coaches like to reverse coach “People and Interactions over Processes,” even if it is the first “Wassup” of the Agile Manifesto.
In this scenario, the team’s attempts to have fun can’t beat the pull of the Death-Marcher’s black hole. “Why are you taking a 5-minute break watching cute puppy videos, team, when you should be rewriting your iteration goal like I told you too?” The Death Marchers, lacking compassion, berate their team for coloring outside the lines rather than using this chance to bond with the team in a coachable moment. (I’m a sap. I personally like cute, cuddly puppy videos!)

The Death Marcher is a conversation oinker too. Rarely being satisfied, they often break fledgling spirits and foster feelings of frustration and inadequacy across their team. Usually without knowing they are doing it. Death marchers cherish correcting team infractions of the Death Marcher’s brand of “Agile Law” rather than rewarding healthy learning from honest mistakes and respectful debate.
In my experience, Death Marchers often lack creativity, empathy and an appreciation of their team’s cognitive load limits. They also lack understanding of Sinek’s Golden Circle; that which drives our intrinsic motivation. They are unable to see the art of team. Instead, they become a self-contextualized Agent of The Matrix bent on destroying any hope of Zion.

The Theorist

I learned after college, over the course of my first year in the workplace, my fancy book smarts didn’t quite get it when facing real-world challenges. That painful realization had to be mercilessly tempered by seeking experience through making mistakes, experimenting, and continuously learning. Come to terms with “It’s okay to suck at first,” provided you: Win. Learn. Never Lose.

I feel there are three kinds of theorists. Coaches that avoid accountability, those that lack the courage/energy to try, and coaches that lack human empathy to connect with all they serve. Regardless of the reason, theory alone creates a void that theorists can’t fill with just rules, tools and formulas.

True, you may have the knowledge, but if you don’t know how or are afraid to apply it when facing real-world variability, it’s useless. There’s an old coaching adage: A little pragmatism a day keeps waterfall away.
Paraphrasing the great philosopher Immanuel Kant: “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is no more than mental gymnastics.”

The Kumbaya

Oh my, lord. I have never seen agile teams rise to anger faster than when repeatedly encountering a Kumbaya coach. “Agile is self-sustaining harmony,” says the Kumbaya Coach while strumming a one-note soundtrack to the Movie, “Into the Unknown: My Agile Team’s Journey”.
Kumbayas often inadvertently undermine real problems a team faces daily, especially when teams are in the “Shu” maturity stage. They overuse the coaching phrase, “I don’t know, what would you do?” without due attention to team context. It comes across as coldly Darwinist, especially without first coaching the newborn cubs how to embody and radiate an agile mindset.
Look, Agile should be a relentless pursuit of harmony. But to reach it, first there must be an acknowledgement of chaos and entropy as the natural order. And when faced with this inescapable law, all things fall apart, the team and coach must winningly say to any challenge: “Oh no, not today, buddy!”

Invariably, Kumbayas think “I don’t know, what would you do?” is a forcing function for self-sufficiency. It can be in certain circumstances. My experience is that coaches better serve a team’s drive toward self-sufficiency using a sliding scale gradient based on a team’s maturity and environment when offering guidance.
The Zealot

I’m much more forgiving of The Zealot than of the Death Marcher. Zealots only crime is their inexperienced perspective. “I am an Agile Hammer, and everything looks like a communal-friendly nail.”
Zealots can be polarizing, especially when they fall in love with their own voice or knowledge. Unintentionally, their desire of viewing the entire world through a monochromatic lens, can push open/borderline Agile detractors further away from achieving Business Agility Nirvana.
Zealots are often neophytes and truly want to help people. They desire to evangelize the blessings Agile can bring to an organization. I get it and applaud it! However, through lacking an understanding of the application of Agile Principles, Zealots can become that song on Satellite radio that gets way too much air play.

The Condemner

“For your impudence team, drop and give me 20 then rewrite the Agile manifesto in its entirety repeatedly and intermixed with more push-ups until I say STOP.”

Condemners see the bad in everything. They hold agile ways of working a tad too righteously. They advocate rather than inquire. It is sad to say, that Condemners don’t listen to learn and understand, they listen to validate their own replies and counter opposing viewpoints. This is the lowest level of leadership agility.

If you want your team to continuously ghost you, become this type of coach.

The Giver

The Giver’s worst crime is often giving teams a fish rather than teaching them to fish. The Giver loves helping people and seeing that help improve other’s lives. They often care too much. The Giver will feed any misfortunate soul appearing on their doorstep at any hour of the workday and do so without judgement. The Giver would rather absorb all the pain than see the pain in those they coach without acknowledging that there’s pain that hurts and pain that alters.

