Figure 1. CITSO thinking tool

Getting Tactical with Organizational Agility: Techniques for Visualizing and Improving Flow

Introduction Many organizations start small in their SAFe adoption by applying the Essential SAFe configuration to form and launch an Agile Release Train (ART). This approach can generate quick wins and facilitate rapid learning while demonstrating incremental benefits. Based on these successes, the enterprise often launches more ARTs, and the cycle of adaptation and improvement

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Agile Executive Teams: Guiding Transformation and Strategy Across the Enterprise

Agile Executive Teams: Guiding Transformation and Strategy Across the Enterprise

Presented by Charlene M. Cuenca Executive engagement and participation is critical to achieving the Business Agility results that SAFe espouses. As key decision-makers for the enterprise, their positional influence can create great synergies within the organization by breaking down silos and leading by example. But what are some tactical ways to more closely integrate Executives

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Navigating Change: The Crucial Role of Organizational Change Management (OCM) in Agile Transformation

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to adapt and thrive. Agile methodologies have emerged as a powerful solution, enabling companies to respond swiftly to market changes and deliver value to customers more efficiently. However, embarking on an Agile transformation journey involves more than just adopting new processes and tools; it requires

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12 Tips for incorporating “security” into the responsibility of agile teams

Moving security and compliance “left” in the Agile development process means integrating these considerations early on, rather than addressing them as a separate phase at the end of the development cycle. This shift-left approach aims to identify and address security and compliance issues throughout the entire Agile development lifecycle. Here are strategies to incorporate security

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Navigating the Intersection of Agile and Engineering Excellence

Introduction In the dynamic world of software development, the intersection of Agile methodologies and engineering excellence is where innovation thrives. Agile, with its emphasis on flexibility and collaboration, and engineering excellence, with its focus on quality and efficiency, might seem like contrasting forces. However, when these two realms converge, organizations can unlock a powerful synergy

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Pragmatic Agile Coaches: Blending the Best from Many Methodologies

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, the Agile approach has emerged as a transformative force, promising flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability. However, in the quest for agility, some organizations find themselves navigating a sea of methodologies, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Enter the pragmatic Agile coach, the maestro of amalgamation, pulling the best

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Maximizing ALM/PPM Tools: The Indispensable Role of Expert Agile Coaches

Introduction In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment, organizations are increasingly turning to Agile methodologies to enhance their project management and product development processes. Accompanying this shift is the widespread adoption of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tools, which promise to streamline workflows, increase collaboration, and deliver projects more efficiently. However,

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