As I self-reflect, I have embodied this dysfunction without realizing the harm it does in limiting the growth rate of those I coach. I have learned to cast a wide net, still. But also assess need on an individual/circumstantial basis where the team currently is at present. Then coach ½ a step ahead and anticipate where they want to be in the future. I now limit how much I do in favor of guiding more through powerful open-ended questions.

I use teach back techniques whenever/wherever they apply.

Nietzsche stated the difficulty of overcoming this dysfunction best: “This is hardest of all: to close the open hand out of love and keep modest as the giver.”

The Politician

There are two kinds of Politician coaches. The good ones that use their diplomatic talents to benefit those they serve ─ This Good Politician is the highest form of leadership agility. In self-reflection, this is the next level of coaching I am striving for through many learning lessons past and to come. Always put your teams before yourself while being kind to yourself and others, regardless of their viewpoint. Keep advocacy and inquiry always balanced.

The other version of The Politician is the bad one that is the posterchild of this self-serving dysfunction. The Bad Politician uses their talent for their own personal gains and notoriety rather than helping those they serve. Sometimes the needs of teams and the aim of The Bad Politician can coalesce, but this is of no concern to them. There is little trust between The Bad Politician and those they serve. They bypass, misrepresent and/or ignore the needs of their teams when discussing their teams with management.

It is all about control. The Bad Politician captures the ears of the leader they want to impress and becomes “the voice of the team”. To control the bi-directional information flow as a middle-man between teams and management. These types will always paint their failures as wins by saying “I told them not to do it” blame game. They laud their wins as if no one else on Earth but them made it happen. That is never the case in coaching.

A great Quote from the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham: “Tyranny and anarchy are never far apart”. A testament to most failed agile transformations.

The Data Merchant

The Data Merchant places too much emphasis on the data as a final endpoint rather than the beginning of the story. Tool-centricity and over-engineered dashboards become almost Messianic to The Data Merchant. A well-constructed dashboard and excellent data hygiene are indispensable to team/organizational growth. It’s the interpretation of data, in the absence of a lean-agile foundation and a pivotal conversation, that can objectify teams as a data point. The uninitiated team’s response is gaming the metrics. I feel data interpretation should be handled with the care of a story’s 3C’s.

Coaches by nature are empirical-driven creatures. To add to that, I am an engineer. It’s easy for folks like me to eat, breathe, and sleep 0’s and 1’s. There’s an allure to mathematics. It can provide some semblance of order when the chaos volume gets turned to 11.
It’s true. Good lean-agile habits coupled with judicious (3C) use of metrics can maximize a team’s self-discovery, growth, and rate of improvement. Or at a minimum, help uncover critical delays in value flow. The Data Merchant should invest more in the team’s Shu stage of development to let the intrinsic value of metrics take its rightful place in the Agile Pantheon. After all, coaches are in the making-good-habits business.

Do you want us to do your business agility for you?

Yes, I want ICON to do it for me      |      No thanks, I’d rather do it myself

Written by Joe Tardiolo
Enterprise Agile Transformation Coach

See Joe Tardiolo’s original LinkedIn article here.

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Topics: Antipatterns

Agile Anti-Patterns

Posted by Sawyer Conrady on January 19, 2023

Do you want us to do your business agility for you?

Yes, I want ICON to do it for me      |      No thanks, I’d rather do it myself

Top reasons Agile Transformations Fail

There are many reasons why agile transformations can fail. We will cover the common reasons for anti-patterns and misalignment throughout this article.

Some common reasons included in:

  • Lack of buy-in or support from upper management

  • Lack of clear goals or objectives – make sure you define the outcomes you plan to achieve and share clear communication your entire organization

  • Inadequate training or resources to support your team

  • Resistance to change from team members, middle management or even executive leadership

  • Failure to pull in product and business organizations

  • Lack of competent coaching support can lead to implementing agile practices without fully understanding their principles or without properly tailoring them to the needs of the team or organization.

  • Failing to implement the technical practices (if you are a SW development organization)

  • Failing to collaborate with other organizations that could be indirectly impacted – Finance, HR, operations, marketing and sales, training departments, etc)

  • Inadequate budgeting for the investment required

Agile Transformation Anti-patterns to avoid

When undergoing an agile transformation, it’s important to avoid some common antipatterns that can hinder the success of the transition. Some of the most common agile transformation antipatterns to avoid include:

Not involving the entire team in the process

An agile transformation should involve the entire team, not just a select few individuals. Failing to involve the entire team can lead to resistance and a lack of buy-in.

Not adequately training and supporting the team

The team should be adequately trained and supported throughout the agile transformation process. Without this, they may struggle to adapt to the new way of working and the transformation may fail.

Not having a clear plan and vision for the transformation

The agile transformation should have a clear plan and vision in place in order to be successful. Without this, the team may struggle to stay on track and make progress.

Not adequately addressing organizational culture

The organizational culture should be taken into account during the agile transformation. If the culture is not conducive to agile ways of working, the transformation may be unsuccessful.

Not measuring and tracking progress

It’s important to regularly measure and track progress during the agile transformation in order to ensure that it is moving forward in the right direction. Without this, it can be difficult to identify and address any obstacles or challenges that arise.

You may regret investing in your own framework instead of using an existing one

There are several benefits to selecting an existing agile framework instead of creating your own. Some of these benefits include:

Proven success

Agile frameworks have been developed and refined over time, and have been proven to be successful in many different organizations. By using an established framework, you can be confident that it has been tested and validated, and that it will be effective in your organization.

Time and cost savings

Developing your own agile framework can be a time-consuming and costly process. By using an existing framework, you can save time and money, and focus on implementing and adopting the framework rather than developing it from scratch.

Widely accepted

Agile frameworks are widely accepted and used in many organizations, which means that you can easily find resources and support to help you with your implementation.


Many agile frameworks are designed to be flexible and adaptable, which means that you can tailor them to your specific needs and requirements.

Community support

By using an established agile framework, you can tap into a community of other practitioners who are also using the framework, and who can provide support, guidance, and best practices.

What you are missing if you are only applying agile at the team level without scaling

There are several potential downsides to applying agile practices to teams, but not scaling agility across the organization:

1. Limited impact

If agility is only applied to a small number of teams, the benefits may be limited and may not be realized across the organization. This can result in a lack of consistency and coordination between teams, which can lead to inefficiencies and delays.

2. Resistance to change

If only a small number of teams are using agile practices, other teams may resist adopting them due to a lack of understanding or a desire to maintain the status quo. This can create tension and conflict within the organization.

3. Communication and coordination challenges

If agility is not scaled across the organization, teams may struggle to communicate and coordinate with each other effectively. This can lead to misunderstandings and delays, which can impact the quality and speed of delivery.

4. Lack of visibility

Without agility being scaled across the organization, it may be difficult to gain a comprehensive view of the work being done and the progress being made. This can make it difficult to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement.

While agile practices can bring significant benefits to teams, it is important to scale agility across the organization in order to realize the full potential of these practices and achieve the desired results.

Not engaging the product organization in the agile transformation

Agile transformation is a way for organizations to become more adaptable and responsive to changing market conditions and customer needs. This approach can help businesses to quickly develop and deliver high-quality products, while also improving collaboration and communication within the team. By adopting agile principles and practices, organizations can improve their ability to respond to changing circumstances and stay competitive in today’s market.  But change is hard – there is fear of the unknown and investment required to change.  

Here are some tips for engaging product in agile:

  • Make sure that the product team understands the principles and values of agile, and why the organization is adopting this approach – the product team is most concerned about getting to the business outcomes so be sure to walk them through how the new methods will achieve their goals.

  • Involve the product team in the agile transformation from the beginning, and encourage them to contribute their ideas and suggestions.

  • Provide the product team with the training and support they need to succeed with agile, including access to agile coaches and mentors.

  • Encourage collaboration and communication within the product team, and create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities for the product team, and ensure that they have the resources and support they need to deliver high-quality products.

  • Measure and monitor the progress of the product team, and provide regular feedback and support to help them improve and succeed with agile.

Not making “Flow” a top priority

“Flow” refers to the smooth and continuous movement of work through a process, and problems with flow can negatively impact the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. Here are a few examples of flow problems in major companies:


Bottlenecks occur when a particular step in a process becomes a bottleneck and slows down the overall flow of work. For example, a company may have a bottleneck in their production process that slows down the flow of finished goods to customers.

Inefficient processes

Processes that are inefficient or unnecessarily complicated can hinder the flow of work and make it difficult for teams to deliver value effectively.

Lack of visibility

If teams do not have visibility into the status of their work or the work of other teams, it can be difficult to identify and address problems with flow.

Dependency issues

Dependency issues can arise when one team is waiting on the output of another team in order to move forward with their own work. This can create delays and hinder the flow of work.

Poor communication

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and misalignment, which can hinder the flow of work and make it difficult for teams to deliver value effectively.

Problems with flow can negatively impact the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization, and it is important for companies to identify and address any issues with flow in order to deliver value effectively.

Don’t avoid evolving your PMO to support your agile organization

A modern agile PMO (Project Management Office) typically has the following characteristics:

  • It is flexible and adaptable, and is able to respond quickly to changes in the business environment.

  • It is focused on delivering value to the customer, and uses agile principles and practices to support this goal.

  • It is collaborative and inclusive, and encourages active participation from all members of the organization.

  • It is transparent and open, and provides clear and timely communication to all stakeholders.

  • It is data-driven and uses metrics and other data to inform decision-making and continuous improvement.

  • It is agile and responsive, and is able to adapt to changing priorities and requirements.

A modern agile PMO is focused on enabling the organization to deliver value to the customer in a fast, efficient, and effective manner.

You may not want to hang on to your Red, Yellow, Green Status Reports

Red, yellow, and green status reports, also known as RYG reports, were commonly used in traditional project management approaches to provide a quick overview of the progress of a project. In these reports, tasks or milestones were assigned a color (red, yellow, or green) based on their status, with red indicating that the task was behind schedule, yellow indicating that the task was on track, and green indicating that the task was complete.

However, these types of status reports are not effective in agile environments, for several reasons. First, agile emphasizes the delivery of working, high-quality software or other deliverables, rather than the completion of specific tasks or milestones. This means that RYG reports, which focus on the completion of tasks, may not provide an accurate picture of the team’s progress.

Second, agile emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement, which means that the team’s progress may change quickly and frequently. This can make it difficult to accurately assign a color to each task, as the status of a task may change multiple times within a short period of time.

Third, RYG reports can create a sense of blame or punishment, as they often focus on tasks that are behind schedule or incomplete. This can create a negative work environment, and can hinder the team’s ability to work together effectively.

RYG reports are not effective in agile environments, and there are better ways of tracking progress and communicating with stakeholders, such as using burndown charts or velocity graphs, or having regular team meetings or demo sessions.

Don’t forget that PM and BA roles must change in an agile organization

In an agile transformation, the focus is on adopting agile principles and practices to improve the way that work is organized and carried out within an organization. As a result, some traditional roles and ways of working may no longer be needed, or may need to be adapted to support the agile approach.

For example, in a traditional waterfall project management model, there may be a clear hierarchy of roles, with a project manager at the top who is responsible for planning and coordinating the work of the development team. In an agile transformation, the emphasis is on empowering team members to work together and make decisions collaboratively. As a result, the role of the project manager may need to change to become more facilitative and supportive, rather than directive.

Another example is the role of the business analyst. In a traditional project management model, the business analyst is responsible for gathering and documenting requirements, and then communicating those requirements to the development team. In an agile transformation, the focus is on developing a shared understanding of the problem and the desired solution among all team members. As a result, the role of the business analyst may need to evolve to become more collaborative and iterative, and to focus more on facilitating discussions and finding solutions, rather than on simply documenting requirements.

However, many of the core skills PMs and BAs have can be redirected to exciting agile practitioner roles such as scrum masters, product owners, release train engineers, epic owners agile coaches for those that are open minded and embrace the change.

Old-school project managers must overcome these stigmas in agile environments

While many project managers have always been flexible, adaptive, team-work oriented – not all are.  Old school project management characteristics that may not be effective in today’s business environment include:

  1. Hierarchical management style:

    Traditional, top-down management approaches may not be effective in today’s more collaborative and agile work environments.

  2. Lack of flexibility:

    Rigid, inflexible project management approaches may not be able to adapt to changing circumstances or priorities.

  3. Lack of focus on customer needs:

    Traditional project management approaches may not prioritize the needs and wants of customers or stakeholders.

  4. Inability to adapt to new technologies:

    Project managers who are not familiar with or open to using new tools and technologies may struggle to keep up with the rapidly changing business landscape.

  5. Lack of emphasis on teamwork:

    Old school project management approaches may prioritize individual contributions over teamwork and collaboration.

  6. Lack of transparency:

    Traditional project management approaches may not prioritize open communication and transparency, which can lead to mistrust and a lack of buy-in from team members and stakeholders.

  7. Lack of focus on continuous learning and improvement:

    Old school project management approaches may not prioritize ongoing learning and improvement, which can limit the effectiveness of the team and the project.

Pros and Cons of the project manager role remaining in an agile environment?

Here are some potential pros and cons of keeping the role of project manager in an agile environment:


  • Coordination and oversight:

    A project manager can help to coordinate the efforts of the team and ensure that tasks are aligned with the overall project goals and priorities. They can also provide oversight to ensure that the project is on track and identify any issues that may arise.

  • Communication and stakeholder management:

    A project manager can facilitate communication between team members and stakeholders and ensure that everyone is informed of progress and any changes to the project.

  • Risk management:

    A project manager can help to identify and mitigate risks to the project, ensuring that the team is prepared to handle any challenges that may arise.


  • Hierarchy and bureaucracy:

    A project manager can create a hierarchy within the team and may be seen as a bottleneck for decision-making. This can slow down the process and may not be in line with the agile principles of collaboration and adaptability.

  • Dependency on the project manager:

    If the team is too reliant on the project manager, it can hinder the team’s ability to be self-organizing and self-managing.

  • Reduced team autonomy:

    The presence of a project manager may reduce the team’s autonomy and ability to make decisions and take ownership of the work.

Whether or not to keep the role of project manager in an agile environment will depend on the specific needs and goals of the project and the team. It may be helpful to evaluate the pros and cons and determine the best approach for the specific situation.  In a scaled agile environment, there may be other roles facilitating prioritization, removing impediments and monitoring progress that make the role duplicative.  

Don’t miss defining a common definition of “Business Value” for your organization

There are several different ways that business value can be measured, depending on the specific context and goals of the organization. Some common ways to measure business value include:

1. Financial metrics

This can include measures such as revenue, profit, cost savings, or return on investment (ROI), which can provide a quantitative indication of the value generated by a business or a specific project.

2. Customer metrics

This can include measures such as customer satisfaction, customer retention, or customer lifetime value, which can provide insight into how well the business is meeting the needs of its customers and the value that it is providing to them.

3. Internal metrics

This can include measures such as productivity, efficiency, or employee satisfaction, which can provide insight into the value that the business is generating for its employees and other stakeholders.

4. Strategic metrics

This can include measures such as market share, competitive advantage, or innovation, which can provide insight into the value that the business is generating for its shareholders and other stakeholders in the long term.

Ultimately, the specific metrics that are used to measure business value will depend on the goals and priorities of the organization, as well as the industry and market in which it operates.

Failing to focus on Business Agility

Any company that fails to properly anticipate and respond to competitive threats is leaving itself open to potential harm. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as failing to adequately assess the market and the competition, failing to innovate and adapt to changes in the market, or simply becoming complacent and resting on past successes.

Some examples of companies that have left themselves open to competitive threats in the past include Kodak, which failed to anticipate the rise of digital photography and ultimately went bankrupt, and Blockbuster, which failed to adapt to the rise of streaming services and went out of business.

In order to avoid leaving themselves open to competitive threats, companies need to constantly assess the market and their competition, innovate and adapt to changes in the market, and stay focused on delivering value to their customers. This requires a combination of strategic planning, market research, and a willingness to take calculated risks in order to stay ahead of the competition

Still waterfall – review the challenges with the waterfall approach that led to agile methodologies going mainstream

Waterfall is a traditional project management approach in which work is completed in sequential phases, with each phase building on the previous one. Some of the problems associated with the waterfall approach include:

Lack of flexibility and adaptability

The waterfall approach is based on a linear, sequential model of development, where the requirements and scope of the project are defined upfront and are not expected to change. This can make it difficult to adapt to changes in the project or business priorities, which can lead to delays, cost overruns, and suboptimal solutions.

Poor communication and collaboration

The waterfall approach typically involves a high degree of specialization and division of labor, with different team members working on different phases of the project. This can lead to a lack of communication and collaboration within and across teams, which can hinder the development of a shared understanding of the problem and the desired solution.

Limited customer involvement

In the waterfall approach, the customer’s involvement is typically limited to the early phases of the project, where they provide input on the requirements and scope. This can lead to a disconnect between the customer’s needs and the final solution, which can result in reduced customer satisfaction.

The waterfall approach can be inflexible, disconnected, and inefficient, which can limit its effectiveness in today’s fast-paced, dynamic business environment.

Tools should not drive your Transformation!

Agile tools can be a useful tool to support your agile transformation, but they should not be the driving force behind the transformation. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Agile tools are just that – tools

Agile tools are designed to support and enhance the agile process, not define it. Focusing too much on the tools can distract from the underlying principles and values of agile.

2. Agile is a mindset, not a set of tools

Agile is a mindset and way of working that emphasizes collaboration, continuous improvement, and flexibility. Using agile tools without adopting the agile mindset can lead to a superficial or incomplete transformation.

3. Tools can’t solve organizational problems

Agile tools can’t fix organizational problems such as a lack of trust, poor communication, or conflicting priorities. These types of issues need to be addressed at a deeper level in order to truly transform the organization.

4. Too much focus on tools can stifle creativity

Focusing too much on the tools can lead to a narrow, formulaic approach to problem-solving. This can stifle creativity and prevent the team from finding the best solution to a problem.

Instead of driving your transformation, agile tools should be seen as a means to an end – a way to support and enhance the agile process. It’s important to focus on the underlying principles and values of agile and adopt an agile mindset to truly transform your organization.

If you are in a Highly Regulated Industry, don’t avoid updating your QMS

Agile quality management systems (QMS) can present some challenges when it comes to compliance. This is because traditional QMS approaches, such as ISO 9001, are designed for more predictable, linear development processes, while Agile approaches are based on flexibility and adaptability.

One of the main challenges with integrating Agile and compliance is that Agile emphasizes rapid iteration and the ability to quickly pivot in response to changing customer needs or market conditions. This can make it difficult to maintain strict control over processes and documentation in a way that is required by many compliance standards.

Another challenge is that Agile tends to focus on working software as the primary measure of progress, while compliance standards often require extensive documentation and testing. This can create tension between the need for flexibility and the need to follow strict processes and procedures.

One way to address these challenges is to adopt a hybrid approach that combines the flexibility and adaptability of Agile with the rigor and documentation required for compliance. This can involve incorporating Agile principles and practices into a traditional QMS framework, or adapting compliance requirements to better align with Agile values and principles.

Carefully considering the potential compliance challenges of your organization can be an important part of the process of adopting an Agile QMS, and to put in place appropriate measures to ensure that they are able to meet their compliance obligations while still maintaining the benefits of Agile.

Risk of not be prepared for audits

Deciding what to document for audit purposes in an agile environment can be challenging, as agile development tends to focus on flexibility and rapid iteration rather than strict documentation procedures.

Here are some tips for deciding what to document in an agile environment:

1. Understand the audit requirements

Before you begin documenting, make sure you have a clear understanding of the specific audit requirements and what type of information the auditor will need to review. This will help you to focus your documentation efforts on the most important information.  Some industry related audits would be difficult to alter, but you may be able to influence your organization’s internal expectations if you can show the new agile processes focus on quality assurance.

2. Consider the purpose of the documentation

As you create documentation for audit purposes, consider the purpose of the documentation and what information will be most useful for the auditor. For example, you may need to document the specific processes and procedures that the team follows, or the tools and technologies that are being used.  Usually audits are ensuring that you are sticking to the processes and procedures that you have defined.

3. Involve the team

Involve the team in the documentation process and encourage them to provide input and feedback. This can help to ensure that the documentation is relevant and useful to the team and avoids unnecessary work.  The team may have a lot of opinions about how frequently and when documentation should be updated as well as use of automated tools that can all lead to efficiency.

4. Keep documentation concise

Avoid including unnecessary details or information that does not add value to the audit process. Instead, focus on documenting the most important information and keeping it concise and to the point.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your documentation is relevant and useful for audit purposes and avoids wasteful documentation procedures.

Failure to understand of how to lead knowledge workers

A knowledge worker is an individual who uses their specialized skills, education, and experience to create, process, and apply knowledge and information in their work. This could include tasks such as analyzing data, solving complex problems, creating and implementing strategic plans, or developing new products or services.

In the past, most work was focused on physical tasks and manual labor, and knowledge work was relatively rare. However, in recent decades, the rise of technology and the increasing complexity of work has led to a shift towards a knowledge-based economy, in which knowledge workers play a central role.

One of the key differences between knowledge workers and those who engage in manual or routine tasks is the level of education and specialized skills required. Knowledge workers often have advanced degrees or specialized training in their field, and they use this knowledge to think critically, solve complex problems, and create value for their organization.

Another key difference is the nature of the work itself. Knowledge work tends to be more flexible and varied, and it often requires collaboration and communication with others. In contrast, manual or routine tasks are typically more structured and repetitive, and they may not require as much interaction with others.

The role of the knowledge worker has become increasingly important in the modern economy, and organizations that are able to effectively leverage the skills and expertise of their knowledge workers are often more successful and innovative.

Are you implementing agile processes without Winning Hearts & Minds?

In agile development, “winning the hearts and minds” refers to the process of gaining the commitment and support of team members for the agile approach and values. This can involve educating team members about agile principles and practices, helping them to understand the benefits of agile, and addressing any concerns or objections they may have. It’s important to foster a positive team culture, and recognize and value the contributions of each team member.

Winning the hearts and minds of team members is important because it helps to create a positive, supportive environment in which the team can work effectively together to deliver value to customers. When team members are fully on board with the agile approach and committed to working together, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive, and to deliver high-quality results.  All eyes will be on you as a leader – nothing will be more important than for leaders to demonstrate the agile values every day.

Understand the implications of how you structure Application Support Teams

There are several different ways to structure application support teams.  Here are a few options:

1. Centralized support team

In this model, a single team is responsible for providing support for all applications within an organization. This team may be structured in a variety of ways, such as having a tiered support model (e.g., Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 support) or dividing the team into smaller specialized sub-teams (e.g., database support, network support).

2. Decentralized support teams

In this model, each application or product has its own dedicated support team. This can be beneficial if each application has unique support needs or if the support team is closely aligned with the development team for a specific application.

3. Hybrid model

This model combines elements of both centralized and decentralized support models. For example, an organization may have a centralized support team that provides high-level support for all applications, but each application may also have its own dedicated support team to handle more specialized or in-depth support issues.

4. Agile model

It is generally advisable for agile teams to handle support for their own code. This is because agile teams are responsible for delivering high-quality software products that meet the needs of the customer, and handling support is an important part of this process. By handling support for their own code, agile teams can learn from the issues and challenges that users encounter and use this feedback to improve the product. This can help to ensure that the product is reliable, easy to use, and meets the needs of the customer over the long term. 

Having agile teams handle support for their own code can help to ensure that there is a clear line of responsibility and accountability for issues that arise. This can help to minimize the risk of delays or finger-pointing when issues arise, and can help to ensure that issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

Consider how you will Navigate Agile for internal “operational” systems

Internal back office systems, which are systems that support the internal operations of a company, are typically handled differently in an agile development process compared to customer-facing systems. This is because internal systems often have different requirements and constraints than customer-facing systems.

Here are a few ways in which internal back office systems may be handled differently in an agile development process:

1. Different stakeholders

Internal systems often have different stakeholders than customer-facing systems, and these stakeholders may have different needs and priorities. This can impact the development process and may require a different approach to stakeholder engagement.

2. Different priorities

Internal systems may have different priorities than customer-facing systems. For example, an internal system that supports the company’s payroll process may be given higher priority than a customer-facing system that provides a shopping cart feature.

3. Different release cycles

Internal systems may have different release cycles than customer-facing systems. This may be due to regulatory requirements or other constraints that apply to the internal system.

4. Different user groups

Internal systems may have different user groups than customer-facing systems, and these user groups may have different training and support needs.

Internal back office systems are typically handled differently in an agile development process due to the unique requirements and constraints that they may have.

Forgetting to include Finance and Legal Departments in transformation plans

Finance and legal departments may struggle the most during agile transformations for several reasons:

  • Complexity:

    Finance and legal departments often deal with complex issues and regulations that may be difficult to address in an agile manner.

  • Rigidity:

    Finance and legal departments may have more rigid processes and systems in place, which can make it more difficult to adopt agile practices.

  • Hierarchical approaches:

    Finance and legal departments may have more traditional, hierarchical approaches to work, which can make it more difficult to adopt agile practices that emphasize collaboration and teamwork.

  • Risk management:

    Finance and legal departments may be more risk-averse due to the importance of compliance and risk management in their work. This may make them more resistant to change and less likely to adopt agile practices.

While any department in an organization can struggle with agile transformation, finance and legal departments may face additional challenges due to the complexity and rigidity of their work, their traditional approaches to work, and their focus on risk management.

Addressing regulations in the banking industry

There are several common regulations that need to be accounted for in agile transformations in the banking industry, including:

1. Financial services regulations

Financial services regulations such as the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AML) are designed to prevent financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorist financing. Agile transformations in the banking industry must take these regulations into account in order to ensure compliance.

2. Data privacy regulations

Data privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are designed to protect consumer data and ensure that it is used in a responsible and transparent manner. Agile transformations in the banking industry must take these regulations into account in order to ensure compliance.

3. Cybersecurity regulations

Cybersecurity regulations such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act (CSA) are designed to protect against cyber threats and ensure the security of sensitive data. Agile transformations in the banking industry must take these regulations into account in order to ensure compliance.

Agile transformations in the banking industry must take a variety of regulations into account in order to ensure compliance and protect against financial crimes, data breaches, and cyber threats.  

There are several ways that you can factor these industry regulations into your user stories:

1. Identify the relevant regulations

First, identify the relevant regulations that apply to your project or product. This will help you to understand the specific requirements that you need to consider when developing user stories.

2. Develop user stories that align with regulations

Once you have identified the relevant regulations, develop user stories that align with these regulations. For example, if you are working on a financial services product, you may need to develop user stories that address regulations such as the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) or the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AML).

3. Include regulatory requirements in acceptance criteria

When developing user stories, include regulatory requirements in the acceptance criteria. This will help to ensure that the user stories are developed in a way that meets the relevant regulatory requirements.

4. Use regulatory requirements to inform testing

Use regulatory requirements to inform your testing efforts and ensure that the product meets all relevant regulations.

By identifying the relevant regulations, developing user stories that align with these regulations, including regulatory requirements in acceptance criteria, and using regulatory requirements to inform testing, you can factor industry regulations into your user stories.

Neglecting to create your organization’s agile playbook

An agile playbook is a set of guidelines and practices for implementing agile methodologies within a company. It should include information on the specific agile framework or approach that the company is using, as well as the roles and responsibilities of team members, the principles and values of the agile approach, and the tools and processes that will be used.

Some specific things that companies might include in an agile playbook include:

  1. An overview of the agile framework or approach being used, including the values and principles that underpin it.

  2. A description of the roles and responsibilities of team members and governing bodies.

  3. Information on the planning and estimation processes, including how work is prioritized and how estimates are made.

  4. A description of the tools and processes that will be used, including project management software, collaboration tools, and communication channels.

  5. Information on how the company will handle changes and adapt to new circumstances, including how to handle scope changes and how to incorporate feedback from stakeholders.

  6. A description of the review and retrospective processes, including how progress will be reviewed and how the team will reflect on and learn from its experiences.

An agile playbook should provide a clear and comprehensive guide to implementing agile methodologies within a company, including the values, principles, roles, tools, and processes that will be used.

Agile Coaches: Avoid these Political Landmines

Agile coaches often work with teams and organizations to help them adopt agile principles and practices, and this can sometimes involve navigating complex political environments. 

Here are a few political landmines that agile coaches should be mindful of:

Interpersonal conflicts

Agile coaches may encounter conflicts between team members or stakeholders that could impact the team’s ability to work effectively. It’s important for coaches to be aware of these conflicts and work to resolve them in a way that promotes collaboration and teamwork.

Power dynamics

Agile coaches may encounter power imbalances within organizations, where some stakeholders have more influence or authority than others. It’s important for coaches to be aware of these dynamics and to be respectful of all team members, regardless of their position or status.

Political agendas

Agile coaches may encounter stakeholders who are more interested in advancing their own agendas than in supporting the team’s success. It’s important for coaches to be aware of these agendas and to ensure that the team’s needs are the top priority.

By being aware of these potential landmines, agile coaches can better navigate complex political environments and help teams and organizations adopt agile practices more effectively.

Thinking that product training materials can’t be developed in an incremental way?

Yes, training materials for a product can be produced in an agile, incremental way. Agile development approaches prioritize delivering value early and often, and this can also be applied to the production of training materials.

Here are a few steps that can be taken to produce training materials in an agile, incremental way:

  • Identify the learning goals for the training materials.

    This can help to ensure that the materials are focused on the most important information and skills that learners need to acquire.

  • Break the training materials into smaller, more manageable chunks.

    This can make it easier to develop and revise the materials over time and to deliver value to learners more quickly.

  • Use an iterative development process to create the materials.

    This might involve developing a rough outline or prototype of the materials, testing them with a small group of learners, and then iterating on the materials based on feedback.

  • Involve learners in the development process.

    This can help to ensure that the materials meet the needs and interests of the learners, and that they are engaging and effective.

By following these steps, training materials can be produced in an agile, incremental way, allowing for flexibility and continuous improvement as the materials are developed and refined.

Expecting agile transformation results overnight

The timeline to see results from an agile transformation can vary depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the organization, the level of commitment to the transformation, and the level of resistance to change.

In general, it is typically possible to see some initial results from an agile transformation within the first few months. This may include improvements in delivery speed, quality, and customer satisfaction.

However, it is important to note that agile transformations are ongoing processes that require continuous improvement and adaptation. As such, it can take several months or even years to fully realize the benefits of an agile transformation.

It is also important to recognize that agile transformations are not one-size-fits-all, and the timeline for seeing results will depend on the specific goals and needs of the organization. It is important to carefully assess the current state of the organization and to develop a tailored approach to the transformation that takes these factors into account.

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